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TOPIC:- Immersive Technology

1.0 Aim / Benefits of the Micro Project:

To study About Immersive Technology and its Types . Here in this

micro project we have studied the Types of Immersive Technology,
applications and it’s challenges.

2.0 Course Outcomes addressed:

 Learned About Immersive Technology and its Types.

3.0. Proposed Methodology:

 Firstly, we will select the Group Members and Group Leader of a particular
Group with the help of Mam.
 Later, we will choose the Main Topic.
 Then we will discuss and distribute the work.
 Later, we will start working individually on our work.
 Then, we will send a rough report to Mam for checking.
 Later, we will proceed for the Annexure 1, 2 and 4.
 We will together discuss and write the Annexure 1. Lastly, the group leader
will submit to the respective teacher.

4.0. Action Plan:

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Name of
Sr. Planned Start Planned Finish
Details of Activity Responsible
No. Dates Dates

1. Choosing Micro-Project

2. Searching for the Information

Preparing the Model for Micro- Group

Project Leader.
4. Creating annexure 1 & 2

5. Submitting to Sir

5.0. Resources Required:

Name of Resource Specifications QTY Remarks

1 MS Word Official Use. 1 -

2 Google 1 -

3 Reference Book Nirali Prakashan 1 -

4 Laptop/Desktop Official Use. 1

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TOPIC:- Immersive Technology

1.0. Rationale:

To study about the Immersive Technology and it’s types. Here in this
micro project we have studied the different types of immersive
technology,it’s application and challenges.

2.0. Aim / Benefits of this Micro – Project:

To study about Immersive Technology and its types . Here in this micro
project we have studied the Types of Immersive Technology,
applications and it’s challenges.

3.0 Course Outcomes:

 Learned about Immersive Technology and its types.

Books/Websites Types.

1. Website.

2. Website.
4.0. Literature Review:

5.0. Actual Methodology Followed:

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Firstly, we will select the Group Members and Group Leader of a particular Group
with the help of sir. Later, we will choose the Main Topic. Then we will discuss and
distribute the work. Later, we will start working individually on our work. Then, we
will send a rough report to sir for checking. Later, we will proceed for the Annexure
1, 2 and 4. We will together discuss and write the Annexure 1. Lastly, the group
leader will submit to the respective teacher.

6.0. Actual Resources followed:

Name of Resource Specifications QTY Remarks

1 MS Word Official Use. 1 -

2 Google 1 -
4 Laptop/Desktop Official Use. 1 -

7.0.Outcomes of this Micro – Project:

The skills which I and my team members have learnt during and after
completing this Micro – Project are helpful nature, responsible member,
leadership. Also We developed our skill in and also we searched and got
to know that how to make an Detailed Report on an Topic given.

8.0.Skills Developed/Learning Outcomes of this Micro – Project:

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The skills which I and my team members have learnt during and after
completing this Micro – Project are helpful nature, responsible member,
leadership. Also We developed our skill in and also we searched and got
to know that how to make an Detailed Report on an Topic given.

9.0. Application of this Micro – Project:

Application of this Micro – Project is that it can be used for explaining

students the types of leaf springs available in the market and what is its
use and also the detail specification of the type of leaf spring is getting
used in the vehicle before installing it.

10.0 Conclusion :
Immersive Technology can provide a more interactive and safer environment for
medical students and professionals, expedite product development in
manufacturing, and provide a more engaging learning environment for students,
however, it still remains an expensive technology to have properly installed in a

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