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Importance of Sports

The ongoing growth of technology nowadays that makes people’s lives easier results to the
lessening of physical activities for humans since machineries now replaces a man’s job. This is also one
of the reasons a man’s health deteriorates since they are practically living a sedentary lifestyle. Living a
sedentary lifestyle or an inactive lifestyle is said to increase all causes of mortality, double the risk of
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity, and increase the risks of colon cancer, high blood
pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and anxiety. With the said facts above, it proves that
physical activities are indeed needed by our bodies, thus engaging in sports and the sports itself is
important for all human beings.

By definition, sports are activities involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or
team competes against another or others for entertainment. We have many different types of sports
that one can learn and engage to based on their likings and skills, and each has different health benefits
that are good for our bodies. Some doctors also use sports as some long term treatment for a disease.
This is very essential for human lives since it is one way of exercising the body that then can improve
their strength and also have fun while doing so. Some health benefits of sports is that it keep our all
organ alert and heart becomes most stronger by regularly engaging to it. Also, due to the physical
activity, blood pressure also remains healthy, and blood vessels remain clean. Sugar level also reduces
and cholesterol comes down by daily activity. Aside from the physical benefits, it also benefits a human’s
mental health too. Sports allows human’s to release stress and tension that then increases mental
energy. It also allows the brain to secrete dopamine and serotonin which are called the happy
hormones. With this, it can reduce depression and stimulates stable and positive moods. Anxiety level
also decreases. Lastly, physical exercise boosts memory retention and concentration that can benefit
both students at school and worker in the workplace.

Additionally, in terms of relationship with the society, sports is also a great bridge to socialize
and make friends. This allows you to meet new people and learn from them. It’s kept societies fit and
healthy while building strong communities and boosting morale. In this modern world of iPhones and
laptops, the importance of sports is more relevant than ever. Competitive physical exercise not only
motivates children and adults to get outside and keeps fit, but it also instills important values such as
teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, trust, discipline, resiliency, and the likes. This is good, especially for
children who are socially awkward and has a hard time interacting with people. Moreover, towns
require their own sense of identity in the same way that members of a state or nation feel a sense of
belonging and connection. Sports teams help to create this identity. In international events, there’s a
sense of unity as countries come together to back their team on the world stage that then leads to a
wave of optimism. Furthermore, some people also make sports as their profession and source of income
that provides them their needs for their everyday lives.

In conclusion, sports covers almost all aspects of our lives. From human’s health, both physical
and mental, to their personalities and values, and lastly, how human’s socialize and make an identity.
Sports stimulate physical activity growth and improve physical and mental health, as well as social skills.
With all these said, one must engage in physical activities, and sports is one fun thing to do. No matter
what age or gender, everyone should keep every aspect of their lives healthy. It’s never too late to try
something new. Don’t miss out and enjoy engaging in sports for a healthier well being.

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