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Metal Joining

Tungsten Carbide
This article reviews
the development of
the filler metals and
fluxes used when
brazing tungsten

Filler Metals and Fluxes for Brazing

By Jack Willingham, Manager Quality & Technical Service Johnson Matthey Metal Joining

Tungsten Carbide


Brazing filler metals - 3

The background

Brazing filler metals - 5

The historical perspective

Brazing filler metals - 9

The technical considerations

Brazing fluxes - 17
The technical considerations

Brazing filler metals - 22

The common applications

Brazing filler metals -

Tungsten Carbide
The background
Many different types of brazing filler metal magnetic material. This change results in a loss
are used to join sintered tungsten carbide to of heating efficiency, a reduction in the speed
a supporting backing material. Although many of heating and a need to increase the energy
different filler metal compositions are used input to maintain the rise in temperature.
they can be divided into two principal groups.
Functions of the brazing filler
Group 1 metal
Copper and copper based filler metals The primary function of any brazing filler metal
including the copper-zinc (brazing brasses) is to wet and bond with the parent materials
and materials in the copper-zinc-nickel alloy to be joined, and to form a joint that is robust
system, (widely known as nickel-silver, and enough to withstand the loads that will be
often used for bronze welding mild steel). imposed upon it in service. When brazing
tungsten carbide the brazing filler metal has
a further function to perform. It needs to
Group 2
accommodate the stresses that develop in
Low melting point brazing filler metals
the joint during cooling, as a result of the
containing silver.
significantly different coefficients of expansion
that almost always exist between the tungsten
In addition to these two main groups there are
carbide and the backing material to which it is
a number of other precious metal filler metals
that contain either gold or palladium that are
used in some specialised applications where
Wetting and bonding
filler metals from the two main groups cannot
In most applications involving the brazing of
meet the demands of the application.
tungsten carbide, obtaining good wetting
and bonding of the filler metal to the backing
Of the two main groups, the silver containing
material is not normally a consideration. This
brazing filler metals are the ones most widely
is because the most commonly used backing
used, particularly those that have a melting
material steel, is readily wetted by most
point below 750˚C. Such filler metals are used
brazing filler metals that are used to braze
not only because of their technical suitability,
tungsten carbide. The ability of a brazing filler
but also because they are easy to use due to
metal to wet and bond to tungsten carbide is
their conveniently low brazing temperature.
somewhat more problematic and is a function
of the composition of the tungsten carbide,
A further advantage of the low temperature
silver brazing filler metals is their compatibility
with the induction heating process, one of
the most commonly used heating methods in 1. Its cobalt content.

applications involving the joining of tungsten 2. The nature and level of any other
carbide to steel. This compatibility is as a metallic carbide added to its The primary function
result of the low temperature silver brazing composition other than tungsten of any brazing filler
filler metals having working temperatures carbide. metal is to wet
below the Curie point of iron. At the Curie 3. Whether it contains any free graphite and bond with the
point (approximately 770˚C), iron changes / carbon on its surface or within the parent materials to
from being a magnetic- to becoming a non- matrix of the tungsten carbide itself. be joined.

Tungsten Carbide

Accommodating the inevitable to be subject to tensile-, shear- or compound-

post-braze stress bending stresses. In most applications
If the brazing filler metal is unable to involving the brazing of tungsten carbide,
accommodate the stresses that inevitably preventing it from cracking by accommodating
develop during the cooling of the joint, one or the cooling stress is the primary consideration.
more of four outcomes are possible:
Figure 2: Example of a joint that cracked
on cooling
1. The part distorts– See Figure 1.
2. The tungsten carbide cracks
– See Figure 2.
3. The joint fails completely and the
tungsten carbide tip comes off
– See Figure 3.
4. Nothing happens on initial cooling, but
the tungsten carbide cracks or comes
off in service or when the part is ground
– See Figure 4.

Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 present themselves as

obvious problems that immediately point to
Figure 3: Example of a joint where tip
the fact that there is something wrong with
has come off during cooling
the brazing process. Outcome 4, the ‘nothing
happens’ situation is the most concerning,
since unless the stresses that developed on
cooling of the joint have been accommodated
satisfactorily, the joints could contain a high
level of residual stress. Any load applied to
the joint during use or grinding increases
the level of stress in the joint resulting in
the tungsten carbide cracking or coming off.
Tungsten carbide can generally be considered
to be a brittle material, although this does
depend upon its composition. It does not like

Figure 1: Example of a joint that Figure 4: Example of a joint that cracked

distorted on cooling during grinding

Brazing filler metals -

Tungsten Carbide
The historical perspective
It would appear that tungsten carbide as nickel and manganese came onto the market.
a material was first developed in the mid This filler metal was used initially for the brazing
1920’s. It seems that pure copper and 60/40 of rock-drills before being adopted more
type brass brazing filler metals were the first widely for the brazing of tungsten carbide.
filler metal types to be used to join tungsten Shortly after the appearance of the cadmium-
carbide to a steel backing. In the mid to late bearing filler metal with additions of nickel and
1930’s low temperature, cadmium- bearing, manganese, a ternary silver-copper-zinc alloy,
quaternary silver brazing filler metals had with additions of nickel and manganese, was
become available and also started to be also being used to braze rock-drills. Both these
used. Between 1940 and 1944 the first filler metals were subsequently adopted more
specialised silver brazing filler metal for the widely for the brazing of tungsten carbide, with
brazing of tungsten carbide appeared. This the 49% silver-copper-zinc-nickel-manganese
was the addition of 3% nickel being made now being one of the most commonly used
to a low temperature, cadmium-bearing, filler metals for the brazing of tungsten carbide.
quaternary silver brazing filler material. The
nickel addition enhances the filler metal’s Running parallel with the development of
wetting and bonding capability onto tungsten the silver-base filler metals were the copper-
carbide. It also produces a thicker layer of base filler metals. The historical information
brazing filler metal within the joint, which available concerning the development of
helps to accommodate the cooling stresses. the copper-base filler metals is much less
Nickel is now a common addition made to abundant than for those with a silver-base.
the specialised tungsten carbide brazing filler Most of the filler metals seem to have been
metals. developed to meet the requirements of
rock-drill brazing. The sketchy nature of
Manganese is another element commonly the information freely available is, perhaps,
present in many brazing filler metals used for not surprising, since the various companies
brazing tungsten carbide since it also improves involved in the manufacture of rock-drills
wetting and bonding. Again it would appear, between the 1960’s and 1980’s were very
that while a filler metal with a composition secretive about their product development.
of 65% silver- 28% copper- 5% manganese The main reason for the development of
and 2% nickel existed in 1948, its use would the copper-base filler metals arose from the
have been in applications involving elevated need to replace the high silver content filler
temperature service, not for the brazing of metals in order to reduce material costs. (At
tungsten carbide. One reference from 1953 that time the 49 to 50% silver-content were
indicates the use of ‘high silver-content brazing the favoured brazing filler metals). There
filler materials containing manganese’ as they are also indications that in some cases the
have ‘added readiness to wet certain types silver containing filler metals were being
of carbide’. Whether this is a reference to the overheated in order to allow for simultaneous
68% silver-content filler metal, or to the 15% heat treatment of the shank material. The
manganese – silver alloy is not clear. In the 1st overheating above 750˚C would result in some
Nickel and
edition of the AWS Brazing Manual of 1955, deterioration of the brazing filler metals due to
manganese enhance
the 15% manganese-silver alloy is mentioned the vaporisation of cadmium and zinc. In other
the filler metal’s
for use in applications where subsequent heat cases the inference is that the silver-base filler
wetting and bonding
treatment of the backing material is required. metals were used because of their low brazing
onto tungsten
In the early- to mid- 1960’s a cadmium-bearing temperatures. This feature, together with rapid
quaternary based filler metal containing both induction heating, allowed the brazing of fully

Tungsten Carbide

heat-treated shanks, as the short duration the copper- nickel-silicon filler material, while
of the brazing operation only had a minimal also helping to minimise the cooling stress.
effect on the already heat treated properties The manganese in the filler metal acted as a
of the shank material. melting point depressant while also providing
good filler metal wetting. Cobalt was added
As already mentioned, pure copper was one to the filler metal composition, as opposed to
of the first brazing filler metals used to braze nickel, as it appeared that cobalt interalloyed
tungsten carbide, although it has not been with the cobalt-bonded matrix of the tungsten
possible to uncover any evidence that pure carbide more freely than nickel did. In the
copper was used to braze rock-drills. Some finished braze joint, the cobalt is present as
evidence suggests that copper nickel filler a fine cobalt rich phase dispersed throughout
metals were used and certainly prior to 1967 the filler metal, and this is said to produce
a 96.9% copper-2.5% nickel-0.6% silicon joints with a high resistance to fatigue failure
alloy, widely known as Corson Bronze, was together with a good level of ductility.
in extensive use. Since this material already
existed as a precipitation hardenable copper- While the copper-manganese-cobalt filler
base filler metal it seems likely that brazing metal overcame many of the shortcomings of
tests carried out with it showed that it worked the copper- nickel-silicon filler metal, ideally
acceptably. The high brazing temperature and the rock-drill manufacturers were seeking
properties of this filler metal, while not ideal, inexpensive brazing filler materials with brazing
did allow for simultaneous brazing and air temperatures as close to 850˚C as possible.
hardening of the shank material, followed by a Brazing temperatures around 850˚C more
lower temperature tempering heat treatment. closely match the heat treatment temperature
As indicated, the copper-nickel-silicon filler of the steel shank and minimise the cooling
metal is of a composition that can be subject stresses. This requirement eventually resulted
to precipitation hardening and there are in the early 1970’s in the development of a
some suggestions that the high strength and brass type brazing filler metal with additions
hardness of the filler metal prolonged the life of manganese and cobalt. The filler metal
of drills used in certain drilling environments. produced joints, which greatly extended the
While the copper-nickel-silicon filler metal life of drills compared to those that had been
was reasonably successful, it was not ideal. brazed with the previously used types of
It was found to be ‘hot short’ on cooling, copper-base filler metal.
and go through a ductile, brittle transition at
around 600˚C. On larger diameter drills this A further important development in the field of
was known to cause internal cracking of the brazing tungsten carbide was the ‘sandwich’ or
filler metal due to the stresses that developed tri-metal product. These filler materials have a
during post-braze cooling of the joint, and this central core of material metallurgically bonded
resulted in premature service failure of the on either side with a layer of brazing filler
drills due to fatigue. material. In the early 1950’s it was common
Rock drills practice when brazing large sections of carbide
The failings of the copper-nickel-silicon filler to form these types of product in situ. Either
metal prompted the development of copper- a plain sheet of material, woven soft iron wire
manganese- cobalt filler metals. Their lower gauze or a corrugated metal foil was used to
brazing temperatures reduced the amount of thicken the brazed joint. The joint was prepared
deterioration suffered by the shank material as by first laying a section of fluxed brazing filler
a result of the high brazing temperatures of metal in foil form onto the joint area, then the

Tungsten Carbide
interlayer material, and finally by another piece been available up until the later 1970’s,
of fluxed brazing filler metal foil on top. The early 1980’s, but they have now started to
reason for thickening the joint by introducing a re-appear with cores described as ‘copper
spacing layer was to allow the joint to deform alloy’. The products would seem to offer joints
more readily such that it could dissipate the with higher shear strengths, as the copper
greater levels of cooling stresses that occur alloy core will be stronger than products
when brazing large sections of carbide. using the more common ‘pure copper’ core.
This additional strength is seen as being
It has not been possible to establish precisely advantageous in applications where carbide
when purpose made tri-metal products, where tips are subject to high impact service loads.
the brazing filler metal had been pre-bonded
to the interlayer, first became commercially It is also possible to obtain what are commonly
available. However, the 1st Edition of the referred to as ‘tri-metal’ brazing pastes. This
AWS Brazing Manual from 1955 states that “A description is used to describe brazing pastes
special brazing sheet is available for making that produce joints with a thick layer of filler
sandwich brazes. This consists of a copper metal, similar to the tri-metal products by
core clad on both sides with a thin layer of introducing into the paste formulation a metallic
nickel-bearing BAg filler metal.” By the mid powder that is not easily dissolved and taken
1960’s such products were in common use. into solution when the brazing filler is molten.
Typically, the product consisted of a copper Typically nickel powder is used for this.
or copper, nickel interlayer, with a silver-base Circular saw blade
brazing filler metal bonded on either side.
Some of the high temperature copper-base
filler metals were also available as tri-metal
products, with gauze woven from nickel wire
being used as the interlayer material.

Today copper in the form of a solid sheet of

material is most commonly used as the core or
interlayer material in most tri-metal products.
Copper is used not only because it is soft and
ductile and can deform easily to dissipate the
cooling stresses, but also because it makes
for easy bonding of the brazing filler metal
layers during production of the products. The
common ratio of the layers in the products is
1:2:1. For example, in a 0.4 mm thick product
the first layer of brazing filler metal will be 0.1
mm thick, followed by the interlayer with a
thickness of 0.2 mm and then another layer
of filler metal 0.1 mm thick. Other ratios
with a thicker interlayer or thicker brazing
filler metal layers are also available. Recently
there has been a re-emergence of tri-metal
products with copper alloy cores. Products
with a copper-nickel core had traditionally

Tungsten Carbide

The most recently developed filler metals are point depressants. (See Argo-braze® 64 and
silver containing, and are free from both zinc Argo-braze® 57 in Table 4). While both tin and
and cadmium. These have been developed indium are low melting point elements they
for use when the tungsten carbide and its have high vaporisation temperatures.
backing are to be coated using a Physical
Vapour Deposition (PVD) process to apply The above comments cannot be considered all
TiN (titanium nitride) and similar types of inclusive, but they do at least chart the major
coatings (See Figure 5). Under the coating filler metal product developments made in
conditions, if present, the cadmium and zinc connection with the need to braze tungsten
will tend to vaporise out of the brazing filler carbide while attempting to attribute some
metal affecting the coating process. They approximate dates and chronological order to
act as melting point depressants within the those developments.
filler metals and while it is possible to have
silver-copper-nickel-manganese filler metals It is interesting to note that most of the brazing
without these volatile elements, their brazing filler metals and products specially developed
temperatures are quite high. Filler metals for the brazing of tungsten carbide are still
with lower brazing temperatures, but still being used today. However, the use of the
containing the beneficial elements nickel and/ cadmium-bearing filler metals is in major decline
or manganese, have been produced where due to the health and safety issues that arise
indium or tin have been added as melting from their use and environmental pressures.

Figure 5: Titanium nitride (TiN) coated gun drill

Brazing filler metals -

Tungsten Carbide
The technical considerations
Filler metal wetting and bonding alloys in an attempt to improve wetting and
It has already been highlighted, that bonding. Nickel is known to change the
obtaining good wetting and bonding of a nature of the bond that is created from
brazing filler metal onto tungsten carbide one of an intermetallic nature to that of an
is not as straightforward a proposition as it interalloying type. Cobalt is also known to
can be for many other materials. Where the have a similar effect. Manganese is another
cobalt content of the tungsten carbide is element that has been found to improve the
above approximately 6%, both the common wetting and bonding of filler metals. Filler
quaternary silver-copper-zinc-cadmium and metals containing manganese are particularly
the ternary silver-copper-zinc filler metals useful when brazing carbides that contain
will wet and bond with tungsten carbide additions of titanium and tantalum carbides,
relatively easily. However, wetting becomes as they have a much greater ability to wet
more difficult when other metallic carbides are such carbides than filler metals that contain
added to the carbide, particularly the refractory only nickel. Manganese also seems to have
metal carbides of titanium and tantalum. In the ability to wet surfaces containing graphite,
such cases levels of only 1 to 2% have very so again filler metals that contain manganese
serious effects on filler metal wetting. Free show improved wetting on those tungsten
graphite or carbon within the matrix of the carbides that contain free graphite / carbon on
tungsten carbide can also impair filler metal their surfaces or within their matrix. Nickel and
wetting. manganese also improve filler metal wetting
Nickel and
and bonding on tungsten carbides having low
manganese also
It is apparent from the historical perspective, cobalt contents.
improve filler
that improved wetting and bonding of the filler
metal wetting and
metals for use when brazing tungsten carbide It has not been possible to find information
bonding on tungsten
has been one of the main development that suggests that any real scientific or
carbides having low
themes. We have seen that nickel was the metallurgical thought processes (at least
cobalt contents.
first element to be added to the silver brazing in the early development of the specialised

Figure 6: Colour comparison AWS A5.8 B-Ag24 manganese free and EN 1044 AG502
manganese containing filler metals

Tungsten Carbide

brazing filler metals for use on tungsten the brazing filler metal is in its molten state to
carbide) existed in relation to the additions help remove any flux and gas trapped in the
of nickel and subsequently manganese. It joint before finally positioning the tip in its
would seem that their beneficial effects were correct location. The term ‘sticky’ is a reference
established on an empirical basis early on and to the fact that the tungsten carbide tips do
this information was then used to formulate not float and move so easily on the molten
subsequent filler metal compositions. brazing filler metal, so making it difficult for
the operator to move and position them.
When selecting a brazing filler metal for Some do not like the nickel bearing filler
a tungsten carbide brazing operation it is metals either, since they do not flow as well
established practice to use filler metals that at as the straight quaternary silver-copper-zinc-
least have an addition of nickel or better still cadmium or the cadmium-free silver-copper-
additions of nickel and manganese. However, zinc-tin filler metals.
Most specialist
some resistance does exist to the use of
tungsten carbide It is easy to check how a particular filler metal
the manganese bearing filler metals. This is
brazing filler metals and flux combination will wet onto a piece of
sometimes as a result of the surface finish
contain at least tungsten carbide. Simply clean the face of the
of the filler metal that can have a rough and
an addition of tungsten carbide piece that would be brazed
dark reddish brown appearance (See Figure
nickel, and many in the normal way. Flux the surface, and then
6). Some operators dislike these filler metals,
contain additions cut a section of brazing filler metal foil, rod or
as they are more ‘sticky’ than those that are
of both nickel and wire and place it on top of the fluxed surface
manganese-free. In many tungsten carbide
manganese or cobalt of the tungsten carbide. Finally apply more
brazing operations an operator is required to
and manganese. flux over the top of the cut section of filler
move the tungsten carbide tip around when

Figure 7: Example of a wetting test

Position 1. EN1044
AG305 & standard flux
EN1045 Type FH10

Position 2. EN1044
AG103 & boron modified
flux EN1045 Type FH12

Position 3. A5.8 B-Ag24

& standard flux EN1045
Type FH10

Position 4. EN 1044
AG103 & standard flux
EN1045 Type FH10

Tungsten Carbide
metal. It is then simply a question of heating Accommodating the cooling
the tungsten carbide until the filler metal stresses
melts. Once the piece of tungsten carbide has As previously mentioned, due to the significant
cooled down remove the flux residues. A visual mismatch in expansion coefficients that
assessment shows how well the filler metal typically exist between the tungsten carbide
has wetted and spread. By using different and the backing material to which it is brazed,
filler metal and flux combinations it would be whichever brazing filler metal is used it needs
possible to determine which combination gives to be able to accommodate the stresses that
the best results for the carbide in question. develop within the joints on cooling,
(See Figure 7)
When cooling a joint, the backing material
This very basic test can throw up issues when wants to contract faster and further than the
the pieces of tungsten carbide start coming off piece of tungsten carbide to which it is now
rather than finding there is a problem when a securely brazed. (See Figure 8) This mismatch
whole batch of parts has been brazed and is results in the development of shear stresses
in use. By using a controlled size and shape of within the joint. If the brazing filler metal has
filler metal this standard wetting test can be a high strength it will transmit these stresses
used as a pre-production check on batches of directly into the relatively brittle tungsten
tungsten carbide. It can also be used to check carbide and cause it to crack. What is required
the effectiveness of the pre-braze cleaning of is brazing filler metal that has a low yield point
the tungsten carbide. that will deform plastically allowing the stress
to be dissipated. Unfortunately, the strength

Figure 8: Diagram depicting mismatch in expansion between a tungsten carbide tip

and its support backing at brazing temperature

Expansion of Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten Carbide

Backing of Material

Expansion of Backing

Tungsten Carbide

Figure 9: Results of tensile tests showing how joint clearance and the strength of
the parent materials affects joint strength.

a b
U.T.S of Drill Rod U.T.S of Drill Rod
Tensile Strength Kgf/mm2

56 G H
U.T.S of 1020 Steel A U.T.S of 1020 Steel
42 H

U.T.S of Pure Silver U.T.S of Pure Copper


0 0.127 0.254 0.267 0.508 0.635 0 0.127 0.254 0.267 0.508 0.635

Joint Thickness mm Joint Thickness mm

The effect of joint gap (joint thickness) on the tensile strength of brazed butt joints (after
Bredzs). The strength of silver (a) and copper (b) brazed joints in steel 1020 is represented
by curves ABCD, curves EFGH relating to joints brazed in drill rod steel. The U.T.S. of silver,
copper and parent metals is indicated in the graphs

of brazing filler metal in a brazed joint is not the brazing filler material.
primarily a function of the strength of that
filler metal, but the strength of the parent The situation that is found in a typical brazed
materials and the thickness of the brazing filler joint is that there is a thin layer of a relatively
metal layer within the joint. weak, ductile, filler metal bonded securely
to two much stronger, less ductile parent
Practical testing has shown that if, for materials. When such a joint is subjected to
example, an ordinary carbon steel and high a tensile load, if the load applied to the joint
strength carbon steel are brazed with the is above the yield point of the brazing filler
same brazing filler metal, the ordinary carbon metal, then the filler metal would be expected
steel joint will be weaker than that made in to begin to deform in the same manner as
the high strength steel (See Figure 9). It is also a tensile test specimen by ‘necking in’. (See
understood that the thickness of brazing filler Figure 10) However, the thin layer of filler metal
metal in a joint has a strong influence on the is securely bonded to the two parent materials,
strength of a brazed joint - the thinner the which prevents it from doing so. Brazed
joint the higher its strength. It is possible to joints therefore typically fail under tri-axial
develop joint strengths that are 2 to 3 times stress conditions and show very little ductile
greater than that of the ‘as cast’ strength of deformation, failing in an almost brittle mode.

Tungsten Carbide
Figure 10: Results from Tensile Loading

Necking under Necking constrained by

tensile load bond to parent material

Taking the above into account, the normal either a physical mechanical load or thermally
perception that a strong joint is required when generated stresses.
brazing tungsten carbide could be questioned.
It can be understood that if too strong a joint It follows from the preceding text, that when ‘…when brazing
is produced it will not be able to deform to brazing tungsten carbide, joints with a good tungsten carbide,
dissipate the cooling stresses. If the filler level of ductility are required, such that they joints with a good
metal is too strong it will simply transmit the can deform readily and allow the stresses level of ductility are
stress into the component causing it to distort that arise on cooling to be dissipated. It also required, such that
or the piece of tungsten carbide to crack to follows, that strong joints, where only a thin they can deform
relieve the stresses that have developed. If the layer of brazing filler metal is present between readily and allow the
levels of stress developed during cooling are the tungsten carbide and its backing material, stresses that arise
extremely high, and the component sufficiently will not allow the brazing filler metal to deform on cooling to be
robust such that it cannot distort or crack, the in a ductile fashion, and therefore will not dissipated.’
brazing filler metal itself can rupture resulting allow dissipation of the cooling stresses.
in the piece of tungsten carbide becoming Joints that have a thick layer of brazing filler
detached. It is also possible in circumstances metal between the tungsten carbide and the
where the component is sufficiently robust backing material will be more able to deform
for the stresses developed on cooling to be and therefore allow dissipation of the cooling
contained as residual stresses within the stresses. In essence ductile joints are required,
component. The residual stresses locked up which usually means thick joints, which in turn
in the joint only show themselves when some means joints are going to be lower in strength
additional stress is added to the component than might be the case for other joints.
by the application of some external force,

Tungsten Carbide

From the need to produce ductile joints three

1. The use of filler metals that possess a
approaches in relation to the selection of
high level of ductility.
brazing filler metal for applications involving
the brazing of tungsten carbide have evolved:
2. The use of filler metals that produce
joints with thicker than normal layers of
These three approaches are particularly applied
filler metal.
in the case of selecting silver-base filler
3. The use of products or methods that
metals, where some general rules have been
produce artificially thick brazed joints.
developed, based on the size of carbide that
can be brazed successfully.

The general rules

1. For pieces of tungsten carbide where that can be brazed successfully. A further
the maximum dimension does not advantage of these filler metals is their
exceed 10 mm the use of conventional, low brazing temperatures, which help
ductile silver brazing filler metals like to minimise the amount of differential
EN 1044 AG102, 103 (56 & 55% silver expansion developed between the
cadmium-free with tin) and 301, 302 tungsten carbide and the backing material.
and 303 (50, 45 & 42% silver with The high silver content cadmium-bearing
cadmium) can be used filler metals tend to have higher levels
(See Tables 1 & 2). of ductility than the cadmium-free filler
metals, and therefore may be capable of
These free flowing filler metals that are brazing a wider range of sizes and shapes
relatively ductile tend to produce joints of tungsten carbide than cadmium-free
containing a relatively thin layer of brazing filler metals.
filler metal, which limits the size of carbides

2. For pieces of carbide where the rod. Pre-placing the filler metal in the joint
maximum dimension is between 10 and allows it to produce the thickest possible
20 mm, the use of the nickel or nickel joints, so allowing the filler metals to be
and manganese bearing filler metals used to their full potential.
is recommended. EN1044 filler metals
AG502, 351 and AWS A5.8 BAg-24 (See The additions of nickel and manganese
Table 3) to the filler metals increase their ‘as cast’
strengths, which to some extent are offset
The addition of nickel to these filler by the thicker joints they produce. In a few
metals reduces their flow properties and cases problems have been encountered
helps them to produce joints that have a when changing from the cadmium-bearing
naturally thicker layer of brazing filler metal filler metals with additions of nickel and
than the standard filler metals. Because manganese to the cadmium-free filler
of the reduced flow properties of these metals containing nickel and manganese.
filler metals they are best pre-placed in While there had been no problems using
the joint as a section of foil as opposed to the cadmium-bearing filler metals, with
being hand fed into the joint from wire or the change to cadmium-free materials

Tungsten Carbide
2. cracking problems started to occur. These parts of the world, the AWS A5.8 BAg-24
problems tended to be in applications that filler metal (50% silver-copper-zinc-nickel)
were at the extreme of the capabilities of is equally common in the United States.
the cadmium-bearing filler metals. It was As previously mentioned the nickel and
clear that the filler metal, EN 1044 AG502 manganese bearing AG502 filler metal is
(49% silver with nickel and manganese) disliked by some due to the colour of the
was stronger and less ductile than the finished braze - a dark red brown, and
cadmium-bearing filler metals previously it is ‘sticky’ making it difficult to move
used. and position pieces of tungsten carbide.
The BAg-24 filler metal does not contain
While the AG502 filler metal with its high manganese and therefore does not exhibit
levels of nickel and manganese is the these characteristics, and as a result some
filler metal most widely used for brazing users in Europe are now favouring it.
tungsten carbide in Europe and other

3. Where the largest dimension of the contents have been significantly reduced.
tungsten carbide is greater than 20 mm The reason why this modified filler metal
then the use of the tri-metal products is used, as opposed to high nickel and
is recommended. manganese AG502 filler metal is to
facilitate manufacture of the product. When
The interlayer in the tri-metal products the need arose for cadmium-free tri-metal
produces a thick, ductile joint capable of products, attempts were first made to use
dissipating significant amounts of stress. the standard AG502 filler metal. However,
The tri-metal products come in various problems with de-lamination of the layers
thicknesses; the thickness used in any and edge cracking during rolling (due to
application being a function of the size the different work hardening characteristics
of the piece of tungsten carbide. i.e the of the copper interlayer and the filler
larger the piece of tungsten carbide, the metal) resulted in the development of the
greater the thickness of tri-metal. In the modified filler metal.
past, the tri-metal products were coated
with the cadmium containing filler metals, As previously mentioned, the manganese
EN 1044 AG301 or the nickel containing containing filler metals are disliked by some
AG351. By far the most commonly used due to the colour of the finished braze
product today is the cadmium-free 49% and their stickiness. Tri-metals using the
silver-copper-zinc alloy containing additions manganese free AWS A5.8 BAg-24 are
of nickel and manganese. The filler metal available and are now preferred in some
used is a modified version of the EN 1044 cases.
AG502, where the nickel and manganese

The above can only be seen as general the higher it is the more ductile it will be.
guidelines to the selection of a filler metal, The thickness of the tungsten carbide is
as they are based only on the size of the also important as the thicker it is the more
piece of tungsten carbide. Another factor that robust it will be. The shape of the tip is also
also needs to be considered is the ductility important, since if it has a complex shape with
of the tungsten carbide. This is a function of changes in width, thickness and includes sharp
the cobalt content of the tungsten carbide, corners, as for example in certain router bits,

Tungsten Carbide

then these changes in form can be points of as opposed to a pure copper one, is likely to
stress concentration, increasing the likelihood prove beneficial.
of the tungsten carbide cracking. These
additional factors may mean that although it is In addition to using specific brazing filler
possible to braze the piece of tungsten carbide metals or products as an aid to dissipating
based simply on its size with say a standard the cooling stresses, slow controlled cooling
ductile filler metal, due to its shape it would of joints following brazing is important. Also
be prudent to use a nickel bearing filler metal of importance are those methods that seek
that produces a thicker joint with more stress to produce thick layers of brazing filler metal
dissipating capacity. between the tungsten carbide and its backing
material. As already mentioned, joints were
A tri-metal product could be used, although historically thickened by using a layer of woven
the size of the piece of tungsten carbide does wire mesh or foil and while tri-metal products
not really warrant its use, in applications where are commercially available, the ‘do it yourself
the tungsten carbide in use experiences impact approach’ could be considered if a suitable
or percussive loads. In these applications commercial product is not available. Simple
the tri-metal can act to cushion the loads spacer wires can also be used to provide a
applied to the tungsten carbide and stop it controlled and thick joint clearance. Raised
from cracking. In some applications, while it bars or pips formed on either the tungsten
prevents cracking of the tungsten carbide, carbide or the backing can be another way
deformation of the interlayer under the service in which to produce a suitably large, yet
loads can result in cracking problems or joint controlled, joint clearance.
failures. In such circumstances the use of a
tri-metal product with a copper alloy interlayer,

Brazing fluxes -

Tungsten Carbide
The technical considerations
The vast majority of joints made between Removing the oxides from the
tungsten carbide and a backing material are parent materials and filler metal
made in air using flame- or induction heating. It is perhaps obvious that a flux should remove
This means that the filler metal needs to be the oxides found and formed on the parent
used in conjunction with a suitable flux. materials. However, not all fluxes are capable
of removing all oxides. For example, traditional
1. The flux must be able to remove the borax, boric acid type fluxes are not good
oxides found and formed on the parent at removing nickel, zinc or refractory metal
materials and the filler metal during the oxides.
brazing operation.
2. Its active range should be compatible Most modern fluoroborate containing fluxes
with the brazing temperature of the filler are very good at removing most oxide types
metal. and are used in most tungsten carbide brazing
applications quite successfully. However, the
3. The flux should become active at least standard fluxes still find it difficult to deal with
50˚C below the filler metal’s solidus refractory metal oxides, and where titanium
temperature. and tantalum carbides are present within the
formulation of the tungsten carbide then the
4. The flux should have a molten viscosity use of the special boron-modified fluxes is
such that it can be easily displaced from recommended. These fluxes are recognisable
the joint by the molten filler metal at the by their brown or dark brown to almost black
brazing temperature. colour. The boron-modified fluxes contain
5. It should have sufficient time / stability as part of their formulation elemental boron
to survive the brazing operation. powder. The addition of the elemental
boron not only changes their colour, but also
makes them highly active against refractory

Figure 11: Lathe tool coated with a boron modified EN1045 Type FH12 flux
ready for brazing

Tungsten Carbide

oxides. There is also some practical evidence use with the silver brazing filler metals being
that boron containing brazing fluxes aid the used with the brass brazing filler metals. The
wetting of filler metals where the parent upper active range of the silver brazing filler
materials contain some free graphite, which as metals’ fluxes tends to be in the order of
previously explained can be present in some 800˚C, but the brass brazing filler metals have
tungsten carbides. Tungsten carbides with low brazing temperatures around 900˚C.
cobalt contents also exhibit improved wetting
when brazed using boron-modified fluxes. The active temperature range of a
One criticism of the boron-modified fluxes is flux for best practice results
that their dark colour prevents operators from As already mentioned, in a brazing operation
seeing what is happening during the brazing a flux needs to be active and removing the
operation, masking the flow of the filler metal. oxides from the parent materials and any
Many of those engaged in the brazing of filler metal pre-placed in the joint before the
tungsten carbide will use nothing other than filler metal melts, and maintain its activity
the boron-modified fluxes. The combination until the filler metal has flowed and made the
of a nickel and manganese bearing filler metal joint. In practice, it has been found that the
together with a boron-modified flux will give flux needs to become active and efficiently
the best wetting and bonding performance removing oxides at a temperature at least 50˚C
whether the carbide is straightforward below the filler metal’s solidus temperature,
tungsten carbide, a carbide with a low cobalt (the temperature at which it starts to melt),
content, one that contains additions of and remain active at a temperature which is
titanium and tantalum carbide or one where at least 50˚C above the liquidus temperature,
free graphite is present. (the temperature where the filler material
becomes completely liquid). The physical
Compatible active range melting of a flux does not necessarily indicate
It is important when selecting a flux that the that it has become active, or at least active
active range of the flux is compatible with the enough to start removing oxides efficiently.
It is commonly brazing temperature of the filler metal. The flux The requirement for the flux to become active
understood that needs to be active and removing the oxides at a temperature 50˚C below the solidus of
fluxes remove the on the parent materials, and any filler metal the filler metal is to allow the flux enough
oxides from the pre-placed in the joint, before the filler metal time to remove those oxides that have formed
parent material begins to melt. Likewise, using a flux where during the heating of the joint from room
and then prevent the filler metal melts beyond the stated active temperature to the brazing temperature.
further oxidation range of the flux is likely to prove problematic,
from taking place. because it will tend to end up in a burnt The joint will be subject to oxidation from the
However, this is not and blackened condition and incapable of onset of heating until the flux becomes active.
strictly the case. removing any oxides. Typical examples of such This will mean that for typical fluxes used with
a mismatch are the use of the borax, boric acid a silver brazing filler material the joint will have
based fluxes designed for use with the brass already attained a temperature of about 550˚C
brazing filler metals, with the low temperature before the flux becomes active. Clearly, the
silver brazing filler metals. The borax boric acid oxidation that has occurred has to be removed
based fluxes are not active much below 750˚C, before brazing can occur. Consequently, when
which is of course well above the melting the flux becomes active it will begin to remove
point of silver brazing alloys. The reverse of the oxidation that has built up during the pre-
this situation also applies, that is the use of heating stage. Naturally, time is needed to do
the fluoroborate based fluxes formulated for this, and if insufficient is provided the oxide

Tungsten Carbide
layer that remains on the work when the filler Time-temperature stability
material melts will impede the wetting and It is commonly understood that fluxes remove
flow of the molten filler material. the oxides from the parent material and then
prevent further oxidation from taking place.
Viscosity of a molten flux However, this is not strictly the case. While
It is important that when the brazing filler fluxes do remove oxides from the parent
metal attains brazing temperature the viscosity materials they do not prevent further oxidation
of the molten flux is such that that it can of the parent materials taking place. In fact
be easily displaced from the joint by the there is a continual process during a brazing
advancing front of the molten filler material. If operation of oxygen diffusing through the
the viscosity of the flux is too high at brazing layer of molten flux, oxidising the parent
temperature, and the filler metal is unable to materials beneath and the flux removing the
displace it the flux will almost certainly become oxide that has been formed. Molten fluxes do
trapped in the joint. This type of problem can tend to act as a partial barrier to the diffusion
result in joints that contain a high level of flux of oxygen, but this is a variable characteristic
inclusions. Flux manufacturers formulate their dependent upon the flux formulation and its
fluxes with this problem in mind. However, temperature.
there may be technical circumstances where
due to the size and mass of the parts a This continual process of oxygen diffusing
flux with good time-temperature stability through the molten flux and the flux removing
is being used with a low melting point filler the oxide that has been formed eventually
metal. While the flux may have good time- results in the flux becoming spent / exhausted,
temperature stability, its molten viscosity as it becomes saturated with oxides and so
at the lower end of its active range may be unable to remove any more. Clearly, if the flux
such that it cannot be easily displaced by the has become spent or is losing its ability to
molten filler metal. Molten viscosity curves remove oxides efficiently before the filler metal
for fluxes are not linear; thus it might be that is molten, the filler metal will not wet the
at 650˚C the flux is quite viscous, whereas at parent materials successfully.
700 it is very fluid. Every flux is different, so in
cases where joints exhibit a high level of flux The time-temperature stability of a flux is not
inclusions this is one factor to be considered something that can be defined numerically, but
when trying to reduce the occurrence of the is rather a concept to explain a characteristic This continual
problem. of a flux. For example, if a standard flux with process of oxygen
an active range of 550 to 800oC is used with diffusing through
The viscosity of a flux will also change during a silver brazing filler metal with a brazing the molten flux and
a brazing operation due to the absorption of temperature of 750oC, then immediately the the flux removing
oxides. Changes in viscosity tend to become joint starts to be heated the parent materials the oxide that
an issue where a flux is being used at the will begin to oxidise. When the flux becomes has been formed
upper end of its active range or where it has active at 550˚C it starts to remove the oxides eventually results
been subjected to prolonged heating. This that have formed up to that point, and more in the flux becoming
situation may suggest that a flux with a higher are still continuing to form. The phase is then spent / exhausted,
active range or with greater time-temperature reached where oxygen diffuses through the as it becomes
stability should be used. molten flux, oxidation of the parent material saturated with
continues, and the flux continues to remove oxides and so unable
the oxides as they form. to remove any more.

Tungsten Carbide

It can be understood that more oxide will be Flux selection

formed if it takes 5 minutes to get to the Unlike brazing filler metals there are no
brazing temperature of 750˚C as opposed standard flux compositions. Fluxes are all
to 2 minutes. If after 4 minutes, the flux has made to proprietary formulations and will
become loaded with oxide and has become therefore all have different properties and
exhausted, then when the brazing filler metal characteristics. EN 1045 Brazing “Fluxes for
melts the surface will not be oxide-free and brazing – Classification and technical delivery
will not wet successfully. In such an example, conditions” is, as it indicates, a means by
the use of a filler metal with a brazing which manufacturers can apply some standard
temperature of 650˚C would be possible, classification to their flux products, but the
assuming that the joint could be heated to standard does not go beyond specifying
650˚C in less than 4 minutes. some basic flux characteristics and uses. In
manufacturers’ literature, where reference
The speed at which a flux will become is made to EN1045, many fluxes are given
exhausted is a function of how much oxide the same classification, yet they clearly have
is formed during a brazing operation. If the different properties and characteristics.
thermal masses of the parts to be heated are
Unlike brazing
significant and it takes an extended period to Unlike a brazing filler metal, where it is an
filler metals there
achieve the brazing temperature then the flux easy matter to conduct a chemical analysis
are no standard
will be required to remove oxides from the to determine its make up, it is not possible
flux compositions.
parent materials over an extended period. It to do this with fluxes. A chemical analysis
Fluxes are all made
can be appreciated that heating a joint may will not be able to determine the specific
to proprietary
not involve a linear temperature rise. For chemical compounds that have been used to
formulations and
example, while it might be possible to heat a formulate the flux, as many of the compounds
will therefore all
component to a temperature of 500˚C in two react during manufacture, and it is how they
have different
minutes, it may take a further 4 minutes to are proportioned and reacted together that
properties and
achieve a temperature of 750˚C. Furthermore, determines the components, properties
since oxide formation is a chemical reaction, and characteristics of the finished flux. In
the higher the temperature the faster it goes. selecting a flux for any particular application
In simple terms this means that a flux when the above points need to be considered.
used at the lower end of its active range will Most manufacturers provide information in
have a longer life than at the higher end of their literature about the active range of the
its temperature range. In practical terms this flux and give some indication about its life
means that while a flux with an upper active or overheat resistance. There may also be
range of 800˚C could be used to make a joint additional information related to some special
with a filler metal melting at 800˚C, there characteristics of the flux, for example its
would only be seconds available to make the suitability of use when using HF induction
joint. This might be possible for small parts heating. This basic information should
using HF induction heating. In general, a flux allow anyone to select a flux suitable for an
with an upper active range of 800˚C should application. However, a discussion with the
not be considered for use with filler metals flux manufacturer is likely to be beneficial as
melting above 750˚C. Applying this restriction they will be aware of the subtle differences
means that the flux will still have some useful in their products and may, based on the
life available when the filler material melts and details of the application, be able to suggest
flows. a flux that offers specific advantages in that
application. Rather than just selecting one flux

Tungsten Carbide
from a manufacturer’s range, it could well be
worth testing two or three that appear to be
suitable, to see which provides the best ‘on-
the-job’ performance.

The fact that fluxes are proprietary

formulations often causes problems if one
wants to change from one manufacturer’s
product to another’s. Operators will say that
the flux does not work as well. This could be
the case, but in many cases what the operator
is really saying is that it works differently or
perhaps more likely that it reacts differently
when heated. This is to be expected, as each
formulation will result in a flux with different
characteristics. What must be assessed is
whether the differences are good, bad or
indifferent, and whether the joints produced
are of an acceptable quality.

Brazing filler metals -
Tungsten Carbide

The common applications

The cadmium-bearing filler metals were for In view of the above it would seem prudent
many years the principle filler metals employed to select a cadmium-free brazing filler metal
for the brazing of tungsten carbide in a wide for use in any tungsten carbide application,
range of applications from lathe tools to rock- and to phase out the use of cadmium-bearing
drills. filler metals as soon as possible before EU
Directives, legislation or individual companies
The use of cadmium-bearing filler metals prevent their use.
is in decline due to the health and safety
implications associated with their use and The two main filler metals used from this group
environmental and product stewardship issues. are Easy-flo® and Easy-flo® No. 3 in Table 1.
Indeed in many countries of the EU, cadmium- Easy-flo® is a filler metal that possesses a level
bearing filler metals are no longer being used. of ductility that is around 35% in the ‘as-cast’
EU Directives and legislation have already condition. Mattibraze™ 45, Easy-flo® No. 2 and
effectively banned the use of cadmium-bearing DIN Argo-flo™, possess a lower ductility, the
filler metals in any automotive application and range extending from 20-25% for Mattibraze™
in the manufacture of any electrical or electronic 45 and Easy-flo® No. 2 with DIN Argo-flo™
Most of the brazing
equipment, since a maximum cadmium level being only 15%. As a result, Easy-flo®,
filler metals and
of 0.01% has been imposed on any materials Mattibraze™ 45 and Easy-flo® No. 2 represent
products specially
used in the manufacture of such items. It has to the first choice filler metals for brazing most of
developed for the
be considered how long it will be before other the easily wetted types of tungsten carbide,
brazing of tungsten
EU Directives or legislation prevent their use in and where the largest dimension of the carbide
carbide are still
other applications or completely bans the sale is less than 10mm.
being used today.
of cadmium-bearing filler metals. In addition
However, the use of
to the Directives and legislation, the growing These five filler metals are extremely free
the cadmium-bearing
interest by major companies in the subject of flowing and therefore demonstrate good
filler metals is in
‘Product Stewardship’ is leading to individual capillary flow, which together with their low
major decline due
companies applying their own restrictions based brazing temperature make them ‘user friendly’
to the health and
upon the Directives and legislation already in and easy to use. Typically these filler metals
safety issues that
place. As a supplier or manufacturer it may, for are hand fed into the joint as rod or filler wire,
arise from their use
example, not be possible to supply a company but can be pre-placed as sections of foil. When
and environmental
with a cutting tool that has been brazed with a applied as a foil the production of a thicker
cadmium-bearing filler metal. joint, which will provide better dissipation of

Table 1: Nominal compositions of the common silver-base, cadmium-

bearing filler metals used for the brazing of tungsten carbide
Silver Copper Zinc Cadmium Nickel Manganese Melting
Filler Metal EN 1044
% % % % % % Range ˚C

Easy-flo® 50 15 16 19 - - 620-630 AG301

Mattibraze™ 45 45 15 16 24 - - 605-620 AG302

Easy-flo® No.2 42 17 16 25 - - 610-620 AG303

DIN Argo-flo™ 40 19 21 20 - - 595-630 AG304

Easy-flo® No.3 50 15.5 15.5 16 3 - 635-655 AG351

Argo-braze ® 50 50 13.5 15.5 16 3 2 639-668 Prop

Tungsten Carbide
the cooling stresses, is much more likely to reduce their flow properties, which can be best
result than when hand feeding rod or wire. described as sluggish. They therefore exhibit
limited capacity for capillary flow. Thus to fully
Mattibraze™ 45, Easy-flo® No. 2 and DIN utilise their ability to braze larger sections of
Argo-flo™ represent less expensive alternatives tungsten carbide they need to be pre-placed
to Easy-flo®, but due to their lower ductility in the joint as pieces of foil, as opposed to
(particularly DIN Argo-flo™) there is some being hand fed to the joint. Easy-flo® No. 3
restriction on the size of tungsten carbide that and Argo-braze® 50 find particular use in the
can be brazed in comparison to those that brazing of large diameter rock-drills.
might be brazed with Easy-flo®.
Easy-flo® No. 3 would also be chosen where
For applications involving pieces of tungsten tungsten carbide is to be brazed to stainless
carbide, with dimensions greater than 10mm, steel and the finished joint is likely to be
but less than 20mm, Easy-flo® No. 3 and exposed to a wet or damp service environment
Argo-braze® 50 are the natural choice. They where interfacial corrosion would be a service
would also be chosen where one of the ‘more hazard. Clearly, in brazing tungsten carbide to
difficult to wet’ grades of tungsten carbide stainless steel a whole set of new rules (due to
is to be brazed, this being particularly the the much greater difference in the expansion
case with Argo-braze® 50 since it contains coefficients between tungsten carbide and
manganese. The nickel and manganese stainless steel) needs to be applied.
additions to these filler metals significantly

Table 2: Nominal compositions of the common cadmium-free filler

Filler Metal Silver % Copper % Zinc % Tin % Gallium % EN 1044
Range ˚C

A* 56 19 17 5 3 608-630 Prop

Silver-flo® 56 56 22 17 5 - 620-655 AG102

Silver-flo® 55 55 21 22 2 - 630-660 AG103

* This filler metal currently not available from Johnson Matthey

The standard cadmium-free filler metals, All three filler metals listed in Table 2 have
Silver-flo® 56 and Silver-flo® 55, are the ones relatively low brazing temperatures and free
that have replaced the first four cadmium- flowing properties. The general comments
bearing filler metals in Table 1. However, their made against the free flowing cadmium-
ductility is generally lower than the cadmium bearing filler metals are also applicable here.
containing filler metals, typically in the order of
20-25% in the as cast condition. This means Filler metal A has a patented and proprietary
that the sizes of tungsten carbide that they composition, and was developed to have a
will be able to braze successfully are likely melting range / brazing temperature close to
be somewhat less than those than for the that of the cadmium containing filler metals.
cadmium-bearing filler metals. The general rule Silver-flo® 56 and Silver-flo® 55, while having
of the tip being less than 10mm in size can marginally higher brazing temperatures than
however still be applied. the cadmium containing filler metals, have been

Tungsten Carbide

for many years the accepted replacements for zinc-tin family and might seem very similar
the first four filler metals in Table 1. to a filler metal with only 45% silver and 3%
tin, however, the lower silver content, silver-
There are of course a number of lower copper-zinc-tin filler metals go through a
silver content silver-copper-zinc and silver- ductile, brittle transition at about 300C. This
copper-zinc-tin filler metals available that transition could result in cracks forming in the
could potentially be used for the purpose of filler metal on cooling as it tries to dissipate
brazing tungsten carbide but none appear to the cooling stresses. Likewise, while some
be in common use and hence they are not silver-copper-zinc filler metals are very ductile,
included in Table 2. If seeking a less expensive others are not. A filler metal’s ductility cannot
alternative to the relatively high silver content be assessed just by its silver content, as it
filler metals of this group, it is important to is the combination / percentages of silver,
appreciate that while filler metals may be copper and zinc that determine this property.
of a similar composition, their properties, If a less expensive product is required then
particularly their ductility, could well be this should be discussed with a brazing filler
significantly less. metal supplier, as they will have experience
and knowledge of which products within their
For example, Silver-flo® 56 and Silver-flo® range exhibit the required properties.
55 are both members of the silver-copper-

Table 3: Nominal compositions of the common cadmium-free nickel and

manganese containing filler metals
Silver Copper Zinc Nickel Manganese Melting
Filler Metal EN 1044
% % % % % Range ˚C

Argo-braze® 502 50 20 28 2 - 670-750

Argo-braze® 49H 49 16 23 4.5 7.5 680-705 AG502

Argo-braze® 49LM 49 27.5 20.5 0.5 2.5 670-710 Prop

Argo-braze® 40 40 30 28 2 - 670-780

Argo-braze® 27 27 39 22 5.5 9.5 680-830 AG503

Argo-braze® 25 25 38 33 2 2 710-810 Prop

= AWS A5.8 BAg-24 = AWS A5.8 BAg-4

The filler metals in Table 3, (or at least the first as those carbides that are more difficult to
4) are the most commonly used for the brazing wet, due to them having a low cobalt-content,
of tungsten carbide. In Europe, Argo-braze® containing titanium or tantalum carbides, or
49H is by far the most common, and therefore free graphite. None of the filler metals are free
can currently be regarded as the ‘standard filler flowing and as a general rule need to be pre-
metal’ used for brazing tungsten carbide. All placed in the joint as a foil pre-form to achieve
the filler metals listed contain nickel, and the the best results.
majority also contain manganese. They are
therefore suitable for brazing pieces of tungsten Argo-braze® 49H can be seen as a
carbide with dimensions up to 20 mm as well replacement for cadmium-containing filler

Tungsten Carbide
metals, Easy-flo® No. 3 and Argo-braze® specification (as indicated in Table 3). One
50 in Table 1. However, Argo-braze® 49H is of its main advantages is that it is more free
stronger and less ductile than both of them, flowing than Argo-braze® 49H and as a result
and this can lead to some problems when is often preferred by operators. It can be used
moving from one of the cadmium-containing in most applications where using Argo-braze®
filler metals to Argo-braze® 49H. The high 49H would be considered, but as it does not
strength and lower ductility of this filler metal contain manganese, this would exclude it from
can sometimes result in cracking problems in being used on the more difficult to wet grades
applications where no such problems existed of tungsten carbide. Some disadvantage is
when using a cadmium-bearing filler metal. A also seen due to its slightly higher brazing
solution to such problems can often be found temperature.
by using Argo-braze® 502 or Argo-braze®
49LM. Argo-braze® 49H is disliked by some Argo-braze® 49LM was developed as a
users due to the finished colour of the filler modified version of Argo-braze® 49H for
metal and its sticky feel when attempting to use in the manufacture of a cadmium-free
move tips around. The solution to both of tri-metal product. Although it was developed Argo-braze® 49H
these issues is to use Argo-braze® 502. One specifically for this application, it can be used is the first choice
advantage that Argo-braze® 49H has over as a filler metal in its own right. Its lower filler metal for most
similar filler metals is that it offers improved nickel and manganese levels compared to tungsten carbide
elevated temperature properties. Where most Argo-braze® 49H result in a filler metal that brazing applications
silver based filler metals tend to start losing is less strong and more ductile. In certain where the size of
strength at around 200C, Argo-braze® 49H applications, where cracking problems have the tip is less than
extends this drop off temperature to around been experienced with Argo-braze® 49H 20 mm… and also
300C. This can be useful when tools are it can provide a solution. Where a tri-metal for applications
being made that could be subject to elevated product coated with Argo-braze® 49H is being where the grade of
temperatures in service. used and a need arises for some additional tungsten carbide
filler metal to be added to the joint then it is difficult to wet,
Argo-braze® 49H is used as the brazing would be logical to use this filler metal if due to its low
filler metal in applications ranging from the available. However, it is also acceptable to cobalt content,
manufacture of rock-drills to dental burrs, use Argo-braze® 49H in such circumstances. having additions
lathe tools to mining tools and router bits to Although it is lower in nickel and manganese, of titanium and or
tungsten carbide tipped circular saws. It is the filler metal still shows improved wetting tantalum carbide or
currently the first choice filler metal for most characteristics over the manganese free filler where free graphite
tungsten carbide brazing applications where metals in the table. was present.
the size of the tip is less than 20 mm. It
would also be the first choice in applications Argo-braze® 40 (another AWS A5.8 listed filler
where the grade of tungsten carbide was metal) represents a more economic filler metal
one identified as being difficult to wet, due for use when brazing tungsten carbide than
to its low cobalt content, having additions of the first three filler metals in this table because
titanium and or tantalum carbide or where free it contains only 40% silver. Its nickel content
graphite was present. provides enhanced wetting characteristics and
joint thickening properties making it suitable
Argo-braze® 502 is free from manganese and for many of the applications where Argo-
is seen by some to offer certain advantages. braze® 502 might be used. Its main drawback
This filler metal is commonly used in the is its higher brazing temperature, which makes
United States and is listed within the AWS A5.8 it less ‘user-friendly’ than the first three filler

Tungsten Carbide

metals in Table 3. Nevertheless where a need metal. However, the success of the silver-
exists for a less expensive filler metal then free copper-zinc-cobalt-manganese filler
Argo-braze® 40 would be a good choice. metal for the same application means that
currently this filler metal is rarely used. It
Argo-braze® 27 was developed as a less provides a less expensive alternative to Argo-
expensive alternative to Argo-braze® 49H. braze® 49H, while still offering very good
However, its high brazing temperature and wetting characteristics due to its nickel and
long melting range make it much less user manganese contents. Its slightly lower brazing
friendly than Argo-braze® 49H, and even temperature, narrow melting range and lower
though it is a less expensive alternative it is nickel and manganese content mean that it
not extensively employed. will flow more freely than Argo-braze® 27 and
therefore may prove somewhat easier to use.
Argo-braze® 25 was originally developed
as a lower cost rock-drill brazing filler

Table 4: Nominal compositions of some specialised silver containing

filler metals

Silver Copper Others Nickel Manganese Melting

Filler Metal EN 1044
% % % % % Range ˚C

Argo-braze® 85 85 - - - 15 960-970 AG501

B* 65 28 - 2 5 750-850 Prop

Argo-braze® 64 64 26 Indium 6 2 2 730-780 Prop

C* 57.5 32.5 Tin 7 - 3 605-730 Prop

* These filler metals currently not available from Johnson Matthey

Argo-braze® 85 was a filler metal originally subject to a Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD)
suggested for use in applications requiring coating with TiN (titanium nitride) and other
the simultaneous heat treatment of a backing similar types of coating. They contain no
Argo-braze® 85 material, and it was also identified as having elements such as cadmium and zinc that are
was a filler metal enhanced wetting capabilities on difficult to likely to volatilise during the coating process.
originally suggested wet carbides. Additionally, the filler metal has The nickel and manganese additions obviously
for use in good elevated temperature properties up to impart the required characteristics for the
applications 400oC and can be used in applications where brazing of tungsten carbide, and indium or tin
requiring the joints are exposed to elevated temperature are used as melting point depressants. Filler
simultaneous heat conditions in service. However, the filler metal B might also be considered for use in
treatment of a metal is rarely used as the development applications where the joints would be subject
backing material, of copper based filler metals with similar to elevated service temperatures.
and it was also brazing temperatures and enhanced elevated
identified as having temperature strength has replaced it.
enhanced wetting
capabilities on Filler metal B and Argo-braze® 64 can or
difficult to wet have been specially formulated for use when
carbides. brazing tungsten carbide items that will be

Tungsten Carbide
Table 5: Nominal compositions of some common copper based brazing
filler metals
Copper Zinc Cobalt Nickel Manganese Others Melting
Filler Metal EN 1044
% % % % % % Range ˚C

Copper 100 - - - - 1083 CU103

B Bronze™ Bal. - - 3 - Boron 0.035 1081-1101 CU105

A Bronze™ 96.9 - - 2.5 - Silicon 0.6 1090-1101 Prop

C Bronze™ 86.85 - - 2.15 11 965-995 Prop

D Bronze™ 86 - 4 - 10 - 980-1030 Prop

J Bronze™ 67.5 - - 9 23.5 - 925-955 Prop

Argentel™ No. 1 60 39.75 - - - Silicon 0.3 875-895 CU301

F Bronze™ 58 38 2 - 2 890-930 Prop

D* 55 35 - 6 4 - 880-920 Prop

E* 54.85 25 - 8 12 Silicon 0.15 855-915 Prop

H Bronze™ 52.5 - - 9.5 38 - 880-920 ▲

Argentel™ 48 42.25 - 9.5 - Silicon 0.25 870-890 CU306

▲ = AMS 4764 * These filler metals currently not available from Johnson Matthey

Pure copper will wet and bond with tungsten to use copper. Its nickel and boron additions
carbide very successfully and together with give it better wetting characteristics, and will
brass was one of the first filler metals to be also allow the formation of joints containing a
used for the brazing of tungsten carbide. Its thicker layer of brazing filler metal. B Bronze™
use today is as an inexpensive filler metal has the ability to bridge gaps up to 0.5 mm
for reducing atmosphere or vacuum furnace and is able to fill joints where spacer wires
brazing of tungsten carbide. However, its or other means have been used to create a
natural ability to produce joints with a thin larger controlled joint clearance. This means
layer of brazing filler metal limits its use to that it is possible to braze quite large sections
applications where small sections of carbide of tungsten carbide, since it is possible to
need to be brazed. A typical application could produce relatively thick ductile joints with this
be the brazing of tungsten carbide tips into filler metal.
drills to be sold in the DIY market.
A Bronze™ was extensively used for the
B Bronze™ is another filler metal for use brazing of rock-drills and is still used in some
in reducing atmosphere or vacuum furnace cases for that type of application. It is used in
brazing of tungsten carbide. It was originally air with a flux and induction heating. While it
developed to be a filler metal with improved could be used for other applications involving
gap filling properties that could be used the brazing of tungsten carbide it has never
in reducing atmosphere furnace brazing been widely used.
applications where the joint fits were too large

Tungsten Carbide

C Bronze™ was originally developed to allow low cost, DIY market, tungsten carbide tipped
for step or sequential furnace brazing of steel drills and circular saw blades. Brazing with
components, where pure copper was used as this filler metal is often carried out using HF
the first step brazing filler metal. The nickel induction - the filler metal being applied to
and manganese contents of this filler metal the joint in the form of a flux-bearing brazing
make it highly suitable for the brazing of paste. Flame brazing using a separate flux
tungsten carbide, and its melting range makes and automatic feeding of the joint with wire
it suitable for the brazing and simultaneous is also widely practiced. Due to the fact that
heat treatment of certain grades of steel. it produces joints containing a relatively thin
It is used in reducing atmosphere furnace layer of brazing filler metal its use is restricted
brazing applications, but due to its manganese to brazing relatively small pieces of tungsten
content, low dew point atmospheres must carbide.
be used to reduce the manganese oxide and
prevent the formation of further quantities F Bronze™ is another filler metal specifically
during the brazing process. It is also used developed for the brazing of rock-drills,
F Bronze™ is but unlike some of the other filler metals
in vacuum brazing applications, but it needs
another filler developed for this purpose it has found a
to be used with a partial pressure brazing
metal specifically wider application for brazing tungsten carbide.
technique to suppress the volatilisation of
developed for It is typically applied in air using HF induction
the manganese. This filler metal has found
the brazing of heating and a separate flux. The filler metal is
extensive use in the brazing of tungsten
rock-drills, but most commonly pre-placed in the joint as a
carbide tipped drills for use by professional
unlike some of the main mass and allowed to flow through the
trades people, where brazing of the tip and
other filler metals joint. Hand torch brazing is also possible with
heat treatment of the shank are carried out in
developed for this this filler metal.
one operation.
purpose it has found
a wider application D Bronze™ is another filler metal specifically Filler metals D and E are based on the classic
for brazing tungsten developed for the brazing of rock-drills. It has nickel silver / bronze welding filler metal
carbide. found little or no use outside of this area. composition of Argentel™ where an addition
of manganese has been made to the basic
J Bronze™ with its high manganese content, copper-zinc-nickel composition to enhance
provides filler metal with a lower brazing their wetting performance. These two filler
temperature, and which is higher in strength metals represent low cost, high strength
than C Bronze™. Some manufacturers of materials for torch brazing applications.
professional type tungsten carbide tipped
drills use it in preference to C Bronze™ since H Bronze™ is similar to J Bronze™ but its high
it is said to offer good wear resistance. At manganese content makes for a lower brazing
the same time it has a brazing temperature temperature. This filler metal is recommended
which matches the heat treatment of the high for use in elevated temperature applications
strength steel frequently used as the shank up to 400C and in the field of brazing tungsten
material. carbide has been used to produce joints that
will be exposed to such temperature. It has
Argentel™ No.1 represents the classic brass found use in the brazing of road-planing tools.
brazing filler metal, a 60-40 copper-zinc filler
metal with a small addition of silicon. This filler Argentel™ is the copper-zinc-nickel-silicon filler
metal tends to be used in the manufacture of metal widely used for ‘bronze welding’.

Tungsten Carbide
Table 6: Nominal compositions of the brazing filler metals used on the
common tri-metal products
Silver Copper Zinc Nickel Manganese Melting Core
Filler Metal Other %
% % % % % Range ˚C Material

F* 64 26 - Indium 6 2 2 730-780 Copper

Easy-flo®** 50 15 16 Cadmium 19 - - 620-630 Copper

Easy-flo® No.3 50 15.5 15.5 Cadmium 16 3 - 635-655 Copper

Argo-braze® 502 50 20 28 - 2 - 660-750 Copper

Argo-braze® 49LM 49 27.5 20.5 - 0.5 2.5 670-710 Copper †

G* - 100 - - - - 1083 Nickel ‡

† Also available with copper alloy core and nickel mesh core
‡ With nickel mesh core
** Obsolete alloy for Johnson Matthey
* These filler metals currently not available from Johnson Matthey

The filler metals detailed in Table 6 are those metal with the ability to braze larger sections
that can be found in the form of tri-metal of tungsten carbide.
products, primarily with a copper core and
supplied in a ratio of 1:2:1. The characteristics As indicated in the table, Argo-braze® 49LM
of the individual filler metals have been while commonly supplied with a copper core
covered in the relevant tables above. can also be supplied with a copper alloy
core. The alloy core, often a copper-nickel
By far the most commonly used products these alloy, provides joints with a higher level of
days are the ones coated with Argo-braze® toughness able to cope more adequately with
49LM. The product coated with Filler metal F impact loads in service.
is obviously intended for use in applications
where Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), TiN
(titanium nitride) coatings or similar are to be
applied to the part. The products coated with
the cadmium containing filler metals, Easy-flo®
and Easy-flo® No.3, are rarely used for the
reasons previously mentioned. The cadmium-
free product coated with Argo-braze® 502
provides a manganese-free alternative to
Argo-braze® 49LM, and is preferred by some
users as it allows for easier movement and
positioning of tips. It is recommended when
using the tri-metal products to move and slide
the tips around when the filler metal is in
the molten condition to reduce flux and gas
entrapment in the joints. Filler metal G with
a nickel mesh core is a furnace brazing filler

Tungsten Carbide

Table 7: Specialised noble metal containing filler metals

Silver Copper Gold Palladium Nickel Manganese Silicon Melting

Filler Metal
% % % % % % % Range ˚C

Pallabraze® 1120 75 - - 20 - 5 - 1000-1120

Pallabraze® 830 66.5 24.5 - 5 2 2 - 810-830

Orobraze® 1004 - 31.5 35 10 14 9.5 - 971-1004

H* - 33.5 31 9.75 9.75 16 - 927-949

Orobraze® 1052 - 31 25 15 18 11 - 1017-1052

Orobraze® 1013 - 37 25 15 10 13 - 970-1013

Orobraze® 950 - - 82 - 18 - - 950

Pallabraze® 851 - - - 47 47 - 6 810-851

* These filler metals currently not available from Johnson Matthey

The filler metals listed in Table 7 find use in the tungsten carbide backing of the PCD. This
applications where joints of extremely high was surprising, since palladium is an element
The filler metals strength are required or where the joints known to improve the wetting characteristics
listed in Table 7 find need to exhibit high strength at elevated of filler metals. Modified filler metals, with
use in applications temperatures. Many are patented or have additions of nickel and nickel and manganese
where joints of their applications patented. Some are used were produced and tested. While the nickel
extremely high for making carbide-to-carbide joints, whereas containing filler metal showed an improvement
strength are others are used because they allow for in wetting, the nickel and manganese bearing
required or where simultaneous heat treatment and vacuum filler metal was by far superior.
the joints need brazing of parts. Many of the applications
to exhibit high in which such filler metals are used are
strength at elevated considered confidential so it is not possible
temperatures. Many to provide any specific details or information
of the applications about their uses.
are considered
confidential so Pallabraze® 830 was a filler metal developed
it is not possible for the brazing of PCD’s where the finished
to provide any joints were going to be subject to service at
specific details or elevated temperature. The requirement was
information about for a filler metal to have the lowest possible
their uses. brazing temperature to minimise the damage
to the diamond layer, but have adequate high
temperature properties. Filler metal screening
suggested the standardised silver-copper- 5%
palladium filler metal EN 1044 PD106 would
be a possible candidate. However, when this
was tested it showed very poor wetting on

Tungsten Carbide
Table 8: EN 1045 Flux classes for use when brazing tungsten carbide

EN 1045 Temperature Composition
Brazing Comments
Classification Range ˚C Type
Above ˚C
Type FH10 500 to 800 600 Boron Compatible for use with most low
compounds temperature silver brazing filler
metals. Suitable for use in most
Simple &
applications involving the brazing
of tungsten carbide, except in
those applications where the
tungsten carbide contains titanium
of tantalum carbides or has a low
cobalt content.

Type FH12 550 to 850 600 Boron Compatible for use with most low
compounds temperature silver brazing filler
metals. Suitable for use in most
Simple &
applications involving the brazing
of tungsten carbide, especially
fluorides with
in those applications where the
the addition
tungsten carbide contains titanium
of elemental
of tantalum carbides, has a low
cobalt content or contains free

Type FH20 700 to 1000 750 Boron Compatible for use with the
compounds medium temperature brass and
nickel silver type filler metals. Flux
will not be suitable for brazing
tungsten carbides where titanium
or tantalum carbides are present.
Type FH21 750 to 1000 800 Boron Compatible with the high
compounds temperature copper based filler
metals. Flux will not be suitable for
brazing tungsten carbides where
titanium or tantalum carbides are

Type FH30 +1000 +1000 Boron Compatible with the high

compounds temperature copper based filler
phosphates metals. Flux will not be suitable for
and silicates brazing tungsten carbides where
titanium or tantalum carbides are

Tungsten Carbide

How to find out more

Johnson Matthey Metal Joining is a global

supplier of brazing filler metals and fluxes.

If you would like to find out more about

Metal Joining the products and services that we can offer
email Metal Joining on

or visit our website at

for more information, or contact us on

+ 44(0)1763 253200.

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This datasheet may only be reproduced as information, for use with or for resale of Johnson Matthey products. The JM logo©, Johnson Matthey
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