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Issue Analysis

Internationalization Strategy Morocco


Group 6
João Reis (47165)
Inês Ventura (58272)
Matthias Forgues (58509)
Hannah Stary (59459)
Ingo Klaffki (60073)
01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 2

Executive Summary 1
Indie Campers aims for a successful entry into Morocco through strategic analysis and
operational excellence to effectively capitalize on market opportunities

Indie Campers has the potential to effectively expand its operations into Morocco.


Consideration of external factors: Morocco's modernization efforts and favorable regulatory environment, coupled with the growth potential of the RV rental industry
and the country's appeal as a diverse tourist destination in the MENA region, provide promising conditions for Indie Campers' expansion
Consideration of internal factors: With a diverse fleet and strong intangible assets such as a well-established brand and digital presence, Indie Campers is well positioned
to successfully enter the Moroccan market. Its robust organizational assets, including efficient coordination with motorhome partners and expertise in booking and
logistics, further strengthen its prospects


Adjust product: Tailor offerings to meet the specific needs and preferences of Moroccan customers through extensive market research and a unique value proposition

Customer-tailored pricing strategy: Develop a comprehensive pricing strategy tailored to unique market conditions after thorough research and analysis

Optimize distribution: Identify and select efficient distribution channels and ensure smooth operations in specific locations to maximize reach, and effectiveness

Attract customers through promotion: Define target customers and effectively tailor promotions to attract and engage them in the marketplace

Ensure necessary operations: Secure logistics and comprehensive customer support to ensure smooth expansion and lasting success in the Moroccan market

Secure strategic financing and partnerships: Consider financial factors and forms strategic partnerships to secure necessary resources and support for expansion efforts

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 3

01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 4

Deductive Reasoning – The Why 2
External factors provide favourable conditions for Indie Campers to expand its RV sales
into Morocco, facilitating further growth and development
Can Indie Campers successfully expand its operations to Morocco?

External Factors

Morocco has been undertaking a large modernization process at Morocco is a highly rated tourism destination in Middle East
The Moroccan RV rental industry has potential for growth
a macro scale and North Africa (MENA)

Politically open country for trade with international companies for Geographically diverse to accommodate different needs and types of
Tourism is an important driver of GDP (over 12%)
economic digitalization road trips

Trade agreements can Active encouragement of New policies, institutions Weather, landscapes, FIFA WC 2030 cited
International tourism accounts for over Beaches, mountains, lush forests, desert, Sunny and warm in the spring, hot in the
benefit transfer of FDI with govt. support for and tech hubs help develop as reasons to attract international
50% total tourism expenditure historical cities summer, snowy in highlands
resources favorable business climate tourism’s new channels travelers in the future

Regulation has become more supportive of businesses Fragmented competitive landscape Local culture

International players do
Competition on price
Recent legislation has reduced NGOs and active civil society advocating Moroccan players have not highlight Morocco as Morocco’s Arabic roots and Islam’s Tilework, carved plaster and wood
and customer service as
bureaucracies for incorporation for responsible business conduct small operations top destination; no physical influence in constructions and decor depicting Morocco’s identity
differentiation factor

Little obstacles to market entry Infrastructure investments for tourist support

Morocco does not pose

Telecom players expand Extensive highway, national
many health threats;
Moroccan government welcome companies that promote the country as destination networks and introduce 5G roads network with
hospitals and pharmacies
for traveller connectivity abundant fuel stations
are easily accessible

13.03.24 Sources: See Appendix Issue Analysis 5

Deductive Reasoning – The Why 2
Internal factors within the organization provide a solid foundation for Indie Campers to
continue the expansion of its RV sales into Morocco
Can Indie Campers successfully expand its operations to Morocco?

Internal Factors

Tangible assets Intangible assets Organizational assets

RV diversity helps groups travel together across different terrains Indie Campers’ brand High coordination between Indie Campers and campervans partners

Diversity of car manufacturers helps

RVs offering for each continent is adjusted International presence makes Indie Brand associations with safety, quality and Tailoring of vehicles to specs needed for
Vehicle layout enables group travelling adjust the fleet to local manufacturing
to type of terrain found Campers’ highly recognizable unique road trip experiences drive loyalty country

Financial structure Deep understanding of international travelers Corporate culture

Indie Campers’ profitability provides Low CAPEX requirements rule out external Indie Campers’ is aware of traveling needs Diversity of nationalities for a detailed To be the #1 Road trip marketplace is Growth-oriented culture and global
resources for Moroccan expansion financing and concerns personalized road trip experience motivating and rooted in IC’s essence experience facilitate market entry

Digital footprint for seamless customer experience Booking and Logistics

Expected check-in and

Ownership of the customer User-friendly consumer Drop-off location flexibility Rapid turnover of vehicles
Strong SEO and SEA drop-off days enable
through E2E digital journey supported by (at no expense) for client’s made cleaning services
positioning for accessibility dynamic pricing and
experience omnichannel strategy traveling freedom extremely efficient
demand control

13.03.24 Sources: See Appendix Issue Analysis 6

01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 7

Inductive Reasoning – The How 3
By utilizing market research and competitive analysis, a customer-focused pricing
strategy is developed to strategically tailor the product and increase competitiveness
Can Indie Campers successfully adapt its RV sales product to domestic customers in Morocco?

Indie Campers offers an adjusted product for domestic customers Indie Campers establishes a customer-tailored pricing strategy

Market Research and Competitive Create a distinctive value Tailor product features and Conduct market research and Define an appropriate pricing
Analysis proposition services competitor pricing analysis strategy

Customize Indie Campers' RV fleet to meet

Conduct extensive market research to Assess the USPs of Indie Campers' RV rental Examine competitors' pricing models and Examine cost structure to determine lower
the specific needs and preferences of
understand the preferences, behaviors and service and how they align with the needs offerings to gain insights into the current price limit and develop a sustainable pricing
Moroccan travelers, including vehicle
needs of Moroccan travelers and preferences of Moroccan travelers market conditions strategy
models, amenities, and service offerings

Identify key differentiators that will set Indie Adapt vehicle features and amenities to Develop a dynamic pricing model that
Identify specific needs and expectations Conduct surveys to understand willingness
Campers apart from competitors in the align with Moroccan travel preferences, adapts to market dynamics such as seasonal
regarding RV rental and travel experiences to pay of Moroccan travelers
Moroccan market climate conditions, and cultural norms fluctuations

Develop a compelling positioning strategy

Ensure consistency in quality and service Determine price positioning in the market Examine the feasibility of utilizing discounts
Analyze market trends, demographics, and that effectively communicates the value
standards across all offerings to deliver
customer segments to identify opportunities proposition and distinguishes Indie Campers
exceptional customer experiences
as the preferred choice for RV rentals

Continuously monitor and evaluate pricing

Assess the competitive landscape to using KPIs to refine and adjust the pricing
understand the strengths, weaknesses, and strategy
strategies of key competitors

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 8

Inductive Reasoning – The How 3
Indie Campers can establish a strong presence in Morocco by strategically optimizing
distribution and advertising to target customers from the start
Can Indie Campers successfully adapt its RV sales product to domestic customers in Morocco?

Indie Campers optimizes distribution for domestic customers Indie Campers attracts domestic customers through promotion

Select the right distribution Select optimal geographical Monitor and adapt promotional
channels Define target customers Define marketing approach
locations activities

Understand the Moroccan RV market – Use defined KPIs to make informed

Analyze the distribution channels of Research the preferred geographic locations Perform market segmentation to better
what drives RV rental decisions and how adjustments to focus on the most promising
competitors of the target demographic understand potential customers
competitors promote tactics

Determine the optimal and most attractive

Understand the preferred distribution Determine the most effective marketing Establish a structured system for capturing
geographical locations of Moroccan
channels of target customers in Morocco Identify the key customers to target
travelers channels and integrating customer feedback

Adapt distribution strategy to local Ensure that a sufficient supply of RVs is

conditions, cultural norms and customer available to customers in the selected Adjust existing marketing strategies to the
Develop RV customer personas to reflect Review regularly the return on investment
needs geographical locations customer personas and develop USPs
characteristics of the ideal customer groups for each promotional activity
tailored to the Moroccan market

Identify and evaluate potential local

partners that could serve as distribution
channels Asses if IC’s positioning aligns with the
defined personas Define KPIs and budget

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 9

Inductive Reasoning – The How 3
Seamless market expansion can be ensured through strategic operational optimization,
and financial considerations, laying a strong foundation for sustainable growth
Can Indie Campers successfully adapt its RV sales product to domestic customers in Morocco?

Indie Campers ensures the necessary operations to expand Indie Campers secures strategic financing and partnerships

Secure logistics and fleet Offer customer service and Consider financial factors that Establish strategic partnerships in
management support might affect the expansion Morocco

Form strategic alliances with suppliers,

Establish partnerships with reputable Offer multi-channel support, ensuring Determine the initial investment required to
manufacturers, or service providers in the
vehicle suppliers accessibility to every type of user establish operations in Morocco
RV market in Morocco

Partner with tourism agencies to promote

Understand the tax implications of
Provide adequate complaint handling and rental van services to tourists visiting
Develop a strategy for acquiring rental vans operating a rental van business in Morocco
resolution Morocco, offering tailored packages,
(VAT, CIT, etc)
discounts, or bundled services

Identify potential financial risks such as Present a compelling business proposal to

Implement a maintenance schedule to keep Provide after-sales support and feedback
currency exchange rate fluctuations, potential investors, highlighting the main
rental vans in optimal condition collection
economic instability, or regulatory changes strengths and opportunities of the project

Ensure fleet scheduling optimization Offer customers a user-friendly online

systems booking platform

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 10

01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 11

Analysis 4
Formulate hypotheses to realize customized product offerings and optimal pricing
strategies, subject to rigorous testing using designated analytical methods

Main Issue Sub Issue Hypothesis Analyzing Method

Should IC prioritize understanding Yes, IC should prioritize understanding consumer preferences and travel behavior in Morocco through • Market research reports
extensive market research and analysis. By identifying the specific needs, expectations and • Competitor analysis
consumer preferences and travel preferences of Moroccan travelers regarding RV rentals and travel experiences, IC can effectively • Customer interviews and
behaviors? tailor its offerings to meet market demands. segmentation

Should IC prioritize highlighting its Yes, IC should prioritize highlighting its unique selling points in the Moroccan market to excel. By
• Internal analysis
Offer a suitable assessing the USPs of Indie Campers' RV rental service and ensuring alignment with the needs and
unique selling points to excel in the preferences of Moroccan travelers, IC can develop a compelling positioning strategy that effectively
• Benchmark analysis
product • Market research
market? communicates its value proposition.

Should IC customize its product Yes, IC should customize its product features and services to meet the specific needs and preferences
• Internal analysis
of Moroccan travelers. By adapting its RV fleet, amenities, and service offerings to align with
features and services to meet the Moroccan travel preferences, climate conditions, and cultural norms, IC can ensure exceptional
• Market research
needs of consumers? • Competitor analysis
customer experiences and solidify its market presence in Morocco.

Yes, IC should examine competitors' pricing models and offerings, conduct surveys to understand the
• Competitor analysis
Should I conduct market research willingness to pay of Moroccan travelers, and determine their price positioning in the market. These
• Customer surveys
and analyze competitors' pricing? activities will enable IC to better meet customer needs and position themselves competitively in the
Define an • Market research
appropriate pricing
strategy Yes, IC should define an appropriate pricing strategy by examining their cost structure, creating a
Should IC define an appropriate dynamic pricing model, assessing the feasibility of utilizing discounts, and continuously monitoring and • Internal analysis
pricing strategy for Morocco? evaluating pricing using KPIs. This will allow IC to maximize revenues while ensuring competitiveness • Market research
and customer satisfaction through pricing that reflects real-time market and demand changes.

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 12

Analysis 4
Formulate hypotheses to optimize distribution channels and refine promotional
strategies, subject to rigorous testing using designated analytical methods

Main Issue Sub Issue Hypothesis Analyzing Method

Should IC identify the most Yes, IC should identify the most relevant distribution channels for its target audience by analyzing
• Customer surveys
competitors' distribution channels, understanding customer preferences, adapting distribution
relevant distribution channels for strategies to local conditions and evaluating potential local partnerships. This approach allows Indie
• Market research reports
Determine suitable its target audience? • Benchmark analysis
Campers to effectively position their offerings to maximize market reach and customer satisfaction.
channels Should IC concentrate on offering Yes, IC should concentrate on offering RVs in strategically selected locations by researching and
• Market research
identifying the preferred geographical locations of Moroccan travellers and ensuring an ideal
its products in carefully and availability of its products in these regions. This allows IC to optimize fleet utilization and increase
• Competitor analysis
strategically selected locations? • Customer surveys
market presence and customer satisfaction by being where demand is highest.

• Demographic analysis
Yes, by clearly defining its target customers through market segmentation and persona development,
• Customer surveys
Should IC define target customers? Indie Campers can tailor its promotions to more effectively reach and engage the ideal customer base
• Market analysis
in Morocco.
• Target customer profiles

Create suitable Yes, by developing a marketing approach that includes an understanding of local market preferences • Competitor benchmarking
Should IC define their marketing
promotion activities and the creation of a distinct value proposition will position Indie Campers strongly against • Market trend analysis
approach? competitors and appeal to Moroccan travellers. • Customer feedback sessions
to boost RV sales

Yes, by continuously monitoring the performance of promotional activities using predefined KPIs and • Performance tracking systems
Should IC monitor and adapt
adapting based on real-time data will maximize the effectiveness of Indie Campers' marketing • Periodic strategy reviews
promotional activities? investments. • A/B testing

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 13

Analysis 4
Formulate hypotheses to streamline operations and secure strategic financing and
partnerships, subject to rigorous testing using designated analytical methods

Main Issue Sub Issue Hypothesis Analyzing Method

Yes, IC should secure the necessary logistics and fleet management in Morocco by building strong
Should IC secure the logistics and • Market research
relationships with suppliers while conducting an extensive market research to understand which ones
fleet management? • Benchmarking
Ensure the would suit IC and customer needs better.
operations Yes, IC should offer customer service and support. By assisting clients closely through several
Should IC offer customer service
channels and collecting their feedback IC will build trust, credibility and enhance overall satisfaction • Customer feedback
and support? and loyalty.

Yes, IC should consider financial factors that might affect the expansion. By analyzing the expected
Secure strategic financing and • ROI
return on the investment made in Morocco, taking into consideration potential financial risks and tax
partnerships • Market research
Secure strategic considerations that IC might face when entering the new market.
financing and
partnerships Yes, IC should establish strategic partnerships in Morocco. By establishing relationships with the most
Should IC establish strategic suitable suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and service providers the business can tap into
• Market research
partnerships in Morocco? • Benchmarking
customer networks more effectively and provide a better service.

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 14

01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 15

Next Steps 5
The next steps for our project include an in-depth analysis using the Fact Pack, which
allows us to explore key details that are critical to our objectives

February March April May

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1.1 Defining project scope
1.2 Customer understanding
1.3 Market research
2.1 Developing initial hypotheses
2.2 Developing analysis plan
2.3 Defining ways of data collection
3.1 Conducting external analysis
3.2 Conducting internal analysis
3.3 Confirming hypothesis


4.1 Making recommendations
4.2 Definition of implementation plan
Ongoing Expected timeline Kick-off Issue Fact Project
Document Analysis Pack Closing
March 4th March 11th April 15th May 6th

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 16

01 Executive Summary

02 Deductive Reasoning – The Why

03 Inductive Reasoning – The How

04 Analysis

05 Next Steps

06 Project Team

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 17

Project Team 6
A diverse and well-resourced team with complementary experience and backgrounds to
guide you throughout the mission

Hannah Stary Matthias Forgues Ingo Klaffki Inês Ventura João Reis

B.Sc Economics B.Sc in Business, Economics B.Sc Business Administration B.Sc Management B.Sc Management
M.Sc. Management and Social Sciences M.Sc. Management M.Sc. Finance M.Sc. Management
Major in Strategy M.Sc. Int. Management Major in Strategy Major in Corporate Finance Major in Strategy
Major in Strategy

Experienced in Strategy and Experienced in Innovation Experienced in Marketing and Experienced in Marketing Experienced in Supply Chain
Management Consulting Strategy & Lobbying Advocacy Leadership Development Strategy and Process Optimization

Partner Project Manager Consultant Consultant Consultant

13.03.24 Issue Analysis 18

Fire up the motor, gather
the crew and explore the
dunes of Morocco with
Indie Campers!

08.03.24 Issue Analysis 19



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13.03.24 Issue Analysis 21

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