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Parental Involvement Among Senior High School Students

towards Propose/d Intervention

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

S.Y 2023-2024

Jennyfer F. Opinaldo

Christine Joy D. Temperante

Elaiza Natalie N. Magalona

Harlene N. Castillo
Chapter 1


In the world of parenting, there are different ways in which parents’ discipline and raise

their children. These styles vary due to the mode of punishment, communication, nurturing and

expectations. In some cases, how parents raise their kids also carries some similarities across

other parents. Parents are the foundation of a family and play a critical role in their children's

growth and development. This includes shaping children's behavior at various phases of

development. While research have been undertaken to determine what influence parenting styles

have on their children, there is no agreement on how the approach employed by parents to raise

their children influences their behavior. The term parenting techniques refers to a set of

behaviors, attitudes, and techniques used by a parent when engaging with and raising a kid.

Nowadays, according to observation and study, the more parental discipline towards

children increasingly positively correlated with their prosocial behavior. Discipline practices that

involve increasing awareness of children's reasoning will develop their adaptive behavior. When

practices of positive discipline such as reasoning are used (for example, when parents tell

children what the consequences of their behavior are), children pay more attention to the

messages conveyed by parents, empathize with people in need, and actively carry our message's

parents. In some part, inadequate parenting on children controls concerns, such as testing limits

and boundaries to see how far they can go. revolting against authority individuals, including

parents and teachers. As kids grow older, they are more likely to breach the law. Aggression and

antisocial conduct.
However, Barger and colleagues (Citation2019) highlight the importance of parents

getting involved in school events, as this type of parental commitment is associated with

students’ educational achievement, engagement, and motivation. More specifically, a review of

the literature on high-school graduation shows that children of parents who are involved in

school organisations, attend conferences and communicate with teachers are more likely to

graduate from upper secondary education (Zaff et al. Citation2018). Zaff and colleagues

therefore suggest that schools should make efforts to include parents more in the school – for

example, by training teachers to build relationships and strengthen communication with parents.

In particular, inclusive parental involvement that does not reproduce the deficit view of parents

with immigrant and/or lower socioeconomic backgrounds may be important for the creation of

an effective school-home collaboration (Antony-Newman Citation2019).

Here in the Philippines, the parenting involvement has a big role to students’ discipline. The way

they act at school that is observed by the educators and all the learners. In some instance, the way

their parents disciple them it reflects on how they communicate.

Moreover, the purpose of this study is to become one of the bases of people on how the

different parental involvement give impact towards students’ discipline. Furthermore, this study

aims to examine the parental involvement among senior high school students towards propose/d

intervention in Quezon National High School, to create a learning support plan for this topic.

Thus, this will also help them better understand if there is a significant relationship between

parental involvement among senior high school students towards proposed intervention.

Meanwhile, one of the advantages of this research is that people will be more aware of the

parental involvement among senior high school students towards proposed intervention.

The study aims to determine the association between parental technique among Senior

High School learners towards their discipline. It sought to answer the following inquiries:

1. How may the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 grade level;

2. What is the impact of parental techniques to students’ discipline?

3. What is the implication of parental technique on students’ discipline?

4. What plan or action can be proposed to address the impact of parental technique towards

students’ discipline?

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to know some information about the Parenting Involvement Among

Senior High School Students towards Propose/d Intervention, school year 2022-2023. The
outcome of this study may provide enough knowledge about the parental involvement among

senior high school students towards proposed intervention. The results and findings of this study are

significant to the students, teachers, guidance counselor, family, community, and to the future

researchers. Likewise, this may benefit future researchers interested in this study and the people

to become aware of the parental involvement among senior high school students towards

proposed intervention.

To the Students. This study will give awareness among students with problems regarding

the parental involvement among senior high school students towards proposed intervention.

Moreover, this will educate the learners in the future to be more delicate regarding this study.

To the Guidance Counselor and Teacher. This study will help teachers or educators to

find solutions to the problems arising in a classroom or school.

To the Family. This study will be used to guide their children in learning with their

problems that can affect their behavior, especially with their academics. They can also provide

physical and emotional support for their family members who are experiencing problems caused

by parental techniques.

To the Community. The results will serve as an eye-opener to the struggles being faced

by students who are dealing with the problem caused by the parental involvement to their

behavior. Additionally, this will also serve as an awareness to everyone that parental techniques

can positively and negatively affect the education of the students. Therefore, they can seek help

who are experiencing problems arising parenting involvement (for instance, they can provide

free counseling to help the victim recover from the problem)

To the Future Researchers. This will be their basis in gathering information for their

research about the parental involvement among senior high school students towards proposed

intervention. Thus, future researchers may continue the present study whenever they see a gap.

Furthermore, it can help them to understand the topic that will be needed in their research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the Parenting Involvement Among Senior High School

Students towards Propose/d Intervention. This study is limited, the researcher wants all the grade

levels from senior high school. This study is primarily conducted among sixteen (16) to eighteen

(18) years old, female and male learners of Quezon National High School. This study will be

conducted at QNHS located at Quezon Gerona, Tarlac.

Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the following are hereby defined

technically and operationally:

Academic Performance. Student achievement in a variety of academic topics is

measured by academic performance. Standardized test scores graduation rates, and classroom

performance are frequently used by Educators to engage student achievement.

Behavior. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Children. Is a human being between the ages of birth and puberty, or between the

infancy and puberty developmental periods. It could also apply to a human being who is not yet

born. A minor, often known as a person under the age of majority, is generally referred to by the

legal meaning of child.

Discipline. The practice of making people obey rules or standards of behavior and

punishing them when they do not.

Education. The field of study deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in


Impact. the force of imprint of one item on another: a large or major influence.

Influence. the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of

someone or something, or the effect itself. Operationally, it is used to determine how parenting

style affects behavior of senior high school students.

Obedience. Behavior that's respectful and mindful of rules and laws.

Parent. A caregiver of the offspring in their own species provides encouragement,

support, and access to the activities that enable the child to master key developmental tasks. A

parent is the first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life.

Parental involvement. Parental involvement in education encompasses the overall

responsibilities in relation to family and school aimed at fostering student success. Throughout

this study, parental involvement was viewed as any affiliation, correlation, or relationship in the

home that supports a student’s academic growth and success.

Parenting Style. A psychological construct representing standard strategies that parents

use in their child rearing. Conceptualized as a constellation of attitudes or a pattern of parental

authority towards the child which are conveyed to the child, creating the emotional context for

the expression of parent behavior. Operationally, it is defined as the way of how parents handle

their children and how it affects their child's behavior.

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the researched review done by the proponents about the related

ideas regarding the proposed system. It includes the differences and similarities found among

another enrollment system. This chapter constitutes more on the study of the system literature

side. It also covers the related view and ideas presenting other enrollment systems made possible

by other proponents and programmers to review encompasses the critical aspect of all enrollment

system study.

Foreign Literature

According to (Mercy Igoki Samuel, 2019) parents form the core unit of a family and are

at the very basic in the growth and development of their children. This includes molding the

children’s behavior at different stages of life. While studies have been conducted to establish

what influence parenting styles have on their children, there is no consensus on how the behavior

of children is influenced by the method used by parents in bringing them up. Despite the fact

that parental involvement appears to be a focus of many domestic and international studies, there

is still concern about parental involvement and what defines effective parental involvement in
student education. Different educators, parents, and community members may hold opposing

views on effective involvement strategies and how each might contribute to the educational


Parental discipline, which refers to the methods used by parents to correct their children's

inappropriate behavior and enforce their obedience (Locke & Prinz, 2020; Quail & Ward, 2020),

is a necessary and critical aspect of positive child development (Dadds & Tully, 2019).

Moreover, The findings of the study of Ramiro et. al (2022) indicated a sufficient grasp of the

goal and intent of child disciplining. Children are generally punished in order to instill positive

values in them, develop and shape their personalities, and provide them with a moral sense of

right and wrong. Child discipline is already considered harmful if: the child sustains physical

injuries and psychological pain; the disciplinary action is not proportionate to the offense

committed by the child and is used frequently and repetitively without justification; sensitive

body parts such as the head are involved; and the disciplinary action is not appropriate to the

child's age, gender, physical and mental status. Counseling, hitting or spanking, and removing or

cutting school stipend were among the numerous forms of disciplinary acts evaluated.

Students' emotions are affected by Parental Technique. Nowadays, based on what is

happening right now, learners have become frequent visitors to the guidance office as a result of

wrongdoings produced by behavioral issues that the learners have. Evidence has shown that

punitive discipline can have harmful consequences on children such as anxiety, depression, and

aggressive behavior, even after controlling for age, gender, and family socioeconomic status

(e.g., Cuartas et al., 2019). These negative impacts further undermine children's mental and

social development (Lokot et al., 2020). And it modifies its behavior, sometimes being
motivated, sometimes not, but these emotions and behaviors are still tied to students' academic

performance and behavior.

Based on the studies mentioned above it points out different studies and outcomes

of parental techniques to students’ discipline and other aspect like academic performance,

methods used by parents to correct their children are also included. Thus, the concern of the

present study is to determine the impact of parental technique towards students’ discipline, which

is not well mentioned in the previous study. Nevertheless, the researcher needs an in-depth

analysis to generalize the results.

Local Literature

One of the arising problems in parenting style in the Philippines is the neglectful or

Uninvolved of Filipino. Parents uninvolved rarely participate in the lives of their children. They

neither set rules nor offer much guidance and have low expectations. They are indifferent to their

children’s needs and fail to provide adequate emotional support. Thus, children raised by

negligent parents learn to be independent and self-sufficient. However, on the downside, they

may have difficulties establishing friendships and forming attachments. Some studies in the

Philippines have also discovered a link between parenting and learning motivation. The research

of Balagtas et al. (2020), parental involvement and self-efficacy are positively related to

academic achievement among Filipino college students.

According to Hernandez, et al. (2021) found that parental involvement, particularly

through home-based learning activities, had a positive effect on Filipino students’ academic

motivation and achievement. However, some studies in the Philippines have found conflicting

results. For example, Reyes et al. (2019) discovered that parenting style was not directly related
to academic motivation among Filipino high school students. Gonzales et al. (2018) found that

while parenting style was associated with academic motivation, the effect was mediated by

students' academic self-efficacy. Despite the mixed results, the importance of parenting in

promoting learning motivation cannot be overstated. The purpose of this study is to investigate

the combined influence of parenting style, parental involvement, and parents' self-efficacy on

motivation to learn among Filipino learners, building on existing literature on the power of

parenting. By examining this relationship, this research can provide valuable insights for parents

and educators in the Philippines and beyond, informing the development of effective strategies

for promoting children’s motivation and academic success.

According to (Labajo et. al 2022). To support their children's growth and development,

parents are essential. Numerous authors have observed that forecasting a child's well-being

requires understanding the general pattern of parenting. There may be differences amongst

parents in the ways and degrees to which they attempt to socialize or discipline their kids. A

child's conduct is shaped by their entire pattern of interactions rather than by a single deed.

Different interaction styles are developed by parents with their offspring. Four parenting

philosophies have been found by research: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, and

uninvolved. Each of these philosophies affects the child's development. These different parenting

philosophies have a big impact on how a child learns, grows, and interacts with others. However,

(Arcay et. al 2019) the principles of parenting have a big influence on the family's quality of life

and set the emotional tone for communication between parents and kids. By calculating the

general point average of their grades over the course of the four quarters of the 2018–2019

school year, school performance is defined as the adolescents' ability to interact with the learning

environment in an effective manner.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The study will be descriptive research in determining the impacts of parental technique towards

senior high school students’ discipline in Quezon National High School based on their experience.

Descriptive research is used to define a problem, circumstance. Researchers also use a quantitative

approach, which requires the gathering and analysis of numerical data to fully understand concepts,

perspectives, or experiences. It can be used to gain a deep understanding of an issue or to develop new

research ideas.
For the methodology, the researchers will use the survey method to gather data about various

topics. This data aims to determine the extent to which different scenarios can be reached in these topics.

It used the said approach as the main objective of this research was to determine the impacts of parental

technique towards senior high school students in Quezon National High School students using

questionnaires with close questions.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Quezon National High School, particularly in Senior High School

Department, located at Barangay Quezon Gerona, Tarlac. This study was done during the first quarter of

the first semester, this school was also affected by the parenting techniques. This study has been

implemented on the students of QNHS from Senior High School students. By this study the researchers

and the teachers will know how parental technique affects the students in their discipline.


The respondents in this study are from Senior High School students because they are also affected

by parental technique. A total of the students from Senior High will respond to our survey. The

researchers want to know how the parental technique affects the discipline of the students in Quezon

National High School.

Data Gathering Instrument

The data gathering instrument that has been used for this study is a survey questionnaire. A

questionnaire was used to determine the Impacts of Parental Technique towards Senior High School

Students Discipline in Quezon National High School. Focused group discussions and key informant

interviews were also designed to facilitate data gathering among the respondents, and to verify the

information given. Secondary data and other related documents are likewise considered.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data will be gathered through questionnaire. The first thing that the researchers will do is to

conduct this study to seek female and male of Senior High students around Quezon National High School

SY. 2023-2024, asked their willingness to participate in this study. The researchers will allow their

respondents to read the informed consent given to them and orient them about the nature of the study. The

respondents will be allowed to quit whenever they wanted, and their decision were highly respected.

Then, the researchers will give the questionnaire to the female and male of Senior High students to gather

data in terms of their gender.

Moreover, the questionnaire contains questions of how the respondents affect their behavioral

aspect in terms of parenting techniques and if they experienced any behavioral issue or problem.

Likewise, the researchers also will ask the female and male students of Senior High respondents what are

discipline issue that they have encountered and their coping strategies that they are doing to prevent

problems arising if there is any. The scores for each item will be calculated by summing up the scores for

each item after answering the questionnaire. Thus, the researchers will ensure that the results would be

kept confidential. In an instance that the respondents ask for a copy of the results, the researchers will

responsibly take place.

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