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abduction, 63–67 Bowker, John, 301

Adams, Marilyn, 289–90 Buddha, 16, 187, 191, 256
Adams, Robert M., 114 Buddhism, 163, 187–206, 251, 255–57
Adiswarananda, Swami, 297 Burton, David, 16–17, 187, 197
Advaita Vedanta, 250 Byrne, Peter, 87
al-Ash’ari, Abu al-Hasan, 291
al-Ghazālı̄, Abū Ḥāmid, 139–41, 291 Camus, Albert, 112
al-Māturı̄dı̄, Abū Mansūr, 293 Cavanaugh, Michael, 312
al-Qayyim, Ibn, 295 Charlot, John, 78
al-Qushayrı̄, 294 Ching, Julia, 168
Alston, William, 247, 319 Chittick, William C., 15–16, 134
altruistic experience, 204–6 Christ, 69–71, 209, See also Jesus
American Psychological Association, 12, according to Paul, 124–27
27, 39 in mysticism, 256
Angela of Foligno, 246 Christian, Sandra, 270
Apolito, Paolo, 277 Christianity, 78, 92, 116–33, 255, 271,
Aquinas, Thomas, 292 286–90, 314
Arabi, Ibn, 15, 258 Cleanthes, 58
Aristotle, 55–56, 135 Clooney, Francis, 17–18, 89–90, 208
Augustine, St., 247, 288 Comparative Theology, 80, 88–93
Avicenna, 137, 140–41 Confucianism, 159–84
Ayer, A. J., 59 Confucius, 162–79
Ayyangar, D. Ramaswami, 225 conversion, 25–29, 35, 120
Conway, Erik M., 306
Barnes, Michael, 92–93, 193 Cornille, Catherine, 89
Basinger, David, 274 Crombie, I. M., 60
Beauregard, Mario, 268, 271–72 Csordas, Thomas, 274
Becker, Carl B., 203
behaviorism, 12, 25–26 Daoism, 159–84
Berger, Peter, 285–86 Dawkins, Richard, 3, 310–11, 315–16
Berkeley, George, 57 De Caro, Mario, 306
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 247 De Cruz, Helen, 311
Berry, Wendell, 261 De Vos, George, 167
Bezanson, Helen, 68–71 Deacon, Terrence W., 305
Black theology, 82–83 deconversion, 35
Blum, Jason N., 239 Dennett, Daniel, 3, 57, 308
Bodde, Derk, 166 Descartes, Rene, 13, 56–57
Bodhisattva, 200–1, 205–6 Deśika, Vedānta, 225–26
Bonaventure, St., 247 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Bowie, Fiona, 18–19, 261, 273 Mental Disorders, DSM-IV, 39


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336 Index

Douglas, Kelly Brown, 82–83 Geertz, Clifford, 262, 312–13

doxastic practice, 323–26 Gellman, Jerome, 247
Drees, Willem B., 20–21, 303–4, 316 Gethin, Rupert, 193, 200
Dreyfus, Hubert, 112 Ghaly, Mohammed, 291–92
Dundes, Alan, 273 Gimello, Robert, 190–91
Dunn, James D. G., 15, 116 Goldstein, E. Bruce, 296
Durkheim, Emile, 34 Gombrich, Richard, 205
Gomez, Luis O., 204
Eade, John, 275 Goodenough, Ursula, 305, 311–16
Eckhart, Meister, 242, 251, 254, 257 Gould, Stephen Jay, 8–10
Edelglass, William, 206 Govindacarya, 219
Einstein, Albert, 261 Griffith-Dickson, Gwen, 13–14, 76
emptiness, 182, 193, 196, 205, 251, 320, Griffiths, Paul J., 191, 194–96
325 Gyatso, Janet, 190–91
and the Buddha, 257 Hadith, 135, 137, 139, 144, 154
of the Buddha, 16 hallucination, 29, 39, 71–72, 201, 321
as the Buddha’s Awakening, 187 Han Dynasty, 163
Buddhist views of, 188 Handel, George Frideric, 114
and compassion, 204 Hanegraaff, Wouter J., 268
in Confucianism, 181 Haraldsson, Erlendur, 267
in Daoism, 174 Hardwick, Charley, 311, 313–16
experience of the Buddha, 191 Hare, R. M., 60–61
impediments to, 193 Harrison, Paul, 201
as non-conceptual insight, 196 Harvey, Peter, 192–93, 200
and no-self, 198 Heart-mind Learning, 163
and pluralism, 86 Heidegger, Martin, 250
precursors to, 196 Heschel, A. J., 109
as requiring cultivation of insight, 195 Hick, John, 85–87, 288–89, 327
stages of, 187 Hill, Peter C., 37–38
with respect to naturalism, Hinduism, 208–34, 296–300
exclusivism, and inclusivism/ Hitchens, Christopher, 102, 112
pluralism, 87 Holden, Janice Miner, 270
in Theravada Buddhism, 332 Holy Spirit, 58–59, 62–63, 119–21,
Ernst, Carl, 134 128–29, 131–32
Euclid, 56 Hood, Ralph, 30–34, 36–37
evil and suffering, 284–301 Hossein Nasr, Sayyed, 243
exclusivism, 85 Huang-Lao, 163
Exline, Julie, 35–36 Hume, David, 57–59, 64
Humphreys, Paul, 305
falsification, 60–61 Huntingdon, Samuel, 77–78
Faure, Bernard, 203 Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman, 78
Fazhao, 201–2 Huxley, Aldous, 243, 249
feminist theology, 82 Hvidt, Niels Christian, 275
Fenwick, Peter, 282
First Emperor of Qin, 163 inclusivism, 85–86
Flew, Antony, 60–61 Indra, 299
Forman, Robert, 243, 256 induction, 61–64
Francis of Assisi, St., 256 ineffability, 196–97, 249, 259
Fredericks, James, 90 Inge, Ralph, 26
Frege, Gottlob, 59 Inge, W. R., 239
Freud, Sigmund, 3, 69, 284–85 intentionality of consciousness,
Friday, John, 92 244

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International Association for the Latour, Bruno, 261, 275

Psychology of Religion, 12, 27 Lehmann, Arthur, 262
interreligious dialogue, 91–93 Liberation theology, 82–83
introspection, 197–200 logical empiricism and logical
Inventory of Nonordinary Experiences, positivism, 59–61
44–47 Lonergan, Bernard, 80–81
Irenaeus, Bishop, 288 Luhrmann, Tanya, 274
Islam, 134–54, 290–95 Luke, 62–63

James (brother of Jesus), 118 Macalister, Todd, 312

James, William, 12, 18, 25–27, 33, 113, Macarthur, David, 306
159, 165, 239, 243, 249, 313, 319, Mackey, James, 263
327–28, 331 Maimonides, 100
Jaynes, Julian, 69 Maraldi, Everton de Oliveira, 41–42
Jesus, 15, 116–19, 268, 309, See also Martin, Trayvon, 82–83
Christ Mary (mother of Jesus), 19, 63
conception of, 63 Mary, Virgin, 275
and imagery, 127–28 Maunder, Chris, 276
and innocent suffering, 287 McGinn, Bernard, 209–10
and Julian of Norwich, 254 McMahan, David L., 200
and mysticism, 240 meaning of life, 4–5
and Paul, 122–24 meditation, 214
and prayer, 125 in accord with karma. dharma, and
and religious diversity, 85–86 samsara, 298
and social justice, 83 and Bhakti yoga, 211
and the Spirit, 120–21 in Buddhism, 187–206
Spirit of, 128–29 the fruit of, 215
and Teresa of Avila, 246 and the Inventory of Nonordinary
vision of, 68–69 Experiences, 47
Job, 14–15, 99–108, 286–87 and Paul, 131
John (the apostle), 120, 127–30 and Ramanuja, 221–23
John of the Cross, St., 253 in transcendental meditation, 256
John the Baptist, 116, 121 Medjugorje, 276–78
Jōkin, Keizan, 203 Meister, Chad, 1
Judaism, 99–115, 252, 255, 257 Mengzi, 163, 172–73, 180
Julian of Norwich, 254–55 methodological naturalism, 305, 310
Jung, C. G., 101, 161 Mill, John Stuart, 63
miracles, 121, 261, 272–79
Kabbalah, 257–58 Mitchell, Basil, 60
Kamalaśı̄la, 195 Mitchell, Stephen, 101, 103–5, 107,
Kant, Immanuel, 306 110–11
Karanı̄yamettā Sutta, 204 Moheyan, Heshang, 195–96
Katz, Steven T., 18, 239 monism, 296
Keats, John, 289 Moody, Raymond A., 270
Kiblinger, Kirstin, 86, 90 Morgan, Peggy, 165
King, Richard, 196 Morse, Melvin, 270
Klimek, Daniel Maria, 274 Moser, Paul K., 1, 6
Kohn, Livia, 167 Muhammad, 15, 134
Krippner, Stanley, 41–42 Muhammed, 256
Myers, James, 262
Lakshmi, 17 mystical consciousness, 209–10
Lane Ritchie, Sarah, 305, 310 mystical experience, 25–33, 141, 151,
Laozi, 162, 164–65 165, 210, 239–59

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338 Index

mystical knowing, 244 Popper, Karl, 60

mystical union, 241 Principle Learning, 163
Proudfoot, Wayne, 307
Nampi, Vatuka, 232 psychology of religion, 25–48
Nampillai, _224
Nañjı̄yar, 213 Qian, Sima, 164
naturalism, 303–16 Quine, W. V. O., 64–65, 71
near death experience (NDE), 19, 263–72 Qur'an, 71, 257–58, 292–95
Newton, Isaac, 56
Nielsen, Kai, 60 Race, Alan, 81, 85–86
nirvana, 250–51, 253 Radhakrishnan, Swami, 298
not-self doctrine, 197–200 Rahner, Karl, 80–81, 86
Noyes, Russell Jr., 270 Rāmānuja, 17, 208–34
numinous experience, 285–86 Reformed Epistemology, 71–72
religious disagreement, 11–12, 328
Obama, Barack, 108 religious diversity, 76–77, 79, 81, 84–95
Oreskes, Naomi, 306 religious naturalism, 311–15
Origen, 247 Renard, John, 138
Orsi, Robert, 278–79 retroduction, 63–67
Osis, Karlis, 267 Richard of St. Victor, 247
Otto, Rudolf, 18, 239, 243, 285, 313 Ritchie, George, 19, 263–66, 268–71,
out of body experience, 263–72 274
Rorty, Richard, 60
Padma-Sambhava, 270–71 Rosen, Mickey, 115
Paley, William, 310 Rue, Loyal, 312
Paloutzian, Raymond, 35–36, 38 Ruism, 163
Pals, Daniel, 62 Rūmı̄, 138, 148
panentheism, 296 Russell, Bertrand, 59
Pargament, Kenneth, 35–36 Russell, Bill, 108–10
Park, Crystal L., 35–36, 38
Paul (the apostle), 118–27, 252 _
Śankara, 210, 234
Pentecost, 118–22 Śāntideva, 205
Pentecostalism, 116 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 112, 250
perceptual experience, 1–2, 328–29 Schelling, Friedrich, 250
Perceptual Release Theory, 69–71 Schmidt-Leukel, Perry, 87, 90–91
Periyavāccaṉpillai, 231 Schmithausen, Lambert, 191
Perry, John, 305, 310 Schuon, Frithjof, 243
Pessagno, J. Meric, 294 Schwartz, Gary, 268, 271–72
Peter (the apostle), 118–21, 131–32 Searle, John, 60
Peterson, Michael L., 19–20, 284 sense-perception, 323–26
Pew Research Center, 273 sensus divinitatis, 71–72
phenomenological description, Shang Dynasty, 159–60, 162
39–40 Sharf, Robert, 189–90
Philip (the apostle), 120–21 Shermer, Michael, 272
Philo, 58 Shun, Kwong-Loi, 172
Piedmont, Ralph, 34–36, 38 Shushan, Gregory, 266–67, 270
Pierce, Charles Saunders, 63 Sideris, Lisa, 315
Pike, Nelson, 58 Smart, Ninian, 18, 72, 165, 239, 243,
Plantinga, Alvin, 71–72 250
Plato, 55–56, 69 Smith, William Cantwell, 84
Plotinus, 135 Socrates, 55
pluralism, 86–88, 251 Soubirous, Bernadette, 275
Pope, R., 81 Spilka, Bernard, 32

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Index 339

Spinoza, Benedict, 100, 107, 250, 304 Vishnu, 17

Stace, Walter T., 30–32, 34, 239, 241–43, visions, 267
249–50 of Buddhas, 188
Stevenson, Daniel, 202 of Buddhists, 187
Stone, Jerome, 303–4, 307, 312 caused by sexual deprivation, 69
Streng, Frederic J., 159 of Ibn Arabi, 145
Sufism, 134–54, 250, 258 of Indians, 267
Suhrawardi, Habash, 258 at Medjugorje, 276–79
as mystical experience, 151
Tabrı̄zı̄, Shams-i, 138, 154 as pathalogical, 29
Talmud, 100 of Paul, 121
Taves, Ann, 12–13, 25 as predicted, 121
Teresa of Avila, St., 240–41, 245–47, and ritual, 188
252–53, 256 of rabbinic sages, 252
testimony religious, 200–4
in contrast to experiential in Tibetan Buddhism, 191
confirmation, 187
and deception, 71 Wainwright, William, 243, 247
as evidence, 309 Ward, Keith, 80–81, 88–90
of experience, 55 Webb, Mark Owen, 21, 319
in the heart, 128 Weber, Max, 268
as integral to understanding religious Weiqiao, Jiang, 255
experience, 329 Western Zhou, 163
and mystical experiences, 276 Wettstein, Howard, 14–15, 99
and mysticism, 241 Whewell, William, 272
received by Paul, 118 Whitman, Sarah, 298
theological, 309 Wiebe, Phillip H., 12–13, 55
Thalbourne, M. A., 32–33 Williams, Paul, 193, 196, 199, 201,
Theory of Spirits, 68–72 205–6
Thrane, Susan, 299 Woodward, Kenneth L., 275
Tolstoy, Leo, 2–3, 5, 11 Woolgar, Stephen, 261
tranquility, 192–96 Wynne, Alexander, 193, 205
transcendental experience, 245
transcendental meditation, 256 Xunzi, 163, 172
Trent, Natalie, 268, 271–72
Tribe, Anthony, 193, 205 Yādavaprakāśa, 219
Trump, Donald, 108 Yāmuna, 211
Turner, Edith, 279–80 Yandell, Keith E., 197, 199
Twelftree, Graham H., 275 Yangming, Wang, 181
Tylor, E. B., 262 Yao, Xinzhong, 15–16, 159

Ullian, J. S., 71 Zeitun, 276–77

Underhill, Evelyn, 26, 243 Zhongshu, Dong, 163
union with God, 153–54, 213, 245–46, 254 Zhuangzi, 168, 179, 181

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