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Safety Protocols for the Barangay San Roque Color Run:

1. Registration Requirements: Participants must register in advance and provide emergency

contact information.
2. Health Check: Participants must undergo a health screening before the run to ensure they
are fit to participate.
3. Safety Gear: All participants must wear appropriate running attire and comfortable
4. Color Station Rules: Color stations will be set up along the route. Participants must
follow instructions at each station and avoid throwing color powder directly at others’
5. Course Safety: Participants must stay on the designated course at all times and follow
instructions from race officials and volunteers.
6. Hydration Stations: Hydration stations will be available along the route. Participants are
encouraged to stay hydrated throughout the run.
7. Emergency Procedures: In case of emergency, participants should notify the nearest race
official or volunteer immediately.
8. Cleanup: Participants are responsible for properly disposing of any trash or color powder
wrappers along the route.
9. Pets and Strollers: For safety reasons, pets and strollers are not allowed on the course.
10. Respect for Property: Participants must respect private property along the route and
refrain from littering or causing damage to any property.
Rules for the Barangay San Roque Color Run:
1. To take part in the event, it is necessary to pay the entry fee of 20.00 pesos. Once paid,
the fee is not subject to any reimbursement.
2. Participants must adhere to the designated start and finish line areas, maintaining order
and following instructions from race officials.
3. People with any ages can participate and enjoy the run.
4. The participants are free to capture images and video of the event, knowing that these
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
5. If the Color Run is cancelled because of circumstances beyond the control of the
organizer, including but not limited to hazardous weather conditions or government ban,
or caused by force majeure, entry fee will be refunded.
6. After the run, participants are invited to join the post-event celebration, where additional
safety measures will be in place, including controlled access and designated areas for
food and drinks.
Recommendations for Runners:
1. Protect feet with closed shoes.
2. Protect body with white shirt.
3. Protect eyes with sunglasses or goggles.
4. Protect mouth with a bandana or dust mask.
5. Protect electronics in plastic bags or plastic wrap.
Goals of the Event:
1. Promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle.
2. Promotion of sports, especially running, as a good and healthy way of spending free time.
3. Promotion of sponsors and partners of the Barangay San Roque Color Run.

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