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Read the texts below. Match choices (A — H) to (1-5).

There are three choices you do not need to use.

A Science

B Crime news

C Sport

D Business

E Catastrophes

F Culture

G Education

H Space

Read the text below. For questions (22-26). choose the

correct answer (A, B, C or D).
The Isle of Wight Festival was one of the UK’s first ever
music festivals. It was originally held in 1968 and was
organised so quickly that everybody was really surprised
when over 10,000 people turned up. 

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Over the next couple of years more and more people

went to the festival. In 1970 around 600,000 people
were there to see legendary rock star Jimi Hendrix’s
last performance before he died. Unfortunately, the
same year. hundreds of people tried to enter the
festival without buying a ticket first, which resulted in
one of the most popular festivals ever, being shut
down for over thirty years. 

The festival made a comeback in 2002 and since then

has grown into one of the biggest events on the
summer festival circuit. It is held every June for three
days and, once again, thousands of people flock to
see some of the world’s best bands. 

This year the festival site included DJ tents, bars, food

stalls and even a funfair. 

So, if you are ever in the South of England during the

summer, make sure you book your tickets for the Isle
of Wight festival. It really is a must-see!

What is the main purpose of the article?

A To describe the Isle of Wight.

B To describe a festival which takes place on the

Isle of Wight.

C To talk about music festivals.

D To describe music in the UK.

‘What does the writer say about the festival in 19682

A Very few people attended.

B It was not organised.

C It wasn't popular at all.

D It was more popular than imagined.

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What would you learn about Jimi Hendrix from the


A He made his last ever appearance at the festival.

B He appeared at the festival recently.

C He never played at the festival.

D He died before playing at the festival.

‘What would you learn about Jimi Hendrix from

the article?

A He made his last ever appearance at the festival.

B He appeared at the festival recently.

C He never played at the festival.

D He died before playing at the festival.

What best describes the festival these days?

A It mainly attracts people from the South of England.

B It is the most popular event on the Isle of Wight.

C It is one of the UK’s biggest summer events.

D It has one of the best food stalls in the UK. 

Read the texts below. Match choices (A — H) to (11-16).

There are two choices you do not need to use.

In 1718, the Duke of Ormonde’s property was forfeited

after his support of the unsuccessful Jacobean
Rebellion. George, Prince of Wales, and his wife
Princess Caroline, having been banished by George I
from St James’s Palace after a quarrel, moved ‘into
Ormonde House and gave it back its former name of
Richmond Lodge.
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‘The English Landscape style of gardening developed in

England in the 1730s and spread across Europe into the
wider world. In essence the style rejected geometry and,
regularity. Stephen Switzer (1682~ 1745) is the first
practitioner of this style

The development of the English Landscape Garden

involved many other designers, such as Charles
Bridgeman (died 1738), who worked at Richmond, and
William Kent (1684-1748) who worked at both Richmond
and Kew Gardens

Queen Caroline is a patron of English Landscape

Gardening, and, in her own words, her concern was to
set about “helping Nature, not losing it in art” The move
to Richmond Lodge offered her a landscape prime for
development in her favoured style

Queen Caroline held a meeting of critics and designers

ar Richmond Gardens in 1719 to discuss her gardens. The
results of their collaboration at Richmond have been
described as a “geometrical ferme ornee’

Caroline opened the gardens to the public when the

royal family was not in residence. Caroline died in 1737
and the estate passed to George II who continued to
visit the property during the summer months until his
death in 1760. 

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Who ______________ ?

A gave Ormonde House the name it used to be called

B was clever enough to consult specialists

C wanted to show the beauty of the gardens to the


D wanted landscape to be close to nature 

E was the first to refuse from regular and geometric

forms in gardening style

F worked in the English Landscape Gardens

G strolled along Richmond and Kew Gardens

H performed exhibitions in the English Landscape


Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which
best fits each space (17-22). There are two choices you
do not need to use.

Choose a Small Pet

When choosing a small pet, consider how much time you

have to dedicate to the upkeep of your new companion.
Many small mammals are physically easy to care for
(17)_______ .

A lower-maintenance small pet is the fancy rat, which lives

about 3 years. Rodents are very social and it’s good to get
a pair at a time; just make sure they are the same gender!
Rats need grains and meat protein, which can be provided
with dry dog food or mealworms. Domestic rats usually
aren’t aggressive; however, make sure you choose a pet
from a reputable store or breeder (18)______ .

Rabbits are also gentle and low-maintenance but they can

live at least 10 years, (19)______ Rabbits generally eat pellets
and plenty of green vegetables; they will also eat hay. They
like to be held but shouldn’t be handled too much the first
few days after purchasing, in order to adjust.

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Rabbits need plenty of out-of-cage exercise; many pet

stores carry rabbit leashes, (20)______ .

Even small mammals need plenty of space. For any small

mammal, choose a cage with a solid bottom rather than a
wire one, to prevent injuries to the paws. A rabbit needs a
cage or hutch of at least 1 1/2 feet wide by 2 1/2 feet long, by
2 feet deep. Rabbits can be kept outside but make sure
their hutch is well-sheltered. Small mammals need
bedding for their homes; shredded paper or paper towels
work best. Wood shavings work as well, (21)_______ .
Bedding needs to be changed about 3 times a week.

When choosing a small pet always be sure to look for alert,

bright-eyed animals with smooth coats; (22)______ , that’s a
good sign too.

A if an animal also expresses interest in you

B so they are a serious commitment

C but avoid cedar or pine chips because of the oil they

D if brushed with a baby’s hairbrush

E so you can keep your pet close by when outside

F so as social animals they do better in pairs

G but require a lot of attention and affection

H so as not to get bitten
Read the texts below. For questions (23-32) choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The Bermuda Triangle

Even though you won’t find it on a map, the Bermuda

Triangle is a very real place. In the past there have been many
stories of disappearing ships, planes and people. Although
there is a (23) ________________ explanation for many incidents,
some are still a mystery.

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The Bermuda Triangle is located off the coast of Florida

between Miami, Puerto Rico and the Bermudas. It covers
about 500 000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. It is also
known as the Devil’s Triangle because Bermuda was once
called Islands of the Devils. The coasts around the island are
(24)________________ by dangerous reefs that ships ran into
throughout the centuries.

(25) ________________ events around the area go back to the

voyages of Christopher Columbus. He sometimes reported
that compass readings were wrong. Many journalists have
tried to prove that a number of (26)________________ and
unusual things have happened in the region. Some cases
show that there are no explanations for them.

One of the best-known incidents is the disappearance of

Flight 19 during a training exercise of the US Navy. In
December 1945 five American bombers left Fort Lauderdale,
Florida on a routine mission. 14 crew members
(27)________________ after sending several radio messages.
When a rescue plane went to search for the Navy bombers it
also vanished.

23. A reasonable B moderate C cheap

D normal

24. A bordered B surrounded C bounded

D limited

25. A frequent B unusual C common

D funny

26. A emergencies B mistakes C accidents

D troubles

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27. A disappeared B withdrew C passed away

D faded

Mobile Madness

The potentially massive mobile gaming market could

receive a boost with the news that the Felix Group
(33)______ the Max Box, a multimedia ATM machine.
Consumers will be able (34)______ photos, download music
and ringtones, top up their phone credit and download
games. Max Box machine (35)______ in the spring, with
petrol station forecourts, shopping centres, off-licences and
convenience stores (36)_______ major targets for placement.
This will make downloading games far more (37)______ to
the public.

28. A introduce B was introducing C is introducing

D introduced

29. A print B to print C prints

D printed

30. A will appear B will have appeared C appear

D have appeared

31. A being B have been C are being

D been

32. A access B accessing C accession

D accessible

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