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Sin and
The Catholic Church and the Motion Picture Industry






In Search 01 Censors

When Irish Eyes Weren't Smiling

ANew Moral Code

ACatholic Crusade

SI x
Botlle of the Bishops


The End of the Honeymoon

The Producers Fight Back
"Get Father Devlin"
An Unwelcome Miracle
Waning Powers

The Jesuits to the Rescue

End of the Rood

vi Contents




Illustrations following
page 180

(ontents vii


Abortion, 68, 88,242 - 44,249, 281 Babb, Howard Kroger, 195, 196
Adultery, 107-08, 187,272- 73 Baby Doll, 274- 77
African-Americans, 174-75 Baehr, Ted, 3, 330, 331
Agnew, Neil, 203-04, 207 Bankhead, T::LIlulah. 72 - 73
All Quitt on the WesuT7I Front, 194 Bardot, Brigine, 300
Alter, Karl, 297, 298, 307-09 Barren, Wilton, 33, 62
American Civil Liberties Union, 276 Battle Cry, 268 - 69
.A..merican Family Association, 330 Bell, J. Raymond, 312 - ll
An AmtriC(l1l Tragedy, 68-69 Bergman, Ingrid, 225, 236, 249-50
Anatomy ofa Murder, 292 - 93 Beyond the Forest, 242-44
And God Created Woman, 301 Bicycle Thief, The, 250
Andrews, George Reid, 52- 54 Birdwell, Russell, 197-99
AnnaKorrnina, 107- 08, 131 Birth control, 51, 82, 155 - 56
Ann Vicker:r, 82-83 Birth ofa Baby, The, 154-56
Anti-Communism, 108- 09, 156-62, 175- Blachliscing, 95 - 100, 105 , 11 8- 19, 126,
76, 194-95,251-52,269-7 1,295, 134. Set also "Whitelisting
297 Blockade, 156, 159- 61
Anti-Semirism, 19,42-43,84-90,101 , 150, Block-booking, 139, 147
157,173,332 Blue Augel, 137-38, 261
Arbuchle, Fatty, 25, 26, 30,62 Board of Review. See National Board of Re-
Astor Picrures, 296 view of Motion PictUres

Boston, 28, 39, 62 Children, effects of films on, 75
Boycotts, 102,114-17, 127,276,283 Christian Film and Television COmmission,
Boyle, Hugh, 19,88,92,104,121,127 330,333
Breast-feeding, 88 Cleopatra, 31 1
Breen,joseph I., 54. 55, 59, 62, 76. 93, 94, Clergy. portrayal in films. 202, 225, 231,
96-99, 102, 103, Ill, 114, 116, 118-20, 326
122- 26,129- 31,137-39,147-50,153, Code. See Production Code
157-60,169,170,173- 75, 178,186-87, Code and Rating Adminisrration (CAJlA),
190- 91,197,210,211,223-25,227, 324,327, 328
229,262,272,277-79,284,318,320; Cohn, Harry, 106
and Anna Korenina, 107-08; anti- Columbia Picrures, 50. 86, 106, 169, 312-
Communism of, 108-09, 157-60; anti- 13
Semitism of, 84-87, 101; and Back Commission on Training Camp Activities
So·eet, 170- 71; and Beyond the Forest, (CTCA), 11 , 12 , 14, 15
242 - 44; and The Fn:nch Line, 263 - 66; Confessions ofa Nazi Spy, 158
and Gone with the Wind, 148-50; and Congress, U.S., 9, 138-39, 159
Joho T. McClalfeny, 191, 195; and Th, Conneil, Francis, 283 - 87, 289, 299, 301
Meny Widow. 109- 1Oj and The Moon Coogan,] ackie, 27
and Sixpence. 184-85; and The Moon Is Co"igan, Joseph, 86, 134,142,227
Blue, 258- 60; and Production Code, Coughlin, Charles E. , 103, 132
63-64,75,8 1-83,88-89,101, 147- 48; Crawford, joan, 72 , 167
and Production Code Admin istration, Criminal content, 6, 70-72, 128
104- 07, 137, 148; and Rebecca, 164-65; Cronin, A.j., 230, 231, 233
and David O. Selznick, 202-04, 206- Crosby, Bing, 293
07, 231 - 32; and Strange Cargo, 167-68; Crowthe" Bosley, 164, 250, 251,317
and A Strteuar Named Desire, 244-45; C71J.Sades, 160
and This Thing Called Love, 168-69 CTCA. See Commission on Training Camp
Burke,john]., 11, 13-18,27,31-33,39, Activities
52,53,277 Cudey, MichaelJ., 96, 99, 118, 135
Cushing, Rich"dJ., 284, 312, 313
Cagney,]immy, 71,108,220
Cal/ahatls and the Murphys, The, 36-45 Daly,Joseph, 135, 138-43, 157,224
Cantwell,lohnJ., 39, 81 - 82, 84-90, 92, Dampg,dGoods,I53-54
94-96,98, 104,122, 125, 127-29, 131, Davis, Bene, 174, 243
132,136, ISO, 173, 198,201,203,204, DeMiJle, Cecil B., 11 ,24,52-54,72,78,
206,217, 225 160,215-17,255-57
Captain from Castil/" 221-22 Detroit, 121, 125, 140-41
CAJlA.See Code and Rating Devil Is 11 Woman, The, 123-24
Administration Devlin,Joho, 128-29, Ill , 132, 137, 139-
The Cardinol, 311-13 40,170,194,198,201,217-22,225-33,
Cassidy, james E., 92,122 237,240,253,297
Catholic Action, Ill , 147. 170 Diamond, I. A L., 315
Catholic Film Institute, 277 Dietrich, Marlene, 73, 123, 137
Censorship legislation. Sre Legislation, Dinneen, FitzGeorge, 54- 60, 62, 64, 65,
censorship 77,81,83-84,86,87,91,103-06,120,
Chaplin, Charlie, 37, 194 125- 26, 128- 30, 132- 35
Chicago, 7, 8,10,28,54-58, 105,119- 36 Divorce, 146, 169, 170, 195,268
Childbi,th, 88, 149 Doctor Iltld the Girl, The, 242

388 Index
Donnelly, Gerard, 78, 91,137 , 147 Goldwyn, Samuel, 86, 90, 107, 131, 191,
Don'ts and Be Carefuls, 47-49, 55 , 56, 58 , 279,320
60,63,66 GQt/t with the Wind, 148- 50
Drmhle Indemnity, 187 Gorman, Edward, 12 2-24
Dougherry, Cardina l, 43-44, 10 1, I l l, Graves, Frank, 154- 55
115- 17, 127,135, 152,198,211 G,'eatest Show on Em'th, The, 255-57
Dougherty, Eugene, 324 Geiffith, D. w., 25
Driscoll, Michael 0., 21 1, 265
Drug trafficlcing, 278 HaJsey, Sruart and Company, 59, 60
Duel in the Sun, 201-10 Hand , Learned, 17
Dunne, Philip, 148,218,219 HarJow, j ean, 73,125
Harris, james, 30 1-04
Eisenhower, Dwight, 270, 271 Harrung, Philip T., 318
End of the Road, 13- 18 Hawaii, 325
Episcopal Comminee on Motion Pictures, Hayes, Carleton, 89- 90
88,89, 91-93 , 95,96, 104, Ill , 11 5, Hayes, Patrick, 54-58, 64, 65, 93, I l l, 126,
127 - 28, 132, 138, 142, 154, 180, 192, 128, 130, 134-3 6,143,144,146
193,199,268,300,301,309,310, 317, H ayes, Paul, 262, 264, 265, 280, 288, 319-
323,326 20,3 29
Hays, wm, 34-35, 48-49, 51, 54, 67,
"Fallen woman" films, 72-73 69,70,73,74,78,79,81,96,99,101 ,
Fall River (Massachusetts), 122 - 23 103- 07, 109- 11, 113- 17, 123-24,
Fanner's Daughter, Th e, 194-95 126, 135, 136, 138, 140, 147, 153, 159,
Finnigan's Ball, 44-45 164,165,169,1 72 .173, 184,224,279;
Fisher, Edward, 282 - 83 and An American Tragedy, 68-69;
Fit to Fight (Fitto Win) , 13-1 8 anti-censorshlp campa ign of, 26-29;
Foery, Wa iter A., 178,275 -76 anci-Communism of, 108-09; appoint-
Fonda, Henry, 15 9 ment of, as head of MPPDA, 26; and
Ford, Father John, 287-90 The Callahans and the Murphys, 36, 39-
Foreign-language films, 246-5 5 41,43,45; and Chicago Legion, 55-58;
Forever Amber, 210- 14 death of, 266; and Cecil B. DeMille, 52;
For Whom th, Bell Tolh, 175-76 "formula" of, 30-31; and gangster films,
Fosdick, Raymond, 11, 13 - 14 7 1- 72; and Gont with the Wind, 149;
Fox. See Twentieth Cenrury-Fox and Daniel Lord, 76-77; and Charles
Fox Movietone, 51 McMahon, 31-32, 34-3 5; and New
Franco, Francisco, 156, 158, 159 York list, 130; and Production Code, 60,
French Line, The, 263-66 6 1,63-65,75-76,85; retirement of,
190; and Studio Relations Comminee,
Gable, Clark, 72, 73, 76, 11 4, 167 47, 76
Gallaghee, Michael)., lOO, 135, 138 Hearse, Wtlliam Randolph, 55, 74, 139
Gangster films, 70- 72, 128 Hecht, Ben, 107,224
Carbo, Greta, 171 - 72 Herx, Henry, 324, 329
Gardm ofAllAh, The, 50, 226-28 Hirsch, Richard, 324, 332
Getlein, Frank, 254, 283 Hitchcock, Alfred, 220
Gillis, James, 90, 119 Hidee, Adolf, 158
Ginsburg v. New York, 323 Hollywood, 25-26, 114
Going My w"y, 229- 30 Homosexuality, 244- 45, 27 1-72
Gold, Harry, 198-99 Hopper, Hedda, 164,203,2 94

Index 389
House Un-American Activities Committee, Lady of Burlesque, 185-86
194 Laemm(e, Carl, 33 , 48, 82
Hughes, Howacd, 71,138, 196-201,263- LaUou, WiUiamJ, 223-25
67 LaHy, Francis, 77, 283
Hunchback ofNorre Dame, The, 34 Lamarr, Hedy, 142 , 183
Lost Temptation of Christ, The, 331-32
IF CA. See International Federation of Catho- Lawson,john Howard, 157, 159, 160
lic Alumnae Lee, Gypsy Rose, 152-53, 185
International Federation of Catholic Alum- Legion of Decency, 78, 100-102, 110-15,
nae (IFCA), 33 -35,49-5 1,54,67,95, 11 7,128, 134- 48,150-87,190,192_96,
99- 100,118,119,122,130,131,134- 198-201 ,203-15,219,239- 51,254-
36,324 78,280-322
Interstate v. Dallas, 323 Legislation, censorship, 9, 26-29,49,75,
Irish-Americans, portrayal of, 36-45, 132 78,91,92, 138
Irish Hearts, 38,42 , 44 Lewis, Sindair, 82-83
Lewton, Val, 150, 228
Jazz Singer, Th" 46, 47 Lippmann, Waiter, 71
JOOl1 ofArc, 225-26 Linle, Thomas, 192 - 93,248-50, 256-64,
johnscon, Eric, 190, 191, 198,206,211, 266-75,280,283-87,291,293,297,
242,243,266,277,278,281,321 300-301,304-06,309- 17,3 19,3 20,
John XX1lI, 309 324
Jo1500, Al, 46 UNle Caesar, 70-7 1
Joy, Jason, 29, 35, 45, 47, 48, 54-56, 58, L1oyd, H"old, 37
66- 74,76,88,13 7-38 La/ita, 301 - 06
Juam, 161 - 62 Lombard, Carole, 76
Looram, Mary, 130, 134, 135, 137, 141,
Kalmenson, Ben, 277,314 146, 152- 55,180,205,2 11,2 12,250,
Kansas, 9, 28 264,269,273,280,304,324
Kazan, Elia, 245, 246, 274, 275, 277,314 Locd, Daniel, 52- 54, 59- 62, 64, 65, 68-71 ,
KcJiy, Gmld A. , 284, 287- 90 76-79,81,83,86,87,91,97- 100,104-
Kennedy,]ohn F., 319 06,124- 27,132,167,169,170,215-17
Kennedy, Joseph P., 27, 115 Lubitsch, Emst, 109-10
Keough, Francis, 180, 192 ,2 11 , 240,250 Luthec, ]oseph, 129, 132, 140-41, 160
Kerr, Waiter, 286-87 Lux Film, 249
Keys of the Kingdom, 230-40
King of Kings, 52-54,295 McClaffeny, Edw"d T., 251
Kiss, The, 6 McClaffeny, John T. , 144-47, 152, 154-62,
Kits M, Stupid, lI5 - 17 165- 69, 173-78, 180-86, 191-96, 198,
Klondike Annie, 139-4 1 199,207-09,219,228,239,240,270,
KnrtW Thy Husband, 20- 21 278,299
Krmgo, 30-31 McCleLlan, George B., 7-8
Kramer, Stanley, 183 , 184 McGo1drick, iUta, 33-36, 38, 49-52, 54,
Kcol,]ohnJ.. 310, 323, 325 61 - 63,67,99,130,134,217,226
Kubrick, Stanley, 30 1-05 McGucken,]oseph, 223, 225, 229
Ku Klux Klan, 55, 113 McIntyre,]ames Francis, 253, 259, 278,
294- 95,297,298,308,310
Labor unrest, portrayal of, 108 McMahon, Chades, 20-22, 27-28, 31-36,
La Dolet Vita, 295 - 98 39,40,45, 49,217

390 Index
McNicholas,lohn T ., 86-89, 92-96, 98- Murder, 164-65
101,103 , 104, 109- 11 , 115, 119-23, Murray,lohn Courtney, 283, 288, 299, 309
12 5-28, B1, B3-36, 138-44, 146, 148, Mussolini, Benito, 81
150- 54,156-59,162,17l-75,177 Mutual Film Corporatian v. Illd-usrrial Com-
McNulty,lames, 294- 96,300,304- 05, mission of Ohio, 9
l08, 309
Maguire. ArthUf, 96, 99-100,106,132, Nabokov, Vladimir, 301, 302
Ill, B6, 140 NAMPI. See National Association of the Mo-
Mankiewicz,loseph L., 221, 237-39, lI8 tion Picture lnduscry
Marian, Frances, 36-38 National Association of the Motion Picture
Maryland, 9- 10, 31 Industry (NAMPI), 23, 29, 15 7
Massachusetts, 26-29 National Board of Review of Motion Pic-
"Massachusetts Plan," 101 tures, 8, 9, 16, 18,24,25,37, 155,248
Masterson, Patrick, 151, 192 - 94, 196,200, National Catholic Office for Motion Pic-
201,204-14,225,243,249-50,256, tures (NCOMP), 318 - 22, 324- 28
25 7,278 National Catholic Welfare Conference
Mmy Widuw, 109-10 (Newc), 18,20,21,27 ,3 1, H, 39, 49,
MGM, 36-41, 43-45 ,56,67,72,86,88,89, 52,126-27,192, l08
109, 110, 125, 167, 168, 171 -73,222, National Council of Catholic Women, 147
242,267,271 - 74,328 National Council on Freedom from Cen-
Milliken, Cad, 74, 96, B8, 153 sorship, 181
Miracle, The, 250-55 National Industrial Recovery Act, 78, 86
Miscegenation, 108, 279 National War Council, 11-14, 16-18
Mission to Moscow, 176 Nazism, 158
M()()7l and Sixpence, The, 183 - 85 NCOMP. SU National Catholic Office for
Moaney, Edward, 135, 138 Motion Pictures
Moon [, Blu., Th., 261-68 NCWC. SU National Catholic Welfare
Moore, Edward, 139, 142-43, 144, 146, Conference
151, 153 New World Films, 311
Mooring, William, 194- 95,203,204,254, New York City, 7-9,17,41-44,130
257,269-70,280,286,293,299, l20 New York Sr.,e, 24-25, 28, ll, 39, 48
Morgan, Helen, 50- 51 New York State Motion Picture Commis-
Marlian, Felix, 249-50 sion,25
Motion Picture Association of America No Greater Sin, 177-78
(MPAA), 190,201 ,278,3 01,306,32 1 NolI,lohn, 88, 90, 91 , B8
Motion Picture Committee, 20, 21 Norris, Kathleen, 36, 41
Motion Picture Industry Council, 271 Nudity, l17-18, 325-26; in 19l0s films, 69
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors
of America (MPPDA), 26-32, 35, 39,40, OCIC. See Office Catholique International
43,44, 51,54,56,60,72,75,163,178 du Cinema
Movieguide, HO-31 O'Connell, Wliliam, 90, 92, 101, 105, 114-
MPAA. See Motion Picrure Associarion of 16, 127, 135
America Odets, Clifford, 157
MPPOA. See Motion Picrure Producers and Office Catholique International du Cinema
Distributors of America (oclc),247
Mundelein, George, 34, 54, 55, 57-60, 64, Office of War Information (OWl), 179, 180,
65,69,77,81,82,84,87, 101, 103-05, 182
111 , 125-29, Bl, 114, 116 Of Human Bondage, 124

Index 391
O'Hara, AIbert, 232, 236- 39 tial public reaction to, 61-62iJasonJoy
O'Rara,John, 116, 127 and, 66-74, 76; and Lolita, 301-04;
Ohio, 9, 28 Daniel Lord and, 97; miscegenation,
Oklahoma, 267 prohibition of, 278-79; Wilfred Parsons
On the Beach, 294-95 and, 77-78; profanity, prohibition of,
Oregon, 29 175,279; ratification of, 60; revisions of,
O'Shea, Daniel, 232, 233 281,323-24
Outlaw, Th" 196-201 Production Code Administration (PCA),
OWl. See Office of War Infonnation 89, 104-07, 109, 110, 114, 125, 148,
Paramount, 60, 68, 73, 74, 79, 86, 107, 191, 198,202, 204, 206, 210,211, 21B,
123-24,131,137-39,175,183,189, 224,242 - 44,260,262,269,270,274,
190,229,244,267,317 2BO-81, 317,320, 324
Parnm, Thomas, 179-81 Profanity, 149, 175, 279
Parsons, Wilfrid, 58, 59, 61 - 65, 70, 77-78, Protestant Film Council, 192
BD, B3, 84, 86, 99, 109, 110, 115, 124- Public Enemy, 71
26, 129,130,133,136, 15B, 217, 227, Public Health Service, 179-81
232-35,237-40 Public Relations Committee, 29-30
Pawnbroker, Th" 317-1B
Payne studies, 75, 80 Qu,en Christin., 96- 97
PCA. See Production Code Administration Quigley, Martin, 54-56, 67, 69, 74, 75, 78,
Peck, Gregmy, 203, 235 80- B3, B5- 87, 91, 94, 101, Ill, 114,
Pennsylvania, 9, 24 115,117-20,141,145-47,149,153,
People of the United States, The, 179- 82 157,165,170,172,175, 17B, 196,227,
Peoples, S. J., 217 247-49,253,264,266,269,273-80,
Perlberg, William, 211 283,284,287,288,297-98,307-12,
Penijohn, Charles, 55, 57- 58, 60,114-15, 314; anti-Communism of, 251; back-
125, 169 ground, 55; andJoe Breen, 173, 174,
Peyton Place, 291 191; campaign for removal of, 299-301;
Philadelphia, 43-44, 115-16 and Chicago Legion, 120-26, 129- 34,
Pickford, Mary, 46 136; and creation of Production Code,
Pius Xl, 77, 145-46, 159,200 58-65; and Joseph Daly, 138-39, 142;
Pius XII, 230, 289, 290 death of, 318; and Detroit Legion, 140-
Popular Front, 156- 57 41; and Duel in the Sun, 204-10; and
Preminger, Otto, 212, 258-60, 280, 292, David Gardon, 162; and Will Rays,
293, 311, 312, 32B 103- 05,190; and Ben Hecht, 224; and
President vanishes, The, 108-09 Roward Rughes, 199-200; and Joan of
Private Lives ofAdam Pnd Eve, The, 314 Arc, 225-26; and Lolita, 301-05; and
Production Code, 81, 85, 86, 88-89, 91, Daniel Lord, 98-99; and The Merry
103-05,137,147,152,163-65,179, Widow, 109-10; as publisher, 298-99;
189-91,193,196,202-04,207,225, and A Streetcar Named Desire, 245- 46;
231, 241-42, 244, 25B, 277,293-94, and Patrick SuIlivan, 288-93; and WaI-
308, 313;Joe Breen and, 82-84,105- ter Wanger, 159-60
10; directors' reaffinnation of, 75-76; Quigley, Martin, Jr. , 145, 298, 317, 322
and foreign films, 247; and gangster Quinn, John, 332
films, 70- 71; and Gone with the Wind,
148-49; industry defenders of, 279-80; Racial content of films, 5-6, 28, 174-75
initial Catholic reaction to, 62-65; ini- Radio City Music Hall, 160,253

392 Index
Rape, 245 mores, 189- 91, 193, 196; in Duel in the
Rebecca, 164- 65 Sun, 202-05; in early films, 6, 9,13-17;
Red-Hended Woman , 73 in Gone with the Wind, 149- 50; in LAUta,
ReHly, S,lIy, 129, 1l0, 132, 133 301 - 06; in The Moon Is Blue, 258-60; in
Religious content, 215 - 40; during 1920s, A Streetear Named Des;n, 244-46; in
50-54; in The Call1lhans and the Mur- Tiwum and His Mate, 89; in This Thmg
phys, 36, 37; in early films, 5- 6 Called Lwe, 168-69. See also Abortion;
Renoir, Jean , 247 Birth control
Riefensrahl, Leni , 158 Shaw, George Bernard, 223, 224
RKO, 67, 70, 74, 83, 86,148,157,171, Shearer, Norma, 56, 98
174,199- 201,219,221,263 - 67 Sheen, FultonJ., 158,216
Roach, Hal, 29 Sheil, Bernard J., 129, 133
Robinson, Edward G., 70, 71 Sherwood,Robert,37
Rockefeller, John D ., Jr., 84-85 Shurlock, Geoff, 152, 171, 183, 184, 192,
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 105 197, 203,244,245,258,266,268,269,
Roosevelc, Franklin D., 77, 120- 21 272,291,293,299,30 1-04,315,317,
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 102 318, 321, 324
Rosenfield,John, 172, 193 Sign of the Crrm, Tht, 78-80
Rossellini, Roberto, 249-52 Sinatra, Frank, 222-23
Russell,],ne, 196- 98,263- 65 Skouras, Charles, 93-94, 210, 249
Skouros, Spyros, 189, 209- 14,312,321,
St. eyr, Lily, 266 322, 327
Sanger. Margaret. 51 Stup My Lcvt, 190-91, 278
Say One For Me, 293 Smith, AI, lJ5 , 153
Scanlan, Pat, 109, 124-2 5, 132-33 Smith, Courtland, 27, 51
Stariaee, 71 Some Like It Hot, 291
Scarlet Street, 193 Srm ,[Sinbod, 266-67
Sch,ry, Dore, 190,271 - 73 Sound, introduction of, 46-47
Schenck,Joe,86, 153,2 23, 225 Spanish civil war, 156, 159- 61, 175
Schenck, Nicholas, 44, 259 Spellman, Francis, 115, 172, 174, 177, 180,
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 241 206,210,211,223,225, 250,252,253,
Schulberg, Ben, 48, 67, 68 259,264,275,281,284,288,299,305,
Schwegler, Edward, 118, 123 - 25, 131, 132, J08, 309, 311-12, 322
136, 145,227, 249 Stalin,Joseph, 158, 159, 176
Scully, Willi,m, 192, 199-200, 205, 211, Stanwyck, Barbara, 185, 186
273-74,278,291,297-300,309,310 Sreiger, Rod, 318
Second Vatican Council (Vatican 10, 282, Stillman, David, 304
309, 310, 319, 324 Storm Centtt; 270- 71
Selznick, David 0., 107- 08, 148-50, 164, Strange CtlTgo, 167-68
165, 186,201-09,218,222,224-28, Streeuar Named Desire, A, 244-46
231-37,247 Stromberg, Hunt, 185, 186
Seven Arts, 30 1, 304, 305 Studio Relations Comm..inee, 47 , 69, 71, 72,
Sex-hygiene and venereal disease films dur- 76,79
ing World War I, 11- 18,20- 21; in Studios: declining profitability of after
1930s, 153-54; during World War IT, World War 11, 188- 89; subsidiaries of,
176- 82; in I"e 1940s, 195- 96 301. See also specific stUdios
Sexual content, 306; in Battle Cry, 268-69; Sturges, Preston, 182
breastfeeding, 88; and changing social Suddenly Lort Summer, 293-94

Index 393
SuIlivan, Ed, 209 Vizzard,]ack, 242 - 46, 263 , 266, 271 , 274,
Sullivan, Patrick, 288-98, 304, 307-12, 292 , 299, 303 , 314,315, 326
314,315,319 - 22,324- 28
Sullivan, Russell, 101, 114, 115 Walls Came 71lmb/ing Down, The, 219-20
Supreme Court, 9, 254- 55, 265 , 323 Walsh, David 1., 114- 15,147
Walsh, Moira, 310- 11
Ta~, Ch"les P., 177- 78 Wanger, Waiter, 156, 159- 60,1 79-82, 193 ,
Talbot, Francis X., 33 , 137 225, 226, 311
Taylor, Wllliam Desmond, 25-26 Warner, Harry, 48, 101-02,103, 116- 17, 162
Tea and Sympathy, 271 - 74 Wam er,Jack, 108, 243 , 246,274,321
Television, 189 Warner, Samuel L., 41
Thalberg, Itving, 47, 48, 60, 73, 89, 109, Warner Brothers, 44, 70, 86, 88, 94,107,
110 116, 165, 166,242- 46,268,274- 77,
Thirteen Points, 24, 25, 47 314, 320
This Thing Called Love, 168-69 Wasserman, Lew, 332
Tom ]ones, 315 West, Mae, 73- 75, 107, llD, 112, 114, 139,
Tru Grows il1 Brooklyn, A, 219 140
The Trial of Mmy Dugan, 56 Westerns, 25, 20 1
Trotti, Lamar, 68, 72 Whireiisting, 118, 119, 134, IJ5.Seea/so
Twentieth Cenrury-Fox, 55, 57, 67, 70, 73, Blacklisting
76, 86,93, 152- 53,210- 14, 223-24, Wbos Afraid of Virginja Woo/f? 321 - 23
235 , 240, 280, 290- 91, 325 Wi lder, BBly, Jl5 , Jl6
Two-Factd Womall, 17 1-73 Wi ldmon , Donald, 330, 332
Wilkerson, W R., 89
Un;ted Artists, 122, 159, 160, 185-86, 258- Wilk.i nson, Lupton A., 113-14, 116
60,267, Jl6, 320 Wil1iams, Tennessee, 244, 245 , 275, 293
United States Catholic Conference, 329 Wingate, ]ames, 73 - 77, 79, 82, 83 , 86, 88,
Universal Srudios, 82, 86, 120, 332 137
University Film Productions, 177 Wuenschel, Edward, 232 - 33

Valenti,]ack, 322, 323 Yes My Darling Daughter, 165- 67

11,tican, 64, 145-46,200,228,252 Young, Lorcna, 194, 195
Vatican n. Ser Second Vatican Council
Venereal disease. See Sex-hygiene and vene- Zanuck, Dml'l, 148, 189, 219,221-22,
real disease fi lms 226,236, 23 7, 247,2 79-80
Virginia, 28 Zukor, Adolph, 58, 60, 85

394 Index

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