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MSRA - Installation of AC units in the LV, UPS, Medical Plant,

Medical Plant rooms, and corridors.

 Ensure all necessary equipment and tools are available.
 Review the site plan and location for AC unit installation.
 Confirm the availability of power supply and proper electrical connections.

Safety Measures:
 Conduct a safety briefing for all personnel involved.
 Ensure personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn at all times.
 Secure the work area to prevent unauthorized access.
 Use proper lifting equipment and techniques to avoid injuries during handling.

Installation Procedure:
 Position the AC unit in the designated location as per the site plan.
 Ensure proper alignment and level the unit using leveling tools.
 Connect the refrigerant lines, electrical wiring, and drainage pipes according to the
manufacturer's specifications.
 Securely mount the indoor and outdoor units using appropriate brackets or supports.
 Test the unit for proper functionality and ensure all components are working correctly.
 Conduct a final inspection to verify the installation meets quality standards and safety

Commissioning and Testing:

 Conduct a thorough inspection of the installed AC unit to ensure all connections are secure
and properly sealed.
 Test the unit for proper cooling and heating functions.
 Verify the airflow and temperature settings to ensure optimal performance.
 Perform a leak test to check for any refrigerant leaks.
 Complete the necessary documentation, including commissioning reports and test results.

Cleaning and Finalization:

 Clean the installation area and remove any debris or construction materials.
 Label the AC unit and related components for easy identification.
 Provide operational training to end-users on how to use and maintain the AC unit.
 Obtain sign-off from the project manager or relevant authority to confirm the completion of
the installation.

Completion and Handover:

 Prepare a comprehensive completion report documenting all installation activities, testing

results, and any issues encountered.
 Submit the completion report to the project manager for review and approval.
 Coordinate with the client or building owner for final acceptance and handover of the
installed AC unit.
 Address any outstanding issues or concerns raised during the installation process before
finalizing the handover.
 This method statement outlines the systematic approach for installing AC units, ensuring
adherence to safety protocols, manufacturer guidelines, and quality standards throughout
the process.

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