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SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

Achilles DC. Villanueva Section: BS Biology Date Submitted: April 19, 2024

Quiz 1. Essay (chapters 1 to 3)

1) Write a brief essay demonstrating the evolution of vertebrates came from a common
ancestry. Highlight the common features at the early stages and their differences at later
stages. (30 points)

Comparative anatomy and genetics demonstrate how vertebrates evolved from a common
ancestor. Early vertebrates share characteristics such as a dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord,
pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail. For example, in embryonic development, all vertebrates have a
notochord, which is a distinguishing feature of chordates. However, as vertebrates diverged over time,
they acquired distinct characteristics and adaptations. Fish, for example, retained gills throughout
their lives, whereas tetrapods, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, evolved lungs to
breathe on land (Hoffman et al., 2016).
Furthermore, the development of limbs in tetrapods facilitated terrestrial movement, as opposed
to fish fins, which were designed for aquatic locomotion only. Furthermore, vertebrates have a variety
of reproductive techniques, with some species laying eggs (e.g., reptiles, birds) and others giving birth
to living young (e.g., mammals). Despite their distinctions, all vertebrates have a common ancestor,
as indicated by similar developmental processes and genetic homologies. The evolutionary link
between vertebrates can be revealed by examining common ancestral traits and subsequent
evolutionary divergence.

2) Explain the relationship of the cephalochordates, urochordates, and hemichordates to

chordates. (35 points)

Protochordates, which comprise hemichordates, cephalochordates, and urochordates, are

important for understanding chordate evolution. Hemichordates, often known as acorn worms, lie in
between echinoderms and chordates, lacking some chordate characteristics but possessing
chordate-like pharyngeal slits. However, their "notochord" is actually a stomochord, which is more
closely related to digestion. Cephalochordates, like lancelets, are the oldest chordates, with chordate
traits present throughout their adult stages, including ciliated buccal canals that aid in suspension
feeding. Their larval stage is planktonic and grows asymmetrically, similar to that of hemichordates.
Urochordates, also known as tunicates, have a distinctive tunic made of tunicin and undergo
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

metamorphosis, during which chordate traits such as the notochord and postanal tail degenerate and
the nerve cord develops into ganglia (Cameron et al., 2000). Some urochordates remain sessile as
adults, whereas others remain pelagic. These protochordates give light on chordates' evolutionary
history, from their aquatic origins to their eventual advent on land.

3) Discuss how chordates evolved from free-feeding bottom dwellers of the sea to
land-dwelling, warm-blooded animals. Highlight the changes and adaptations made in the
form and physiology at each phase. (35 points)

Chordates evolved from free-feeding bottom dwellers of the sea to land-dwelling, warm-blooded
animals through several key phases. Initially, aquatic chordates, such as cephalochordates and early
vertebrates, developed traits conducive to life in water, such as streamlined bodies and efficient gill
structures for respiration. For example, early jawless fish like the ostracoderms possess cartilaginous
skeletons and lack jaws, representing an early stage in vertebrate evolution.
As chordates transitioned to land, adaptations in form and physiology were crucial. One
significant adaptation was the development of limbs from fins, allowing for locomotion on land.
Tetrapods, such as early amphibians like Tiktaalik, had limbs with jointed bones, enabling them to
support their weight and move effectively on land (Clack, 2009). Furthermore, changes in respiratory
systems were essential for terrestrial life. Amphibians, for example, developed lungs in addition to
gills, allowing them to breathe air while still retaining the ability to respire through their skin, crucial
for survival in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
The transition to warm-bloodedness occurred in later stages of evolution, particularly in reptiles
and mammals. Warm-bloodedness, or endothermy, provided advantages such as increased metabolic
rates and independence from external temperature fluctuations. For instance, early reptiles like
Dimetrodon exhibited adaptations such as erect limbs and sprawling gait, allowing for efficient
movement and regulation of body temperature. Mammals further refined endothermy through features
like fur and mammary glands, which provided insulation and nutrition for offspring. The evolution of
a four-chambered heart also enhanced circulatory efficiency, supporting the metabolic demands of
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024


Clack, J. A. (2009). The Fin to Limb Transition: New Data, Interpretations, and Hypotheses from
Paleontology and Developmental Biology. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
37(1), 163–179.

Hoffman, M., Taylor, B., & Harris, M. B. (2016). Evolution of lung breathing from a lungless primitive
vertebrate. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 224, 11–16.

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