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::: 19 :::

of inner CONTEMPT for the weak people (especially men)

who give them everything they want, as is evidenced by

the “Oh, he’s just a guy I use to buy me things and “He’s

my ‘Boytoy’ kind of comments that women often make to

their girlfriends.

On the topic of men giving gifts to women and buying

them things: Many women will take what is available to

them (even if they have to do a little manipulation for it),

but they will ultimately resent and disrespect a man who

gives too much to them.

As a matter of fact, to most hot women, THEIR

REALITY is that men kiss up to them and give them what

they ask for or demand (worst case, they have to get

upset or act bitchy to get their way). AGAIN, THIS IS

THEIR REALITY. Men who don’t fit this mold are often just

tuned out as if they didn’t exist in order to keep this

reality as pure as possible for them.

(Also, I think that many women harbor contempt for

their beauty. At a shadow level, they are kept from living a

real life and being closer to the real world simply

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