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Index of Names*

Abel, Wilhelm 155η Andreas, Willy 204n

Abelard, Pierre 56 Anghiera, Peter Martyr of 8, 240
Abioso, Giovanni 26 Annius, Joannes 224η
Abu Ma 'shar 15n, 18-20, 24, 25, 34, Anselm of Marsico 267
34n-37n, 38, 41, 52-65, 67, 68, 71, 141, Anselm, Thomas 201n
182, 221, 222, 254n, 268n ps-Apollonius 60
Accolti, Benedetto 259 Arboli, Servando 258n
Ackermann, Elfriede Marie 228n Archimedes 243n
Adelard of Bath 53,54 Aretino, Pietro 243η, 258
Adelmann, Bernhard 7n, 9 Aristotle 2,13,15η, 18η, 22-24, 32, 36η,
Adrasder, Johannes 277 45-47, 49, 52-55, 59-62, 69, 70, 74-76,
Adrastus of Aphrodisias 56 78, 79-83, 86-89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 111, 117,
Adrian VI, pope 4, 239, 240, 246 141,142, 182, 184, 222, 270,271η
Aegidii of Wisselkerke, Guillermus 191, Amoldi, Johann 203
207n Arnold, Klaus 134n
Aegidius Romanus (Colonna Egidio) 74 Arquato, Antonio (Torquato) 127,
Agathodemon 55 245-247, 266, 278, 279
Albertus de Saxonia 78n Astaxarcus 25
Albertus Magnus 13, 21,24, 69, 74, 78, Augustinus 2,13n, 15n, 18, 21n, 30, 31,
82, 96, 245, 253, 254n 36n, 68, 76, 78, 104, 233
Albrecht von Magdeburg, card, bishop Augustus 263
von Mainz 124, 212 Avenezra, Abraham 18, 25
Albumasar, s. Abu Ma 'shar Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 69, 80, 81, 86-89,
Alcabitius (al-Qabf s ) 254n 92, 93
Alexander, Henry Gavin 96n Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 15n, 81, 86,143,182
Alexander of Aphrodisias 86, 87 Aytinger, Wolfgang 213n
Alexander the Great 263
Alexander von Roes 183 Bacon, Roger 12,15n, 19,20, 22,26, 33n,
Alfonso X el Sabio, king of Castille 69-74,196
242n, 261 Baker, Derek 276n
Alhazen (Ibn al Haitham) 69n Baltrusaitis, Jurgis 228n
Allemang, G. 178n Balzer, Bernd 156
Alpetragius, s. al-Bitrujï Barbaro, Ermolao 24In
ps-Amadeus (Menez de Sylva Amadeus) Baron, Hans 20In
230η Barnikol, Ernst 192n
Amaseo, Gregorio 243n Bartholomaeus a Messana 48n
Amaseo, Leonardo 243 η Basin, Thomas 19In
Ambrosius 182 Bataillon, Marcel 24In, 279n
Andler, Charles 17n Bate de Malines, Henri 26

* When a name occurs more than once in the same page or in the text and notes, we
simply give the number of the page; when the name occurs only in the notes, we write:
5n, or so. As usual authors who lived until the 15th Century are listed under their first
name, but when the vernacular form of the name is attested and frequently used, this
has been preferred. Documents extensively quoted are also indexed: but it proved
impossible to register every peculiar spelling of the names there quoted.

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282 Index o f Names

Bauch, Gustav 197η Borth, Wilhelm 149n

Bauer, A. Raymond 164η Bosslers, Ulrich 203
Baur, August 63n, 65n, 67n, 202 Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne 14, 43
Baur, Ludwig 63n Bottomley, Gesine V I I
Bebermeyer, Gustav 125 Bouché-Leclerq, Auguste 56
Beck 20In Bouelles, Charles de 242n
Beda 15n Boulainvilliers, Henri de 43
Behaim, Lorenz 8 Bourgouyn, Simon 223
Belloria, Donato 255η Boyle, Robert 100
Benrath, Gustav Adolf 207n Brahe, Tycho 268, 2 7 0 - 2 7 2
Bentivoglio, Giovanni 246n, 259 Brandis, Lucas 179n
Benvoglienti, U m b e r t o 254n Brant, Sebastian 5, 131, 241n
Benzing, J o s e f 1 , 1 9 6 , 197n, 199n-201n, Braunsperger, Gustav 207n
206n, 207n Brecht, Martin 145n
Bernhardinus, s. Carvajal Brenz, Johannes 210n
Bernardus Silvester 61 Bretschneider, Carolus Gottlieb 109n
Bersuire, Pierre 232n Brewer, John Shenen 70n, 71n
Bertelli, Sergio 254n Briçonnet, Guillaume 231η, 235
Berthold von C h i e m s e e 191,192n Bridges, John Henry 22η, 73η
Bessarion, cardinal Basilius 24In Brigit o f Sweden 133n, 1 3 6 , 1 8 2 , 1 8 4 ,
Bezold, Friedrich von 23n, 32, 209 266, 279, 280
Bezzel, Irmgard 244n Brinhauser, André 182n
Bientenholz, Peter 243n Brunacci, Giovanni 250n
Bigalli, Davide 20n Bruno, Giordano 21, 267n
Bigazzino, Girolamo 239, 253n, 254, 256 Brusoni, Francesco 239
Bigelmair, Andreas 7n Bucer, Martin 115
Bild, Veit (pseud. Johannes G e r e o n ) Bultmann, Rudolf 14
VI, 6 - 9 Burckhardt, Jacob 13n, 201n
Binaghi, Maria Teresa 23In Burdach, Konrad 18n
Binder, Franz 10η Buridan, Jean 78n, 85, 86, 88-90, 92
Bindseil, Heinrich Ernst 109n Burnett, Charles Β. 59n, 60n
Bing, Gertrud 3n, 109n
Birkenmajer, Alexander 178n, 200n, Cajetano, s. T o m m a s o de Vio, card.
212n, 258 Calandra, Eudimo, s. Cicogna, Paolo della
Bishop, John 100 Caliciani, Cristoforo 254n
al-Bitrüji 63, 66, 73, 74 Calogerà, Angiolo 250n
Blanqui, Auguste 16, 17 Calvin, Jean 96
Blau, Joseph Leon 215n Cambyses 49
Bloch, Ernst 4 Camerarius, Joachim 112, 114
Blochwitz, Gottfried 203n Cammerlander, Jacob 206, 213n
B l ü h m , Elger 154n Campanacci, Vincenzo 260
Boccaccio, Giovanni 230, 241 η Campanella, T o m m a s o VII, 3n, 27n, 99,
Bock, Gisela 266n 2 6 5 - 2 7 0 , 272n, 2 7 6 n - 2 7 9 n
Bodenstein, Adam von 25In Cantimori, Delio V, 127n, 245, 279n
Bodin, Jean 20 Capella, Martianus 62
Boethius 50 Capelle, Wilhelm 48
Bolgar, Robert Ralph 223n Capp, Bernard 99n
Boll, Franz 5 0 , 1 9 5 , 208n Cardano, G e r o l a m o 21, 27n, 266, 268,
Bonardi, Carlo V I I 274
Bonatti, Guido 254n Carion, Johannes 8 , 1 1 , 1 0 6 , 1 0 9 n , 110,
Bonaventura da Bagnoregio 22 131n, 133n, 150, 1 7 8 , 2 1 3
Bonincontri, Lorenzo 242n Caroti, Stefano VII, 3, 2 7 , 1 0 9 n , 191n
Borghesi, Ludovico 255η Carago, Adriano 265n

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Index of Names 283

Carvajal, Bernardinus card, de Sancta Curio, Jacob 2 0 3 , 2 1 2 , 2 1 3

Cruce 134η Cyrill, Patriarch o f Jerusalem 182,232
Caspar, Max 273η Czerny, Albert 180n
Cassiano, Camillo 240η
Cassiodorus 90 Dales, Richard Clark 63, 66n, 68n
Caterina da Siena 266 Daniel o f Morley 62
Catoni, Giuliano 255n D'Annunzio, Gabriele 18η
Céard, Jean 228n, 280n Dante Alighieri 61, 8 2 - 8 4 , 9 0 , 2 1 5 η
Celsus 18n Darius 49
Chabot (Amiral) 230η Darlerius, Carolus 191n
Chalcidius 21η, 62 Deichstetter, Georg 10η
Charles V, emperor 4, 6 , 9 0 , 9 3 , 2 0 5 , 207, Delminio, Giulio Camillo 233η
239 De Coste, Hilarión 219η
Charles VI, emperor 218 Dee, John 271
Chastel, André 235η, 237η Delumeau, Jean 139
Chatelain, Emile 33η De Maio, Romeo 258n, 260n
Chavigny, Jean-Aymé de 280 Denifle, Heinrich 33n
Christian II, king o f Danemark 211 ps-Denis Areopagites 232-234
Chrysippus 47 Denomy, Alexander Joseph 89n, 92n
Cicero 47n, 48-51, 54, 182 Deny, Jean 278n
Cicogna, Paolo della (pseud. Eudimo Dersch, Wilhelm 204n
Calandra) 259η Desaivre, Leon 229n
Ciruelo, Pedro 6n, 23,24, 28,241, 247 Dickens, Arthur Geoffrey 23n
Clagett, Marshall 89n-91n, 92 Diederichs, Ρ. 241n
Clarke, Samuel 96 Dietrich, Richard 180n
Claude, queen of France 216 Digges, Thomas 271
Claus, Helmut 137η, 207η, 210η Dilthey, Wilhelm 12n
Cleanthes 47 Drach, Peter 199n
Clemen, Otto 110n,200n Dreyer, John Louis 270n, 272n
Clemens Alexandrinus 13n Dronke, Peter 61n
Clemens Romanus 265 Druffel, August von 260η
Clement VI, pope 23 Duhem, Pierre 35η
Clement VII, pope 4,240, 244, 251,256, Du Moulin, François 221,226η
258 Dürer, Albrecht 135n
Cleomedes 50n
Clerq, Carlo de 182n Ebner, Erasmus 120
Cola di Rienzo 18n Eck, Johann 190
Cole, Richard G. 140n Eid, L. 199n
Colli, Giorgio 16n, 17n Elysius, Johannes 239
Colljn, Isak Gustav Alfred 198n Empedocles 18n, 225
Colón, Fernando 258n Emser 204
Colonna, Fabrizio 250n Enders, Ernst Ludwig 125
Comte, Auguste 19 Engel, Johann 34n, 183n, 215n
Copernicus, Nicholaus 3,195, 196, 268, Engelbert 48n
271n Engelsing, Rolf 155n
Copp, Johannes 11,150, 242 Ephestion of Thebes 25
Cortese, Gregorio card. 240 Epicurus 116
Cramer, Frederic henry 186n Epperlein, Siegfried 185n
Cranach, Lucas 125,126 Erasmus Rotterdamus, Desiderius 202,
Creutzer, Peter 180 204, 215, 223, 226n, 241n
Cues, s. Nicholaus Cusanus Erler, Georg 197n
Cullmann, Oskar 14 Ernest, duke of Bavaria 279
Cuming, G. J. 276η Ernst, Germana VII, 3n, 27η, 265η

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284 Index of Names

Este, Ippolito card. 25In Fugger, Raimund 7n

Eubel, Conrad 259n
Eudemus 18n Gabotto, Ferdinando 188n, 243, 251n
Eudoxus 74, 75 Gachard, Louis-Prosper 240n
Eugenio di Savoia 218 Galen 212
Galilei, Galileo 3, 72, 265, 268
Fabian, Johannes VII Galluzzi, Paolo 3n
Fabri, Jacob 131n, 133n, 137n Garbacik, Jozef 197n
Faccioli, Emilio 244n Garin, Eugenio 21, 25n, 127n, 220n,
Farnese, Alessandro card. 256,258 273η, 278n, 279n
Fastnacht von Orb, Heinrich 123 Gaskell, Philip 154
Fava, Domenico 185η Gasnault, Pierre 230n
Favaro, Antonio 3n Gattinara, Mercurino, great chancellor
Favorinus 52 and card. 239, 240
Febvre, Lucien 154 Gaurico, Agrippa 246
Ferdinand I, emperor 178n, 243n Gaurico, Luca In, 5 , 6 , 20, 26, 28,126,
Fesser, Arnold 209, 210n 188,239-263
Festugière, A.-Jean 234n Gaurico, Plinio 259n
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 19 Gaurico, Pomponio 243n, 246,259n
Ficino, Marsilio 98, 99,123, 201n, 212, Geber (Jäbir Ibn Aflah) 182
23In,233-235 Gellius, Aulus 52
Field, Judith V. 273n Gemma, Cornelius 270, 271,272n
Filelfo, Francesco 241n Gengenbach, Pamphilus 2n, 11, 20n,
Fink, Eugen 17η 141-145, 151, 244, 251
Firmicus Maternus, Julius 21η, 25,123, Gereon Johannes, s. Veit Bild
242η Gerson, Jean (Charlier de Gerson, Jean)
Firpo, Luigi 266η, 268η 3, 34n
Flatten, Heinrich 56η Gherardi Dragomanni, Francesco 24n
Flavio di Foligno, Federico 255n Giannotti, Tommaso 246
Forcellini, Egidio In Gieben, Servus 66n
Forster, Edward Seymour 48n Gilbert, William 7 2 , 9 9
Fragnito, Gigliola 240n Gillert, Karl 123n
Francesco da Paola 218 Gillot, Hubert 224n
Francesco Maria, duke of Urbino 250n Gilson, Etienne 13,18-20, 229n
Franco, Niccolò 259 Ginzburg, Carlo V, 142n, 144n, 145n,
François I, king o f France 9n, 215n, 216, 149n
217, 221, 233, 236 Gioacchino da Fiore, s. Joachim of Flora
François de Valois, later François II king Giovannini, Girolamo 277n
of France 219 Giovio, Paolo 259
François d'Angoulême 230 Giry, François 219n
Franck, Sebastian 190 Giuntini, Francesco 274
Frank, Beatrice 3n Goetz, Wilhelm W., 201n
Franke, Annelore 208n Goff, Frederic R. 179n
Franz, Günther 203 Goldast, Melchior In, 127,249n
Franz, Irenicus 201 Golf, Barbara VII
Frecht, Martin 203 Gonzaga, Francesco 244, 250
Friedrich III, emperor 179 Graiff, Cornelio Andrea 82n
Friedrich der Weise, Kurfürst von Saxen Grant, Edward 32n, 71n
123,125,147,149 Gregorio da Rimini 78n
Friedrich, Johann 109,126, 133n, 134, Gregorio, Giordano 279, 280
149n, 150n, 205n Gregorius Magnus, pope 8 , 1 8 2 , 1 8 4
Fries, Lorenz 140-143 Gregory, Tullio 21, 22, 32
Fugger, Johann 279 Grimani, Marino card. 246n, 247

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Index of Names 285

Grimm, Sigmund l i n Hergot, Kunigunde 138n

Grisar, Hartman 150η 'Herman of Carinthia 52, 53n, 55,57,
Grynaeus, Simon 203 59-61
Grosseteste, Robert 48n, 62-69, 72-74, Hermann von dem Busche 203
86 Hermes Trismegistus 55,60,212
Grundherr, Felizitas 10η Heumann Johann 9n
Grundherr, Leonhard 10η Hieronymus 31
Grundmann, Herbert V, 183n, 187n Hipparcus 272
Grünpeck, Josef 129, 130, 133-137,139, Hippocrates 57, 65,142
144,149n, 150n, 180, 251 Hirsch-Reich, Beatrice 183n
Guicciardini, Francesco 15n, 256n Hissette, Roland 24
Guillaume d'Auvergne 15η, 32, 91 Höfler, Carl A. C. von 9n, lOn
Guillaume de Conches 56, 61, 62 Holban, Marie 215η, 219n, 223n, 226n,
Guillaume de St Thierry 56 229n,230n
Gulik, Wilhelm van 259n Hollingdale, Reginald J. 16n
Gutenberg, Johann VI Hooke, Robert 100
Günther, Siegmund 201η Höss, Irmgard 3,123n, 125n
Guthrie, William Keith Chambers 85n Humboldt, Wilhelm von 13n
Hupfuff, Matthias 199n
Häbler, Konrad 183n Hutchinson, Keith 96n
Hagecius, Taddeus (Hájek Taddeus) 271 Hutten, Ulrich von 190
Hahm, David Ε. 47n
Haly Eben Rodan 25 Irblich, Eva 244n
Hammer, Gerhard 2η, 101η Isidoras Hispalensis 15n
Hann, Kaspar 150n
Hartfelder, Karl 109 Janssen, Johannes 135n
Hartt, Frederick 234n Jean de Jandun 74
Hauffen, Adolf 130n Jean de Murs 23
Hauser, Henri 218n Jenks, Stuart 177n, 182n
Heath, Thomas 46n Joachim 133n, 136,178n
Heege, Franz 150n Joachim I, Kurfürst von Brandenburg
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 13n, 19 242
Heidegger, Martin 14 Joachim of Flora 18,19, 182,187n, 202,
Heimpel, Hermann 183n 266,276, 279
Heingarter, Konrad 183 Jodogne, Pierre 226n
Heinrich von Langenstein 3, 88-97 Johanna, countess of Palatinate 180
Heitz, Paul 183n Johannes ab Indagine 180
Hellmann, Gustav 1, 2n, 4n, 131n-133n, John Damascene 52, 77
140,142η, 147η, 150η, 177n, 178n, 180n, John Duns Scot 78η
188n, 196,199n, 201, 204n, 205,208, John of Ashenden 19, 23
213n, 214, 239n John of Holywood 113n, 115,120
Henneberg, Berthold von 131n, 134 John of Seville (Johannes Hispalensis)
Henneberg, Christoph 203 52, 53n, 62
Henneberg, Wilhelm 203, 204 Jourda, Pierre 235
Hennecke, Edgar 209n Julius Caesar 263
Henri duke of Orléans 216 Julius II, pope 244, 246, 247, 250, 251,
Henry of Hesse, s. Heinrich von Langen- 254n
stein Jüngel, Eberhard 149η
Henry IV, king of France 280 Justin Martyr 18n
Heraclitus 17,18n, 47
Herder, Johan Gottfried 13n KalkofT, Paul 202
Herding, Otto 241n Kapp, Erhard 124η, 179η
Hergot, Hans 132n, 133n, 137-139 Kant, Immanuel 3

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286 Index of Names

Keim, Karl Theodor 209n Lichtenberger, Johannes VI, VII, 5,11,

Kemp, Martin 186n 20n, 104, 105,125, 126, 129-131,133,
Kennedy, Edward Stewart 25n, 35n-38n 134n, 135n, 136,138,139,177-193,196,
Kepler, Johann 99, 272, 273 197n, 202, 206, 208, 209, 245-247, 251
Kettenbach, Heinrich von 144,145,148 Lindberg, David C. 32n, 69n
ibn-Khaldun 15, 21,33n, 36n, 39 Link, Wenzeslaus In, 2n, 10η
Kibre, Pearl 48n, 179n, 198n Litt, Thomas 32n, 33n, 74n, 75, 77-80,
Kierkegaard, Soren 14 89,118
al-Kindi 18,25,55, 182 Little, Andrew Georg 71, 73n
Kistler, Bartholomaeus 177n Livius, Titus 239
Klebs, Arnold C. 179n, 189n Locher, Jacob (Philomusus) 6n
Klein, Robert 243n Loersfeld, Johann 144n
Knappich, Wilhelm 127n Louis II, king of France 250
Knobloch, Eberhard 34n, 183n Louise of Savoy 6, 215-220, 227,237
Knoblochtzer, Heinrich 130n, 177n, 182, Löwith, Karl 12-18, 21
198n Lubac, Henri de 276n
Knox, Dilwyn 109 Lucarelli, Silvestro 240
Koebel, Jacob 178n, 201n Lucien of Samosata 6n, 215,223-228
Kögler, Hans 141n Lucretius 61
Köhler, Hans-Joachim V, 4n, 5,130, Ludolphi, Ingetraut 1, 2n, 101η, 192n,
131η, 137η, 154η, 195n, 241n, 244n 196n
Kopernik, Mikolaj, v. Copernicus Ludwig V, Kurfürst von der Pfalz 200,
Krailsheimer, Alban John 229n 202, 205
Kristeller, Paul Oskar 255n Ludwig XII, king of France 199
Krüger, Lorenz VII Ludwig, Pfalzgraf vom Rhein 248
Kuhlow, Hermann F. W. 3n, 110η, 178n Ludwig der Reiche, duke of Bavaria 179,
Kurras, Lotte 9n, 10η 181
Kurze, Dietrich V, 5,129n-131n, 132, Lufft, Hans 177η
133n, 139,177n, 179n-183n, 186n, 187n, Luini, Bernardino 231η
190n-193n, 196,197n, 204n, 207n, 208, Lull, Ramon 242η
209n, 213n Luther, Martin 1-6, 7n, 10η, 11,13n, 96,
98,101-107,115,124-127, 142,144,145,
Labrousse, Elisabeth 3n 147-150,153n, 161,187n, 189, 190, 192,
Lambillon, Antoine 191n 196, 202, 203, 207n, 214, 228n, 242n,
Lämmel, Klaus 2n, 101η, 192n 243n,278n
Lang, Johann 124 Luzio, Alessandro 243
Larmat, Jean 229n
Laube, Adolf 210n Machiavelli, Niccolò 20, 254n,
Lebreton, Jules 23In 270
Lecoq, Anne-Marie 6n Machilek, Franz 9n, 10η
Lefévre d'Etaples, Jacques 230, 235,241 Macray, William Dunn 182n
Lefranc, Abel 234n Madruzzi, Cristoforo 259, 260n
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 96 Maestlin, Michael 271
Lemay, Richard 52, 54, 55n, 56n, 62n Magenbuch, Johann 2n
Lenk, Werner 208n Maier, Anneliese 78n
Leo X, pope 4,26, 200, 202,246, 257 Malachy 277
Leonardo 186n Malatesta, Ramberto 240
Leowitz, Cyprianus von 274, 275 al-Ma'mun 37
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 13n, 19 Mandonnet, Pierre 82n
Lerner, Robert Ε. 239n Manilius 21n, 50n, 123, 242n
Leu, Gerhard 183n Marcel, Raymond 23 In
Levi, Anthony Η. Τ. 226n, 234n Marcucci, Roberto 250n
Lichtenberger, Henri 16, 17n Marcus Aurelius 21n

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Index of Names 287

Marguerite d'Angoulême (M. d'Alençon), Müller, Johannes (de Monteregio, Re-

queen of Navarra 235,266 giomontanus) 7n, 261
Marichal, Robert 228n, 237n Münch, Ernst 206n
Marini, Pietro da Foligno 253η, 254η, Müntzer, Thomas 137n, 214
255, 258 Muratori, Ludovico Antonio 254n
Marsh, Adam 63 Murner, Thomas 156n, 196
Marsilius o f Inghen 78n Muslerus, Johannes 242n, 243n
Marstallerus, Gervasius 121 Mutianus Rufus, Conrad 123
Martin, Henri-Jean 154
Marx, Karl 19 Needham, Joseph 71n
Mäshä'alläh 18, 25, 37, 182, Nettelbeck, Joachim VII
254n, 262 Neudecker, Christian Gotthold 197n
Massarelli, Angelo 260 Newmann, John Henry card. 16n
Masters, G. Mallary 215n, 219n Newton, Isaac 19n, 97,195
Matthew Corvinus, king of Hungary 126, Niavis, Paulus (P. Schneevogel of Eger)
278 198n
Maurer, Wilhelm 109η, 110η, 196n, 197n Niccoli, Ottavia 4n, 185n, 243n, 252n,
Maximilian I, emperor 5, 6 , 1 3 1 , 1 3 7 , 254n
150,156, 178n, 180, 200n, 241, 250 Nicholas of Sicily 48n
Maximilian II, emperor 274 Nicholaus Cusanus 196, 247n
Mayer, Claude Albert 227n Niemeyers 9n
Mazzocchi, Giovanni 258n Nietzsche, Friedrich 12n, 16-18
McEvoy, James 65n Nifo, Agostino (da Sessa, Suessanus) 5,
McGuire, William J. 173n 6, l l n , 20, 24, 26, 204, 215, 221, 239,
Medici, Giulio card., s. Clemente VII, 242n, 246,256, 274
pope Nolt, Anastasius 207n
Melanchthon, Philippus 3, 5, 27,101, North, John D. 5, 20n, 21, 23, 27n, 46n,
103, 1 0 4 , 1 0 6 , 1 0 9 - 1 2 1 , 1 2 5 - 1 2 7 , 1 5 0 , 62n,64n
182, 190,196,197, 211, 214,228n, 242, Nostradamus, Michael 280
Menut, Albert 89n, 92n Oberman, Heiko A. 149,156
Messehala (Messallah), s. Mäshä'alläh Ockham, William 69, 78n, 85,104
Methodius 132η, 136,182 Oekolampadius, Johannes 7n, 9n
Meyer, Wilhelm Josef 183n Olympiodorus 224,233
Michaud-Quantin, Pierre 69n Oradino, Vincenzo 239,253n, 254,256
Michelangelo Buonarroti 258n, 260n Oresme, Nicole 3, 78n, 89-93, 95, 97,
Michele da Pietrasanta 240 191n
Micyllus, Jacobus 212n, 213 Origen 18n, 77
Milichius, Iacobus 112 Oslander, Andreas 126, 277
Moeller, Bernd 144n, 174n Otmar, Silvan 244
Molitor, Heinrich 130n
Moncetti, Giovanni Benedetto 82 Pace, Richard 9n
Monteil, Vincent 33n Pächt, Otto 216n, 237n
Monteregio, Johannes de, s. Müller Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemiliano
Johannes 255
Montinari, Mazzino 16, 17η Panzer, Georg Wolfgang 134n
Moody, Ernst Α. 85n, 86n, 89n Paracelsus, Theophrastus 139, 187, 190,
Moore, Edward 82 196, 277
More, Thomas 223 Paris, Paulin 229
Morelius, Guillelmus 115 Pastor, Ludwig von 250n
Morisi, Anna 23In Pastoris, Heinrich 5, lOn, 11,140n,
Moutier, Ignazio 24n 147-149,151
Mühlen, Karl-Heinz zur 101η Paulus Alexandrinus 25

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288 Index of Names

Paul III, pope 244, 246,254,257-260 Pol, Nikolaus 7η

Paul IV, pope 260 Polybius 13η
Paul of Middelburg 5, 7n, 8 , 2 8 , 1 7 8 , 183, Pomian, Krzystof 5 , 1 4 , 1 5 η , 16η, 21η,
1 8 5 , 1 8 8 , 1 9 0 , 1 9 1 , 2 0 0 n , 240,245,246, 27η, 32η
255n, 256 Pomponazzi, Pietro 21
Pecham, John 72, 73, 243n Pontano, Giovanni Gioviano 25-27,
Pegg, Michael A. 154n 242n, 274
Pelster, Franz 63 Porphyrius 18n
Peranzone, Niccolò 8 Posidonius 48, 50, 52
Percopo, Erasmo 188n, 243,246n, 251n, Postel, Guillaume 271
258n-260n Pozzan, Anna Maria 13n
Perez, Joseph 241n Preller, Ludwig 197n
Petrarca, Francesco 196, 241n, 259n Preto, Paolo 278n
Petreius, Johann 212 Preuss, Hans 186n, 192n, 207n
Petrossian, George A. 228n Priscian 52
Petrus de Aliaco, s. Pierre d'Ailly Pruckner, Hubert 89η, 94n, 95n, 195n
Petrus Peregrinus of Maricourt 7 1 , 7 2 Ptolemy 15n, 17, 18, 21n, 25,27, 34, 46,
Peuckert, Will-Erich 131n, 139n, 147n 48, 50, 51, 56, 57, 59, 63, 65, 74, 80, 85,
Peurbach, Georg 112,120, 201n 111-114,120, 141,146, 180,182,184,
Peutinger, Konrad 7 201, 221, 251, 257n, 261, 268, 270,271n,
Pfanner, Josef 10η, l l n 273, 274
Pfaus, Roland VII Puech, Henri Charles 36n
Pfefferkorn, Johannes 156 Purbachius, v. Peurbach
Pflaum, Jacob 213, 239,248,254n, 256 Pürstinger, Berthold 192n
Phidias 226
Philip IV the Fair, king of France 246n Quentel, Peter 177n
Philipp, Graf von der Pfalz 197,201
Philipp, von Hessen 211 Rabe, Horst 130η
Philo Judaeus 50n Rabelais, François 215, 226, 228, 229, 237
Philostratus 224 Ramminger, Melchior 21 On
Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius (Pope Ranssmar, Sebastian 11
Pius II) 241n Rauscher, Julius 3n, 109n
Piccolomini, Paolo 254n Raymond de Marseilles 55, 56, 61
Pico della Mirandola, Gianfrancesco 3, Reeves, Marjorie V, 19, 132n, 186n,
241η 187n, 276, 277n
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 3, 5, Regiselmo, Pasqualino 277, 278
24-27, 9 9 , 1 1 4 , 1 1 6 , 1 1 7 , 196, 201n, 202, Reicke, Emil 8n
234,241, 242n, 273, 274 Reinhold, Erasmus 101, 271
Pierre d'Ailly, card, of Cambrai 3,18, 26, Renaudet, Augustin 226n, 232n
34η, 36η, 39-42,118, 204, 208 Renucci, Toussaint 228n
Pierre d'Auvergne 88 Reuchlin, Johannes 156, 196, 202, 234
Pietramellara, Jacobo 246, 255n, 256, 261 Reusch, Franz Heinrich 260n
Pietro d'Abano 74 Reynmann, Leonhard ll,149n, 181n,242
Pigghe, Albert 6n, 215, 221, 222 Rhodes, Denis Η. 244n, 257n
Pilz, Kurt 9n Richard of Wallingford 62
Pingree, David 25η, 34η, 37n, 38n, 53n, Richi da Lucca, Leonardo 255n, 256,
55 261
Pirckheimer, Caritas VI, 9,10η, l l n Ricci, Paul 234
Pirckheimer, Willibald In, 8, 9n, 10η Rilla 256,257η, 258
Pius III, pope 254η Rinuccio Aretino 48n
Plato 18η, 24, 47, 49, 55, 59, 7 6 , 1 1 2 , 1 8 4 , Ritter, Gerhard 198n
231η, 241η, 270, 271η Robbins, Frank Egleston 34n
Plotinus 51, 59, 241η Robinson, James H. 3n

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Robinson Hammerstein, Helga V, 10η, Schulz, Alwin 241n

147n Schutte, Jürgen 156
Robson, Deborah 265n Schwarzert, Georg 197
Rodt, Stephan 177n, 189 Schwertfeger, Johann 125
Rogers, Everett Μ. 164η Schwitalla, Johannes 156,172
Romano, Ruggiero 155η Scotus, s. John Duns Scot
Ronchini, Amadio 243η Scribner, Robert W. 23n, 129n, 133n
Rose, Paul Lawrence 243n Secret, François 232η, 233
Rossi, Pietro 12 Seebass, Gottfried 207n
Roth, W. Ernst 199n Seibt, Ferdinand 137n
Röttinger, Heinrich 213n Seitz, Alexander 5 , 1 1 , 1 3 1 n , 133n, 150n,
Rovere, Francesco Maria della 250 241, 251
Rublack, Hans-Christoph 130n, 144n Seneca 21n, 52, 265
Rudolph II, emperor 272 Sensenschmidt, Johann 183n
Rudolph, Ingrid VII Servet, Michael 196
Ruffo, Francesco 240 Sforza, Ascanio card. 246n
Rupprich, Hans 9n Sibyl 133n, 136
Rusconi, Roberto 255 Sickingen, Franz von 197, 206n
Rustichello, Francesco 239 Siger of Brabant 81,82
Rychard, Wolfgang 2n, 209 Silber alias Franck, Marcellus 191n
Rychard, Zeno 209 Silvestri, Alfonso 188η, 243, 258η
Simione di Nicolò 255n
Sabellicus, Georgius 200 Simon, Gérard 273n
Sachs, Hans 126, 156n Simon, Renée 43n
Sacrobosco, s. John of Holywood Simplicius 80, 86, 89
Sainéan, Lazar 215n Sinapius, Johannes (Senf J.) 212n
Salembier, Louis 40n, 41n Socrates 48
Saliceti, D. 212n Sola Pool, Ithiel de 164n
Salomé, Lou von 17η Southern, Richard W. 19n
Salvi, Camilla VII Spalatin, Georg 1, 3, 5, 123-127,179n,
San Severino, Federigo da, card. 246n, 190,197n, 206n
256, 257n Spengler, Lazarus 202
Sarrazin, Marin 191η Spiazzi, Raimondo Maria 22n
Sauli, Filippo 240n Spinoza, Baruch 3
Saulnier, Verdun-Léon 235n Sprenger, Jacob 179, 202
Saxl, Fritz 185n, 198n Sprenz, Sebastian (Sperantius) 7n
Scaliger, Paulus 190, 277η Stabius, Johann 6n, 241n
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph 19 Stadelberger, Jacob 199n, 200
Schenda, Rudolf 135n Stähelin, Ernst 9n
Schleusinger, Eberhard 183 Steele, Richard 33n
Schmidt, Albert-Marie 226η Stegemann, Victor 195n
Schmidt, Erich 1 In Steinbergen, Johannes 137n
Schmidt, Jacob 199n Steiner, Heinrich 210
Schmuck, Josef 192n Steinherz, Samuel 241n
Schneider, Α. 210n Steinmetz Max V, 131n, 133n, 137n,
SchöfFer, Johann 199n 179η, 199n, 210n, 249n
Schönsperger, Hans 180n Steneck, Nicholas H. 93,94n, 95,96n, 97n
Schoner, Johann 7n, 114n Stiborius, Andreas 201
Schott, Johann 180n Stock, Brian 61
Schottenloher, Karl 162n, 196,197n Stockei, Wolfgang 129n, 180n
Schramm, Wilbur 164n Stöffler, Johannes 5, 7n, 2 8 , 1 1 0 , 1 4 1 n ,
Schrott, Benedicta 10η 177,196, 204, 205, 208, 220, 239,
Schultze, Johannes 178n 247-249, 254n, 256

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290 Index of Names

Stoppel, Jacob 7n Ulrichs, Herzog 211

Strabo 52 Unterkircher, Franz 220n
Strauss, Gerald 131n, 140n, 144n Unterreitmeier, Hans 181n
Strauss, Heinz Artur 205n Urriza, Juan 242n
Strauss, Wenzel 203
Strujk, Dirk Jan 178n, 190n, 191n Valla, Giorgio 243n
Stuchs, Georg 180n Vallaresso, Maffeo 255n
Stuhlhofer, Franz 27n, 178n Valois, Noël 40η
Stupperich, Robert 241n Vaux, Roland de 33n
SudhofF, Karl 212 Venturino, Diego 43n
Suttor, Timothy L. 78n Vergerlo, Pier Paolo 258η
Symeoni, Gabriel 228n Veroli, Ennio da, card. 260
Vespucci, Amerigo 224
Tannstetter, Georg 5, 6, 27n, 28, 131n, Vico, Giovanni Battista 13n
141n, 149, 150n, 178, 247 Villani, Giovanni 24
Telesphorus 182,188 Vincent Ferrer 266
Tempier, Etienne 33n, 36n Virdung von Hassfurt, Johannes VI, VII,
Tenenti, Alberto 155n 5, 6, 9,11, 28,129-151, 178,179n, 188,
Thénaud, Jean VI, VII, 6, 215-237 196-214, 248-251, 253
Thierry de Chartres 61 Vitali, Bernardino 244n
Thomas Aquinas 18,21, 22, 32, 33n, 40, Vivarelli, Ann In
74-80, 82, 89,98,118, 184 Vogelin, Johannes 112n
Thomas, Keith 181n Volmar, Johann 123,125,150
Thomson, Samuel Harrison 65n Voltaire, (François Arouet) 12,14,15n
Thompson, Craig Ringwalt 223n Voullième, Ernst 198n
Thorndike, Lynn 4n, 48n, 91,109,132n,
141n, 178n-180n, 188n, 190n, 196,197, Wacker von Friedberg, Stephan 2n, 5,
198n, 199n, 201, 206n, 212,215, 220, 11, 146-148
22In, 239η, 246n, 270n, 279n Walker, Daniel Ρ. 98n, 99
Thoss, Dagmar 216n Wallmann, Johannes 149n
Thurnhofer, Franz Xaver 9n Wapnewski, Peter VII
Tigerstedt, Eugene Napoléon 224n Warburg, Aby M. 3n, 8, l l n , 109,124,
Tizio, Sigismondo VI, 250η, 252-256, 125, 126η, 131n, 132n, 150n, 183,
261 188n-190n, 196n, 208n, 211, 242
Tognetti, Giampaolo 276η Waszink, Jan Hendrik 21n
Tommaso da Rieti 253,255n, 263 Weber, Ulrike 186n
Tommaso da Vio Caietano, card. 98n Weech, Friedrich von 202n
Töpke, Gustav 198n Weinel, Heinrich 209n
Torquatus, s. Arquato Antonio Werbeck, Wilfrid 149n
Torrella, Gaspare 246 Werner, Adam 203, 204n, 206
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph 16 Werner, Hans 210n
Treitzsauerwein von Ehrentreitz, Marx Werner von Themar, Petrus 249
241n Wesel, Johann von 202
Trismegistus, s. Hermes Trismegistus Wickersheimer, Ernest 183n
Trithemius, Johannes 197, 200 Wicksteed, Philip Henry 83n
Trofimow, Barbara VII Wiesflecker, Hermann 131n, 134n, 200n
Triidinger, Karl 50n Wilhelm, Herzog von Saxen 126
Trutvetter, Jodokus 104 Wilhelm, Baltzer (Balthazar) 11,145-147
Tschirch, Otto 11 On Wille, Jacob 181n
Tysko, Oskar 202n William of Moerbeke 89n
Winder, Marianne 180n, 181n
Ukena, Peter 210n Witkowski, Georg 197n
Ullman, Berthold Louis 224n Wittkower, Rudolph 228n

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Wüst Doctor 212 132n, 133n, 150n, 153,177n, 178n, 185n,

Wuttke, Dieter 124η, 150η, 180η, 183η, 188η, 239η, 241η, 242n, 246n, 254n,
241η 258n, 274n, 279n
al-Zarqâlï 74
Wyrsung, Mark 11η Zarncke, Friedrich 198n
Zeno of Citium 47
Xerxes 49 Zinner, Ernst 180n, 196,198, 200n,
Yates, Frances Α. 233η, 267 Zöpfl, Friedrich 213n
Zambelli, Paola 4n-6n, 8n, l l n , 13n, Zschäbitz, Gerhard 138n, 208n
20n, 24n, 25n, 104,112n, 124,125,127, Zwingli, Huldrich 11

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