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, 40:461–477 (2000)

The Integumentary Morphology of Modern Birds—An Overview1

168 Croydon Turnpike, Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781-5403

SYNOPSIS. Avian integument is thin, elastic, and loosely attached to the body,
giving birds the freedom of movement needed for flight. Its epidermis is both

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keratinized and lipogenic, and the skin as a whole acts as a sebaceous secretory
organ. The skin is covered by feathers over most of the body, but many birds show
colored bare skin or integumentary outgrowths on the head and neck. Heavily
cornified epidermis covers the beak, claws, spurs, and the scales on the legs and
feet. These structures (except the back of the leg and underside of the foot) contain
beta-keratin like that in reptilian scales. Most birds have sebaceous secretory
glands at the base of the tail and in the ear canals. Feathers are the most numerous,
elaborate, and diverse of avian integumentary derivatives. Their diversity is due
to the possibilities inherent in their basic plan of a shaft with two orders of branch-
es and the use of modified beta-keratin as a strong, light, and plastic building
material. The evolution of feathers in birds has been accompanied by the devel-
opment of complex systems for producing colors and patterns, the innovations of
feather arrangement and follicles with their musculature and innervation, and the
process and control of molting.

INTRODUCTION or bluish pink, elastic, often translucent,

To begin thinking about the evolutionary and thinner in birds than in mammals of
origin of feathers, it is useful to put them equal size. Over most of the body, a bird
into a morphological context. This survey fits loosely inside its skin, like a baby in a
of the integumentary derivatives of modern sleeper, having the freedom of movement
birds may provide a little insight into the required for flight. The skin is firmly at-
nature of the ancient reptilian skin that gave tached with little or no modification on the
rise to feathers. It will show that avian in- skull, the wing tips, and other regions. The
tegument has gained the capacity to under- integument is unfeathered, solidly attached
go various modifications and produce di- to the skeleton, and highly modified on the
verse outgrowths. In addition, it will dem- beak, the feet, and certain other parts.
onstrate that the evolution of avian feathers
has been accompanied by major adjunct in- General histology
novations in their implantation, coloration, Avian epidermis is generally thin in areas
arrangement, operation, growth, and molt- covered by feathers and thick in bare areas.
ing. Its germinative layer is like that in reptiles,
but the corneous layer is much thinner in
BASICS OF AVIAN INTEGUMENT birds than in reptiles. As the feathers pro-
Macroscopic features vide mechanical protection, the epidermis is
The skin of birds is fundamentally adapt- simpler than reptilian epidermal generation.
ed to their life as active homoiothermic an- Also, a pliable integument and the reduc-
imals. It is largely concealed by the feath- tion of body weight are advantages for
ers, and its properties have been shaped by flight. Epidermal cells proliferate, differen-
them. The ordinary skin is usually pale pink tiate, and slough from the surface either
continuously as individual cells, or period-
ically as fragments or larger pieces of the
1 From the Symposium Evolutionary Origin of
corneous layer. In avian skin, as in mam-
Feathers presented at the Annual Meeting of the So-
ciety for Integrative and Comparative Biology. 6–10
malian and the soft parts of reptilian skin,
January 1999, at Denver, Colorado. the cells become filled with alpha-keratin as
2 E-mail: they differentiate. The proteins differ in


amino acid composition, molecular size, gether with the feathers, the skin is more
and organization among the various integ- active in thermoregulation in birds than in
umentary derivatives (Brush, 1980a, b; reptiles. Its surface radiates excess body
Brush and Wyld, 1982; Homberger and heat, absorbs solar radiation, and cools the
Brush, 1986). body by cutaneous water loss (Bernstein,
Avian skin lacks sweat glands and se- 1971; Bartholomew, 1972). The feathering
baceous glands, yet the epidermis itself, in (5feather covering) is a much lighter and

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a variety of species produces neutral fats more efficient thermal insulation than rep-
and phospholipids (Lucas, 1968, 1980; tilian scales, owing to the air trapped within
Lavker, 1975). It is strongly lipogenic, in it. This system has presumably evolved
general contrast to reptilian epidermis. along with the evolution of homeothermy
Since avian epidermal cells include both li- (Stevens, 1973).
pogenesis and keratinization in their differ-
entiation, they have been called ‘‘seboker- BARE SKIN AND EPIDERMAL OUTGROWTHS
atinocytes’’ (Wrench et al., 1980). The en- General characteristics
tire skin acts as a sebaceous secretory or-
gan, with the preen gland and the ear glands Avian integument is regionally modified
as specialized parts (Menon et al., 1981). or transformed in a great variety of ways.
The sebum serves as a moisture barrier and Bare, non-scaly skin appears in a continu-
also probably helps to maintain the pliabil- um of conditions ranging from sparsely
ity of the keratinized epidermis. feathered thin skin without distinctive col-
The dermis is thicker than the epidermis oring to bare, colorful, extravagant out-
in most areas and is divisible into several growths. In between, thickened integument
layers. It contains blood vessels, fat depos- may be sparsely bristly or bare, plain or
its, nerves and free nerve endings, several brightly colored. Such modified skin occurs
types of neuroreceptor organs (Stammer, extensively on the head, where the surface
1961; Dorward, 1970; Gottschaldt, 1985), may be smooth, as in rockfowl (Picathar-
and a complex set of smooth muscles that tes), but more often is thick and covered
move the feathers and exert tension on the with tubercles, as in guineafowl, vultures,
skin (Lucas and Stettenheim, 1972). In colies (Colius), and many storks, ibises,
places, the underlying subcutis carries stri- spoonbills, and cranes. It may extend just
ated muscles that attach to the underside of around or beyond the eyes, e.g., cariamas,
the skin and probably also control its ten- falcons, sheathbills (Chionis), parrots, cuck-
sion (see Homberger and de Silva, 2000). oos, broadbills, bare-eyes (Phlegopsis),
lyrebirds (Menura), and helmet-shrikes
Functions (Prionops) or around the corner of the
The skin serves many of the same func- mouth, as in gulls. The thickenings and pro-
tions in birds as in reptiles and mammals, jections are often called ‘‘fleshy’’ struc-
though to a different degree. It shields the tures, but this term is inaccurate because
underlying musculature but does not help ‘‘flesh’’ properly refers to muscle or fat,
to hold the internal organs in place. A pro- which they generally lack.
tective envelope for the body, the skin These modifications or outgrowths are al-
keeps out injurious substances and gasses most always on the head or neck, where
while retaining vital ones. The corneous they are most visible. Outgrowths are com-
layer impedes, but does not block the flow monly larger, brighter, or present only in
of water vapor in and out of the body adult males of a species. Their coloring,
(Spearman and Hardy, 1985; Menon et al., which often contrasts with the adjacent
1996). The continual renewal of this layer plumage, is due either to intrinsic pigments
acts to repel parasitic microorganisms. Sen- or structural mechanisms in the epidermis,
sory receptors for various modalities in the or to blood in the superficial capillary net-
skin detect ambient conditions. Importantly, work (Lucas, 1970; Prum et al., 1994).
the skin produces and supports feathers, The bare areas and outgrowths of adults
which themselves have many functions. To- develop with age, being absent or rudimen-

tary in young birds. In species such as cer- dian Black Ibises (Pseudibis papillosa), and
tain ibises and storks, areas that are feath- certain curassows, megapodes, and cathartid
ered in young birds subsequently become vultures.
bare, losing feather follicles as well as Wattles, the commonest of soft integu-
feathers. The epidermis of these areas mentary outgrowths, are larger protuber-
shows a high degree of lipoid secretion ances or flaps. They are located on the sides
(personal communication, G. K. Menon). of the head or neck, especially at the base

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Once developed by adults, the integumen- of the bill and around the eyes. In some
tary structures are usually permanent, but birds they hang beside the mouth or under
may vary in size or color in relation to the the throat. Wattles occur in cassowaries,
birds’ breeding activity. many cracids, megapodes, ptarmigan,
pheasants, guineafowl, turkeys, rails, jaca-
Throat and neck pouches nas, lapwings, alcids, cotingas, starlings,
The skin of the throat or the neck on honeyeaters, and wattlebirds.
many nonpasserine birds is bare, loose, and Wattles are always flexible to some de-
distensible. In most cases, the floor of the gree, and in a few cases are also distensible.
mouth and the upper throat are well-vas- Such wattles arise on the base of the upper
cularized and formed into a pouch that is bill in male turkeys (Lucas and Stettenheim,
fluttered by the hyoid apparatus so as to 1972) and certain male bellbirds (Procnias
move air and lower body temperature. Pel- alba, P. tricarunculatus; Snow, 1982). The
icans use the pouch not only for cooling, protuberance in turkeys, known as a ‘‘fron-
but also to catch and hold fish for the young tal process’’ or ‘‘snood,’’ can stretch into a
birds. The distensible oral sac of male Great long, narrow, flexible cylinder that droops
Bustards (Otis tarda) does not serve for over the side of the bill. It is extended by
cooling, but is inflated in display (Garrod, action of smooth muscles and filling of
1874). large blood vessels.
Similar pouches occur on the throat or A comb is essentially a thick, upright
sides of the neck in male frigatebirds, cer- wattle on the top of the head. Single, mid-
tain storks (Leptotilos), male grouse of sev- dorsal combs occur in junglefowl (includ-
eral species, and others. These, however, ing domestic fowl), certain brush-turkeys
are inflated by swelling of the upper end of (Aepypodius arfakianus, A. bruijnii),
the esophagus as mouth action directs air Comb-crested Jacanas (Irediparra gallina-
into the glottis (Johnsgard, 1983). The bare cea), and male Andean Condors (Vultur
skin is normally constricted or even con- gryphus). Adult grouse have paired combs
cealed, and then inflated and displayed in above the eyes, larger in males than in fe-
courtship or social displays. Bright coloring males, which enlarge during the breeding
in some species enhances its role as a visual season (Johnsgard, 1983). Combs are col-
signal. Additionally, in grouse and Painted- ored red, orange, or yellow, owing to blood
Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis), the pouch- in the richly vascularized superficial dermis
es augment the vocalizations by enlarging and presumed carotenoid pigments in the
the sound resonating chamber. epidermis.
The rictus is the soft border of the mouth
Caruncles, wattles, combs from its angle grading forward into the up-
Birds exhibit various integumentary out- per and lower cutting edges of the bill. The
growths on the head and upper neck. These rictal integument is bare, with a rugose or
cannot be neatly categorized because they smooth surface, a thin epidermis and a
vary widely in size, shape, color, and loca- well-vascularized thick dermis. It is some-
tion, and many of them intergrade. Carun- times brightly colored and thickened, grad-
cles are simple, rounded protuberances ing into wattles. Such rictal outgrowths de-
found on turkeys, Magpie Geese (Anseranas velop before the breeding season in Crested
semipalmata), Spur-winged Geese (Plec- Auklets (Aethia cristatella) and puffins and
tropterus gambensis), Southern Ground- are molted afterward.
hornbills (Bucorvus cafer), sheathbills, In- Earlobes are soft, bare, pendent integu-

mentary thickenings located almost directly jections for holding prey (e.g., mergansers,
below the external ear opening. Histologi- falcons, barbets, toucans). Internally, the
cally, they resemble wattles except that the roof of the mouth also has local thicken-
dermis contains far more collagenic tissue ings, e.g., papillae or spines for holding
(Lucas and Stettenheim, 1972). prey in fish-eating birds, and longitudinal or
Integumentary outgrowths and conspic- transverse ridges for holding and cracking
uous areas of bare skin serve in many cases seeds in cockatoos, parrots, finches and

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as visual signals for social or sexual behav- buntings (Ziswiler, 1965; Homberger,
ior. They often indicate physical fitness be- 1980). Nares are located within the basal
cause they change or shrivel when a bird is one-third of the upper bill in most birds and
unhealthy. Thus, they may disclose the con- at the tip of the upper bill in kiwis. They
dition of a potential mate or competitor, in- are usually a simple hole or partly shielded,
dicating dominance, age, or vigor, as in cer- but are tubular in procellariiforms. The
tain curassows and Wild Turkeys (Buch- rhamphotheca at the base of the upper beak
holz, 1991, 1997). Both inter- and intra- is sometimes soft and thickened, enclosing
sexual selection seem to favor such traits, the nostrils or lying posterior to them. This
regardless of mating system (personal com- structure, the cere, is partly feathered in
munication, J. Hagelin). Areas of bare or many parrots, but bare and often brightly
sparsely feathered skin on the head and colored in other parrots plus pigeons, fal-
neck in some cases serve for thermoregu- coniforms, owls, and some cracids.
lation, radiating body heat or absorbing so- A relatively stiff, yet pliable, keratinized
lar radiation (Buchholz, 1996). Bare skin cuticle, the lingual nail, covers the ventral
also avoids matting or soiling the plumage and lateral surfaces of the tip of the tongue
in birds which feed on carrion (e.g., vul- in parrots (Homberger and Brush, 1986)
tures) or soft fruit (e.g., certain parrots). and certain other birds. In parrots, the his-
tology of the nail resembles that of the
RHAMPHOTHECA rhamphotheca, but the beta-keratin fila-
Morphology ments are arranged much as in scutellate
The bones of the beak are covered with
thick, modified integument, entirely on the Histology
outside and partly in the lining of the The epidermis of the rhamphotheca is
mouth. This covering, the rhamphotheca, is thick, especially on the tomial edges, with
hard and heavily cornified in most birds, yet many closely packed cornified cells firmly
still flexible in the flexion zone of the upper bonded by long-lasting cell junctions (Lu-
bill. In flamingos and anseriforms, the cov- cas and Stettenheim, 1972). Its cells pro-
ering is mostly thin and leathery with hard duce beta-keratin like that of avian scutes
tips (nails) on the upper and lower bills. It and claws, which in turn resembles reptilian
is soft, especially at the tip, in sandpipers. keratins (Frenkel and Gillespie, 1976;
The rhamphotheca is basically shaped by Brush 1980a, b; Homberger and Brush,
the underlying bones and modified by local 1986). Calcium salts deposited in the cy-
thickenings. It is formed into a variety of toplasm between the keratin proteins add to
external plates, knobs, ridges, and other the strength and hardness of the rhampho-
projections in many kinds of birds (e.g., theca (Pautard, 1963; Bonser, 1996a). The
penguins, procellariiforms, puffins, guans, strength of the beak as a whole depends on
barbets, pelicans, several anseriforms, rails, the particular arrangement conferred by a
coots, jacanas, and sheathbills). The edges layer of keratin, bound by a thin dermal lay-
of the bill (tomia) are modified according er to a firm bed of bone.
to a bird’s food habits. They are usually The dermis contains at least two types of
rounded to sharp, but are finely serrated for somatosensory receptors. Herbst (lamellar)
straining food particles (e.g., flamingos, an- corpuscles are highly sensitive to vibration
seriforms, and certain prions [Pachyptila]), and Grandry corpuscles respond to rapidly-
or furnished with one or more pointed pro- acting movement (Gottschaldt, 1985). Their

location and number in the beak appear to apodes. Conspicuous by its location and
be related to the way this part is used as a movement, the beak commonly presents vi-
tactile exploratory organ in feeding. They sual signals employed in identification and
are especially numerous in the beak bones displays.
of anseriforms and sandpipers, plus the nail
and edges of the palate in anseriforms and CASQUES
parrots (Berkhoudt, 1980; Gottschaldt, Numerous birds have a hard, bare, heavi-

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1985). ly cornified projection known as a casque
on top of their head or their bill. In most
Transitory nestling structures cases, the integument overlies a bony ex-
Embryos or nestlings develop various ac- tension of the skull, but in cassowaries it
cessories on the rhamphotheca that are lost covers a core of tough, elastic, foam-like,
before fledging. In nearly all birds, an egg collagen above the bone. Where the casque
‘‘tooth’’ (egg callosity) forms on the tip of is on the crown or forehead, it is massive
the upper beak, like that of crocodilians and in cassowaries, and spike- or knob-shaped
turtles. It punctures the shell membrane, in the Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo),
helps to break the egg shell, and is usually Horned Guan (Oreophasis derbianus), sev-
shed within a few days after hatching. Al- eral curassows (Crax), and the Helmeted
tricial nestlings of many species develop Guineafowl (Numida meleagris). The
enlarged flanges on the rictus that are often casque in hornbills covers a light, bony core
brightly colored. These open instantly when above the bill and is distinctively shaped
touched or the birds are even slightly shak- among the species, sometimes with ridges
en, as when a parent returns with food or notches on the sides. In the Helmeted
(Welty and Baptista, 1988). The flanges vi- Hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil), the keratin is
sually arouse the parents to give a feeding uniquely formed into a thick, ivory-like
response and serve as a target for delivering knob.
the food. Nestlings of certain brood para-
sitic species (honeyguides and Striped PODOTHECA
Cuckoos, Tapera naevia) have bill hooks The integumentary covering of the feet,
with which they kill their nestmates (Fried- the podotheca, is a layer of scales from the
mann, 1955; Morton and Farabaugh, 1979). tibiotarsus or beyond to the ends of the toes.
In many estrildine and viduine finches, nes- Feathers tend to diminish distally on the
tlings have tiny reflective knobs on the roof legs as scales arise and become prominent,
of the mouth that, together with the gape the transition usually occurring about the
flanges, provide a strong visual signal for intertarsal joint. Feathers and scales are var-
parent birds bringing food, an adaptation to iously situated in relation to each other in
their dark, covered nests (Steiner, 1960; parts of the foot and among birds, but they
Welty and Baptista, 1988; R. B. Payne, per- never intergrade structurally (Blaszyk,
sonal communication). 1935). The podotheca is generally heavily
cornified in land birds, softer and more flex-
Functions ible in water birds.
The rhamphotheca is more than a cover Scales are flat, rounded, or conical raised
for the bones. It adapts the beak as a bird’s thickenings of highly keratinized epidermis,
chief tool for interacting with its environ- separated by inward folds of thinner, less
ment. The same beak that seizes live prey keratinized epidermis. They vary in size,
also manipulates nest material and preens shape, amount of overlap, and degree of fu-
the feathers. It chiefly takes food and pre- sion on different parts of the foot, not to
pares it to be swallowed and digested. The mention among species. Those on the an-
rhamphotheca may also serve as a sensory terior and caudal surfaces of the tarsometa-
organ, with tactile receptors for detecting tarsus and the dorsal surface of the toes
live prey (e.g., kiwis, anseriforms, sandpip- (scutellate scales) tend to be larger, more
ers) or thermal receptors for measuring the rectangular, and more regularly arranged
temperature of the nest mound as in meg- than those on the remaining surfaces (retic-

ulate scales). Tarsal scales, not needing These accessories are grown in the fall and
flexibility, are often fused, especially on the molted in spring.
anterior surface.
The two types of scales differ embryo- CLAWS
logically and histochemically as well as Avian claws, like those of reptiles, are
morphologically (Brush and Wyld, 1980). coverings of heavily cornified integument
Scutellate scales contain beta-keratin, the over the bone of a terminal phalanx. All

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same as the rhamphotheca and the claws birds have toe claws and many birds have
(Stewart, 1977), whereas reticulate scales wing claws as well. A toe claw is composed
are composed of alpha-keratin. These dif- of a dorsal plate that curves downward on
ferences indicate that they have different the tip and sides and a ventral plate that fills
evolutionary histories. Scutellate scales, be- the space between the sides underneath
ing very similar to crocodilian scales, ap- (Lucas and Stettenheim, 1972). The dorsal
pear to have come directly from reptilian plate is the harder, containing heavy depos-
scutes, whereas reticulate scales are appar- its of beta-keratin plus calcium salts.
ently a later, derived form with different Toe claws vary in length, curvature, and
properties (Brush and Wyld, 1980) . pointedness in relation to their usage and
The reticulate scales (papillae) on the un- the substrate where a bird lives. They are
derside of the toes and the distal end of the flattened in grebes, contributing to the foot
tarsus are formed into thick pads to with- paddle. The claws have pectinate (comb)
stand compression, especially in terrestrial edges, used for grooming the feathers in
species. The pads underlie the joints and are nightjars, herons, frigatebirds, and pratin-
separated by transverse furrows or gaps, coles.
which open and close as the toes are bent. Wing claws are simple sheaths, not com-
The pads and papillae vary morphologically posed of plates. They were present on all
and histologically among the toes and three wing digits in the Jurassic bird Ar-
among species according to the length of chaeopteryx lithographica and several Cre-
the toes, their need for support, and the na- taceous dinosaurs. Since Hoatzin (Opisth-
ture of the substrate that the birds use (Len- ocomus hoazin) chicks possess functional
nerstedt, 1975a, b). wing claws on two digits, this species was
Young woodpeckers, barbets, toucans, formerly regarded as primitive. Young Hoa-
kingfishers, jacamars, and trogons develop tzins use these small hooks for climbing
an extra-thick pad below the distal end of around branches and shed them at 70–100
the tarsus. This accessory, on which they days of age (Thomas, 1996). Adult loons,
rest during their long growth period in a storks, screamers, galliforms, Secretary
nest cavity, is shed when they fledge. Birds (Sagittarius serpentarius), owls, fin-
The feet of most waterbirds are formed foots, and charadrii forms have small, non-
into paddles by sheets of thin, flexible, functional claws on the tip of the alular dig-
leathery integument between the toes, the it. Adult cassowaries, however, have a
webs. Pelecaniforms have full webs con- large, pointed claw on the tip of the main
necting all four toes; loons, procellari- digit, which they use as a formidable weap-
iforms, anseriforms, lari, and alcids have on.
full webs between the three forward toes;
grouse, plovers, and some sandpipers have SPURS
basal webs between the forward toes. A spur is a solid, usually pointed projec-
Grebes, rails, and finfoots (Heliornithidae) tion from a limb bone, consisting of a
accomplish the same end with flat lobes on heavily cornified sheath over a bony core.
independent toes. Spurs occur both on the legs and the wings.
Grouse and ptarmigan develop fringes of They arise on the back of the tarsometatar-
scales along the toes (Johnsgard, 1983) that, sus in cassowaries, pheasants, guineafowl,
together with toe feathering in ptarmigan, and turkeys. In the gallinaceous birds, they
enlarge the surface of the foot, enabling the are well-developed in males and small or
birds to walk on the snow (Höhn, 1977). absent in females. Each leg has a single

spur, except in peacock-pheasants (Poly- Hoatzins have an elliptical, heavily cor-

plectron sp.), which have two or more. All nified patch of midventral skin, the sternal
these birds have polygamous mating sys- callus, outside the rear tip of the sternum.
tems and the spurs are used in combat be- The birds spend much time perched, resting
tween males. on this callosity, while fermenting plant
Spurs arise on the radial side of the car- matter in their very large muscular crop and
pus or metacarpus in cassowaries, scream- lower esophagus (Thomas, 1996). This

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ers, Spur-winged Geese (Plectropterus thickening differs histologically in several
gambensis), certain jacanas and lapwings, respects from the sternal bursa (keel cyst),
and sheathbills. They vary in length, sharp- an abnormal formation in some domestic
ness, and number. They are larger in the chickens and turkeys (Lucas and Stetten-
dominant sex (usually males, but females in heim, 1972).
jacanas) and used in intrasexual combat.
Other jacanas (Irediparra gallinacea, Me- INTEGUMENTARY GLANDS
topidius indicus) lack spurs but have hard,
heavily cornified leading edges to the radii Uropygial gland
(Jenni, 1996). Avian skin as a whole acts as a seba-
Curiously, many birds that have spurs ceous secretory organ, but it is specialized
also have bare skin or integumentary out- for this purpose in the uropygial gland and
growths on the head. This co-occurrence the ear glands. The uropygial gland (preen
does not seem to be a response to a partic- gland) is a bilobed structure on the base of
ular form of sexual competition because the the tail, situated between the dorsal skin
species differ in their mating systems. and the body muscles. Inside a connective
tissue capsule, each lobe is composed of
numerous holocrine secretory alveoli that
Several birds have unique epidermal out- open into a central cavity (Lucas and Stet-
growths that expand the range of the integ- tenheim, 1972; Menon et al., 1981; Jacob
ument’s structural capability. A few are and Ziswiler, 1982). The secretion passes
mentioned here. through ducts to openings at the tip of a
The Horned Screamer (Anhima cornuta) papilla on the posterior end of the gland.
is named for a stiff, slender, whitish, cor- When a bird preens, the sebum is smeared
nified spine that curves forward from the on the bill and the head plumage, either di-
middle of the forehead. The spine is not an
rectly or by a tiny feather tuft on the pa-
unbranched, modified feather shaft. It
pilla. From there, it is rubbed onto the rest
grows continuously, up to about 15 cm. but
of the plumage and the podotheca.
tends to break off at the tip. Not being firm-
ly attached to the skull, it sways back and The uropygial gland may be homologous
forth as the bird shakes its head (Todd, with small, oily, sebaceous-like glands in
1979). crocodilian skin. Present in most birds, it is
Wild Turkeys have a tight bundle of relatively large in many aquatic species,
coarse, stiff, black, cornified fibers, the weakly developed in pigeons, herons, and
‘‘beard,’’ which hangs down from the base the Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus), and absent
of the neck. It is present in nearly all males in ratites, bustards, and some parrots.
(both wild and domestic) and in a few fe- The uropygial secretion consists chiefly
males. The fibers number from 150 to over of monoester waxes, and also contains other
650. Unlike feathers, they grow continu- waxes, triglycerides, and hydrocarbons (Ja-
ously, reaching a maximum length of about cob, 1978). It can be distinguished chemi-
677 mm. Although mostly epidermal and cally from the skin secretion. The compo-
solid, with a thick corneous layer, they con- sition of the uropygial sebum further varies
tain dermal pulp at the base. The fibers do among avian species (Jacob and Ziswiler,
not arise from follicles but from an elevated 1982), but the functional significance of
area of thickened, bare skin (Lucas and these differences has not been studied. Both
Stettenheim, 1972). uropygial and skin secretions are deposited

on the feathers (Wrench et al., 1980), their phy and undergo histochemical changes
relative amounts varying among species. which suggest that the secretion serves in
The functions of the uropygial secretion, reproduction, possibly in the mechanics of
although much studied, ought to be re-ex- internal fertilization (Menon et al., 1987).
amined with regard to the skin secretion,
which was long unknown. Together, the two FEATHERS
substances keep the keratin of the integu- Structure

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ment and its derivatives flexible and in
good condition. This is particularly impor- Feathers are the most conspicuous, com-
tant for the feathers, whose waterproofing plex, and varied integumentary derivatives
depends chiefly on tiny air bubbles held of birds. They are one of the defining char-
within the meshwork of their barbs (Rijke, acters of the Class Aves, even though they
1970, 1989; Kostina et al., 1996). In order were also present in the early Cretaceous
for that to work, the barbs and their branch- dinosaurs, Protarchaeopteryx robusta and
es must be pliable and properly spaced Caudipteryx zoui (Ji et al., 1998). Like hair,
apart. Uropygial waxes have the optimal feathers are produced and supported by fol-
properties both for impermeability and the licles in the skin. The basic plan of a feather
flexibility of feather parts. consists of a shaft with regularly spaced
The uropygial secretion also has antibac- branches on either side. The shaft has a
terial and anti-mycotic properties (Pugh and short, tubular basal portion (calamus) im-
Evans, 1970b) and hence is thought to reg- planted in the follicle and a much longer,
ulate the microflora of the plumage (Jacob pith-filled portion (rachis) above the skin.
and Ziswiler, 1982). It also has an odorant The branches (barbs) along the rachis col-
and/or pheromonal function in petrels, lectively form sheets or vanes, the most vis-
Musk Ducks (Biziura lobata), Kakapos ible part of a feather. Many feathers also
(Strigops habroptilus) and other species. have an accessory known as an afterfeather
Since the sense of smell is better developed on the underside, consisting of an auxiliary
in birds than was formerly realized, these shaft and lateral barbs, attached to the upper
roles deserve more study. end of the calamus.
A barb repeats most of this plan, having
Ear glands a central axis (ramus) with many, closely
Shallow acinar holocrine sebaceous spaced branches (barbules) on either side.
glands are located in a fold of skin on the The barbs and their barbules determine the
floor of the ear canal (Menon and Salinu- nature of the vanes. Each barbule is basi-
kul, 1989). Their structure at all levels and cally a stalk of single cells, serially differ-
their secretion differ greatly from those of entiated along its length. Several cells at the
the uropygial gland and the epidermis. base are compressed and fused, while those
Their metabolic pattern is oriented toward beyond are more cylindrical and jointed.
lipogenesis and their cells do not disinte- Many of the cells are enlarged into various
grate completely. The ear wax, a mass of projections at their distal ends.
partially lysed cells, appears to trap extra- The simplest barbules are short and ta-
neous particles and to keep the ear canal pered to the tip with only slight distinction
clear. between the cells and few, if any, projec-
tions. Vanes with such barbules are flat, as
Vent glands in ordinary body feathers, but with an open
Many birds possess small, simple, tubu- texture.
lar glands on the lips of the vent, either out- Downy (plumulaceous) barbs are slender,
side or deeper within (Quay, 1967; King, flexible, and fuzzy, creating vanes with a
1981). The glands open directly onto the thick, fluffy texture. Their barbules have a
surface of the stratified, squamous epithe- long distal portion that resembles a bamboo
lium. Unlike the uropygial and ear glands, stalk, with small outgrowths at the nodes of
the vent glands secrete only mucoproteins. some of the cells. These tiny prongs some-
During the breeding season, they hypertro- how keep the barbules from becoming en-

tangled and matted. In this way, the barbs resist wear and damage because they are
remain fluffy, trapping air in the plumage replaced only infrequently, at regular molts,
for thermal insulation. Additional structural and lost or broken feathers impair flight or
factors influence the fuzziness of the barbs other functions (Bonser, 1996b). In addi-
and hence their insulative value (Lucas and tion, feather parts must have the right de-
Stettenheim, 1972). Plumulaceous barbules gree of stiffness or flexibility according to
are not primitive or deficient as they are their roles. These properties depend on a

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sometimes thought to be, but specialized for part’s cross-sectional shape and internal
maintaining downy texture. construction (Rutschke, 1966a) and on the
Pennaceous barbs, though homologous, keratin that constitutes it.
are thicker and stiffer, close together and Feathers are about 90% protein, mostly
parallel, creating vanes that are firm, flat, beta-keratin. This is stronger, yet more flex-
and closely-knit. Their barbules, likewise ible than other avian keratins, owing to dif-
closely spaced and parallel, differ on op- ferences in amino acid composition and
posite sides of a ramus. Those along the molecular structure (Brush, 1980a, b). The
distal side of each barb reach across and molecular weight of feather keratin is al-
interlock with those on the proximal side of most 30% less than that in scales, beak, and
the next higher barb in a vane, using an claws (Brush, 1978a). The keratin even
assortment of cellular projections (barbi- varies in amino acid composition among
cels). This creates a strong, flexible, self- feather parts, related to physical properties
adjusting mechanism that keeps the vane required at each site. The remainder of a
intact. Other barbicels affect air flow, water feather consists of various nitrogenous non-
repellency, appearance, and other proper- keratin compounds and small amounts of
ties. These features vary within and among lipids and heavy metals, especially mercury
feathers according to functional require- (Brush, 1978a).
ments. They are best developed in the outer
remiges and rectrices (wing and tail quills), Structural types
which are subjected to the aerodynamic Feathers occur in great diversity, thanks
stresses of flight (Lucas and Stettenheim, to the possibilities afforded by their basic
1972). In body contour feathers, the hook- plan and the properties of keratin as a build-
lets and other barbicels are commonly re- ing material. Every part of a feather, from
duced or absent; although the barbs here do the shaft to the barbicels, varies in form and
not interlock, they are kept properly aligned size. Several structural types of feathers can
by stiffening flanges at their bases. be distinguished but they are not absolute
Studies on the origin of feathers have fo- because most of them intergrade with each
cused on the structure of the earliest feath- other (Lucas and Stettenheim, 1972). They
ers and their initial role. Downy structure is differ in: implantation (in the skin or on the
taken to indicate that they arose for thermal skeleton), thickness and stiffness of the ra-
insulation and pennaceous structure is taken chis, relative sizes of rachis and barbs, type,
to indicate flight. Both types of barbules spacing and placement of barbs, symmetry
have been said to be primary, yet it is dif- and curvature of vanes, presence and struc-
ficult to imagine how either could have ture of an afterfeather, and melanin pig-
evolved from the other. They are both spe- mentation.
cialized, but for different ends, the one for Two types of feathers have unique prop-
holding the barbs together and the other for erties that deserve mention. Powder feath-
keeping them apart. It seems more reason- ers are modified downy or pennaceous
able to assume that both types evolved from feathers that shed a fine powder of micro-
simple barbules with little or no differenti- scopic keratin granules. The powder is de-
ation (Becker, 1959). rived from cells that surround the barbules
in a growing feather, and in some birds also
Properties and composition from disintegration of feather parts (Schüz,
In order for birds to fly, their feathers 1927). It is used in preening and, being
must be light and strong. They must also non-wettable, is thought to confer water-

proofing on the ordinary feathers. Powder occur almost exclusively in contour feath-
feathers occur in the Kagu, mesites (Mesi- ers. In addition to their prominent visual
tornithidae), herons and bitterns, pigeons, roles, they are involved with vitamin A in
most cockatoos, and some parrots and sand- vision and possibly with reproduction in the
pipers. yolk. Carotenoids and melanins combine to
Filoplumes are hairlike feathers that do produce colors such as dull green.
not grade into the other types. They have a Porphyrins are iron- or copper-containing

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slender, glistening, unpigmented rachis with pigments derived by catabolism in the liver
a few short barbs or barbules at the tip. Fil- and by synthesis from glycine (Brush,
oplumes are always situated close beside 1978b). As some of them are labile when
other feathers, more numerously with the exposed to light, they tend to occur in feath-
flight feathers than elsewhere. They are the ers protected from sunlight. This may also
only feathers that lack muscles. explain why they have not been reported in
other epidermal structures.
Coloration Structural colors in feathers are created
The evolution of feathers has involved by the scattering of light by ordered layers
several developments besides the structures, of melanin granules or air vacuoles within
themselves. The most conspicuous has been the keratin of the barbs (Dyck, 1976, 1987).
the elaboration of systems for producing Such colors in bare skin and epidermal out-
colors and patterns. Most birds are diurnal growths are produced by ordered arrays of
and they rely heavily on vision for orien- collagen macrofibrils (Prum et al., 1994). In
tation and communication. Much of their feathers, these colors are either constant or
social and sexual behavior depends on vi- iridescent (i.e., changing with the viewing
sual signals from their plumage and other angle). Constant structural colors of feath-
epidermal structures. The color mechanisms ers result from constructive interference be-
are best known in feathers, where they are tween light waves scattered coherently by
most pronounced and easiest to study, but the minutely spongy core (medulla) of the
they are similar elsewhere. barb rami (Prum et al., 1998, 1999). Iri-
Birds exhibit both pigmentary and struc- descent colors result from interference on
tural colors, the first by far the more com- the same scale within the distal penna-
mon. Melanin pigments are produced in ceous barbules (Durrer and Villiger, 1962;
birds in the same way as in other organisms Rutschke, 1966b; Durrer, 1977). The sys-
and are deposited as black or dark brown tems that produce them must be extremely
granules within the epidermal cells. They precise to achieve their effects, with di-
create color effects by themselves, in com- mensions in some cases varying less than
bination with other pigments, and as the
0.01 m.
physical basis for structural colors. In ad-
Pigmentary colors plus both kinds of
dition to their visual roles, melanins add
structural colors can occur in patterns in the
strength and abrasion-resistance to keratins
same feather, showing the elaborateness of
(Burtt, 1979; Bonser, 1996b). They also
avian color systems. Moreover, they are ca-
serve in thermoregulation by absorbing in-
pable of either repeating exactly from one
frared and solar radiation, and possibly ra-
diating heat away from the body. set of feathers to the next or varying to pro-
Carotenoid pigments are derived from duce apparent differences between sexes,
carotenes in plant foods in the diet, chem- age groups, and populations.
ically altered, and deposited diffusely in fat
globules in feather cells (Brush, 1978b).
Birds do not have distinct xanthophores as Feathers cover the entire body of most
in fish, amphibians, and reptiles (Spearman adult birds, except for the beak, lower legs,
and Hardy, 1985). Several types of these and feet. Their quantity and size vary with
bright yellow or red pigments are known in body mass among species, ranging from
epidermal structures of at least half the or- fewer than 1000 feathers in small hum-
ders of birds. Within the feathering, they mingbirds to more than 25,000 in swans.

Feather mass averages 6% (r 5 4–8%) of diseases and skin infections, and transmit
body mass for most birds. diseases.
Despite appearance, feathers do not arise
uniformly over the body. Contour feathers Follicle and muscles
are arranged in discrete areas (tracts) sepa- Follicles are cylindrical sockets in the
rated by bare or sparsely feathered zones skin that produce feathers and hold them
(apteria). This layout is as basic and char- tightly around the calamus. Their kerati-

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acteristic a feature of all birds as feathers nized lining is surrounded by germinative
themselves. Tracts cover only about one- epidermis and dense collagen with elastic
half the skin area of land birds, more in fibers (Ostmann et al., 1963; Lucas and
waterbirds. Even in species where the tracts Stettenheim, 1972). The outer dermal tis-
seem to cover the body completely (adult sues are vascularized and well supplied
ratites, penguins, screamers), their bound- with general somatic sensory fibers (Stam-
aries are clearly defined in late embryos. mer, 1961). Since follicles and their acces-
Eight major feather tracts can be distin- sories are not known in reptilian skin, they
guished but their configuration varies wide- are an important innovation associated with
ly among groups of birds (Nitzsch, 1867; feathers.
Clench, 1970). The various arrangements Feathers of all types except filoplumes
have been hypothesized as adaptations for are actuated by tiny bundles of smooth
reducing the total weight of the feathering, muscle that link adjacent follicles. The
accommodating the movements of the body muscles attach to the follicular wall by way
and the feathers, thermoregulation via ra- of elastic tendons that ramify into the col-
diation of body heat from the apteria, and lagen. Every follicle in a tract is generally
accommodating apterial dermal muscles connected to several others nearby. Antag-
that counteract the feather muscles (see be- onistic pairs of feather muscles cross each
low) in shrinking the tracts (Homberger and other, and the repetition of these units forms
de Silva, 2000). a network across the tract (Lucas and Stet-
Within each tract, the feathers are set in tenheim, 1972). Isometric contraction on
rows and spaced regularly in each row. The the elastic fibers appears to squeeze the fol-
arrangement at the borders of the tracts licle around the calamus, holding it in the
tends to be less regular than in the interior. socket. Isotonic contraction raises, lowers,
Down feathers may either replace contour or rotates the feathers or pulls them togeth-
feathers at the ends of the rows (e.g., gal- er, depending on the arrangement of the
liforms) or reside among contour feathers muscles. Fat deposits in the dermis and sub-
(e.g., ducks). cutis act as hydrostatic cushions on which
Feathers vary in a regular manner within the feathers move as levers (Homberger and
and among tracts in size, shape, and color de Silva, 2000). The musculature varies in
pattern. They are generally fanciest on the size and complexity according to feather
head, neck, or tail, the most conspicuous size and function. The remiges and rectrices
parts of the body when a bird is standing, have extra muscles for adjusting their po-
perched, or swimming. The largest feathers sition; feathers used in displays have more
are usually the quills on the wings and the musculature than non-displayed feathers,
tail, where modifications for flight are par- especially in males (Osborne, 1968).
amount. Thanks to the muscular network, feathers
A unique community of organisms oc- are positioned in a regular manner across a
cupies the protected microhabitat formed by tract.
the feathering and the skin. Bacilli (Burtt The system for operating the feathers
and Ichida, 1999) and fungi (Pugh and must have sensory input to know what they
Evans, 1970a) live on the feathers and de- are doing. Herbst corpuscles situated close
grade them. Mites, bird ticks, feather lice, beside the outer wall of a follicle detect a
and other insects feed on flakes of skin, feather’s position and the forces pressing on
fragments of feathers, scales, tissue fluids, it (Borodulina, 1966; Dorward, 1970;
and blood. They damage the feathers, cause Gottschaldt, 1985). Contour feathers each

have 1–2 of these receptors and filoplumes calamus is the last. Hormones and other
have more. factors that affect feather growth exert their
Follicle morphology is nearly the same influence in this sequence.
for all kinds of feathers in many kinds of Feather parts begin to keratinize after
birds. Highly conservative, it varies only in their morphological development is com-
size and in feather musculature. A follicle’s plete, again starting at the tips. The process
histology gives no hint of the kind of feath- is similar to that in reptilian epidermis al-

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er that will grow from it, let alone the de- though it happens much later. The rachis
tails of that feather. arises on the dorsal side of the feather tube
and the barbs, lengthening basally, grow
Feather growth and replacement around to join it. The shaft and barbs of an
Embryology. Feather rudiments begin to afterfeather, if any, arise on the ventral side
form in an embryo through a series of in- of the tube. Barbules likewise form in place
ductive interactions between local thicken- and join the rami. Barb formation eventu-
ings of ectoderm and dermis. Protein ally ceases and the final production from
growth factors induced in the ectoderm reg- the germinal ring yields a simple tube, the
ulate the spacing of the rudiments in rows calamus.
(Noramly and Morgan, 1998). Each rudi- After a chick hatches, the feather sheath
ment then elongates, becoming a thimble of dries, cracks, and flakes off, allowing the
epidermis over a finger of dermis. The epi- barbs and barbules to unfurl. Cell division
dermis begins differentiating, first into three ceases in the germinal ring, leaving a pa-
concentric layers and then within the inter- pilla of epidermis and dermis as the germ
mediate layer. The epidermal ring at the (blastema) for the next feather.
base of the rudiment invaginates, separating Growth of subsequent feathers. A follicle
the feather germ from that of the follicle. usually produces a series of feathers during
As the follicle deepens, cell division be- the life of a bird. As the key event in molt-
comes localized in a germinal ring at its ing, changes in photoperiod and hormone
base, the source of subsequent growth. levels activate the blastema to resume mi-
A feather forms as an elongating cone of tosis and form a new collar of germinal epi-
epidermis around a core of vascularized dermis. A replacement feather often starts
mesenchyme. The innermost epidermal lay- growing before the old one is shed, and
er encloses the core and is lost with it when pushes it out of the follicle (Watson, 1963).
the feather is fully grown. The outermost Development of the new feather resembles
layer forms the sheath, which is likewise that in the embryo except that the follicle
lost when a feather opens. It is the inter- is already formed, the feather grows from
mediate layer that differentiates into all the the blastema, and its structure is more com-
feather parts, from barbs to calamus (Lucas plicated. Since the juvenile feather is larger
and Stettenheim, 1972). Owing to this de- than the natal down, its tip is completely
velopmental plan, a feather has been con- grown and above the skin before the lower
sidered homologous with the intermediate parts have finished or even started to form.
layer of a reptilian scale and its sheath ho- As soon as the upper barbs are finished,
mologous with the corneous layer of a scale they start to emerge from the sheath.
(Spearman and Hardy, 1985), but these A developing feather is supported by a
equivalencies are open to question. reticulum of mesenchyme containing blood
As cells are pushed upward from the ger- vessels and a network of motor fibers. This
minal ring, they cease dividing, undergo in- is entirely resorbed during the last phase of
tense protein synthesis, enlarge, and alter growth (Lillie, 1942), leaving no blood ves-
their shape. Feather parts form by changes sels or nerves in a fully-grown feather. The
in, and fusion of, cells. The distal and pe- remaining dermal papilla and its epidermal
ripheral parts arise first, followed by pro- covering constitute the blastema for the
gressively more proximal and central parts next feather.
(Lillie, 1942). Barbs at the tip of a feather Molts and plumages. Chicks of most spe-
are thus the first parts to be formed and the cies produce at least one set of natal downs,

even those that are naked at hatching. Functions

Thereafter, birds produce several more sets The anatomical and physiological sup-
of feathers at regular intervals throughout port systems for feathers have evolved pre-
their lives. This practice of periodically los- sumably because feathers are very useful to
ing and replacing a complete, mature epi- birds. Feathers serve more than twenty dif-
dermal generation appears homologous ferent functions in birds as a whole (Stet-
with the skin-shedding of lizards and tenheim, 1976). Even within an individual

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snakes. Each generation of feathers is a feather, the parts are commonly modified
plumage and the process of feather loss and for different roles. An ordinary body con-
replacement is a molt. In most birds, molt- tour feather, for example, shields the body,
ing takes place in a regular sequence within repels water, and contributes to the appear-
and among tracts and replacement of all the ance on the exposed, pennaceous part of the
feathers takes about two months. vanes, and provides thermal insulation in
Birds typically molt into their first set of the downy part underneath. This versatility
contour feathers when they are 1–3 wk old. is further evidence of the potential afforded
This set is replaced within a few months by by the basic structural plan with keratin as
another, which is held until one year of age. the building material.
Many species, particularly songbirds, re- Feather functions that are universal in
place some of the body feathers once more birds include thermal insulation, control of
before the breeding season, gaining a more body temperature, physical protection
colorful appearance. The entire feathering against the environment, tactile sensation,
is replaced after the breeding season every and appearance and visual signaling.
cycle (usually one year). Each new plumage Downy feathers, wholly or in part, provide
changes a little in appearance until the thermal insulation by trapping air against
adult, constant condition is attained. In the skin. Contour feathers help control body
songbirds, this usually happens within 1–2 temperature by adjusting position so as to
yr but in other species it may take up to retain heat or let it escape. Bristles, semi-
seven years. bristles, and contour feathers screen the
The production of new feathers requires eyes and ear openings and give other phys-
much nutrition and energy, and may impair ical protection on the head and trunk. Fil-
flight or swimming. Accordingly, molting is oplumes detect air currents acting on flight
usually timed so as to interfere the least or contour feathers; bristles and semibristles
with breeding and migration, if any, the on the head appear to detect obstacles or
other demanding events in the annual cycle. prey. Color patterns on single feathers or
The fourth innovation with feathers, there- groups of feathers determine appearance
fore, is the molt process and the photope- and send a myriad of visual signals for
riodic and hormonal mechanisms that con- identification or display. Modifications for
trol it (Voitkevich, 1966; Payne, 1972). display are more numerous and extreme
Incubation (brood) patches. Birds of than those for any other purpose.
nearly all species temporarily shed their In most birds, feathers are essential for
feathers on single or paired areas of the flight and water repellency. Modifications
breast or abdomen early in the breeding for flight range from the overall shape of
season. The bare skin increases in vascu- the wing and tail to the shape of individual
larity, which aids it in transferring body feathers and tiny details of the barbules.
heat for incubating the eggs and brooding Water repellency depends on chiefly on the
the chicks. Development of these incuba- meshwork of pennaceous barbs and the uro-
tion (brood) patches is prompted by rising pygial secretion. Other common feather
levels of estrogen. They form in whichever functions are: propulsion and buoyancy in
sex cares for the eggs and young, usually swimming, support via a strengthened tail,
females but often males as well. The lost brushing the preen gland secretion on the
feathers are replaced in the complete molt bill, cleanliness of the head, aiding hearing,
following the breeding season. and making sounds in flight.

CONCLUSIONS the study of avian integument. I appreciate

The integument of modern birds has been having been invited by Paul Maderson and
modified in a wide variety of ways, differ- Dominique Homberger to participate in this
ing in morphology, histochemistry, and symposium and thank them for organizing
function. Its derivatives are far more di- it. Julie Hagelin and Robert Payne provided
verse in birds than in reptiles. In addition, useful information. Alan Brush, George A.
early embryos have the potential to produce Clark, Jr., Dominique Homberger, Gopi K.

Downloaded from by UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta user on 27 November 2023
different structures from the same piece of Menon, and an anonymous reviewer made
integument, as shown by transplantation ex- constructive comments on the manuscript.
periments (e.g., Cairns and Saunders, 1954; Dartmouth College generously allowed me
Sengel et al., 1980). to use its Dana Biomedical Library.
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