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Name :

Change the words in the bracket into a good form of past tense.

Laetania Belai Djandam (is) … born in the bustling city of Jakarta, Indonesia,
surrounded by the chaotic rhythm of urban life. However, her heart (is) … always
drawn to the serene beauty of nature, a passion instilled in her since childhood by her
parents who were avid environmentalists themselves.

From a young age, Laetania (spend) … her weekends exploring the lush forests and
pristine beaches of Indonesia with her family. These experiences (ignite) … a deep
love and respect for the environment within her, shaping her into the dedicated
environmentalist she is today. As she grew older, Laetania (become) … increasingly
aware of the environmental challenges facing her country and the world at large. She
(witness) … firsthand the devastating effects of deforestation, pollution, and climate
change on the ecosystems she cherished. Determined to make a difference, she
(decide) … to take action.

During her high school years, Laetania (join) … various environmental clubs and
organizations, where she actively participated in tree planting initiatives, beach clean-
ups, and educational campaigns on sustainability. Her enthusiasm and commitment
quickly (catch) … the attention of her peers and mentors, earning her a reputation
as a passionate advocate for the planet.

Upon graduating from high school, Laetania (know) … she wanted to pursue a
career that would allow her to continue her environmental work on a larger scale. She
(enroll) … in university, where she (study) … environmental science, eager to deepen
her understanding of the issues facing the planet and find innovative solutions to
address them.

During her time at university, Laetania (embark) … on fieldwork expeditions to remote

rainforests and coastal communities, conducting research on biodiversity conservation
and community-based conservation initiatives. These experiences further (fuel) … her
passion for environmental advocacy and solidified her determination to make a lasting

After completing her studies, Laetania (waste) … no time in putting her knowledge
and skills to work. She (join) … a local environmental NGO, where she
spearheaded projects focused on sustainable land management, renewable energy, and
environmental education. Her efforts (garner) … recognition both nationally and
internationally, earning her awards and accolades for her contributions to conservation
and sustainability.

Today, Laetania continues to advocate tirelessly for the protection of Indonesia's rich
biodiversity and the preservation of its natural heritage. Whether she's leading
grassroots campaigns, lobbying policymakers, or inspiring the next generation of
environmental stewards, her dedication to the planet remains unwavering. Through her
passion, determination, and unwavering commitment to environmental conservation,
Laetania Belai Djandam serves as a beacon of hope for a brighter, greener future for
Indonesia and the world.
Laetania Belai Djandam was born in the bustling city of Jakarta, Indonesia, surrounded
by the chaotic rhythm of urban life. However, her heart was always drawn to the serene
beauty of nature, a passion instilled in her since childhood by her parents who were
avid environmentalists themselves. From a young age, Laetania spent her weekends
exploring the lush forests and pristine beaches of Indonesia with her family. These
experiences ignited a deep love and respect for the environment within her, shaping
her into the dedicated environmentalist she is today. As she grew older, Laetania
became increasingly aware of the environmental challenges facing her country and the
world at large. She witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of deforestation,
pollution, and climate change on the ecosystems she cherished. Determined to make a
difference, she decided to take action. During her high school years, Laetania joined
various environmental clubs and organizations, where she actively participated in tree
planting initiatives, beach clean-ups, and educational campaigns on sustainability. Her
enthusiasm and commitment quickly caught the attention of her peers and mentors,
earning her a reputation as a passionate advocate for the planet. Upon graduating from
high school, Laetania knew she wanted to pursue a career that would allow her to
continue her environmental work on a larger scale. She enrolled in university, where she
studied environmental science, eager to deepen her understanding of the issues facing
the planet and find innovative solutions to address them. During her time at university,
Laetania embarked on fieldwork expeditions to remote rainforests and coastal
communities, conducting research on biodiversity conservation and community-based
conservation initiatives. These experiences further fueled her passion for environmental
advocacy and solidified her determination to make a lasting impact. After completing
her studies, Laetania wasted no time in putting her knowledge and skills to work. She
joined a local environmental NGO, where she spearheaded projects focused on
sustainable land management, renewable energy, and environmental education. Her
efforts garnered recognition both nationally and internationally, earning her awards
and accolades for her contributions to conservation and sustainability. Today, Laetania
continues to advocate tirelessly for the protection of Indonesia's rich biodiversity and
the preservation of its natural heritage. Whether she's leading grassroots campaigns,
lobbying policymakers, or inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards, her
dedication to the planet remains unwavering. Through her passion, determination, and
unwavering commitment to environmental conservation, Laetania Belai Djandam serves
as a beacon of hope for a brighter, greener future for Indonesia and the world.

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