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Ian Angel B.


ECE 18: Management of Early Childhood Development Program

Faculty: Mrs. Emellie Careña


What parents look for in childcare and early education. Is it safe and comfortable? What’s the
cost? What’s the location? What’s the quality of the program (space, materials, equipment,
adult/child ratios, training and experience of staff, is there a lot of turnover, security)? Is the
center accredited? What kind of meals and snacks are provided?

Parents want best for their children, ensures safety and healthy environment for children
to work and learn comfortably. Parents somehow have a standard on where schools and program
their children they have wanted to enroll. A school who have secured education, classroom
setting, completeness of educational materials, and a fully experienced and high background
education of teachers, these are the common standard of the parents because they’re not only
stable on good education for children but perhaps a child-friendly environment. Having this set-
up support and encourage children to learn even more. Moreover, prior to the mentioned
standards of parents, it’s unlikely to tell if the school has nothing in terms of the quality because
if something bad happened to a child especially if this child the incident happened in the school
premises both the school and teachers are liable for the issue. Whose most likely to make
argument are those parents that neglected their child but its normal to react. That’s why, some
parents (rich parent) really make time to find a school that is reliable. Therefore, the quality of
school and the people are at stake to produce a better education.

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