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NDT and Nanotechnology

1)----------testing is used to locate voids ,cracks ,flaws present inside the material
a)Destructive testing b)non destructing testing c)both d)none of these

2)When non destructive testing is performed on the materials its structural properties are ---------

a)Changed b)does not changed c)may changed or may not be changed d) None of these

3) In ----------testing material again reused.

a)Destructive b)Non destructive c) both d)none of these

4)After performing destructive testing the material under the test is

a)Destroyed and cannot be used further b) a)Destroyed and can be used further c)None of these.

5) ---------testing is used to determine the properties of the material such as bending tensile strength
a)Non destructive b)destructive c)both d) none of these

6) When the non destructive testing is performed on the materials its structural properties are

a)changed b)does not changed c)none of these

7)After performing non- destructive testing the material under the test is
a)Destroyed and cannot be used further b) not destroyed and can be used further c)None of these.

8)In radiography testing ------------rays are used

a)X-rays b)Gamma rays c)both d)light waves
9)Echo sounding testing principal is used in

a)Radiography testing b)Ultrasonic testing c)AET testing d) none of these

9a)In--------the rapidly varying pressure temperature or stress is applied over the material and are

a)ultrasonic testing b)Acoustic emission technique c)Radiography d) All of them

10)X-rays or Gamma rays are passed through a material and absorption and scattering are analysed
a)Radiography testing b)Ultrasonic testing c)AET testing d) none of these

11) In radiography testing the dark area present with

a)Lower density b)High density c)Porosity d)grain boundaries

12)Wavelength of x – rays are

a)10 picometers b)0.01 to 10 nm c) 10 to 400nm d)400 to 700 nm

12) The frequency Ultrasonic waves are

a)Greater than 20 Hz b) Greater than 20MHz c) Greater than 20KHz

d) within the range 20 Hz to 20KHz

13)The thickness of the ,material calculated by ultrasonic testing is

a)d=2vt b)d= 2v/t c)d= vt/2 d) d= 2t/v

14)If there is no crack within the material , the ultrasonic waves would
a)pass through the material reflecting back
b)reflected back from the cracks

c)both d)None of these

15)The ultrasonic waves are reflected from the bottom of the material . this implies that the sample
of material

a)Does contains cracks or void b) Does not contains cracks or void

c)both d)none of these
16)The ultrasonic wave are send through a material .if cracks or void are present within the material,
the ultrasonic waves would-----
a)pass through the material without reflecting back b)reflected back from the cracks or voids
c)both d)none of these

17)A nano material has dimensions in the range --------

a)1nm to 100nm b)1 m to 100 m c)greater then 100nm

18)The properties of bulk materials are different than their nanoparticles.

These because of
a)Decrease in the volume at nanoscale b) Decrease in the surface area at nanoscale c)Increase in
the surface to volume ratio

19)The energy level of the quantum dots are -------at nanoscale.

a)Discrete b)Remain constant c)Continuous d)None of these

20)At nano scale there is region where current is zero. This region is known as

a)Zero voltage region b)Coulomb blocked region c)Coulomb staircase region d)None of these

21)When the potential difference is applied across the quantum dots and current is measured , the
current varies steps . This is because of-------

a)Tunneling of electrons b) Drifting of electrons c)Diffusion of electrons

d)Jumping of electrons
22)The color of bulk gold is yellow however it changes to red at nanoscale. This is because
a)Decrease in the volume at nanoscale b) Decrease in the surface area at nanoscale c)Increase in
the surface to volume ratio

23)If the size of the particles of material is reduced from a few micrometer to few nanometer , its
hardness will----
a)Remain constant b)Increases c)Decreases d)Cannot be determined.
24)nanoparticles are used in automobile sector for

a)Structural part b)smooth paints c)better tires d)all of them

25)nanotechnology is the study of the material particles of the size

a)1 to 100 nm b) 10 to 100 nm c) Greater than 100nm

26)Nanoparticles are used in space and defence for

a)reduction of weight of space vehicles b)improving efficiency of solar cells
c)Insulation of space vehicles d)all of them

27) The colour of the nano gold particles is

a)Yellow b)orange c)brown d)variable

28)Nanomaterials are the materials with at least one dimension measuring

a)1 nm b)10 nm c)100 nm d)1000nm

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