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1.1. Warm-up: Look at the photograph and discuss the questions with the class.
1. Where do you think this picture was taken?
2. What is the man doing there?
3. What is the man wearing? What season do you think it is?
4. Read the title of the unit. What do you think it means?
1.2. Vocabulary: Match the words of the left with the definitions on the right
____ 1. Tourists a. buildings where people pay to stay for a short time
____ 2. Adventurous b. liking excitement and new and unusual things
____ 3. Wilderness c. the temperature at which water turns to ice; very cold
____ 4. Freezing d. small buildings where people stay for a short time,
usually in the countryside
____ 5. Hotels e. a large area of land with no buildings or farms
____ 6. guest rooms f. rooms where visitors can sleep
____ 7. Inns g. people who travel for pleasure

Practice 1: An unusual vacation
Task 1: Listen to the beginning of an unusual vacation. Read each question. Then
circle the correct answer.
1. What are you listening to?
a. a TV commercial
b. a telephone recording
c. a radio show
2. What is it about?
a. travel information about Sweden
b. airplane flights to Sweden
c. winter activities in Sweden
Task 2: Make predictions. Circle your answer.
1. What will you hear more about?
a. campsites in Sweden
b. large hotels in Sweden
c. a special hotel in Sweden
2. Will you hear a conversation or recorded information?
a. a conversation with a travel agent
b. recorded information
3. What do you think it will tell you? (circle more than one answer)
a. the name of the hotel d. how to get to the hotel
b. the location of the hotel e. things to do at the hotel
c. the cost of the hotel f. things to do near the hotel
Task 3: Listen for main ideas
Listen to An Unusual Vacation. Then read each statement. Write T (true) or F
(false). Correct the false statements.
____ 1. The Ice Hotel is opened all year.
____ 2. The Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow.
____ 3. The guest rooms are warm at night.
____ 4. The Ice Hotel is a popular place to stay.
____ 5. There are only guest rooms at the Ice Hotel
____ 6. There are many activities to do near the Ice Hotel.
Task 4: Listen for details
Listen to an unusual vacation again. Check (√) all the things you can find in the Ice
Hotel and the things you can see or do near the Ice Hotel.
Things in the Ice Hotel Things near the Ice Hotel
___ 1. Beds ___ 1. a shopping center
___ 2. sleeping bags ___ 2. a museum
___ 3. Bathrooms ___ 3. cross- country skiing
___ 4. Closets ___ 4. snowshoeing
___ 5. an art gallery ___ 5. Dog sledding
___ 6. a restaurant ___ 6. snowmobiling
___ 7. a theater ___ 7. ice skating
___ 8. a church ___ 8. wilderness
Practice 2: Vacations around the World
Look at the three vacations from a travel website. Listen to the recorded information
from the travel website Vacations around the World. Then complete the information
on the web pages.
Vacation A Vacation B Vacation C

Activities: Activities: Activities:

Go _________________ Visit _______________ Relax _______________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Enjoy_______________ Take a tour of ________ Study ______________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Meet _______________ Go _________________ Learn how to _________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Lodging:_____________ Lodging:_____________ Lodging:_____________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Time of Years: _______ Also visit ____________ Time of Years: _______
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Weather: ____________ Time of Years: _______ Weather: ____________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Weather: ____________

Make a list of three activities you did or places you visited in the past. Then list
three activities or places you would like to visit in the future. Use the information
from the box or your own ideas. When you finish, work with a partner and take
turns telling the other about your activities and places. Your partner should ask
follow-up questions to get more information. Use other vocabulary from Review
and Expand.
Activities Places
explore the wilderness go swimming amusement park museum

go backpacking relax on the beach art gallery theater

go hiking take a tour campsite youth hostel

go sightseeing hotel

A: Last year I visited a museum A: In the future, I want to stay in a campsite and
B: What museum did you visit? go hiking.
A: The science museum B: Where do you want to go?
A: I want to get away from it all and go to the
Activities I did/Places I visited Activities I want to do/Places I want to visit
1. ……………………….. 1. …………………………………
2. ……………………….. 2. …………………………………
3. ……………………….. 1. …………………………………

4.1. Question 1-10. Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Type of car: Duesenberg J- type

Number made: (1) ……………………………
Type of body: (2) ……………………………
Engines contained capsules of mercury to ensure a (3)………………trip.
Top speed: (4) …………………………… per hour.
Sold as a (5) …………………………… and …………………………… .
Main attraction: (6) ……………………………
Type of car: Leyat Helica
Number built: (7) …………………………….
Car looks like a (8) ………………………… without (9) ……………… .
Steering used the (10) …………………………… .

4.3. You will hear five different people talking about their holidays in North
America. For questions 22-26, choose from the list (A-F) what happened to each
person. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to
A They dit not do any sightseeing.
Speaker 1 22

B They spent too much money.

Speaker 2 23

C They made an unusual discovery.

Speaker 3 24

D Their luggage was lost.

Speaker 4 25

E They had something stolen.

Speaker 5 26
F They had an accident.

4.2. You will hear parts of a TV programme in which the presenter talks about his
visit to a small village called Marston in south-east England. For questions 11-20,
complete the sentences.

Marston seems a peaceful place, with green fields and

 (11) ________________________ lanes.
Sociologist Martin Boorstein believes the village is divided by
 (12) ________________________ and wealth.
Major Wentworth knows all of the villagers, but they aren’t all his
 (13) ________________________.
At the annual village Fête, every one worked together in order to
 (14) ________________________ for a local charity.
 Madeline Squire is the village’s (15) _________________ inhabitant.
 The butler brought Mrs Squire (16) ____________when he woke her.
To find class divisions, the presenter visits the Moor’s Head, which
 is the local (17) ________________________
The oldest labourer the presenter finds says he knows his
(18) _____________________ in the village.
The labourer knows everyone in the village would help him if he was
(19) ________________________

 The presenter doesn’t agree with Martin Boorstein’s idea that

Marston is ready for (20) ________________________


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