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Country: POLAND

Basic Brief About Poland and relation with India-

This section discusses the historical, political, and economic relationship between India and
Poland, including high-level visits, bilateral agreements, and cooperation in various sectors.

 India and Poland established diplomatic relations in 1954, leading to the opening of
the Indian Embassy in Warsaw in 1957.
 During the Communist era, bilateral relations were close and cordial, with regular
high-level visits and planned trade and economic interactions.
 The relationship continued to remain close after Poland chose the democratic path in
 In recent years, Poland has become one of India's key economic partners in Central
 High-level visits have taken place between the two countries, including visits by the
President of India, the Polish President, and the Polish Prime Minister.
 Agreements on various sectors such as agriculture, science and technology, defense,
and tourism have been signed between India and Poland.
 Contacts between the Indian and Polish Parliaments were established after the
overthrow of the Communist system in 1989.
 Regular Foreign Office Consultations have been held to discuss bilateral visits,
economic cooperation, and coordination in international fora.

India and Poland have a strong trade partnership, with bilateral trade growing significantly
over the past decade.

 Poland is India's largest trade partner and export destination in Central Europe.
 Bilateral trade between India and Poland has grown almost seven-fold in the last ten
 In 2019, the overall value of bilateral trade was US$2.36 billion.
 India's exports to Poland contributed to 0.48% of India's overall exports.
 Poland covered only 0.15% of India's imports in 2019.
 Indian investments in Poland are valued at over US$3 billion, while Polish investment
in India is estimated at US$672 million.

 Poland has a strong tradition of Indology studies, with Sanskrit being studied at the
Jagiellonian University in Krakow since 1860. The Indology Department at the
University of Warsaw is the largest center for Indian studies in Central Europe. The
first International Day of Yoga was organized in 21 cities in Poland, with over 11,000

The number of Poles availing e-visa facilities in Poland has been increasing, with 26,061
Poles availing Indian visa services in 2019. The Indian community in Poland consists of
approximately 10,000 individuals, including traders, professionals, and students. There are
over 100 Indian restaurants in the country.
1. Polity and Governance:
1. Form of Government: Poland operates under a parliamentary republic system.

2. President/Prime Minister: Andrzej Duda serves as the President of Poland, having been
elected in 2015 and re-elected in 2020. He rose through the ranks of the Law and Justice
(PiS) party, known for its conservative and nationalist stance. Mateusz Morawiecki is the
Prime Minister, assuming office in 2017, succeeding Beata Szydło.

3. Party in Power: The Law and Justice (PiS) party has been in power since 2015, led by
Jarosław Kaczyński. PiS emphasizes traditional values, social conservatism, and

4. Key Opposition Parties: The main opposition party is the Civic Platform (Platforma
Obywatelska), led by prominent figures like Donald Tusk. Other notable opposition parties
include the Left coalition, comprising various left-wing parties.

5. Brief on Polity: Poland has experienced a rise in nationalist sentiments under the PiS
government, with a focus on traditional values and Euroscepticism. The political landscape is
influenced by demographic factors like religion (predominantly Roman Catholicism), which
shape voter preferences and party agendas.

6. Non-state actors: The Catholic Church holds significant influence in Polish politics,
particularly on social and moral issues. Various think tanks and civil society organizations
contribute to policy discourse.

7. Other prominent political actors: Key families like the Kaczyński family have played
prominent roles in Polish politics. Religious leaders, particularly from the Catholic Church,
wield considerable influence. The military also maintains a role in national security

2. Economy:
1. GDP: Poland's GDP was approximately $845 billion (nominal) and $1.801 trillion (PPP)
in 2024.

2. Inequality: Income inequality remains a concern in Poland, with disparities between urban
and rural areas and different regions.

3. Sector-wise Break-up: The economy is diversified, with industry contributing around

40.2% and services around 57.4% to GDP.

4. Key growth sectors: Technology, manufacturing, and services have been identified as key
growth sectors in Poland's economy.
5. Exports: Poland exports machinery, vehicles, and electronics, with Germany and other EU
countries being key trading partners.

6. Imports: Key imports include energy, machinery, and electronics. Efforts are underway to
diversify import sources and reduce dependencies.

3. Demography:
1. Religion: Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion in Poland, influencing social and
political values.

2. Regional balance: Economic disparities exist between regions, with urban areas generally
more prosperous than rural areas.

3. Language: Polish is the official language, reflecting the country's linguistic homogeneity.

4. Race: Poland is ethnically homogeneous, with the vast majority of the population being

5. Nationalities/immigrants: Immigration has increased in recent years, primarily from

neighboring countries like Ukraine.

6. Other factors: Factors such as urbanization, aging population, and migration patterns are
gaining prominence in Poland's demographic landscape.

4. Infrastructure:
1. Logistics: Poland boasts a well-developed infrastructure network, including modern
roadways, railways, airports, and ports, facilitating domestic and international trade.

2. Prominent cities: Warsaw, Kraków, and Gdańsk are among the key urban centers driving
economic activity and development.

3. Key focal points: Warsaw, as the capital city, serves as the primary economic and political
hub, attracting investment and business activities.

5. Major players in the economy:

1. Number of Billionaires: As of 2021, Poland had 9 billionaires, representing various

sectors such as finance and technology.

2. Key families/corporations: Several domestic and international corporations play

significant roles in Poland's economy, contributing to economic growth and development.
6. Public and Media Perception:
1. General perception: The media environment in Poland is highly polarized, with different
outlets representing diverse political viewpoints.

2. Perception in other regions: Perception of Poland varies across different regions and
media outlets. In Western media, attention is often drawn to Poland's conservative shift and
its implications for European unity.

7. Political History (with India):

1. Brief history of ties with India: Poland and India established diplomatic relations in
1954, with the opening of the Indian Embassy in Warsaw in 1957. During the Communist
era, bilateral relations were close, with regular high-level visits and cooperation in various

2. Migration trends: Limited migration exists between India and Poland, primarily for
education and work opportunities.

3. Presence of Indian diaspora: The Indian diaspora in Poland consists of approximately

10,000 individuals, including traders, professionals, and students, contributing to cultural
exchanges and business ventures.

4. Prominent people of Indian diaspora: While small in number, the Indian diaspora
includes individuals involved in various sectors such as business, academia, and arts.

5. Significant milestones: Bilateral relations have continued to strengthen over the years,
with cooperation in areas such as defense, trade, and culture.

8. Security Relations (with India):

Poland and India maintain cordial relations, focusing on areas of mutual interest such as
defense cooperation and counter-terrorism efforts.

9. India-Poland diplomatic relations:

1. Current trajectory of relations: Bilateral relations between India and Poland are
characterized by understanding and cooperation, with a focus on enhancing ties in areas such
as defense, trade, and culture.

2. Sectors of deepening cooperation: Both countries seek to deepen cooperation in

technology, renewable energy, defense industries, and other strategic sectors.
3. Ongoing negotiations: Discussions may include trade agreements, strategic partnerships,
and cooperation in international forums.

10. Cultural and Social Links between India-Poland:

Cultural exchanges, educational partnerships, and people-to-people contacts contribute to

strengthening ties between India and Poland, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation
of each other's culture and heritage.

11. National Youth Council and other major stakeholders:

1. Name of National Youth Council: The Polish Council of Youth Organizations (KRDM)
serves as the national youth council in Poland.

2. Process of elections/selections: Leadership structures within the National Youth Council

vary, with representatives elected or appointed from youth organizations nationwide.

3. Current leadership: The leadership of the National Youth Council changes periodically,
reflecting the diversity of youth voices and perspectives.

4. Competing players: Various youth organizations and political parties engage in youth
outreach efforts, representing different interests and ideologies.

5. Power/role: The National Youth Council plays a crucial role in representing the interests
of young people, advocating for youth-related policies, and facilitating youth participation in
decision-making processes.

12. National Students Association and other major stakeholders:

1. Name of National Students Association: The All-Poland Student Association (OPSA) is a
prominent organization representing students' interests in Poland.

2. Process of elections/selections: Leadership within the National Students Association is

democratically elected from student bodies across universities.

3. Current leadership: The leadership of the National Students Association changes

periodically through democratic elections, ensuring representation from diverse student

4. Competing players: Various student unions and associations affiliated with different
political ideologies may compete for influence within universities.
5. Power/role: The National Students Association serves as a platform for students to voice
their concerns, advocate for their rights, and participate in decision-making processes at the
national level.

13. Potential ways to reach out to major stakeholders and

strengthen diplomatic ties between India and Poland:
Diplomatic ties between India and Poland can be strengthened through various means,
- Cultural exchanges: Organizing cultural events, festivals, and exhibitions showcasing the
rich heritage and traditions of both countries.
- Educational partnerships: Facilitating student exchanges, joint research projects, and
academic collaborations between universities and educational institutions.
- Trade agreements: Negotiating bilateral trade agreements and investment treaties to
promote economic cooperation and enhance trade relations between India and Poland.
- Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs): Signing MoUs in areas of mutual interest such
as technology, renewable energy, defense, and innovation to foster collaboration and
exchange of expertise.
- People-to-people contacts: Encouraging tourism, business delegations, and youth
exchanges to promote greater understanding and friendship between the people of India and

14. Compilation of relevant articles/links for further research:

1. Poland | History, Flag, Map, Population, President, Religion, & Facts:
o An extensive article by Britannica covering Poland’s history, geography,
political structure, and more.
2. Poland country profile - BBC News:
o A country profile by BBC News detailing Poland’s history, political leaders,
and key facts.
3. Poland | Country/territory outputs | Nature Index:
o Provides a count and share of research outputs for Poland based on a specified
4. Poland News, Research and Analysis - The Conversation:
o A collection of news articles, research, and analysis on Poland from The
5. Poland | Country outputs | Nature Index:
o Tracks the affiliations of high-quality scientific articles from Poland grouped
by journal.

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