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Copywriting: Text that is written to sell a product or a service.

Words Used: Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Brand Persona, Client’s Vision, Cultural
Where is it used? Website, Social Media, Google Ads, Brochure, Flyer, Brand Naming, Brand
Concept, Proposals, Product Descriptions
Prewriting: Industry Research, Competitive Research, Understanding the brand’s DNA
Writing: Content Strategy, Outlining, Brand Story, Connecting research with concept
Post-Writing: Refinement, First Draft, Feedback, Finalizing

Search Engine Marketing

SEO Checklist

 Target search phrase is included in the URL

 The search phrase is included in the title
 Search phrase is included in the meta description which isn’t more than 160 characters
 The image alt text includes the specific search phrase
 The webpage includes relevant links to other sites.
SEO Funnel

Funnel Level Tactics Content Metrics

Top of the Funnel  Digital PR  Blog posts  Unique
 SEO  Info graphics Visitors
 Social Media  Videos  Social Media
content  Social Media Engagement
creation Content  Downloads
Middle of the Funnel  Email  Product  Click-through
Marketing Demos rate
 Classes &  White Papers  Email
Workshops  Research Engagement
 Interactive Articles Metrics
Content  Online Classes  Landing page
 Demos and engagement
Free Trials metrics
Bottom of the Funnel  Live Demos  Coupons &  Return on ad
 Limited time Discounts spend
offers  FAQ pages &  Purchase
 Customer Buyer Guides Conversions
success  Competitor  Customer
stories Comparison Acquisition
Guides Cost

Types of AdWord Campaigns

 Search Campaigns: Show up when people search for what you offer
 Display Campaigns: capture attention with banner ads and images
 Video Campaigns: bring your business to life with a video
 Shopping Campaigns: show your online and local inventory
 App Campaign: promote your app to the right people
Real-Time Bidding Process:
Publisher’s site loads on user request  publisher asks ad server if an ad is available or start ad
auction  ad exchange provides website information  using DMP data about users, DSP
offers bids  Ad exchange awards the impression to the highest bidder  ad exchange sends
bid information to the publisher’s ad server  User’s browser adds the winning ad to the

What is a page?
Pages are where you attract and interact with your target audience because it’s
often one of the first pages LinkedIn members visit to learn about your company.
Relevant and creative content catches the eye of prospective customers.

Showcase Page: Showcase pages are purpose-built pages designed to promote

specific business lines, products, brands or initiatives within your company. A
distinct platform for each aspect of a business can be created that has its own
message to share with its own target audience.

These are pages that are linked to the main page, but allows the user to create
and share content that appeals to different segments of the audience.

Affiliated Page: An affiliated page represents a related or subsidiary company.

Page Analytics: The analytics tab of the page admin center provides you with
metrics and trends about your page.

Sponsored Content: LinkedIn sponsored content allows you to publish relevant

content and reach a targeted audience of professions beyond your followers.

Four common objectives before building a strategy

 Brand Awareness: Building relationships with the prospects by getting

your brand’s word out.
 Lead Generation: Prospects engage with 8 pieces of content before
making a purchase decision.
 Thought Leadership: Prospects choose the company that was first to help
them along their buyer’s journey. Share perspectives on industry trends,
helpful product how to’s and news.
 Event Registration: A LinkedIn page is perfect for promoting webinars
and upcoming events.
Posting targeted updates to increase content engagement: The updates should
be targeted allowing for maximum content engagement. Targeting can be done
based on follower’s data: company size, industry, function, seniority, geography
and language preference.

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