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Understanding and Managing Stress During Adolescence


A. Definition of stress

-Stress is a natural response to challenging or threatening situations. It can manifest physically, emotionally, and

- Stress-reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus that disturbs the wellbeing (feeling good and functioning well), state
of calm (the mental state of peace of mind, being free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance), or equilibrium of a

B. Types of stress

1. Eustress- stress that has a positive impact on you

Distress- stress that negatively affects you

1. Acute stress: Short-term stress response to an immediate challenge (exams, peer pressure)

2. Chronic stress: Ongoing stress due to prolonged, unresolved issues (Ongoing issues like family problems, bullying)

II. CAUSES OF STRESS (Some Possible stressors a senior high students faces)

A. External factors- come outside of you (situations, people, and experiences)

• Academic pressure: Exams, assignments, college applications.

• Peer relationships: Bullying, friendship issues, peer pressure.
• Family dynamics: Conflicts with parents and siblings.

B. Internal factors- coming from within you (thoughts that you have that caused you to feel fearful, uncertainties about
the future, lack of control over situations, and even your personal belief

• Identity and self-esteem: Self-discovery, body image concerns

• Perfectionism: Setting unrealistic standards for oneself.
• Negative self-talk: Engaging in self-criticism and negative thought patterns


A. Fight-or-flight response

- The body's automatic reaction to a perceived threat, involving increased heart rate, alertness, and energy.

B. Role of stress hormones

1. Cortisol

- The "stress hormone" released by the adrenal glands in response to stress.

2. Adrenaline

- Enhances the body's response to stress by increasing energy and focus.

C. Long-term health effects

Chronic stress can contribute to health problems such as heart disease, obesity, and compromised immune function.

Adolescence is a crucial developmental phase (Rapid physical, emotional, and social changes)
Adolescents should be encouraged to use healthy coping strategies. Seek help and support from trusted adults, friends,
and professionals. Emphasize the importance of open communication about their struggles

The role of stress in daily life: Stress is a part of life, and understanding it is essential for managing its effects


A. Emotional responses

1. Anxiety

- Excessive worry and fear.

2. Anger

- Irritability and frustration.

3. Depression

- Prolonged feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

B. Cognitive responses

1. Cognitive distortions

- Distorted thinking patterns that increase stress.

2. Memory problems

- Difficulty concentrating and recalling information.

C. Behavioral responses

1. Overeating

- Emotional eating as a coping mechanism.

2. Substance abuse

- Using drugs or alcohol to escape from stress.

V. Coping with Stress

*Bad Stress can be transformed into good stress depending on how an individual assesses the situation. Adolescent
students, who are in constant stressful situations particularly related to schoolwork and relationships, should learn some
coping mechanisms to assist them in their development toward a healthy adult life.

*using healthy coping strategies and encourage students to reach out to a trusted adult, teacher, or counselor if they
ever feel overwhelmed.

A. Stress management techniques

1. Relaxation techniques

- Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation.

2. Exercise and physical activity

- Regular physical activity reduces stress.

3. Time management

- Efficiently allocating time for tasks and leisure.

4. Social support

- Reaching out to friends and family for help and emotional support.

B. Identifying and challenging stressors

- Recognizing and addressing the sources of stress.

C. Building resilience

- Developing the ability to bounce back from adversity

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