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Automation in Construction 14 (2005) 687 – 688


Digital knowledge dissemination

The twin missions of academia are knowledge Some of these are fundamental questions related
acquisition and knowledge dissemination. The former, to the nature of the medium: how do we seek and
to which we conventionally refer as research, corre- gather information from the web efficiently and
sponds to those activities and methods that are used to effectively? Others raise issues specific to design
obtain theretofore unavailable knowledge. The latter, ability: can we use automated training tools to
which is normally called education, deals with the actually improve aspects of design skill? And finally,
passing of this and previously acquired knowledge there are questions interfacing the two: can we show
onto those who are embarking upon a task of academic that the quality of design can be explained by the
exploration. One mission cannot survive without the quality of digital communication; and is there a
other. Without acquisition knowledge will rapidly dry correlation between the sophistication of generative
out; conversely, without dissemination no one will be tools and the level of knowledge of the knowledge
left to carry forward the torch of academic work. acquirer?
Perhaps in tandem with this idea, the papers that In exploring the question of information gathering,
were admitted for presentation at the Generative CAD Bhavnani [3] shows that while novices can easily find
Systems, 2004 (G-CADS’04) Symposium, at Carne- information for questions that have specific answers,
gie Mellon University, during July 12–5, 2004, they have difficulty in finding answers for questions
covered both missions. In this special issue, we requiring a comprehensive understanding of a topic.
present a selection of papers from G-CADS’04 that He explains this through the phenomenon of informa-
deal with the digital use and exploration of knowledge tion scatter: bas the number of information sources
disseminating technology. about a specific topic increases, the information across
The cyber teaching environment presents many the sources follow a distribution, where a few sources
challenges. There are the usual ones dealing with the have a large amount of information, and many sources
difficulties of creating innovative technology that can have very little information[4].Q
bring digital tools right into the virtual classroom. The use of digital education in improving design
When tackled, these challenges inevitably lead, at one abilities, perhaps a central issue in this domain, is
end of the spectrum, to cultural and social difficulties addressed by two different papers. Rafi et al. [5]
of creating virtual learning groups through the show how automated training tools help improve the
interface of the internet and sophisticated simulations spatial abilities of engineering drawing teachers;
[1]. At the other end of the spectrum, we find while Wu [6] demonstrate the capabilities of a
challenges that deal with the translation of digital grammar based tool intended to assist in traditional
design strategies into the studio environment for architecture.
design education, which may or may not use digital Rafi et al. present their findings based on an
tools [2]. In the span defined by these two issues lie experiment using a web-based virtual environment
interesting questions of digital pedagogy. they call WbVE. Using WbVE secondary school
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688 Editorial

engineering drawing instructors have improved their While we are certainly further ahead in our under-
spatial manipulation skills which are assumed to be a standing of how digital tools can help design learning,
basis for design ability. While there is debate about this collection of papers is not the final word on the
this underlying assumption, [7] this does not negate exploration of educational issues in the digital realm.
the significant conclusions of this paper based on We still need to better assist information mining for
pre- and post tests of spatial ability measurements. design. We still have to improve the correlation of tool
This work is poised to become a precedent in the sophistication and design strategies with digital
development of the virtual environment based tea- design. Important challenges are still ahead of us.
ching and learning prototypes for secondary schools More specifically, are the methods of digital design
in Malaysia. fundamentally and qualitatively different from the
Wu, on the other hand, explores the use of a shape manual ones? What would be the tangible benefits of
grammar formalism, which assists the exploration of these tools for the world of design? Are there any
the underlying compositional principles of traditional blind spots in the overall progress of digital design
Chinese Architecture. This bnon-standardQ learning tool development for the purposes of education? And,
tool is expected to greatly ease the difficulties in perhaps ultimately, what are virtual design environ-
learning about the bracket system: ban important and ments really like and how can we start building such
characteristic component in traditional Chinese archi- environments without the encumbrance of traditional
tecture [8].Q design approaches, tools and strategies, which con-
Moving beyond the tools that improve teaching, tinue to serve as the most popular metaphors in the
Demirkan [9] explores the relationships between development of digital tools?
design information and design strategies, as well as Omer Akin, Ankara, 30 September, 2004.
design quality and digital communication, using an
agent based information processing approach. The
system designed by Demirkan and her students, using References
communication agents, benable designers to locate
and retrieve information from distributed sources... [1] Kalay, in this volume.
These agents, working over the web using sketches as [2] O. Akin, eXtereme Design, ARCHI, in print.
[3] Bhavnani, in this volume.
a collaboration medium in the conceptual phase of the [4] Ibid., pp. . .
design process [10],Q yield evidence supporting a [5] Rafi, in this volume.
correlation between design domain and variables and [6] Wu, in this volume.
design strategies. Also the quality of a project appears [7] O. Akin, Spatial reasoning of architecture students with simple
three-dimensional arrangements, Fourth Design Thinking
to increase in correlation with the communication
Research Conference held at MIT 1999 (April 23–25).
among collaborators. [8] Wu, in this volume, pp. . .
Finally Scott [11] presents a retrospective study on [9] Demirkan, in this volume.
the correspondences between the sophistication of [10] Ibid., pp. . .
generative tools and the level of knowledge of the [11] Scott, in this volume.
learning agent. bComputer based generative design [12] Ibid., pp. . .
tools are often restricted in their scope due to
implementation issues. These simple applications
can serve as teaching aids for novice designers Omer Akin
[12].Q Scott argues that generative tools and methods Carnegie Mellon University,
can be mapped into a domain of pedagogical tools Pittsburgh, PA 15217, United States
appropriate for different skill levels.

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