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JUNE 2020




1. Attempt all 30 questions. Write your answers separately on the answer sheet to be provided at the exam
2. Part ‘A’ contains 20 questions and each question in this part carried ‘Five marks’.
3. Part ‘B’ contains 10 contains and each question in this part carried ‘Ten marks’.
4. Use of Calculator is prohibited. Marks will be awarded for steps.
5. Take the value of .
6. The question paper can be retained by the candidates post exam.

PART A (20 X 5 = 100 MARKS)

1. Express 0. 5 × 0. 05 × 0. 005 in the form of 8. In the adjoining figure, find the value of 𝒙 and 𝒚
if AOD is a straight line.
when 𝒑 and 𝒒 are integers.
2 3
2. Find two rational numbers between 𝑎𝑛𝑑
3 4
3. In the following problem, replace the letters of
English alphabet by digits (two or more letters
may have same value) to complete the
procedure of division.

9. A room is 4.5m long, 4m wide and 3m high. Find

the cost of white washing of the walls and the
roof at the rate of ₹ 11 per square meter.
10. Find the area enclosed by the pentagon ABCDE,
where ABDE is a rectangle and AB = 18cm, CD
4. If A is substituted by 2, B by 3, C by 4, D by 2, = 8 cm, BD = 10 cm.
E by 3, F by 4 and so on, then what will be total
of the numerical values of the letters of word
5. The difference between the squares of two
consecutive numbers is 37. Find the numbers.
6. The average age of a class of 33 students is 13
years. If one student leaves the class, the 2 3 2 −6 2 2𝑚−1
15 11. Find 𝑚 so that ( ) × ( ) =( )
average age becomes 12 years. What is the age 9 9 9
16 12. Find the smallest number by which 180 must be
of the student? multiplied so that the product is a perfect
7. The length of each of two equal sides on an square.
isosceles triangle is 4 meter less than twice the 13. Divide: 𝑥 3 − 6𝑥 2 + 11𝑥 − 6 𝑏𝑦 𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 3
length of the third sides. If the perimeter of the 14. My present age is four times the difference of my
triangle is 57 meter then find the dimension of age after four years and three years back. How
the triangle. old am I?
15. Find 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 3
17. A wire of length 176 cm is first bent into a square
and then into a circle. Which one will have more
18. A number consist of two digits. The sum of the
digit is 9. If 63 is subtracted from the number
its digit are inter changed. Find the number.
16. Four equal circles are described about four 19. If the cost price of 18 mangoes is the same as
corners of a square so that each touches the two the selling price of 16 mangoes. Find the gain
of the others. Find the area of the part of the percent.
square enclosed by the circles if the side of the 4 𝑡ℎ
20. Divide 34 into two parts in such a way that ( )
square is 14 cm. 7
2 𝑡ℎ
of one part is equal ( ) of the other.

PART B (10 X 10 MARKS)

21. Simplify 5𝑞 − [2𝑝 − 3𝑞 − 3{5𝑟 − 2(𝑝 − 2𝑞 + 26. Two numbers are in ratio of 3: 5. If each number
3𝑟)}] is increased by 10, the ratio between the new
22. Using ruler and compass only, construct a ∆ numbers is 5: 7. Find the original numbers.
ABC where AB = 6 cm, ∠CAB = 600 and ∠CBA = 27. A motorboat goes downstream in river and
45°Also find the length of AC and BC. covers a distance between two coastal towns in
5 hrs. It covers this distance upstream in 6 hrs.
If the speed of the stream is 3 km/hr, find the
speed of the boat in still water.
28. A man bought two TV sets for Rs 42500. He sold
one at a loss of 10% and other at a profit of 10%.
If the selling price of each TV set is same,
determine the CP of each set.
29. A boy driving his bike at 24 kmph reached his
23. Determine (8𝑥) 𝑥 𝑖𝑓 9𝑥+2 = 240 + 9𝑥 office 5 minutes late. Had he driven 25% faster
24. The brick measures 25 𝑐𝑚 𝑥 12.5 𝑐𝑚 𝑥 7.5 𝑐𝑚 and on an average he would have reached 4 minutes
is used to construct a wall of size earlier than the scheduled time. How far his
6 𝑚 𝑥 5 𝑚 𝑥 0.5 𝑚. If the cement and sand office?
occupies of the volume of the wall, find the 30. The external dimensions of a open wooden box
number of bricks. are 98 cm x 84 cm x 77 cm. If the wood is 02 cm
25. A factory increased its production from 80000 in thick all around, find the volume of the wood
1999 to 92610 in 2001. Find the annual rate of used to make the box. Also find the weight of the
growth of production. box if 1 cm3 of wood weights 0.8 gm.

Time: 2 hrs MM: 125


1. Read all the questions thoroughly before answering.

2. The question paper can be retained by the candidate post exam.
3. The question paper comprises three sections:-
a) Reading Section:- 25 marks
b) Writing Section: - 50 marks
c) Grammar: - 50 marks


1. Read the passage carefully and answer the and learn how to live with this menace we can
Questions that follow. (15 Marks) believe that the enemy’s days are numbered.
COVID-19 has hurled many lemons at all of us
and none of us has succeeded in making a) What kind of fear has COVID-19 created in
lemonade out of them. The silent war against our mind? (2)
mankind which started from some corner of a b) What is the difficulty that mankind is facing
neighbouring country of ours about eight owing to the pandemic? (2)
months ago is threatening to pave the way for c) What lessons do we have to learn from the
the most intelligent living being on earth to go soldiers? (2)
the way of the dinosaurs. The pandemic has no d) How can we deal with the pandemic? (2)
respect for man-made barriers – caste, colour, e) Find the phrases from the passage which
ethnicity, religion, etc. The world seems to be mean (3)
united by ‘corona-phobia’. We all know how
i) to become extinct
dangerous it is and what we must do to ward it
ii) to face a difficulty bravely
off. Unfortunately, we are caught between the
iii) be in a dilemma
devil and the deep blue sea : to insulate
ourselves against the pandemic, we must
remain indoors and starve; to keep the wolf from f) Is the pandemic partial? Why? (2)
the door, we must go out and take the bull by g) What message does the passage convey? (2)
the horns even at the cost of our life. In a real
war, soldiers prepare themselves for the worst. 2. Read the poem given below and answer the
Fear is the last thing they would like to questions that follow. (10 marks)
surrender themselves to. They do not remain My parents tell me not to go out.
indoors and think of their safety all the time. I could be killed by some big animal.
They have a Hobson’s choice : go out and fight But I’m part of nature’s food chain.
no matter what. To fight for the country is their Therefore, I’m not afraid of tigers.
duty and their duty is their life. They have My parents tell me not to go out.
learned how to psyche themselves up to face the I could be taken by some big bird.
challenges of war. We must take a leaf out of But destiny has its own plans for me.
their copybook. Fearlessly, but not foolishly, we
must learn how to face the challenges of the Therefore, I’m not afraid of eagles.
pandemic. We have to work because work is life My parents tell me not to go out.
and life is work. In order to work we must go out I could fall ill or injured.
of our houses and go to our workplaces. It goes But I love to play with my friends.
without saying that the pandemic is an invisible Therefore, I’m not afraid of illness or injury.
enemy which cannot be killed by any weapon My parents tell me with anger and love.
mankind has been blessed with. However, all is “Dear little rabbit, don’t you love us?
not lost for us. Once we improve our immunity Obey us. You will be safe and successful in
I say, “I love you. But now is important to c) What do the parents want the rabbit to do?
me. (02)
And I don’t want to be afraid.” d) What is the rabbit’s outlook towards life?
a) Give a suitable title to the poem (01) e) What does the following line mean? My
parents tell me with anger and love. (02)
b) Name any figure of speech used in the f) What is the moral of the poem? (02)
poem. (01)


3. Make a précis of the following passage in 60-80 appropriate to conclude that a good education
Words. Also assign a suitable title to it. (Don’t can identify uniqueness in an individual and
copy the sentences). (06) groom it into a talent.
It is indeed an uphill task to say something new 4. Write an essay on any two in About 150 words.
about the term ‘education’ because no (7× 2=14)
personality of international repute, past or a) Genius is an infinite capacity for taking
present, has failed to define, re-define or add pains.
something new to this term. The common b) Technology is making us unsocial.
consensus is that education teaches us so many c) Invention is the mother of necessity.
life lessons. It helps us see the world from a 5. Write a story in about 120-150 words with the
different perspective and enables us to see clues given and give a suitable title to it. (10)
where we stand in the society in terms of our Going to Mumbai by train ……………… to
abilities as individuals and our contributions as attend interview ……………….got stuck in
citizens of the nation. One of the biggest aims of traffic jam …………….reached the railway
education is to bring the best out in an station late ………….boarded a wrong train
individual and help him become the best version ……….lost the wallet ……..realised late ……
of himself. The education we receive at school now you
will be of no use if it fails to help a student 6. A friend of yours has been out of station for a
identify his uniqueness. Everyone in this world
month and there was an important
is unique. As a result, no two persons are equal
event/function held in the school while he/she
in all respects. The uniqueness identified must
was away. Write him/her a letter describing the
be allowed to grow into something that could
event/function and your role in it, and why
help the individual achieve his dream. When this
happens the uniqueness has turned into your friend was missed. (10)
something called talent. On the contrary, if the 7. ‘Social Media Causes More Harm than Good’.
uniqueness is not allowed to grow into Express your views either ‘For’ or ‘Against’ this
something desirable it might turn into a vice. statement. (120-150 words). [10]
Therefore, a person’s uniqueness could become
either a talent or a liability. It would be quite


8. Give one word for each of the following. (05) 9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. If
a) Fear of confined places ………………….. no articles is required put ‘Q’ (10)
b) A book that contains information on a) Moving to
various subjects ……………… (i) United States was
c) A disease which spreads over a wide (ii) most exciting thing I have ever done. I
geographical area in large proportion of the moved last year to
population……. (iii) New York. New York is
d) A large group of insects moving in a mass (iv) exciting city, full of
……….. (v) adventure. In fact, I saw
e) An imaginary ideal society free of poverty (vi) famous actor on
and suffering ………… (vii) street yesterday!
b) Today I have (iv) banking up
(i) job Interview at b) Modern researches __________ that yoga
(ii) financial company. cures diseases.
(iii) company has (i) bear up
(iv) offices all over (ii) bear off
(v) world. I’m not sure that I have (iii) bear out
(vi) skills to get hired. I hope so. (iv) bear down
(vii) company’s office is on c) Many people _______ to God for help rather
(viii) Main Street. That’s than to thank him.
(ix) same street my friend works on. (i) call at
c) If I get hired, I could meet him after (ii) call upon
(i) work for drinks. That would be great. (iii) call about
He’s from (iv) call on
(ii) Scotland. He works 8 hours d) The police were called in to _______ the
(iii) day, t days (xx) week. rioters.
10. Choose the correct meaning of the Idiom / (i) break up
Phrase given in the sentences. (05) (ii) break down
a) Discipline is on the wane in schools and (iii) broke up
college these days. (iv) break away
i) declining e) I was ______ when I topped the merit list.
ii) increasing (i) taken of
iii) spreading (ii) taken away
iv) spiraling (iii) taken on
b) There is no love lost between two (iv) taken aback
neighbouring countries. f) He is ___ trouble if he quarrels with the
i) close friendship house owner.
ii) cool indifference (i) asking against
iii) intense dislike (ii) asking for
iv) a love hate relationship (iii) asking on
c) The prince did not take after the king. (iv) asking after
i) run after 12. Do as directed. (10)
ii) follow a) She said, “Need I write a letter?”
iii) precede (Change into indirect)
iv) resemble b) Raj is one of the best boys in the class.
d) The people were all agog at the airport to (Change into Comparative)
receive the victorious team. c) Everyone knows that he is a rich man.
i) all ready (Change into Passive Voice)
ii) in a state of excitement d) Can this news ever be true? (Change into
iii) nervous Assertive Sentence)
iv) jittery e) To eat too much makes one fat. (Remove
e) I am afraid he is burning the candle at both ‘too’)
ends after his father’s sudden demise. f) I told you to work hard. (Change into
i) wasting money Interrogative Sentence)
ii) becoming overgenerous g) She spoke very gently to explain her point
iii) overtaxing his energy of view. (Use the adjectival form of the
iv) losing his objective underlined word)
11. Choose appropriate Phrasal Verb to fill in the h) He forcibly made his way through the
blanks. (06) crowd. (Substitute the verb form for
a) She is __________ the bank loan for her ‘forcibly’)
higher studies. i) He succeeded in everything he attempted.
(i) banking on (Change into Negative Sentence)
(ii) banking away j) He took off his clothes and plunged into the
(iii) banking off river. (Change into Simple Sentence)
13. Choose the Synonym / Antonym of the (i) unable to see
underlined word. (07) (ii) sensitive
a) People tend to avoid LOQUACIOUS persons. (iii) ignorant
(Antonym) (iv) aware
(i) garrulous 14. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
(ii) reticent a) Tagore was endowed ______ rare talents.
(iii) fluent (i) for
(iv) glib (ii) about
b) With the entry of the new brands, the value (iii) of
of the product is bound to DEPRECIATE. (iv) with
(Synonym) b) You are not amenable _____ reason.
(i) improve (i) of
(ii) slash (ii) to
(iii) devalue (iii) for
(iv) thrift (iv) on
c) A balance piece of writing should never c) He emphasized _____ his point.
DIGRESS from the subject matter. (i) on
(Synonym) (ii) at
(i) deviate (iii) over
(ii) expatiate (iv) no preposition needed
(iii) perorate d) I bet to differ ___ you on this subject.
(iv) develop (i) at
d) Your recitation of the poem was looked at (ii) with
with DISDAIN by the rest of the class. (iii) to
(Antonym) (iv) for
(i) haughtiness e) The poor old man was blind _______ one
(ii) admiration eye.
(iii) penitence (i) in
(iv) hatred (ii) of
e) All the parties have joined hands to (iii) to
CONSPIRE and overthrow the government. (iv) By
(Synonym) f) My friend insisted ___ my staying with her a
(i) collaborate little longer.
(ii) collude (i) in
(iii) concur (ii) on
(iv) concert (iii) with
f) The price of onions in the market is (iv) no preposition needed
EXORBITANT these days. (Synonym) g) Entry ____this auditorium is _______ticket.
(i) Exaggerated (ii) preposterous (i) in, through
(iii) sumptuous (iv) excessive (ii) to, by
g) An over – indulgent mother is always (iii) into, by
BLIND to her child’s faults. (Antonym) (iv) into, through

Time: 1 hrs MM: 75


i. There are a total of 75 questions and each question carries one mark. There is no negative marking for a
wrong answer.
ii. Overwriting or dual answers shall not fetch any marks.
iii. All questions to be answered on the question paper only.

( Tick ( √ ) the correct answer )

1. When is the National Girl Child Day celebrated in 8. Thomas Cup is related to
India? a) Tennis
a) 26 January b) Cricket
b) 24 January c) Basketball
c) 25 January d) Badminton
d) 02 February 9. Google unveiled new cloud platform, to manage
2. The Indian sportsperson Esow Alben has claimed apps from anywhere. It was named as
gold medal for India recently in an international a) Azure
event, He is related to which event? b) Midru
a) Swimming c) Kuber
b) Wrestling d) Anthos
c) Cycling 10. Fungi are plants that lack
d) None of the above a) Oxygen
3. How many states and union territories are there b) Carbon dioxide
in India after Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) and. c) Chlorophyll
Ladakh were inducted as new union territories? d) None of these
a) 26 states and 11 UTs 11. Hargobind Khorana had researched on
b) 27 states and 10 UTs a) Synthesis of simple DNA
c) 28 states and 9 UTs b) Understanding the genetic code
d) None of these c) Reduction of mutation
4. Suranga Bawadi was selected as world d) Synthesis of RNA from bacterial cell
monument watch list for 2020, it is located in 12. Which of the following is generally called a
which city? sprain?
a) Amritsar, Punjab a) Hairline fracture
b) Chennai, Tamilnadu b) Pulling of the ligament
c) Kochi, Kerala c) Greenstick fracture
d) Bijapur, Karnataka d) Muscle tear
5. Who was the Chief Guest of 2020 Republic Day? 13. What is a baby kangaroo called?
a) Vladimir Putin a) Eeyore
b) Sergio Moro b) Wally
c) Jair Messias Bolsonaro c) Hopper
d) Xi Jinping d) Joey
6. Where is Sisseri River bridge? 14. What is India's second highest civilian award?
a) Mizoram a) Ashoka Chakra
b) Nagaland b) Padma Bhushan
c) Meghalaya c) Padma Sri
d) Arunachal Pradesh d) Padma Vibhushan
7. Which of the following is not a harvest festival? 15. When animals and plants waste are rotten in the
a) Onam absence of air, these produce a gas called
b) Bihu a) Oxygen
c) Navroz b) Carbon dioxide
d) Pongal c) Bio gas
d) Methane c) Lord Cunningham
16. Ocean thermal energy is due to d) Lord Canning
a) Energy stored by waves in the ocean 26. Where is Katas Raj temple located?
b) Temperature difference at different levels in a) Pakistan
the ocean b) Bangladesh
c) Pressure difference at different levels in the c) India
ocean d) Nepal
d) Tides arising out in the ocean 27. Where is the world's largest solar park,
17. Who among the following visited Nalanda (Pavagada solar park) located?
University during reign of king Harsha? a) Kerala
a) Hieun Tsang b) Tamilnadu
b) Megasthenes c) Karnataka
c) Fahien d) Telangana
d) None of these 28. Name the app launched by Reserve Bank of
18. Todar Mal was a minister of Akbar, he was India (RBI) Governor, Shri Shaktikanta Das
a) Security Minister that would help visually impaired people to
b) Finance Minister identity denomination of currency notes?
c) Prime Minister a) "VANIA"(Visually Aided Note Identifier
d) Agriculture Minister Application)
19. Azad Hind Fauj was created with the assistance b) "VANI"(Visually Aided Note Identifier)
of c) "MANI"(Mobile Aided Note Identifier)
a) USA d) "MVANI" (Mobile app for Visually Aided Note
b) Russia Identifier)
c) Japan 29. Whose birth anniversary is celebrated as the
d) China National Farmers Day/Kisan Divas on 23rd
20. Which is considered as the oldest civilization of December?
the world? a) Chaudhary Charan Singh
a) Sumerian civilization b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
b) Egyptian civilization c) Vishwanath Pratap Singh
c) Harappan civilization d) Gulzarilal Nanda
d) Chinese civilization 30. Jayakwadi Dam is located in which state?
21. Who discovered the North pole? a) Maharashtra
a) Captain James b) Bihar
b) Magellan c) Madhya Pradesh
c) Amundsen d) Rajasthan
d) Robert Peary 31. Name the scheme launched by Prime Minister
22. First battle of Panipat was fought between? Shri Narendra Modi to improve ground water
a) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi management with an outlay of Rs 6000 crores
b) Akbar and Hemu for 5 years (2020-21 till 2024-25)
c) Mughal and British a) Atal Bhujal Yojana
d) Akbar and Ibrahim Lodi b) Atal Jal Yojana
23. The Portuguese built their first fortress in India c) Atal Vidyutikaran Yojana
at _____. d) Atal Samridhi Yojana
a) Cochin 32. Name the Indian politician, who won Sahitya
b) Goa Akademi Award 2019 for his book, "An Era of
c) Anjidiv Darkness: The British Empire in India".
d) Cannanore a) Shashi Tharoor
24. Who was the leader of Bhakti movement? b) Talari Rangaiah
a) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu c) P V Midhun Reddy
b) Ramananda d) Nandigam Suresh
c) Ramanuja 33. Name the Indian scientist, on whose name the
d) Shankaracharya Star HD 86081 has been named as 'Bibha' by
25. Who among the following introduced the International Astronomical Union(IAU).
subsidiary alliance system in India? a) Bibha Chowdhuri
a) Lord Clive b) Bibha Agarwal
b) Lord Wellesley c) Bibha Acharya
d) Bibha Laghari d) Ultraviolet radiation
34. Who was crowned as Miss World 2019 at 69th 44. Who was the first Indian Chief of Army Staff?
Miss World competition 2019 held in London, a) Gen KM Cariappa
United Kingdom (UK)? b) Vice Admiral R D Katari
a) Stephanie Del Valle c) Gen Maharaja Rajendra Singh
b) Manushi Chhillar d) None of the above
c) Vanessa Ponce 45. The last ruler of the Mughal dynasty was
d) Toni-Ann Singh a) Babur
35. Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR), is located in which b) Bahadur Shah Zafar
state? c) Akbar
a) Madhya Pradesh d) None of the above
b) Maharashtra 46. Name the person who is also known as
c) Bihar Deshbandhu?
d) Punjab a) S. Radhakrishnan
36. Naorem Chanu is associated with which sport? b) G K Gokhale
a) Boxing c) Chittaranjan Das
b) Badminton d) Madan Mohan Malviya
c) Wrestling 47. Mount Etna is a famous volcano which is
d) Weight Lifting located in
37. World Animal Day is observed annually on ___. a) Argentina
a) October 1 b) Italy
b) October 3 c) Mexico
c) October 4 d) Philippines
d) October 5 48. The minimum age required to become a member
38. What does UPI stand for? of Rajya Sabha is
a) Universal payments interface a) 21 years
b) Unlimited payments interface b) 25 years
c) Under payment gateway interface c) 30 years
d) Unified payments interface d) 35 years
39. Hepatitis is a general term for a, disease that is 49. Indian School of Mines is located at
caused by a) Dhanbad
a) Viruses b) Asansol
b) Bacteria c) Tatanagari
c) Parasites d) Rourkela
d) All the above 50. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre is located at
40. Which is used to produce Artificial rain? a) Pune
a) Sand b) Ahmedabad
b) Copper oxide c) Sriharikota
c) Silver nitrate d) Thiruvananthapuram
d) Silver iodide 51. Who wrote the famous book 'We The People"?
41. Which film won the best Film Award at the a) T N Kaul
Filmfare Award 2020? b) JRD Tata
a) Gully boy c) Khushwant Singh
b) Andhadhundh d) Nanabhoy Palkhivala
c) Badhai Ho 52. Which of the following is not written by Munshi
d) Badla Premchand?
42. Who won the women's title at 77th Senior a) Gaban
National Squash Championship? b) Godan
a) Sunayna Kuruvilla c) Guide
b) Joshna Chinappa d) Mansarovar
c) PV Sandhu 53. Which of the following is tropical grassland?
d) Dipika Palliwal Karthik a) Taiga
43. The ozone layer restricts b) Savanna
a) Visible light c) Pampas
b) Infrared radiation d) Prairies
c) X-Rays & gamma rays 54. The leading state in producing paper is
a) Bihar a) Reverberate
b) West Bengal b) Be heard upto 10km from it
c) Maharashtra c) Be heard by us faintly
d) Odisha d) Not be heard at any distance at all.
55. Which one of the following is not a Kharif Crop? 65. A fuse should always be placed in the
a) Jute a) Live wire of the main circuit
b) Maize b) Neutral wire of the main circuit
c) Mustard c) Earth wire of the main circuit
d) Rice d) Both live and neutral wire of the main
56. The most commonly used bleaching agent is circuit
a) Alcohol 66. Which microbe is used for production of
b) Carbon dioxide alcohol?
c) Chlorine a) Yeast
d) Sodium Chloride b) Plasmodium
57. The "Cannes Award" is given for excellence in c) Lactobacillus
which field? d) Rhizobium
a) Films 67. Which one of the following is a Human Right as
b) Journalism well as Fundamental Right under the
c) Literature constitution of India?
d) Economics a) Right to information
58. The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award is given b) Right to education
by which of the following organizations? c) Right to work
a) Council for Scientific and Industrial d) Right to housing
Research 68. What is a tornado?
b) Indian Council for Agricultural Research a) A very high pressure centre
c) Indian National Science Academy b) A very low pressure centre
d) ISRO c) A very high ocean wave
59. The only Indian to win Nobel prize in Physics is d) A planetary wind
a) Dr JC Bose 69. Which one of the following metals is used for
b) Dr CV Raman making boats because it does not corrode by sea
c) Dr Vikram Sarabhai water?
d) Dr H J Bhabha a) Tungsten
60. Which city is called the city of 1000 Minarets? b) Nickel
a) Cairo c) Antimony
b) Makkah d) Titanium
c) Istanbul 70. Flamingo Festival is organized in which state?
d) Islamabad a) Telangana
61. 'Operation Flood' is a movement related with b) Karnataka
the product- c) Nagaland
a) Milk d) Andhra Pradesh
b) Fresh water 71. A word in the web page that, when clicked opens
c) Rice another document is called
d) None of the above a) Anchor
62. Sanskrit is the official language of b) Hyperlink
a) Bihar c) Preference
b) Uttar Pradesh d) URL
c) Uttarakhand 72. Who coined the term United Nations?
d) Madhya Pradesh a) Franklin D Roosevelt
63. The speed of light will be minimum while b) Harry Truman
passing through c) Winston Churchill
a) Water d) Joseph Stalin
b) Air 73. Starting from point X, Jayant walked 15m
c) Vacuum towards west. He turned left and walked 20m.
d) Glass He then turned left and walked 15m. After this
64. If a band is played on the moon the sound he turned to his right and walked 12m. How far
will______. and in which direction is now Jayant from X?
a) 32m, South
b) 47m, East
c) 42m, North
d) 27m, South
74. Deepak said to Nitin, "That boy playing with the
football is the younger of the two brothers of the
daughter of my father's wife. "How is the boy
playing football related to Deepak?
a) Son
b) Brother
c) Cousin
d) Brother –in – law
75. Milk is a colloidal system in which:
a) Water is dispersed in fat
b) Fat is dispersed in water
c) Fat and water dispersed in each other
d) Fat is dissolve

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