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Nama : Nur Inayah Anwar

Grup : Intermediate 2
Kelas : Mathematics
Vocabulary For Smart Energy

Vocabulary Part Of Speech Example Sentences
The government plans to invest in
infrastructure projects to improve
transportation and communication networks.

(noun) Basic Without proper infrastructure, it's challenging

Infrastructure Structure, Infrastruktur for rural communities to access essential
Network services like healthcare and education.

The company decided to upgrade its IT

infrastructure to enhance data security and
improve efficiency.
Remote work arrangements offer employees
more flexible schedules and greater work-life

The material used in the construction of the

new building is flexible, allowing it to
Flexible adaptable, Fleksibel
withstand earthquakes and other natural
easily adaptable

Being flexible in your approach to problem-

solving can lead to more innovative
The airline prides itself on the reliability of its
flights, rarely experiencing delays or

(noun) Before purchasing a car, consumers often

Reliability dependability, Kehandalan research the brand's reputation for reliability
stability and durability.

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind

power are becoming increasingly reliable
alternatives to traditional fossil fuels.
The company announced the implementation
of a new policy to promote diversity and
(noun) inclusion in the workplace.
Implementation execution, Implementasi
application The government's implementation of stricter
environmental regulations has led to a
significant reduction in pollution levels.
The success of any project depends on effective
planning and careful implementation of the
proposed strategies.
By streamlining production processes, the
factory was able to increase efficiency and
reduce manufacturing costs.

(noun) Energy-efficient appliances not only save

Efficiency productivity, Efisiensi money on utility bills but also help reduce
effectiveness environmental impact.

Time management techniques can improve

efficiency and productivity in both personal
and professional life.
The company prioritizes customer satisfaction
by providing excellent customer service and
addressing any concerns promptly.

(noun) Online retailers use data analytics to

Customer consumer, Pelanggan personalize recommendations and enhance the
buyer overall customer experience.

Understanding the needs and preferences of

your target customers is essential for
developing successful marketing strategies.
Public awareness campaigns aim to reduce
plastic waste by encouraging people to use
reusable bags and containers.

The company implemented new recycling

(verb) decrease,
Reduce Mengurangi initiatives to reduce the amount of waste sent to

Cutting down on unnecessary expenses can

help reduce financial stress and improve
overall financial stability.
Many entrepreneurs seek venture capital
investment to fund the growth of their startups.

Long-term investment in education is crucial

for building a skilled workforce and driving
Investment investment, Investasi
economic development.
Diversifying your investment portfolio can
help mitigate risks and maximize returns over
(noun) Scientists from different countries often
Collaboration cooperation, Kolaborasi collaborate on research projects to tackle global
partnership challenges like climate change.
Cross-functional collaboration within the
organization can lead to innovative solutions
and improved decision-making.

The success of the partnership relied on open

communication and mutual trust between the
collaborating companies.
The scattered showers forecasted for the
weekend were expected to bring much-needed
relief from the drought.

(adjective) The dispersed distribution of resources in the

Dispersed scattered, Tersebar region posed challenges for equitable
distributed development and access to services.

The company operates multiple offices across

the country, allowing for a dispersed workforce
that can better serve diverse markets.

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