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Karen Palacios

Trishia Briones

English 1302-264

April 8, 2024

Reflection Essay

As this third writing assignment developed, I gained understanding of the difficulties of research

papers. At first, the task seems very simple as it only involves gathering citations, but as I move

through the content, it becomes more complex. The start of true research is when you go beyond

just naming sources to analyzing and commenting on them. Writing the paper through several

drafts was really helpful since it allowed me to see my mistakes and fix them, which improved

my readiness for future essays. These research strategy essays are applicable to a variety of

courses and have transferable value.

The process of putting together an essay on research and analysis taught me a lot that

helped me with other things I wanted to do, such as writing an essay on a thesis statement that I

had researched. On the basis of what I have learnt, the process of writing a research paper is

more comprehensive than the process of producing an article. Because there are many steps

along the way, you will need to carefully prepare and think things through in order to maximize

your chances of success. Developing a thesis statement, conducting extensive research, and

presenting your findings in a manner that is comprehensible are all steps that require careful

consideration along the way. As a result of going through this, I now have a better understanding

of the challenges that come with writing research papers, as well as the significance of

persevering in one's efforts until one has a complete understanding of a topic.

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The practice of being allowed to make changes to our draft essay is beneficial to me in

terms of both my academic work and my writing. I was able to utilize my draft essay to identify

areas in which I made errors and then make the necessary corrections for the subsequent

assignment. My entire research abilities have improved as a result of this material. In addition,

the process of putting together a case that is properly supported enables me to articulate my

thoughts in a straightforward manner, which is beneficial in both academic and professional

situations. When you are a psychology major, a significant portion of your coursework consists

of writing and studying. By acquiring the skills necessary to compose a research paper, I am able

to get the resources to achieve my goals. Not only does this ability prepare me for the obstacles

that come with advanced study, but it also assists me in establishing a foundation for future work

in fields that need a significant amount of reading and writing.

My research positon final draft essay that I had studied was improved as a result of

obtaining a significant amount of comments and feedback from my instructor, which assisted me

in making improvements to the essay. I made a number of adjustments to my draft after taking

into mind the comments and suggestions that were provided by my instructor. These

improvements included making certain that the citations were formatted in an acceptable

manner, including page numbers inside quotations, and being certain that the citations were

aligned and indented in an appropriate addition ensuring that my citations are

presented in the suitable manner inside the body of the research paper itself. As a result of these

modifications, my article now looks to be more clear and professional.

The comments provided by Diego Martinez assisted me in revising certain parts of my

essay. He provided comprehensive comments that included suggestions for reorganizing

sentences, according to the norms of MLA style, and ensuring that citations were correctly
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indented. Using his advice, I was able to improve the flow of my essay and make it appear more

professional. In addition to this, they demonstrated the significance of peer feedback in the

production of written work and the collaborative nature of academic discourse. Interestingly, I

was also given the opportunity to provide feedback on Diego's essay. When I read his essay, I

made a comment that, in my opinion, his essay was extremely smooth overall, and that I enjoyed

the manner that he integraded his citations into his essay. something that helped me repair my

essay in ways that I could also make my essay seem smoother and appear more professional

overall was something that I was able to fix with the assistance of another student doing peer


Looking back on the writing assignment, I can see that I struggled with a few things. The

biggest one was constantly having to properly cite sources, especially when it came to italicizing

journal titles. This recurring mistake made the importance of closely examining every detail in

my research articles even more apparent. However, while they proved to be less challenging,

tasks like editing, inserting page breaks, and proofreading for spelling mistakes were vital to

guarantee that the essay retained its overall professional appearance. Through conquering these

obstacles, I was able to improve my comprehension of the difficulties involved in writing.

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