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Ian Angel B.


ECE 18: Management of Early Childhood Development Program
Faculty: Mrs. Emellie Careña


Essay (30 points)

a. Describe the director’s management roles.

Director’s management roles its their job to accompany the program in a well taking care
of usually he works for the success of the company that means he’s in charge for the
budgeting, hiring people, training and staffing and ensuring the program meets the
children’s social, emotional, educational and health needs. As director he’ll be able to
accomplish his task if he shows good education that permitted him to perform the
responsibilities as a good example. Usually, he is good in organizing and planning for the
betterment of the program and to address problem solutions, who has a high-quality
background and lastly passionate on his job. These skills of a director’s management
should be seen in the working of the program for a good success.

b. Describe the leadership styles and methods.

The leadership styles and methods of a childcare director are instructional and strategic
leadership because as leader, he is in demand for these two leadership styles. First,
instructional strategies which means to give details, directions and other information for
uplifting the program to children. Second, strategic leadership, director is good in
solution making, in decision making and address planning for the success of the program.

c. State the responsibilities of the director.

Director has achieved a higher education the probable learning is deep and advance but
prior to experience in serving children on their needs, holding degree for ECE but also,
they are capable in handling multitude responsibilities. Director is having a strong
responsibility for handling large amount of responsibilities for both teachers and children.
They are responsible for hiring teachers, setting a lesson plans ensuring objectives are
being met in the classroom and most important to build connection to people around him.

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