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Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


Important Dates to Remember:

February 14, 2024
❑ Start of Accomplishing the Task
February 28, 2024
❑ Submission of the Individual Calendar
March 8/11, 2024
❑ Reporting of Accomplished Tasks (by GROUP)
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

1. Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday; offer something during the

2. Go to school early, around 6:30 in the morning, to pray the
rosary in the chapel with your groupmates.
3. During the lunch break, join your groupmates and visit the
elementary department. Choose a grade level where you can
either read or tell a story.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


4. Create a simple card of appreciation for the SJC faculty and

5. Purchase a simple gift for your parents as a token of
appreciation with notes of gratitude.
6. Spend time to clean the chapel, the sacristy, or even just wipe the
images of the saints.
7. Prepare a plastic containing snacks like biscuits and candies for
elementary pupil or night high school student.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

8. Volunteer to wash the dishes and sweep the floor at home.
9. Extend assistance to your classmates, particularly in completing
academic tasks.
10. Share your snacks with your classmates.
11. Get ready a package with a simple toy (new or gently used) and
some candies for any elementary pupil.
12. Arrive early, line up along the driveway, and greet everyone
entering or arriving with a cheerful "Good morning, Jesus loves
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

13. Roam around the entire campus with your groupmates during
lunch break, pick up any litter and dispose it in the proper bins.
14. Pray the angelus in front of the altar dedicated to Saint Joseph
15. Read the Biblical Narrative of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and
Resurrection from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 27-28)

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


16. Share knowledge about the meaning of Lent and its significance
with the SJC community through a simple card.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.


17. Place an encouraging note on your classmate's desk or chair.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

18. Reflect on Jesus’ Paschal Mystery through the Stations of the
19. Wear a smile and greet everyone you encounter by saying, "Have
a blessed day!“
20. Make a video call to someone you don't often talk to and engage in
a conversation for 10 minutes.
21. Surprise your parents or a family member with a hug.
22. Assist in meal preparation, gather as a family for a prayer, and
share the meal together.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
❑ Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving that begins on Ash
Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

❑ The ashes used on Ash Wednesday come
from the blessed palms left over from the
previous year.
❑ The palms are burnt to produce the ashes
❑ Ashes are considered sacramentals and
are blessed before their use.
❑ It marks the beginning of the Lenten

❑ It is so called because on this day

ashes are used to mark Catholics on
their forehead as a sign of conversion
and repentance.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

❑ ASHES also symbolize grief, in this case,
grief for our sins.
❑ ASHES remind us that life is fragile and
that one must be ready to face God.
As our foreheads are being marked, the priest says:
“Remember that you are dust and unto dust you
❑ ASHES were used as a sign of repentance shall return.”
and conversion in the Old Testament:
So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek
Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting,
sackcloth, and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my
God and confessed. (Daniel 9:3-4)
❑ ASHES are a public sign of our intent to
die to our worldly desires and live in

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

❑ While Advent is a celebration and a time
of great anticipation, Lent is more
frequently seen as a time of solemn
observance and preparation for the
celebration of Jesus’ passion, death,
and resurrection at Easter.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

❑ During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by
reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving
alms; and we practice self-control through
fasting and abstinence.

❑ It is an invitation to renew our baptismal call:

to live as children of God and disciples of
Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

❑ Because Lent follows the liturgical
calendar, the exact date that Lent falls each
year changes. Lent begins on Ash
Wednesday, which is always held 46 days
(40 fasting days and 6 Sundays) before
Easter Sunday.

❑ This year, Lent started on Wednesday 14th

of February and Easter Sunday is the 31st
of March.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
Jesus is Tempted
(Matthew 4:1-11)

The Gospel during the First Sunday of Lent

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
The 3 Universal Temptations of Jesus:

❑ The temptation for PLEASURE regardless

of the consequences.

❑ The temptation for POWER, the need to

control and dominate others.

❑ The temptation for POPULARITY, the need

to be greater than God (self-idolatry).

Jesus is Tempted
(Matthew 4:1-11)
Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.
The Climax of the
Lenten Season

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Holy Week. . .
❑ It begins on Palm Sunday and ends with the
Holy Saturday.
- On this day (Palm Sunday), we celebrate the
triumphant entry of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, into
Jerusalem, riding a donkey.

- On that day, the people laid palms before Him, a

gesture reserved for triumphant leaders.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Holy Week. . .

❑ The next major event in Holy Week is Holy Thursday.

- On this day, Jesus celebrated the Passover feast
with the disciples.

- We know this feast as the Last Supper.

- This is the night He was betrayed by Judas and


Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Holy Week. . .

❑ The next day is Good Friday.

- On this day, we commemorate the trial,
punishment, and crucifixion of Our Lord.

- In our churches, the Tabernacle is left empty, to

show that Christ is departed.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Holy Week. . .

❑ The next day is Holy Saturday.

- On Holy Saturday, there is no Mass. Parishes
may hold services, but there is no distribution of

- On Holy Saturday, we remember that Jesus was

descended into hell where He preached the
Gospel to those who died before and opened the
way to heaven for all those who were worthy.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Easter Sunday. . .

❑ The following day is Easter Sunday. . .

- the day on which it was discovered the Tomb
was empty, and our Lord was resurrected,
triumphing over death once and for all time.

- EASTER is not part of Holy Week, but rather the

beginning of the Easter season of the Liturgical

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

Serve the interests of Jesus,
like Saint Joseph.

Saint Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Inc.

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