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Social Media Audit

Topic: Marketing a new line of vegan skincare products kylie Skin.

Social Media Audit:

1. Identify the target audience: The target audience for this new line of vegan skincare
products is people who are health-conscious, environmentally conscious, and interested
in using cruelty-free skincare products. This includes people who follow a vegan lifestyle,
those who want to reduce their carbon footprint, and those who care about animal

Kylie Cosmetics Buyer Persona

Attribute Description

Demographic Age: 25–34 (primary), 18–24 (secondary)

Gender: Female (78%)

Psychographic Socially Savvy: Active on social media

(Instagram, TikTok)

Trend Follower: Interested in keeping up

with the latest makeup trends.

Celebrity Influence: Aware of Kylie Jenner

and potentially influenced by her

Aspiration: Desires a glamorous and

on-point look

Behavioral Online Shopper: Comfortable purchasing

beauty products online

Brand Loyal: Likely a repeat customer of

Attribute Description

Kylie Cosmetics

Value-Conscious: Appreciates trendy

products at a reasonable price point

Influencer Trust: May be swayed by

recommendations from beauty influencers

Early Adopter: Enjoys trying new makeup


Needs High-quality, trendy makeup products,

Easy-to-use and apply cosmetics,
Products that create a flawless and
on-trend look, A brand that aligns with their
social media-driven lifestyle

Media Consumption Social Media Platforms (Instagram, TikTok,

YouTube), Beauty blogs and websites, and
gossip magazines (potentially)

Challenges Difficulty keeping up with the fast-changing

makeup trends, Finding the right products
for their skin type and desired look,
Identifying high-quality yet affordable
makeup options, Feeling overwhelmed by
the vast amount of beauty products

Brand Perception Trendy and innovative, High-quality

products, Celebrity-endorsed, Inclusive
and reflects diverse beauty standards
2. Identify the current social media presence: Conduct a thorough search to identify all
social media accounts associated with the brand or product line. Analyze the following
● Follower count
● Engagement rate
● Posting frequency
● Content quality and relevance
● Tone and messaging consistency

Kylie Cosmetics Social Media Presence (as of April 22,



● Instagram: (@kyliecosmetics) - This is their primary platform with the strongest

● Twitter: (@KylieCosmetics) - Less active, but still used for announcements and
● TikTok: (@kyliecosmetics) - Newest platform, but growing quickly with engaging
● Facebook: (@KylieCosmetics) - Maintains a presence, but updates are less frequent.

Metrics Analysis:

● Follower Count:
○ Instagram: 25.7 Million
○ Twitter: 12.8 Million
○ TikTok: 7.4 Million
○ Facebook: 28 Million (Highest, but engagement likely lower)
● Engagement Rate:

● Posting Frequency:
○ Instagram: Consistent posting, with a mix of photos, videos, and stories.
○ Twitter: Less frequent, mostly used for announcements and retweets.
○ TikTok: Regularly uploads new content, following posting trends.
○ Facebook: Infrequent updates.
● Content Quality and Relevance:
○ All platforms: High-quality visuals showcasing products and tutorials.
○ Instagram: Focuses on product launches, influencer collaborations, and
user-generated content.
○ Twitter: Short product announcements, promotional offers, and customer service
○ TikTok: Short, engaging videos featuring product demonstrations, trends, and
○ Facebook: A mix of content from other platforms.
● Tone and Messaging Consistency:
○ All platforms maintain a similar brand voice: youthful, trendy, and aspirational.
○ Instagram: Focuses on showcasing a glamorous lifestyle associated with the
○ Twitter: More casual and informative tone for announcements and interactions.
○ TikTok: Fun, energetic, and uses trending sounds and challenges to connect with
younger audience.
○ Facebook: Similar tone to Instagram, but less frequent updates might dilute the

Overall Analysis:

Kylie Cosmetics maintains a strong social media presence across major platforms. While
Instagram remains their primary focus, they are actively engaging with audiences on newer
platforms like TikTok. Their content strategy emphasizes high-quality visuals, collaborations with
influencers, and leveraging user-generated content to promote their products. The brand voice
remains consistent, catering to a young and trend-conscious demographic. However, Facebook
seems to be the least active platform, potentially impacting engagement on that channel.

3. Identify competitors: Identify direct and indirect competitors who offer similar products or
cater to the same target audience. Analyze their social media presence and

Kylie Cosmetics Competitors: Social Media Analysis

Direct Competitors:

1. Fenty Beauty by Rihanna: offers a wide range of makeup shades for all skin
tones, similar price point, and focuses on inclusivity.
● Social media presence: strong presence across all platforms (Instagram,
Twitter, TikTok, Facebook). High engagement rates, particularly on Instagram and
TikTok. Content focuses on diverse models showcasing products, tutorials, and
user-generated content.
2. ColourPop: is known for its affordable, high-quality makeup and frequent
product launches. Targets a similar young audience.
● Social Media Presence: Very active on Instagram, known for creative and
playful content. Strong engagement with user-generated content and influencer
collaborations. Less active on Twitter and Facebook, but still maintains a
3. Huda Beauty: offers luxury makeup products with a focus on high-performance
formulas. Caters to a slightly older demographic compared to Kylie Cosmetics.
● Social media presence: strong presence across all platforms. Content focuses
on product tutorials, influencer marketing, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Maintains a sophisticated and aspirational brand image.

Indirect Competitors:

1. Charlotte Tilbury: offers luxury makeup with a focus on a flawless complexion.

Targets a more mature audience.
● Social media presence: active on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Content
showcases a classic and elegant aesthetic with a focus on tutorials and product
2. Ulta Beauty: is a beauty retailer offering a wide range of makeup brands,
including Kylie Cosmetics. Caters to a broad audience with diverse needs.
● Social media presence: strong presence across all platforms. Content focuses
on promoting various beauty brands, including Kylie Cosmetics, alongside
tutorials and beauty trends.


Direct competitors like Fenty Beauty and ColourPop pose a significant threat due to
their similar target audience, price points, and strong social media presence. Fenty
Beauty excels in inclusivity, while ColourPop focuses on affordability and trendy
collaborations. Huda Beauty attracts a slightly older demographic with its luxury image
and focus on performance.

Indirect competitors like Charlotte Tilbury cater to a different age group but might still be
considered for special occasion makeup. Ulta Beauty acts as a platform but also
promotes its own brand lines, offering a wider selection.

Key Takeaways:

● Kylie Cosmetics needs to maintain its strong social media presence across all
platforms, particularly newer ones like TikTok.
● Highlighting inclusivity and offering a wider shade range could help compete with
Fenty Beauty.
● Maintaining a balance between affordability and high-quality products is crucial
against competitors like ColourPop.
By analyzing competitor strategies and social media performance, Kylie Cosmetics can
adapt its approach to stay relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving beauty market.

4. Analyze social media performance: Use social media analytics tools to analyze the
following metrics:
● Reach and impressions
● Engagement rate
● Click-through rate
● Conversion rate
● Brand sentiment
5. Identify opportunities for improvement: Based on the audit, identify areas where the
brand's social media performance can be improved. This may include posting more
frequently, improving content quality, engaging with followers, or targeting a wider

Based on the analysis of potential social media performance metrics and competitor
strategies, here are some opportunities for improvement for Kylie Cosmetics:

Content Strategy:

● Diversify content: While Kylie Cosmetics excels in high-quality visuals, consider

incorporating more in-depth tutorials, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and live
sessions with makeup artists.
● Focus on inclusivity: Highlight a wider range of models with diverse skin tones
and ethnicities to resonate with a broader audience.
● Leverage user-generated content: Encourage user-generated content with
branded hashtags and contests to build a stronger community feel.
● Embrace new trends: Actively participate in trending challenges and incorporate
popular sounds on platforms like TikTok to stay relevant with younger

Engagement and community building:

● Increase response rate: Respond to comments and messages more frequently

to foster a sense of connection with followers.
● Host interactive sessions: Consider live Q&A sessions, polls, and contests to
encourage audience participation.
● Partner with micro-influencers: Collaborate with smaller influencers who have
a more engaged following to reach a wider audience segment.

Platform Optimization:

● Prioritize TikTok: Dedicate resources to creating engaging content specifically

for TikTok's format and trends.
● Revamp Facebook strategy: Increase posting frequency on Facebook and
tailor content to that platform's audience, possibly focusing on longer-form
tutorials or behind-the-scenes content.
● Utilize social listening tools: Actively track brand mentions and trending topics
within the beauty industry to adapt content and messaging accordingly.
Additional Considerations:

● Track competitor performance: Continuously monitor how competitors are

performing on social media and adapt strategies to stay ahead of the curve.
● Invest in social media analytics: Utilize social media analytics tools to measure
the effectiveness of campaigns, track key metrics, and optimize content based on
data-driven insights.
● Maintain brand consistency: Ensure a consistent brand voice and image
across all platforms while tailoring content to each platform's specific audience
and format.

By implementing these improvements, Kylie Cosmetics can strengthen its social media
presence, build a more engaged community, and ultimately drive higher sales and
brand loyalty.

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