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Your trusted recruitment partner

in Saudi Arabia

ADAM Company Profile

By Jawahr
About Adam Recruitment

At Adam Recruitment, we're passionate about connecting businesses with the talent they need to
thrive. As a leading recruitment agency based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, we have a deep understanding
of the local job market and the specific needs of companies across the Kingdom. We don't just fill
positions; we take the time to understand your company culture and long-term goals to identify
candidates who will become valuable assets to your team.

Our team of experienced recruitment specialists brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every
search. We specialize in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, finance, infrastructure, FMCG,
automotive, banking, and real estate. Whether you're searching for high-level executives, skilled
managers, or top-notch administrative support staff, we have the network and resources to find the
perfect fit.

Partnering with Adam Recruitment gives you a significant advantage in today's competitive talent
landscape. We streamline the recruitment process, saving you time and resources, and ensure a
smooth onboarding experience for your new hires. Let us help you build a high-performing team that
propels your business forward.
‫ﻣﻦ ﻧﺤﻦ‬

‫ﻓﻲ ادم ﻟﻠﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ‪ ،‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻣﺘﺤﻤﺴﻮن ﻟﺮﺑﻂ اﻟﺸﺮﺎﻛت ﺑﺎﻟﻤﻮاﻫﺐ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺤﺘﺎﺟﻬﺎ ﻟﺘﺤﻘﻴﻖ اﻟﻨﺠﺎح‪ .‬ﺑﺎﻋﺘﺒﺎرﻧﺎ ﺷﺮﻛﺔ ﺗﻮﻇﻴﻒ‬
‫راﺋﺪة ﻣﻘﺮﻫﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺮﻳﺎض‪ ،‬اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‪ ،‬ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ ﻓﻬﻢ ﻋﻤﻴﻖ ﻟﺴﻮق اﻟﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﻤﺤﻠﻲ واﻻﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت اﻟﻤﺤﺪدة‬
‫ﻟﻠﺸﺮﺎﻛت ﻓﻲ ﺟﻤﻴﻊ أﻧﺤﺎء اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ‪ .‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻻ ﻧﻤﻸ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﺻﺐ ﻓﺤﺴﺐ‪ ,‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻧﺄﺧﺬ اﻟﻮﻗﺖ اﻟﺎﻜﻓﻲ ﻟﻔﻬﻢ ﺛﻘﺎﻓﺔ ﺷﺮﻛﺘﻚ‬
‫أﺻﻮﻻ ﻗﻴﻤﺔ ﻟﻔﺮﻳﻘﻚ‪.‬‬
‫ً‬ ‫وأﻫﺪاﻓﻚ ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ اﻟﻤﺪى ﻟﺘﺤﺪﻳﺪ اﻟﻤﺮﺷﺤﻴﻦ اﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﺳﻴﺼﺒﺤﻮن‬

‫ﻳﻘﺪم ﻓﺮﻳﻘﻨﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﺘﺨﺼﺼﻴﻦ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ ذوي اﻟﺨﺒﺮة ﺛﺮوة ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﻌﺮﻓﺔ واﻟﺨﺒﺮة ﻟﻞﻜ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ ﺑﺤﺚ‪ .‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻣﺘﺨﺼﺼﻮن‬
‫ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ واﺳﻌﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻘﻄﺎﻋﺎت‪ ،‬ﺑﻤﺎ ﻓﻲ ذﻟﻚ اﻟﻨﻔﻂ واﻟﻐﺎز‪ ،‬واﻟﺘﻤﻮﻳﻞ‪ ،‬واﻟﺒﻨﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﺘﻴﺔ‪ ،‬واﻟﺴﻠﻊ اﻻﺳﺘﻬﻼﻛﻴﺔ‪،‬‬
‫واﻟﺴﻴﺎرات‪ ،‬واﻟﺨﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻤﺼﺮﻓﻴﺔ‪ ،‬واﻟﻌﻘﺎرات‪ ,‬واﻟﺨﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻄﺒﻴﺔ‪ ,‬واﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ‪ .‬ﺳﻮاء ﻛﻨﺖ ﺗﺒﺤﺚ ﻋﻦ ﻣﺪﻳﺮﻳﻦ ﺗﻨﻔﻴﺬﻳﻴﻦ رﻓﻴﻌﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻮى‪ ،‬أو إدارﻳﻴﻦ ﻣﻬﺮة‪ ,‬أو ﻣﻮﻇﻔﻴﻦ ذوي ﺧﺒﺮة‪ ،‬ﻓﻠﺪﻳﻨﺎ اﻟﺸﺒﻜﺔ واﻟﻤﻮارد اﻟﻼزﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﻌﺜﻮر ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺸﺨﺺ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﺳﺐ‬
‫ﺗﻤﺎﻣﺎً ‪.‬‬

‫ﺗﻤﻨﺤﻚ اﻟﺸﺮاﻛﺔ ﻣﻊ ‪ Adam Recruitment‬ﻣﻴﺰة ﻛﺒﻴﺮة ﻓﻲ ﻣﺸﻬﺪ اﻟﻤﻮاﻫﺐ اﻟﺘﻨﺎﻓﺴﻲ اﻟﻴﻮم‪ .‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻧﻘﻮم ﺑﺘﺒﺴﻴﻂ‬
‫ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ‪ ،‬ﻣﻤﺎ ﻳﻮﻓﺮ ﻟﻚ اﻟﻮﻗﺖ واﻟﻤﻮارد‪ ،‬وﻳﻀﻤﻦ ﺗﺠﺮﺑﺔ ﺗﺄﻫﻴﻞ ﺳﻠﺴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﻮﻇﻔﻴﻦ اﻟﺠﺪد‪ .‬دﻋﻨﺎ ﻧﺴﺎﻋﺪك ﻓﻲ‬
‫ﺑﻨﺎء ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﺎﻟﻲ اﻷداء ﻳﺪﻓﻊ ﻋﻤﻠﻚ إﻟﻰ اﻷﻣﺎم‪.‬‬
Message from the General Manager
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      By Jawahr

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Hesham M. AL-Rubaiaan
†   ­ General Manager


    ­‡ €
0555 406 405
 ­

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‫ﻠﻛﻤﺔ اﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ اﻟﻌﺎم‬
‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺨﺒﺮة ﻓﻲ ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ اﻷدوار واﻟﻘﻄﺎﻋﺎت‬
‫إﻧﻪ ﻟﻤﻦ دواﻋﻲ ﺳﺮوري أن اﺟﻠﺐ ﻟﻜﻢ أﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ ‪ً 30‬‬
‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎ ﻣﻨﻬﺎ ﺗﺘﺮﻛﺰ ﺑﺸﻞﻜ اﺳﺎﺳﻲ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻮارد اﻟﺒﺸﺮﻳﺔ ‪ ،‬ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ إﻟﻰ ﺧﺒﺮﺗﻲ اﻟﻤﻜﺘﺴﺒﺔ‬
‫اﻹدارﻳﺔ – ‪ً 15‬‬
‫‪ADAM‬‬ ‫ﻓﺮﻳﻘﺎ ﻣﻦ اﺳﺘﺸﺎرﻳﻲ‬
‫ً‬ ‫ﻣﻦ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺨﺎرج ‪ ،‬ﺗﺮأﺳﺖ ﻣﻜﺘﺐ آدم ﻟﻠﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ ﻛﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﻋﺎم ﺣﻴﺚ أﻗﻮد‬
‫®‪RECRUITMENT‬‬ ‫اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ اﻟﻤﺘﻤﻴﺰﻳﻦ اﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻳﺸﺎرﻛﻮﻧﻨﻲ اﻟﺘﺰاﻣﻲ اﻟﻘﻮي ﺑﺘﻘﺪﻳﻢ اﻓﻀﻞ ﺧﺪﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﻌﻤﻼء ﺧﻼل ﺟﻤﻴﻊ ﻣﺮاﺣﻞ‬
‫‪By Jawahr‬‬

‫ﺟﻬﺪا ﻹﻧﺸﺎء ﺧﺪﻣﺔ ﺗﻮﻇﻴﻒ ﺗﺠﻤﻊ ﺑﻴﻦ اﻟﻔﻬﻢ اﻟﺴﻠﻴﻢ ﻟﻠﺜﻘﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﻤﺤﻠﻴﺔ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ﺑﺼﻔﺘﻲ اﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ اﻟﻌﺎم‪ ،‬ﺑﺬﻟﺖ‬
‫واﻟﻤﻌﺎﻳﻴﺮ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﺔ ﻹﺳﺘﻘﻄﺎب اﻟﻜﻮادر‪ .‬ﻧﺤﻦ ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﺗﻘﻨﻴﺎت ﻣﺒﺘﻜﺮة وأﺣﺪث اﺗﺠﺎﻫﺎت اﻟﻘﻄﺎع ﻟﻀﻤﺎن‬
‫ﻗﺪرة اﻟﻤﺮﺷﺤﻴﻦ ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻠﺒﻴﺔ ﻋﻼﻣﺔ آدم ﻟﻠﺠﻮدة‪ .‬إن ﺷﻐﻔﻨﺎ ﺑﻤﺎ ﻧﻘﻮم ﺑﻪ ﻳﻐﺬي ﺗﺠﺮﺑﺔ اﻟﻌﻤﻼء اﻟﺘﻲ‬
‫ﻻ ﻣﺜﻴﻞ ﻟﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺴﻮق‪.‬‬
‫‪Hesham M. AL-Rubaiaan‬‬
‫‪General Manager‬‬ ‫ﻫﺪﻓﻨﺎ ﻛﺸﺮﻳﻚ اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ اﻟﺨﺎص ﺑﻚ ﻫﻮ اﻟﺘﺄﻛﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺣﺼﻠﻮﻟﻚ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻓﻀﻞ ﻋﺎﺋﺪ ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻞ أﺳﺘﺜﻤﺎرك‬
‫وﺧﺪﻣﺔ ﻣﻤﻴﺰة وﻓﻌﺎﻟﺔ‪ .‬ﻻ ﺗﺘﺮدد ﻓﻲ ﻣﻌﺮﻓﺔ اﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻋﻨﺎ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل زﻳﺎرة ﻣﻮﻗﻌﻨﺎ وﻧﺤﻦ داﺋﻤﺎً ﻧﺘﻄﻠﻊ إﻟﻰ‬
‫‪0555 406 405‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫ﻫﺸﺎم اﻟﺮﺑﻴﻌﺎن‬
‫ادم ﻟﻠﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ اﻟﻌﺎم‬
Some of our valued clients ‫ﺑﻌﺾ ﻋﻤﻼﺋﻨﺎ‬
3 steps of success

Our dedicated and experienced recruitment team will evaluate the client brief, and
begin our comprehensive identification process by reviewing our networks, databas-
es and job boards, and locating potential candidates who match the preliminary job

We then vet each of these identified candidates to see if their particu-

lar set of skills and proficiencies are closely-matched to the clients’
criteria. Only the candidates that have the strongest correspondence
to the brief will be eligible for short-listing.

Within a period of 1-3 weeks, we provide

between 3 to 5 highly matched profiles of
candidates who are qualified and interested
to work in the role, resulting in 85% rate of
hire within the same timeframe
ADAM Consultants

ADAM's skilled recruitment specialists have an aggregate of 20 ‫ﻋﺎﻣﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺨﺒﺮة‬

ً 20 ‫ﻳﺘﻤﺘﻊ ﻣﺘﺨﺼﺼﻮ اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ اﻟﻤﻬﺮة ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ ﺑﺄﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ‬
years of regional sourcing experience, providing insightful and ‫ ﻣﻤﺎ ﻳﻮﻓﺮ ﻣﻌﺮﻓﺔ ﺗﺎﻣﺔ ﺑﺎﻻﺗﺠﺎﻫﺎت اﻟﺤﺎﻟﻴﺔ‬، ً‫ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﺎل اﻟﺘﻮﻇﻴﻒ ﻣﺤﻠﻴﺎ‬
relevant knowledge of current trends and best practice for Head ‫وأﻓﻀﻞ اﻟﻤﻤﺎرﺳﺎت ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﺎل اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﻋﻦ اﻟﻜﻮادر اﻟﺒﺸﺮﻳﺔ واﻟﻜﻔﺎءات‬
Hunting and retaining expert talent. .‫اﻟﻤﻤﻴﺰة‬

Our Specialization: :‫ﺗﺨﺼﺼﻨﺎ‬

Our expertise is identified for 'Recruiting' the 'Best Talent' and ‫ﻳﺘﻤﺘﻊ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ آدم ﺑﺎﻟﺨﺒﺮة ﻓﻲ اﺳﺘﻘﻄﺎب اﻟﻜﻔﺎءات ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ‬
'In- Demand Professionals' through our proficient extensive ،‫ واﻟﺒﻨﺎء‬،‫ واﻟﻤﻮارد اﻟﺒﺸﺮﻳﺔ‬،‫ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﻴﺔ‬:‫واﺳﻌﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻘﻄﺎﻋﺎت اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺸﻤﻞ‬
network. Adam team has the competency to service a wide ،‫ واﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮﻋﺎت اﻟﻘﺎﺑﻀﺔ‬،‫ واﻟﺘﺠﺰﺋﺔ‬،‫ واﻟﺴﻠﻊ اﻻﺳﺘﻬﻼﻛﻴﺔ‬،‫واﻟﺘﺼﻨﻴﻊ‬
range of sectors that include: Finance, Human Resources, Con- .‫واﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ‬
struction, Manufacturing, FMCG, Retail, Holding Groups, Invest- :‫ﻟﺪﻳﻨﺎ ﺳﺠﻞ ﺣﺎﻓﻞ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎﻣﻞ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﺻﺐ اﻟﺘﺎﻟﻴﺔ‬
ments, etc.
We have a track record Senior Management Mid-Level Management Executives
of handling positions in: CEO Assistant CEO Department Heads/ Managers

COO Assistant COO Project Managers

CFO Assistant CFO Snr. Executives/ Managers

President Assistant General Manager Jnr. Executives/ Managers

Vice President Group Level Directors & Managers Analysts

General Manager Branch / Subsidiary Managers Administrator

Managing Director Secretary/ Office Assistant

Client testimonials ‫اراء اﻟﻌﻤﻼء‬

“I highly recommend Hesham AlRubaian as a "It has always been a pleasure working with "Having worked closely with Hesham and seen
candidate for being responsible for the Adam Recruitment; one of the Top recruitment the very high quality of Saudi candidates that
recruitment process in your company. Over the performers & Customer service professionals in he put forward for non-academic positions at
past few months, Hesham has shown great the Kingdom. Among all recruiters; Adam was MiSK Schools (including HR & Marketing) I
commitment, passion, and enthusiasm and always the most responsive to our needs, wholeheartedly recommend Adam Recruit-
consistently made impressive contributions to candidates’ requirements, and quality service. ment for organizations and businesses
help our company recruiting the finest Adam is very professional in every aspect of searching for top talent within the Kingdom.
candidates depending on our requirements. In their business, therefore I recommend any What makes Adam special is not only the
the beginning we set out our expectations for company looking for Talents to have the chance presentation and dynamism of its candidates,
our company and the level of staff that we to work with Mr. Hecham. It would be an asset but the personal follow up that Hesham and
aspire to have. After that he took over finding for any company and ofcourse a success project. his team provide both to successful candidates
the best candidates for the best position. I endorse Adam for Recruiting, Head Hunting, and their new employers. With impressive local
Working with him was a practical and joyful Talent Acquisition, Recruitment Consultation, market knowledge and Saudi expertise, Adam
process while knowing him is person a Business Planning, Entrepreneurship, Business is a top choice for serious job seekers and
pleasure.” Development, Leadership, and Coaching." recruiters alike."

Mohammad Alshaqawi Rola Bass James Medina

Chief Shared Service Officer Recruiter/Founder at Talent Management Founder & Managing Director, Kindi
Contact Us ‫ﺗﻮاﺻﻞ ﻣﻌﻨﺎ‬

8250 Uthman Ibn Affan Rd, An Nada, Riyadh 13317 13317 ‫ اﻟﺮﻳﺎض‬، ‫ ﺣﻲ اﻟﻨﺪى‬، ‫ﻃﺮﻳﻖ ﻋﺜﻤﺎن اﺑﻦ ﻋﻔﺎن‬
Next to Saudi Red Crescent Authority ‫ﺟﻮار اﻟﻬﻼل اﻻﺣﻤﺮ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدي‬
Tel: +966 555 406 405 +966 555 406 405 :‫ﺟﻮال‬
Email: :‫ﺑﺮﻳﺪ اﻟﻜﺘﺮوﻧﻲ‬ adamrecruitment adamrecruitmentksa

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