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PREVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.

Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)


PART 1 Use the phrases about the environment to describe the images. Then discuss the questions.

air pollution recycling bins plastic waste oil spill refillable bottles reusable bags

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 Which images show positive / negative environmental impacts?

2 What other actions can have a positive / negative environmental impact?

PART 2 Take the short quiz below about Earth Day. Choose the answer you think is correct.

1 The idea for Earth Day came after CO2 pollution / a plastic problem / an oil spill .
2 Earth Day was created in Australia / South America / the USA .
3 A senator / doctor / scientist created the idea for Earth Day.
4 Earth Day takes place every year on April 21st / 22nd / 23rd .
5 On Earth Day, many green laws / events / ads were created, such as the "Clean Air Act".

How can people raise awareness or appreciation for our planet on Earth Day? Use the images
below to discuss. Suggest your own ideas too.
EARTH DAY: HOW DID IT EVOLVE? Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.
Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)


How earth-friendly are you? What earth-friendly

habits do you practice or want to start practicing?


PART 1 Choose the correct answers. Check if your answers in Preview, Part 2 were correct. (start - 0:31)

1 The idea for Earth Day came after CO2 pollution / a plastic problem / an oil spill .
2 Earth Day was created in Australia / South America / the USA .
3 A senator / doctor / scientist created the idea for Earth Day.
4 Earth Day takes place every year on April 21st / 22nd / 23rd .
5 On Earth Day, many green laws / events / ads were created, such as the "Clean Air Act".

Complete the sentences below with the numbers. Then watch the video and check your
answers. (0:32 - 1:17)

2.4 50 15 20 150 80

1 On April 22nd, 1970, million Americans demonstrated for a healthy, sustainable

2 In years, our population has doubled.
3 We're now emitting times more CO2, and we're making times more plastic.
4 million tons of plastic is accumulated in our ocean, that's times the
weight of all the whales today.

PART 3 Tick () the 5 positive environmental impacts mentioned in the video. (1:18 - end)

1 Cars are cleaner. 5 People are using reusable bags.

2 People are using public transport. 6 People are producing less waste.
3 The ozone layer is recovering. 7 People are using refillable bottles.
4 People are buying local products. 8 People are recycling.
VIEWING FOLLOW-UP Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.
Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)

PART 1 Discuss the questions below.

1 What do you think about Earth Day? How important do you think it is?
2 What earth-friendly activities can benefit your country or local area? Why?
3 Have you participated in any environmental projects? If so, what was your experience?
If not, would you like to participate in any?

PART 2 Read the sentences below. Then choose the correct options about the quantifiers in bold.

A Too much noise from construction can disturb wildlife.

B There are too many chemicals used in farming. This damages ecosystems.
C People waste too much energy at home. This impacts climate change.
D Too many people live in some areas, which causes traffic and pollution.

1 The quantifiers in bold above express that we have more / less than what we need.
2 We use too much / too many before countable nouns (e.g. trees, cars, etc.).
3 We use too much / too many before uncountable nouns (e.g. water, waste, etc).

Describe the images and the possible impacts. Use the vocabulary below with "too much"
and "too many".

cars smog dirty water plastic packaging plastic bottles trees

1 2 3

4 5 6

THE GREEN TEAM: EARTH- Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.
FRIENDLY CAMPAIGNS Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)

STEP 1 • Work with a classmate, your teacher, or on your own.

• Imagine you're a member / members for "The Green Team" for a place of your choice.
• Choose and write the place. It can be your school, company, community, or another place.


STEP 2 • You're making a campaign for Earth Day. The goal is to promote environmental awareness.
• Make a list of the environmental problems or bad practices at the place you chose.
• Use too many / too much.

EXAMPLE Employees waste too much paper when they print documents.


STEP 3 • Discuss/Write initiatives or solutions for the problems and practices in Step 2.

EXAMPLE Every week, we will have Zero Printing Day. This day of the week people can’t
print any document and should share information in other possible ways, like
emails and phone calls.

Initiatives / Solutions:

STEP 4 • Present your ideas to your class.

• Give feedback and ask questions when your classmate(s) is/are finished presenting.

FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION TOPICS Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.
Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)

• Choose some of the discussion/debate topics below.

• Discuss them with a classmate/your teacher.
• In your discussions, use too much / too many.

What do you do to protect the environment in your daily routine? What could you do better?
BONUS: Use "too much" or "too many". (E.g., "I eat too much meat.")

What does your school/workplace do to protect the environment? What could it do better?
BONUS: Use "too much" or "too many". (E.g., "People use too much paper.")

Do you think there should be limits on water usage at home? How else can water
waste be prevented?

Are there too many cars in your local area? If so, how do you think this impacts your
area? If not, is there too much pollution from other things?

Do you use too many single-use plastics? If so, how could you reduce your use? Do
you think these kinds of plastics should be banned?

Do you ever use too much energy at home? How can individuals and businesses
reduce energy consumption? What are the benefits of doing this?
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2024. For use only with license.
Earth Day: How Did It Evolve? (A2 - B1)

PART 1 Answer the questions about the video.

1 What do you remember about the history of Earth Day?

2 What facts do you remember about Earth Day? (Try to use some numbers.)
3 What are some positive environmental impacts mentioned in the video?

PART 2 Complete the sentences below using too much or too many.

1 Too much noise from construction can disturb wildlife.

2 I'm worried that I use single-use plastics. I want to reduce my use.
3 There is trash on my local beach. I will volunteer to help clean it.
4 fish die each year due to plastic pollution in the oceans.
5 One way to avoid using water at home is to take shorter showers.
6 I think some people eat meat. This is bad because meat production
can cause pollution.

Make a few of your own sentences about the environment or environmental practices. Use
too much or too many in your sentences.


Discuss the questions below about the lesson.

1 What did you learn in this lesson?

2 What did you like about this lesson?
3 What was difficult about the lesson?

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