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A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School Department
Mindanao Medical Foundation College


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics



This thesis entitled, “Social media advantage and

disadvantage of academic performance on senior high
school student”, prepared and submitted by Moen Florida,
Zyrah Nems, Laisa Mae Verecio, Angelica Garlit, Queen
Gracell Ann Gallemit, and Manilyn Detoyatoin partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics Strand has been examined
and is recommended for the oral examination, acceptance,
and approval.

AY. Ph,D.

APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the


Science, Technology, Engineering, and


By the Oral Examination Committee:

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


Date: September 2022 SHS Principal


This paper investigates the advantage and

disadvantage of social media on their academic performance

through analyzing the relationship between student and

social media. It is aimed at determining the significant

outcomes of social media in their academic performance

through advantage and disadvantage as independent

variables and academic performance outcomes as

dependent variables. A survey was administered to 50

respondents to collect the data. The researchers used

descriptive correlational design to describe the variables and

the relationships that occur naturally between social media

advantage and disadvantage of academic performance in

senior high school student. Cluster Sampling Method was

used to select our respondents. This study is deliberate to

analyze the disadvantages and disadvantages of social

media to their academic performance specifically: (1) the

demographics profile of the respondents (2) the

respondent’s perception in social media advantages, (3) the

respondent’s perception in social media disadvantages, (4)

significant between the perceptions of respondents’ gender.


The data showed that some students can balance their life

using social media

while doing academic performance and some were



TITLEPAGE… … … … … … … … … … … … …… … … i

APPROVALSHEET… … … … … … … … … … … … … ii

ABSTRACT… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS… … … … … … ………………iv-v


IINTRODUCTION… … … … … … … … … … … … …1-5

Review of Related Literature… … … … … … … ……6-12

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework… … … … … … …13-14

Statement of the Problem… … … … … … … … … … 15

Hypothesis…… … … … … … … … … … … … … …15


II METHODS… …… … … … … … … … … … … …16

Design… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …16

Setting… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …17

Measure… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 17

Procedures … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …17-18


Result and Discussion… … … … … … … … … … 19- 22


Summary … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..23

Findings… … …. … … … … … … … … … … … … ….24

Conclusion … … … … … … … … … … … … …. …. .. 24

Recommendation … … … … … … … … … … … … 24-25

Reference... … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 25-28


Appendix A... … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 29-30

Appendix B... … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 30-32

Curriculum vitae… … … … … … … … … … … … … .33-44

Chapter 1


Social media is relevant in now generation, when it come

industrial revolution and its gives a lot impact among student to
easier way of life. Social media has an advantage and
disadvantage the effect that can lead to students of being reluctant
towards their study but it cannot say that this disadvantage effect is
the hindrance of student pursuing their study. However there are
advantage of social media. The biggest advantage is engagement.
And, as any teacher knows, engagement is key to student success.
It’s actually pretty simple. When students get involved in their
learning, they learn better because social media can connect
students with resources from experts around the world facilitate
communication and collaboration between classmates social media
Provide a platform for sharing information and ideas.

Social media has a negative impact on senior high school

students' academic performance. Misuse of social media sites, on
the other hand, leads to unhealthy addiction and academic barriers.

Student had have negative academic performance in terms

of study and activities this might be lead into lowest percentile of
knowledge. Social media also platform for lead to a good academic
performance in school because they can use social media platform
for their activities in school.

Senior high school student are often capable submitting

their works in the specified time frame in fact they are more
concentrate on applying social media platforms.

These days, the simplicity of getting on the Internet has

spread the word about it, one of the preeminent media searching
for information and correspondence all over the world. Regardless,
as the web is viewed as a really illuminating and fun medium,
people will generally secure in various activities on it, a couple of
which can be habit-forming. One such activity is the use of online

American youth are decidedly online. According to a 2013

report by Pew Research, 78 percent of teens have cell phones, and
almost half of those are smartphones — which means they can log
onto the Internet virtually anywhere, any time. You can bet many of
those students are also using social media tools like Facebook,
Twitter, and Snapchat — maybe to excess.

These statistics might make educators a little uncomfortable.

After all, uncontrolled social media can be a major distraction in the
classroom and open the doors for cyberbullying or the sharing of
inappropriate Web content. When looking at social media from this
perspective, it is understandable why many teachers choose to ban
these technologies from their classrooms entirely. This may be a

In fact, with a little planning, social media can be a powerful

teaching tool.

Social media in the classroom isn’t necessarily good or bad;

it depends on how it’s used. Mashable reports that in 2010,
Portland-based teacher Elizabeth Delmatoff launched a social
media pilot program in her seventh-grade classroom. Thanks to her
carefully crafted lesson plans and selective media choices,
Delmatoff’s students’ grades and attendance improved
dramatically, and one-fifth of students began completing extra
assignments for no credit at all. Social media is a platform that we
use every day and spend much time on them. Therefore, it is
necessary to know the basic information about the advantages and
disadvantages of using social media. Our research deals with
social media and their perception of the general public. We
examined by the survey which social media people use, for what
purpose they are used and how they perceive the positive and
negative aspects of using social media. After analyzing the survey
results, we’ve identified the three most used social media in the
European Union and the opinion of social media users on the
advantages and disadvantages associated with their use. Martina
Drahošová, Peter Balco(2017)

It is crystal clear that there are advantages and

disadvantages to everything in everyone’s life, and that includes
our social networking habits. The practical advantages and
disadvantages of social media are a subject of frequent discussion.
Participation in social media by the general public has increased
sharply over the past nine years. In the U.S., the percentage of
adults using social media has increased from 8% to 72% since
2005. Using social media is widespread across all ages and
professions and is common around the world.

Social media enables users to connect with others and

create a community. It’s more about building relationships than
simply announcing or posting and not engaging with others. It is
undeniably changing the way one communicates.

The flip side is that Indian students are becoming addicted to

social media platforms spending more time with social networks,
are becoming frustrated and depressed due to lack of physical
social meetings and bonding, which ultimately is adversely affecting
the academic performance as well. Abrenica, Jurena and De
Torres, Marife and Vargas, Danilo (2021) in their paper titled effects
of social media on academic performance of high school students
under pandemic (COVID-19) situations studied Don Ramon E.
Costales Memorial National High School in Villasis, Pangasinan,
Philippines to find out most preferred social networking site and the
purpose for its use along with having an insight to what extent
social networking sites are used for academic purpose.

The study also took into consideration various parameters

like age, sex, number of hours the social networking site used on
an average daily for academic purpose and the type of social

The effects of using social media on students' academic

achievement and well-being were classified into the advantages
and disadvantages and its hows and whys during this pandemic of

social media. Based on the findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn: Social media is of advantage to students
because it enhances communication, gives information, offers
entertainment and provides safety. However, it is disadvantageous
since it stimulates isolation/lack of physical interaction, increases
probability of misdeeds, decreases motivation and focus, contains
toxic side, and may spread misin rmation. Social media affects
students' academic performance and well-being in many ways. It
can decrease attention span, promote health deterioration, expand
explanations on lessons, heighten stress, enhance proper
communication and seeking assistance, encourage motivation and
independence and trigger relationship and personal issues. These
effects can be attributed to too much information and tasks,
household responsibilities, lack of sleep, more screen time, lack of
physical activities due to staying at home, access to unlimited
information, procrastination, difficulties in learning, and access to
different media platforms, flexible schedule and more time in social
media. (July 2021) Rodge Daniellette A. Tan, Erech Jyne A.
Pañares, Frenche Jyne A. Pañares, Erika D. Pagonzaga, Jannah
Amor M. Jumawid, Rhesa T. Hinampas and Denis A. Tan.

Showed that students from Davao del Sur, Philippines

scored high in social media addiction. Distraction in class happens
when individuals always struggle to avoid checking their status
updates, friend requests, news feed updates. (Longstreet & Brooks,
2017). significantly, most users are Filipino Millennials and their
normal days are more likely consumed by online activities; thus,
Filipino Millennials are more likely addicted to social media, which
can be a possible predictor of a higher rate of narcissism in the
Philippines(Catipay et al.2018)



Social media applications support learners to access share

and gather information due to their undependable value of
collaboration in the learning process. Additionally, social networking
encourages students to (a) form rewarding friendships with their
classmates (Yu et al., 2010), (b) maximize students' involvement
and communication with their colleges and tutors Fujita et al.,
2017), and (c) work together to accomplish shared objectives (Faizi
et al., 2013). It is also likely that some learners will feel more secure
in expressing and exchanging ideas via online platforms (Ali & Bin-
Hady, 2019).The addiction of social media are increasingly
because of the certainly growth of technology

(Phil Longstreet, Stoney Brooks2017), and while the social media

are continuing to grow, the addiction of individual still on increasing.
There’s a lot of people who cannot stop their addiction because of
self-satisfaction and more focused on what they see on social
media to escape the reality on their life.

The addiction of social media has a big impact towards

student’s self-esteem connected to their performance academically
and mental health such as anxiety and depression

(Yubo Hou et al. 2019).

Social media interconnects individuals on a daily basis. In

education, social media is a “global network of interconnected
learning communities where content is created, shared, remixed,
repurposed, and exchanged” (Yuen, p. 210). This makes it possible
for knowledge, intelligence, and skills from all over the world to be
combined, allowing for collaboration between both students and
school communities. This concept is better defined as collective
intelligence, or creating social networks around academic topics to
connect to outside communities, experts around the world, or
professionals in the field (Chen & Bryer, 2012). This collaboration
through social media provides users with the opportunity to work
together in real world situations, gaining the possibility to potentially
obtain internships and job opportunities in the future.

Student engagement is one of the primary reasons for social

media contributing to students’ success. Students are engaged by
being committed to their education, taking action within the social
media, and by staying connected and interacting with others
(Leece, 2011). Students who take action through the publically
open social media sites have access to more information and more
experiences than those students that are limited to a closed
educational environment (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Social media opens

a whole new door for students as they can participate in enriched

discussions, blogs, collaborative chats, and have the ability to
share their resources, including files, images, and videos to the
students they are interconnected with. This gives students the
opportunity to address their own learning styles by the various
amounts of tools available, allowing for better understanding of the
content (Blankenship, 2011).

Social media in education provides each and every student

with equal opportunities, enhancing students’ learning experiences.
Because social media eliminates the hierarchical structure you
would normally see in a classroom environment, all students are
given equal opportunity with engaging in their education. Social
media, for example, helps the non-traditional students who are
usually commuters or have full or part time jobs receive the same
education (Blankenship, 2011). It also gives those students who do
not feel comfortable talking in class are able to discuss their
thoughts and opinions online (Liu, 2010). Students are given more
opportunity to express themselves freely, which increases student
to student interaction and student to teacher interaction. Blogs are
used more freely, which helps individuals improve their writing skills
while also engaging in their education (Yuen, 2011). Student
satisfaction tends to increase in the course students are interacted
and reflecting upon the material, also improving students overall

Both students and teachers are considered winners in

relation to social media in education. Teachers are able to connect
with their students on a variety of different levels, incorporating

students that they may not necessary establish a classroom

connection with. Students benefit by having a variety of resources
to access information, and being interconnected with peers, alumni,
and graduates all over the world. This brings about a lot of
opportunities for their future that they would not have received
without the advantages of social media and network


According to the studies that addiction on social media has a lot of

disadvantages in our life such us poor of communication, unhealthy
relationship and poor activeness.

(Yalin Sun, Yan Zhang 2021) the addiction of social media is also
seen the way we act, think and etc. Where the mental health of
every individuals got affected and/or getting worse. (Elena
Stănculescu, Mark D Griffiths 2022) Students got negative
influence by social media because they rather spend more time on
social media than studying.

(Cho Cho Zaw, Nur Amira Azenal 2021).Internet and social media
addictions continue to grow as our dependence on technology
increases. Estimates posit that over 210 million people worldwide
suffer from this.

Given its influence on users, reducing these addictions are of

importance. Previous research demonstrates the importance of
emotional states in affecting addiction behaviors. Through the
Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Pathological Internet Usage, the role

of life satisfaction in reducing both generalized Internet addiction

and social media addiction is explored.

Additionally, how happiness and stress affect these

addictions through life satisfaction is examined. Results show that
life satisfaction has significant effects on both generalized Internet
addiction and the specific addiction to social media. For addicted
individuals, there may be deep-rooted issues in their lives, lowering
their satisfaction and driving their continued or increased addictions
to Internet technologies. The study sought to assess students' use
of social media and its effect on academic performance of tertiary
institutions students in Ghana with a focus on Koforidua
Polytechnic students. Questionnaire was used for collecting data.
Out of one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight copies of the
questionnaire distributed, one thousand five hundred and eight
were retrieved which represented a response rate of 95.5%. The
study revealed that majority of the respondents had mobile phones
which also had Internet facility on them and had knowledge of the
existence of many media sites. The study further confirmed that
most of the respondents visit their social media sites using their
phones and spend between thirty minutes to three hours per day. In
addition the study revealed that the use of social media sites had
affected academic performance of the respondents negatively and
that there was direct relationship between the use of social media
sites and academic performance.

The study recommends among others that, students with

mobile phones having internet facility should be encouraged to use
it to supplement their research in the library rather than the usual

charting with friends all the time. Students should be encouraged to

limit the time they spend on their social media sites per day and
advise them to rather substitute those hours to read novels to
improve their knowledge. Since the use of social media sites had
affected the academic work of students negatively there is the
urgent need for the introduction of students to the availability of
novels and other information resources or materials that can help
them academically. (Owusu-Acheaw, M.; Larson, Agatha Gifty

Journal of Education and Practice, v6 n6 p94-101 2015).

The internet is an interconnected computer networks that use the
standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide.
It consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and
government networks that range from local to global scope that are
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical
networking technologies. The advancement of media technology
has had a great influence on the way people now communicate on
a daily basis. The use of the social media among the youth of today
is growing by the day and gaining more and more popularity among
students. It is a way to make connections, not only on campus but
with friends outside of school.

(Raut & Patil 2016) highlights how social media influenced

education sector the study revealed various positive and negative
impacts of social media on education or students. It also highlighted
measure to minimize the negative impact of social media on
students’ academic performances such as; moderating their access
to social media sites, reducing the amount of time spent on social
network sites. (Zahid, et al 2016) did a study to determine the effect

of growing use of social media sites on the academic performance

of the students of universities and colleges. On the basis of random
sampling, 300 students were selected. Questionnaire was used as
the instrument for data collection.

The questionnaire received from respondents were

analyzed with descriptive statistic. Results indicate that the effect of
social media can be positive Tamayo & dela (Cruz 2014) studied
relationship between the use of Social Media sites and the
Academic Performance of the students of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology at Centro Escolar University Malolos. The
study shows that using Social Media impedes student’s learning
and directly affects the students’ attendance at school. The result of
the analysis was plotted in a scatter diagram to show a clear view
of correlation or relationship between the variables. Social Media
and Academic Performance has effect to each other. It only means
that when a student gets too involve with the use of Social Media it
effects his performance in class activities and overall academic
performance. (Khan 2012) explore the impact of social networking
websites on students. A research questionnaire was designed to
determine the factors of social networking websites that have
impact on students. Variables identified are age, gender, education,
social influence and academic performance. The result of the study
shows that Respondents whose Age ranges between 15 to 25
mostly use social networking website, an individual whose age is
between15 to 25 generally uses social networking websites for
entertainment while Gender analysis shows that male mostly uses
social networking websites.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework.

This present study was anchored on the theory of Azizi,

S.M., Soroush, A., Khatony, A., (2019). stated that social media
sites are commonly utilized by secondary school students, as they
spend a lot of their precious time on these sites as a part of their
daily live activities. Studies revealed that among the various age
groups of students, university students are among the most using
social media platforms followed by secondary school students and
its effect their academic performance Wang, Q., Chen, W. & Liang,
Y. (2011). Sheldon, P. (2008). Raymond, O. B. & Afua, A. (2016).

However, exposure and use of social media tend to have

both positive and negative implications on the student. The use of
Social media platforms has raised dust among researchers. Some
see it as distraction to learning for the student as it involves
multitasking, while others attest to the potentials of social media
platforms for learning. There are also those who argue that young
adult learners such as those in secondary schools view and use
Social media platforms as a platform for socializing more than

Independent variable Dependent variable

Social media disadvantage and

Academic performance

Figure 1

This figure the factor of social media advantage and

disadvantage of academic performance in senior high school
student we concluded that these factors fall into independent
variables that include social media disadvantage and advantage
that the most of the student spend more time in in social media
planform and how it’s can effect in their academic performance.


This study aim the social media advantage and

disadvantage of academic performance in senior high school

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. What is the respondent’s perception in social media advantages?

3. What is the respondent’s perception in social media


4. Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of

respondents’ gender?


1. Is there is no significant difference on advantages of social media

on academic performance between the perceptions of respondents’



This chapter describes the researcher's plan for data

collection and how the study's conclusions will be reached. This
comprises the respondents, setting, measures, design and


This study used non-experimental quantitative research

design. It is a research that lack of the manipulation of an
independent variable, Radom assignment of participants to
condition or order of condition, or both – characteristic pertinent to
experimental design (O’Dwyer & bernauer, 20013) This study,
make practical and effective use of descriptive-correlational design

because it describe the variables and the relationships that occur

naturally between social media advantage and disadvantage of
academic performance in senior high school student. This design is
suitable for this study in the sense that this paper interested in
describing relationships among variables, without seeking to
establish a causal connection.


The researchers will conduct this study on different schools

in Davao City, (Region XI), which is geographically located
Mindanao Medical Foundation College.

The respondents of this study will be all Senior High

School student in Mindanao Foundation College. The researchers
opted to select 50 random responders, and those who are grade
seniors in high school will be chosen.


They can access a questionnaire through a shared link on

via Google Form and we will use collect and gather data.


The participants are going to answer by using Google form

that we made. Since, the students are willingly to answer are
survey, no forcing happen. We also explain to them what are the
importance of their responses about the social media disadvantage
and advantage of academic performance on senior high school
student. The respondents for this study are those senior high
school students from Mindanao Medical Foundation College and
the selected students are fundamentally well suits for this research.
The google form was sign to 52 senior high students in specific
school to ascertain their experiences of how the social media
affects their academic performance. They only need to click the link
that forwarded to them from a researcher and just answer those
questions. All the answers or information that we took from them
are all met what this conducted study needs.

All the data that we have from respondents are protected of

passwords to all devices. The only persons that had access to the
data are those having business about this study. When this study
will finished we surely that all the data are going to be destroyed.



The data collected from the respondents on their

advantage and disadvantage of social media on their academic
performance in Davao City, (Region XI), which is geographically
located Mindanao Medical Foundation College.

Which are presented and discussed as follows

Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents

Profile Frequency Percentage

Male 21 39.62
Female 32 60.38

Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents

composed of 21 male (39.62%) and 32 female (60.38%) a total of
100% respondents.

Question Mean SD Interpretation

1 3.358491 0.761939 Neutral
2 3.301887 0.972406 Neutral
3 3.981132 0.820191 Agree
4 3.396226 0.947459 Neutral
5 3.660377 0.875816 Agree
Table 2. Respondents’ perception on Social Media advantages on
academic performance.

Table 2 shows the result of social media advantage on

academic performance. Questions Q1 Social media is beneficial to
education, Q2 Social Media able to help students become more
knowledgeable? Q4 Social media improves student’s social skills.
Got the same interpretation which is neutral. According to the
participants, the advantage of social media is neutral for them.
According to (Wodzicki K., Schwämmlein E., Moskaliuk J.) For
instance, students of higher academic levels extensively use social
media platforms for educational purposes. Khan M.N., Ashraf M.A.,
Seinen D., Khan K.U., Laar R.A (2011 ,2012) In addition, these
platforms have several other uses, such as entertainment and
interactions with others. Reenhow C., Galvin S.M., Willet K.B.S.

However, the Q3 Using social media help students get better

grades. and Q5 Can social media be motivational ? got the same
high interpretation, which is "agree." This means that the
respondents agree that social media has a big impact on their
academic performance. Students’ academic life has moved to a
different dimension since the introduction of these social media
networks and several studies have affirmed that social media plays
an important role on students in higher education on their academic
performance including the study conducted by Wheeler, Yeomans
and Wheeler,(2008); Rifkin, Longnecker, Leach and Ortia,(2009). In
their study, they recognized four (4) major advantages of social

media usage by students in higher education which included;

enhancing relationship, improving learning motivation, offering
personalized course material, and developing collaborative abilities.

Table 3. Respondents’ perception on Social Media disadvantages

on academic performance

Question Mean SD Interpretation

1 3.924528 0.755723 Agree
2 3.679245 0.803205 Agree
3 3.396226 0.884473 Neutral
4 3.132075 0.877885 Neutral

Table 3 shows the result of social media disadvantages on

academic performance. Questions Q1 Social media sites
encourage inactivity. Q2 Social media causes stress? and Q5
Social Media lead to poor grades? got the same interpretation,
which is "agree." The respondents say that social media is a big
disadvantage to their academic performance. (Yubo Hou et al.
2019). According to the studies that addiction on social media has a
lot of disadvantages in our life such us poor of communication,
unhealthy relationship and poor activeness. (Elena Stănculescu,
Mark D Griffiths 2022) Students got negative influence by social
media because they rather spend more time on social media than

For the Q3 Social media a distraction academically? And Q4

Social media addicting? the result of social media disadvantages on
academic performance got the same interpretation, which is
“neutral”. This implies that they have no literary influence from
social media. Personality characteristics relates to such results.
Even though there are many studies that relate social media
addiction and academic performance based on personality
characteristics, there is still a gap that needs to be narrowed In
addition, there are also studies that look into the relationship
between social media disadvantage and academic performance
(Hasnain et al., 2015; Skiera et al., 2015; Thuseethan &
Khutanesan, 2012; Mahmood & Farooq, 2014). The studies point

out that social media addiction does affect the academic

performance of a student either in a negative or positive way
(Hasnain et al., 2015; Mahmood & Farooq, 2014).

Table 4. T-test of difference on Respondents advantages and

disadvantages of social media analyzed by gender.

Frequency Mean SD P=value

Male 21 3.733 0.563323
Female 32 3.412 0.479078
Male 21 3.580 0.554634
Female 32 3.575 0.611186

Presented in table 4 is the test of difference in respondents’

level of perception in social media advantages and disadvantages
between genders. This confirms that respondent’s perception in the
advantages of social media is significantly different with a p=value
of 0.03063 and respondents’ perception in social media
disadvantages is not significantly different with a p value of

Generally, females use social networking sites to make

connections and stay in touch with family or friends. Men, by
contrast, use social media to gather the information they need to
build influence. Social media helps them perform research, gather
relevant contacts, and ultimately increase their status. Facebook is
the most preferred social networking sites of the students to
connect with family and friends. They are entertained by the
Facebook. They use longer time chatting with friends rather than

doing school works. Facebook becomes their daily routine.

Abrenica, Jurena and De Torres, Marife and Vargas, Danilo(2021)




This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and

recommendations based on the findings of this study.


This study was aimed to determine the social media advantage

and disadvantage of academic performance in senior high school
student among the students of Mindanao Medical Foundation
College. The researchers used descriptive correlational design to
describe the variables and the relationships that occur naturally
between social media advantage and disadvantage of academic
performance in senior high school student. The researchers
created a google form to 52 selected students from Mindanao
Medical Foundation College. Cluster Sampling Method was used to
select our respondents. According to the results of the survey, we
were able to gather all the possible data to achieve and determine

the significant relationship between the social media advantage and

disadvantage of academic performance


Results show that table1 is the demographic profile of the

respondents composed of 21 male and 32 female most of the
respondents are female.

Table 2 shows the result of social media advantage on academic

performance. Questions Q1, Q2 and Q4 Social media improves
student’s social skills. Got the same interpretation which is neutral.
According to the participants, the advantage of social media is
neutral for them. However, the Q3 and Q5 got the same high
interpretation, which is "agree." This means that the respondents
agree that social media has a big impact on their academic
Table 3 shows the result of social media disadvantages on
academic performance. Questions. Q2 and got the same
interpretation, which is "agree." The respondents say that social
media is a big disadvantage to their academic performance. For the
And Q4 the result of social media disadvantages on academic
performance got the same interpretation, which is “neutral”. This
implies that they have no literary influence from social media.

The findings of the study showed the involvement of the

respondents that the some of the respondents answered agree and
neutral based on theirs experience about the advantage and
disadvantage of social media on their academic performance in
senior high school students


The impact of social media on student academic performance

has advantages and disadvantages. Based on the study's findings,

the following conclusions were reached: Social media is beneficial

to students because it allows them to gain more knowledge,
improve their grades, improve their social skills, and become more
motivated. However, its disadvantages include encouraging
inactivity, causing stress, being addictive, and being a distraction
academically, which leads to poor grades.


Considering the research's findings when we say social media, we

all know that it has a biggest impact in now generation, in terms of
studies, social media also has a disadvantage effects towards
students and this is the reality it is one of the major problem that
causes most of students having failure in individual grade. Also
school administrators may access their student from negative of
social media and should adopt the strategies to how to overcome
the social media disadvantage.


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Letter Asking Permission to Conduct the Study

Amie Theresa Alterado-Bautista
Mindanao Medical Foundation College P. Villanueva St. Agdao,

Dear Ma’am,

The senior high school students of Mindanao Medical

Foundation College are currently conducting a study entitled “Social

media advantage and disadvantage of academic performance in


senior high school student”. The purpose of this study is to

determine the Social media advantage and disadvantage of

academic performance in senior high school student the research

outcome will aid the students in identifying Social media advantage

and disadvantage of academic performance in senior high school

student In line with this the researcher would like to request from

your good office for approval on the conduct of the study by

administering survey questionnaire to the senior high school


Rest assured that utmost confidentiality will be kept and observed.

Thank you and God bless.

Hoping for your kind and consideration



Note by:
Adorico M. Aya-ay Ph.D.
Research Adviser

Approved by:

Amie Theresa Alterado-Bautista


Appendix B

Informed Consent

I have read and fully understand the significance of this study and I

am fully aware of the confidentiality of my participation in the

conduct of the study, with this in my mind, I voluntarily submit

myself as respondents of this study.


Partcipant’s Name ¿ Signature




Name : Laisa Mae C. Verecio

Age: 18
Sex : Female

Birthday : November 28, 2004

Civil Status : Single
Email Account :
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Visaya
Strand : STEM
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary :F bustamante National High School
Elementary : F bustamante central Elementary School


Home address: SIR Davao city
Civil status:single
Email account:
Date of birth :09/22/1994
Place of birth:siay Zamboanga sibugay

FATHER: Henry Detoyato
Mother-evelyn Detoyato
Nationality: Filipino
Strand: STEM
School: Mindanao Medical Foundation College School
Address (school)banggoy sasa national highschool Davao city
Secondary (HS) grad
Elementary:salinding siay Zamboanga sibugay

Name : Jessamae T. Dignos

Age: 21
Sex : Female

Birthday : February 22, 2001

Civil Status : Single
Email Account :
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Visaya

Strand : TVL
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary :F banggoy National High School
Elementary : Vicente Hizon Sr. Elementary School

Name : Queen Gracell Ann P. Gallemit

Agen: 23
Sex : Female
Birthday : June 15,1999
Civil Status : Single

Email Account :

National : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Chavacana ,Visaya


Strand : Stem
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary : Gov. Duterte National High School
Elementary : Matina Aplaya Elementary School

Name : Angelica U. Garlit

Age: 17

Sex : Female
Birthday : July 07, 2005
Civil Status : Single
Email Account :
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Visaya
Strand : ABM
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary : Leon Garcia Senior National High School
Elementary : Lapu-Lapu Elementary School

Name : Zyrah Bles F.Nemis

Age: 17
Sex : Female
Birthday : August 27, 2005

Civil Status : Single

Email Account :
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Visaya


Strand : STEM
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary : Padada Senior National High School
Elementary : Bantol Elementary Schoo

Name : Moen J. Florida

Age: 19
Sex : Male
Birthday : April 2, 2003

Civil Status : Single

Email Account :
Nationality : Filipino
Language Spoken : Tagalog,Visaya


Strand : STEM
School : Mindanao Medical Foundation College
Secondary : Bantol National High School
Elementary : Lawa Central Elementary

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