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A Project Report Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce

[Financial Markets]


[Name of the Student] Khushi Kamlesh Jain

[Roll No] 521

Under the guidance of

[Name of internal guide]

Submitted to Nagindas Khandwala College

Bhavishya Bharat Campus, Bhadran
Nagar, Road No.1, Off S.V. Road,
Malad (W), Mumbai – 400 064

Affiliated to Mumbai University

Declaration be the student

I hereby declare that this report based on internship at “

”, submitted by me
is based on actual work carried out by me. Any reference to work done by any
other person or institution or any material obtained from other sources have been duly
cited and referenced. It is further to state that this work is not submitted anywhere else
for any examination.
Signature of the Student

Name of Student
Roll No -

Date :
Certificate of the guide

I hereby certify that this report based on internship at “

”,submitted by
[Name of Student] is based on actual work carried out by him/ her. Any reference
to work done by any other person or institution or any material obtained from other
sources have been duly cited and referenced. It is further to state that this work is not
submitted anywhere else for any examination.

Nagindas Khandwala College Signature of the Guide

Bhavishya Bharat Campus, College Seal
Bhadran Nagar, Road No.1, Name of Guide
Off S.V. Road,
Malad (W), Mumbai – 400 064


I gratefully thank Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts and

Management Studies for giving me this project opportunity. The satiation and
euphoria that accompany the successful completion of the project would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude
to the inspirational Principal Prof. Dr. Moushumi Datta and Vice Principal Dr.
Mona Mehta for always motivating us. I would like to thank BFM coordinator Ms
Meha Mandawewala for her moral support , who in spite of her busy schedule has
co-operated with me whenever needed. Her contribution, useful advices,
suggestions and guidance has been certainly indispensable and she was really
helpful to me during the project’s completion. I am thankful to the all the teachers
for their contribution and guidance in my studies and skill-development. I am
grateful to the college administration for providing me with such a significant
chance. It was a great learning experience.
I would also like to thank all of the other supporting personnel who assisted me by
supplying the equipment that was essential and vital, without which I would not
have been able to perform efficiently on this project. I’d also like to thank my
family and friends for their support and encouragement as I worked on this
I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to “PD Learning Curve ” for giving
me a chance to work at their company, for their co-operation and assistance during
the course of my internship. I hope I can build upon the experience and knowledge
that I have gained and make a valuable contribution towards the industry incoming

This internship-based report provides a comprehensive overview of the integration of

advanced technology, specifically focused on financial recording and data collection using
tools such as Microsoft Excel. The objective of this internship was to leverage technology to
enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall effectiveness in managing financial systems.

The report begins by outlining the significance of technology in the financial domain,
emphasizing the need for automation and streamlined processes to cope with the
complexities of modern financial management. The internship primarily focused on
leveraging advanced Excel functionalities and key tools to optimize financial recording and
data collection procedures.

The report highlights the practical applications of technology in financial reporting.

Dashboards and visualization tools within Excel were employed to create dynamic and
interactive reports, offering a user-friendly interface for stakeholders to interpret financial
data. This not only enhanced the accessibility of financial information but also contributed to
informed decision-making.

The successful implementation of advanced Excel tools in financial systems demonstrated

the potential for technology to revolutionize traditional methods, making financial processes
more efficient and effective. The internship experience underscored the importance of
ongoing training and skill development in leveraging technology for financial management.









As a part of my academic curriculum, I completed an internship with PD LEARNING

CURVE The internship provided me with an opportunity to gain practical experience and
insights into the financial industry. "PD LEARNING CURVE” is located in Borivali [West]
Mumbai. Under the guidance of Nihal Bhatt 10 interns were trained. He is an accomplished
Accounting and Taxation professional with over 14 years of diverse experience in teaching,
business development, and auditing.Throughout his career, he have demonstrated a strong
track record of driving growth and delivering exceptional results.One of his proudest
accomplishments has been as a Partner at PD Learning Curve Private Limited, where he
played a pivotal role in building the Chartered Accountancy (CA) and Company Secretary
(CS) coaching practice from the ground up. He has also been instrumental in enabling
coaching for thousands of students in the disciplines of Indirect Tax and Corporate Law,
while managing a team of 80+ educators. PDLC embarked on its journey of establishing a
multifarious, diverse and comprehensive institution envisioning the untapped employment
opportunities in the sector of Indian economy. Analyzing the trends of economics, PDLC
aimed to provide a hub of skilled and versatile task force to quantify the economic
development not just in a progressive country like India but globally.

Real time exposure to external business environment, understanding the changing

dynamics of economy and forecasting the drifts in commerce along with varied
expertise in teaching concepts are the parameters that make PDLC distinctive.

Basic things performed by the classes –

1) They provide strategic integration of instructional knowledge and the teaching

techniques are relevant and quite engaging.

2) Their underlying belief is that all students can demonstrate mastery with appropriate
time and support and they offer customised training as per students need.
3) They understand students’ capabilities and identify their high caliber along with their

4) They set plans, make goals and their team will put into execution for what is best to
mentor students.

5) They conduct regular assignments and homework drill.

PDLC is totally in sync with the changing trends in the education industry. It pays more
attention towards the practical exposure of the student. We impart relevant skills and domain
knowledge by appropriate use of technology.
At PDLC, we learn, we explore, we analyse and we share

 Inspire an attitude of active participation and interaction

 Pursue knowledge from wherever possible by conducting in seminars, workshops,
training programs, quiz, discussion forums, etc.
 Share our views, aspirations, inhibitions, knowledge to benefit our students’


SWOT analysis is a technique developed at Stanford in the 1970s, frequently

used in strategic planning. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses.
Opportunities, and Threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates
those four elements of an organization, project or business venture. A SWOT
analysis is a simple, but powerful, framework for leveraging the organization's
strengths, improving weaknesses, minimizing threats, and taking the greatest
possible advantage of opportunities. A SWOT involves identifying the strengths
and weaknesses of the organization, and opportunities and threats present in the
market that it operates in. It can be used for studying various situation of a
Organizations can perform SWOT analysis for each of its products, services, and
markets when deciding on the best way to achieve future growth. At the start of a
project, it's important to get a handle on the current situation. Appreciating your
strengths, studying opportunities, pinpointing weaknesses and identifying threats
is a prudent way to kick off the start-ups in the right direction.
Strengths describe what an organization excels at and what separates it from the
competition: a strong brand, loyal customer base, a strong balance sheet, unique
technology, and so on. For example, a hedge fund may have developed a
proprietary trading strategy that returns market-beating results. It must then
decide how to use those results to attract new investors.

Some strengths are –

 Experienced and Qualified Instructors: PDLC often boast instructors with extensive
experience and qualifications in their respective fields. This expertise enhances the
quality of instruction and contributes to student success rates.

 Comprehensive Study Materials: PDLC typically provide students with well-

structured study materials, including textbooks, practice exams, and supplementary
resources, which support their learning and exam preparation.

 Proven Track Record of Success:Since PDLC is an established class they often have
a track record of producing high achievers and successful exam results, bolstering
their reputation and attracting more students seeking academic excellence.

 Flexible Learning Options: PDLC offer flexible learning options, including evening
classes, weekend programs, and online courses, catering to the diverse needs and
schedules of students.

 Limited Resources: Many educational institutions may lack sufficient resources
such as funding, equipment, or access to industry contacts, which can limit the
scope and quality of internships available to students
 .Inadequate Supervision and Mentorship: Internship programs require effective
supervision and mentorship to ensure that students receive guidance and support
throughout their internship experiences. If an educational institution fails to
provide adequate supervision or mentorship, students may struggle to learn and
make meaningful contributions during their internships
 Inadequate Supervision and Mentorship: Internship programs require effective
supervision and mentorship to ensure that students receive guidance and support
throughout their internship experiences. If an educational institution fails to
provide adequate supervision or mentorship, students may struggle to learn and
make meaningful contributions during their internships
 Ineffective Communication Channels: Poor communication between educational
institutions, students, and potential internship hosts can lead to misunderstandings,
missed opportunities, and overall dissatisfaction with the internship experience
 Case Study Analysis: Incorporate case studies into class assignments where students
analyze real-life scenarios relevant to their field of study. These case studies could be
drawn from current events, historical examples, or industry-specific challenges.
Reports from case study analyses would demonstrate students' critical thinking skills,
ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations, and proficiency in
 Guest Speaker Series: Invite professionals from relevant industries to share their
insights and experiences with students, providing valuable context and inspiration for
their internship reports. Guest speakers can offer practical advice, share industry
trends, and discuss the importance of effective communication and reporting in the
 Innovative Teaching Methods: Experiment with innovative teaching methods, such
as flipped classrooms, project-based learning, or peer-led discussions, and encourage
students to write reports reflecting on their learning experiences. These reports could
discuss the effectiveness of different teaching approaches, their impact on student
engagement and learning outcomes, and recommendations for improving the learning


 Student Mental Health and Well-being: Increasing pressures on students,

including academic stress, financial concerns, and social isolation, can impact
their mental health and well-being. Failure to adequately address student mental
health needs can result in decreased academic performance, increased dropout
rates, and negative publicity for the institution.
 Budgetary Constraints: Limited funding can restrict the resources available for
classes or institutions, impacting the quality of education, infrastructure, and
support services. This can lead to challenges in providing necessary resources for
effective teaching, research, and student support.
 Competition with Online Education: The rise of online education platforms and
distance learning options can pose a threat to traditional classes and institutions.
Students may opt for online courses for flexibility and convenience, impacting
enrollment numbers and revenue streams for traditional institutions.
 Faculty Recruitment and Retention Challenges: Difficulty in recruiting and
retaining qualified faculty members can impact the quality of education and
research conducted within an institution. High turnover rates or shortages of
faculty in key areas can lead to disruptions in class offerings, research initiatives,
and student mentorship.



“YOU TRUST WE CARE”: Their Vision for Education

At PDLC ,they envision a future where every learner is inspired to discover, innovate, and
thrive. Their vision is to cultivate a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity,
creativity, and critical thinking. They aspire to empower individuals from all walks of life to
become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.

Their institution is committed to providing excellence in education, equipping students with

the knowledge, skills, and values needed to succeed in an ever-changing world.They strive to
create a supportive and inclusive community where diversity is celebrated, and every
individual is respected and valued.

Through innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge research, and meaningful community

engagement, they aim to make a positive impact on society. They believe in the power of
education to transform lives and drive positive change, and they are dedicated to preparing
our students to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future with confidence and

Together, they envision a future where education is not just a pathway to personal success,
but a catalyst for social progress and human flourishing. Join as they embark on their journey
to shape a brighter tomorrow through the power of education.


Their mission is to provide a transformative educational experience that empowers learners

to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the world around them. They are
dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and inclusivity in all aspects of
teaching, learning, and research.

Through personalized instruction, hands-on learning opportunities, and a supportive

community environment, they strive to inspire curiosity, ignite passion, and cultivate critical
thinking skills. They are committed to equipping their students with the knowledge, skills,
and ethical values needed to thrive in a complex and interconnected global society.

They embrace diversity and celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences that each
individual brings to their community. They believe in the power of collaboration and
interdisciplinary thinking to address the most pressing challenges facing our world today.

Their mission extends beyond the walls of the classroom, as they actively engage with local
and global communities to make a positive impact through service, leadership, and social
responsibility. They are dedicated to fostering a culture of lifelong learning and continuous
improvement, ensuring that their students are prepared to adapt and excel in an ever-
changing world.

Together, we are building a brighter future by empowering learners to become

compassionate, resilient, and innovative leaders who will shape tomorrow's world for the


 Curriculum Innovation: Continuously review and update the curriculum to ensure
it remains relevant, engaging, and aligned with emerging trends and industry
demands. Integrate interdisciplinary approaches and real-world applications to
enhance learning outcomes.
 Student-Centered Learning: Prioritize personalized learning experiences that cater
to the diverse needs, interests, and learning styles of students. Implement
strategies such as project-based learning, flipped classrooms, and competency-
based assessments to promote active engagement and deeper understanding.\
 Research and Innovation: Encourage and support faculty and students in
conducting research, scholarship, and creative activities that advance knowledge
and contribute to societal progress. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration and
entrepreneurship to foster innovation and technology transfer.

Core Values of PDLC

Built on the vision of providing skilled and versatile task force through continuous teaching
and guidance, we commit to our core values of

 Excellence:
We constantly scrutinize new technology method to be on par with latest trends
and set realistic career path for our students and speed up their grasping ability
 Individual and collective progress:
We are committed to fostering the professional and personal growth of all
students to appreciate and recognise team strength as well as individual potential
 Diversified teaching and service:
We believe in providing lifelong experience to our students and therefore our
teachers are trained to foster innovative learning environment.
 Relation of honesty, trust and integrity with our students:
We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, respect,
professional and scholarly ethics. We promote constant development and value
the worth of every student

Having an experience of a reputed educational institution like PD Learning

Curve has one huge advantage, it makes you more professional towards the
practical world which in turn helps in nurturing the inner skills.
Following are aspects in which I was involved during the internship:

 Financial Planning and Budgeting: I used to assist in developing annual

budgets and long-term financial plans for the institution. I used to analyze
past financial data, project future expenses and revenues, and provide
recommendations to support strategic decision-making.
 Data Entry and Record Keeping: Assist in entering financial data into
accounting systems, spreadsheets, or databases. Maintain accurate and up-
to-date records of financial transactions and documentation.
 Compliance Assistance: Assist in ensuring compliance with financial
regulations, policies, and procedures. Help review documentation, track
expenditures, and support internal and external audits as needed.
 Communication and Collaboration: Collaborate with colleagues across
departments to gather financial information, coordinate activities, and
communicate updates or recommendations. Develop effective
communication skills to convey financial information clearly and
 Administrative Support: Provide administrative support to the finance
department, such as organizing documents, scheduling meetings, and
responding to inquiries from staff or stakeholders.
 Expense Tracking: Monitoring and tracking expenses to ensure they align
with the budget and identifying areas where costs can be controlled or
 Financial Systems Management: Assisting in the maintenance and
optimization of financial systems and software used by the institution for
accounting, budgeting, and reporting purposes.
 Data Analysis: Utilizing financial data analysis tools and techniques to
identify trends, patterns, and insights that can inform strategic decision-
making and resource allocation
 Assisting with Financial Reporting: Helping to prepare financial reports
for internal stakeholders, such as department heads and senior
management, as well as external stakeholders, such as regulatory agencies
and auditors.

During my internship, I faced several challenges that tested my analytical skills

and ability to work under pressure . Since it was my first ever internship there
were many hardships which came along the way
 Fear of seniors

Biggest hesitation lies in asking questions. What if asking questions will create an
impression that you don't know anything. They may perceive you as silly. So
many thoughts start roaming through the mind. Sometimes I am not even sure
which of my colleagues will help me or will feel disturbed. It feels hesitant to
interrupt them. It can be difficult for interns to integrate into an established team,
especially if the team dynamics are already well-established. This can lead to
feelings of isolation or being left out.

 Unnoticed Work
It goes without saying that one does well in any field because they expect
recognition. As an intern, you might be doing very good but still, find yourself in
a position where your part is hardly appreciated. That can clearly be somewhat
discouraging. Sometimes feedback mechanisms may not always be well-
established, leaving interns uncertain about their performance and how they can
 Formal or informal talk
The first step to my socialisation begins with this question to me. I did try to find
its answers by understanding the organisational culture. You also need to
understand what is expected from you. I often question myself that I should be
friendlier or shall remain quiet and do the job and what impression they will
carry about me.
 Supervisors Forget that you are new to the field

Supervisor's gives a project or a work, but proper direction for doing that work
may not be provided, or sometimes there must be trouble seeing the bigger
picture. Sometime they give a tasks and responsibilities that are beyond our level
of expertise or capacity, leading to stress and overwhelm.
 Competitive Co-interns

Co-interns are high-spirited and work really hard. Sometimes I feel intimidated as
I didn't expect my internship to be so competitive.

 Understanding the office culture

It takes time to understand the office culture, since every organisational culture
varies from office to office. Some have a rigid structure while others are flexible.
The internal differences also become a hindrance for interns to adjust to the

 Exposure to new lifestyle

As interning for the first-time it might take a few days to adapt to a new lifestyle.
Used to living a relaxing life, the new one turns out to be quite jarring. Instead of
waking up at 10 you're sitting at a desk 9 to 5. The hours and new living
situation clearly make socialising more difficult than before.
 Understanding Teamwork

Team works in the professional sector is a lot different than projects at

educational institutes. Miscommunications, misconception, misunderstanding of
the actual objectives, difference of opinions of team members are common. A
mishap in internal communications also affects the work. It becomes difficult for
one to find a solution in such situations.
 Difficulty in time management

Many interns are also students, so they must balance their internship
responsibilities with their academic workload. This can be particularly
challenging during busy times of the academic year, such as exam period.
 Allotment of risky assignments

This is one of the commonest internship challenges faced by a large number of

interns. While you might expect to be an important part of the organisation, you
are often offered just assisting jobs to your seniors and mentors. But I understand
it is quite normal to start with less-risky work. However, if you do well, you will
soon be trusted by the authorities and allotted with better assignments and
projects which happened with me and I was grateful to have known the basics.
My internship experience with PDLC LEARNING CURVE made me more
responsible and accountable for what decisions I make and how I can execute the
allocated task. The two months internship programme has given me exposure in
several areas and also helped me to find out in which areas I am good at.


It teaches students skills based on finding and framing problems, collecting,

synthesising and distilling large volumes of ambiguous data, engaging in
generative and lateral thinking, and helps them constantly experiment and learn.
Internships help students confront real business challenges with real stakes in real
time. It also helps them learn to overcome unexpected obstacles and successfully
navigate organisations, perspectives, and cultures. Dealing with “unexpected
contingencies” helps students recognise, appreciate, and adapt to organisation
realities by tempering knowledge with practical constraints. Students would be
able to understand the tension between regulatory activities aimed at preventing
social harm and market-based incentives designed to encourage innovation and
efficiency. The “direct encounters” with organisations enable students to learn
about organisational realities. The learner is directly in touch with realities being
 Improving existing skills and developing new skills

One of the most important things you can gain from an-internship is new found
knowledge. This can include knowing how to fulfil tasks that are relevant to your
desired career path and sharpening the skills that you already possess. An
internship is an opportunity to test out all the skills that you developed in
varsity/college and see how they work in the real world.
 Turning of informal communication into a formal communication
Working in a professional setting for the first time can be difficult to get used to.
But it is the best way to learn how to navigate the working world through real-
life . One of the primary benefits of an internship is gaining practical, hands-on
experience in a real-world work environment. Interns learn how to apply
theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems and gain insights into the day-
to-day operations of their chosen field.

 Networking Opportunities:
Internships provide opportunities to network with professionals in the field,
including supervisors, colleagues, and industry experts. Building a professional
network can open doors to future job opportunities and mentorship relationships
 To take negative things positively

No one likes to be criticised and performance evaluations can be quite scary. You
will probably make a few mistakes and receive constructive criticism about your
work from both your colleagues and your boss. But, always remind yourself that
they tell you for your betterment so you can improve in your work and be able to
learn from your past mistakes.

 Teamwork

In an internship, you learn to work as a team without focusing entirely on

yourself. You also develop patience in situations when you disagree with another
member of the team. Interns gain experience working collaboratively with
colleagues from diverse backgrounds, learning how to communicate effectively,
resolve conflicts, and contribute to team goals

 Code of conduct of work

You won't really learn about work ethics until you are in a tangible work
environment.Ethics play a very vital role for an intern in their learning stage .
Internship makes us learn proper work ethics which cannot be learn in one’s day
to day life.
 To become more responsible

Often missed out in the list of soft skills, being responsible is an integral skill
required in the job arena. Your internship experience makes you more
responsible and accountable for what decisions you make and how you execute
what's been allocated to you.
 Time Management

During an internship which is almost the beginning of your work life, you can't
mark your absence on a regular basis. Hence, it helps you learn to manage your
time better by maintaining a balance between your work and personal life,
without harming any of them. Internships often involve juggling multiple tasks
and deadlines, teaching interns how to prioritize their workload and manage their
time effectively
 Client Handling Skills

Working for more than one a month I did learn how to handle my clients and also
learn how to communicate properly with them. The responsibility of me to fulfil
the need of my clients was something tedious at start but as days passed I did
learn to understand their needs.

 Professionalism And Integrity

In all my interactions. I maintained a high level of professionalism and integrity.

upholding the values of the organization and representing myself as a dedicated
and reliable member of the team. My commitment to ethical conduct and
accountability further underscored my dedication to my role as marketing

My internship experience with Consultancy moulded me in the most appropriate

manner. It improved my analytical skills, gave me a stage to showcase my
capabilities and skills. Everyone would suggest to intern with a company that is
similar to one’s field of study as it has its own perks. But I went out of the
stereotyped way and decided to explore something new out of my comfort zone.
It made me flexible and gave me a sense of not staying rigid all the time. It made
me responsible. This job wanted me to become accountable for the work I did
and thus it developed my skills of taking responsibility for the work done by me
and not backing off if something goes wrong. It made me realise that
appreciation as well as criticism are a part and parcel of the job. I understand that
there will be days when I will be applauded for the good work done by me as
well as days where I would be scolded/corrected for something wrong done by
me. I made sure to take everything that comes to me positively. This internship
taught me to appreciate criticism and not be disappointed by it. Criticism would
help me grow both as an individual as well as a professional.

This job gave me teachings that wouldn’t have been possible theoretically i.e.,
without practical encounter. This internship helped me build my personality. It
made me develop communication skills, out-of-the-box thinking and many more.
It required me to get out of my comfort zone and do things which I wouldn't
have done normally. It gave me the confidence that I am capable of handling
things myself and I should trust myself my only reason to accept the offer was to
grow and learn. I understood that success is a result of continuous perseverance.
It taught me that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail at a job but what
matters is how many times you get up and try again. The seniors as well as the
employer were very helpful and were there to support me at every step. I
understood how to connect my knowledge and practical situations thus forcing
me to be independent. I was able to develop the skills of working in a team, how
to put individual interests in the backseat and give priority to the interests of the
company. It developed in me the things which are needed in a professional
Having a diversified client base, it offered me various opportunities to deal with
clients, enhancing my communication skills. Through this internship I also
indulged the value of persistence and was able to bounce back from rejections.
This Internship programme
helped not only to enhance my skill but also the overall personality and
practically applying what we learnt in our curriculum.
Industry based internships enriches business education by connecting theory and
practice. It deepens understanding of analytical concepts and tools, builds
confidence in their use, and hones skills essential for their successful application.
It also forces students to learn to identify and define problems, understand and
navigate formal and informal structures, identify implementable actions, and
exercise judgments when making decisions.
Internships provide you with the building blocks you need for your future.
Internship opportunities help set the foundation for your career. Select your
internships with your interests and career prospects in mind. As an intern, I have
seen that you'll have the opportunity to get your foot in the door with a company
if you do well.
Internships are an awesome way to improve your chances as a job applicant and
make you a better future employee. An internship enables you to gain first-hand
exposure to working in the real world. It also allows students to harness the skill,
knowledge, and theoretical practice they learnt in university. You can acquire
endless amounts of education in your life, however, that knowledge doesn’t
always translate to working life. The great thing about internships is that it
teaches young professionals about the specific industries and companies they are
interested in. Even the experience of trying something new is extremely
beneficial. Doing an internship exposes you to new people in a more controlled
and stable environment. Internships provide a nice learning curve for students
with little experience of the professional world.

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