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Palacios 1

Karen Palacios

Trishia Briones

English 1302

February 6, 2024

Reflection Essay

I did research that was methodologically constructed in order to study the correlations between

keeping a healthy lifestyle and engaging in physical activity through the use of a healthy

lifestyle. I visited the TAMIU library repository in addition to other academic libraries in

order to locate scholarly publications and books that have been reviewed by other

individuals in the field. For the purpose of establishing the dependability and credibility

of the source that I utilized, this was carried out. Research in the academic world is

conducted in a methodical manner, which results in the establishment of a strong

foundation, which finally leads to inquiries that are extensive and careful. As a result, this

makes a contribution to an improvement in the general quality and coherence of

academic work across all fields and areas of expertise.

The annotated bibliography is crucial for writing and analyzing processes. My sources were

cleaner structured and gave brief explanations of each reference while simultaneously

relating the reference to my issue. It also raised the importance of the reference to my

problem. I included appropriate results from scientific articles for example in the

annotated bibliography which I designed. These included the results of physical exercise

on cancer treatment, energy waste of soccer players and on players 'psychological health.

Through the writing process I stayed logical and also made references to support my

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The teacher feedback helped me perfect my assembled annotated bibliography. For a more

specific instance, my professor told me to polish my paper using hanging indents and also

placing my sources in order of importance. Which prompted me to change my annotated

bibliography to critique each research's strengths and weaknesses. This made my

bibliography more comprehensive. To handle this particular criticism I made my

annotations far more succinct and readable. These steps were taken so that people know

how each source fits within my subject.

A significant amount of information was acquired by me as a result of the fact that I was working

on my annotated bibliography with a friend in preparation for my peer review. She had

suggested that I check to see if I had punctuated the appropriate places and that I had the

appropriate spacing between the words. A number of things took place, and this was one

of them. The order of some of my sources was not acceptable, and she suggested that it

be a little bit more elaborate. She brought this to my attention.In addition to reorganizing

the notes in such a way that they became much easier to read, I also made it a point to

emphasize the most significant ideas and points that were presented in each of the

sources. In addition, I was able to feel a little bit better about my article as a result of the

process of peer review, considering that I was able to make some corrections to my

paper. In my explanation, I went into detail about many aspects of the sources, such as

the implications of the findings or the significant limits of the research. My annotations

became more difficult as a result of this, and they also proved that I had a greater

understanding of the sources. More than that, a buddy of mine suggested that I improve

my annotations by including a great deal more specific scenarios or even supporting

information from the sources. The comments that I had written were altered so that they
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included quotations, facts, or pictures that immediately supported my claims. Not only

did this make my annotations significantly more potent, but it also made them more

reliable. Due to the assistance of the peer review, I was able to improve my annotated

bibliography in general. It provided me with information and suggestions to improve my

work, which ultimately led to an improvement in both its quality and its impact. When I

was working alongside a coworker, I was able to examine my job from a different point

of view, which ultimately resulted in a significantly improved final output.

The element of this assignment that was the most challenging was finding some articles that

were related to the process of locating a source that discussed how physical activity might

boost sleep quality. The sources that particularly addressed that subject were extremely

few.In spite of the fact that obtaining the initial source was difficult, it was satisfying to

do a thorough examination and synthesis of the existing literature. I thought I could prove

that exercise would be beneficial, but I was able to find different topucs because I

brainstormed about what exercise can be an advantage for in a person's life. In general, it

was a disappointment since I thought I could give evidence that exercise would be


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