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Discussion By : Nafa Alferlita Basiru 931423103

Isra Putri Arieka M. Yasin Kiu 931423189
Dian Fitria Higa 931423176
Business Presentation Videos From : (Youtube) Eunike Safira Damayanti
Presentation Title : Presentasi Bisnis Produk Scarlett Whitening

Discussion about : Analyze the presenter's use of body language, vocal delivery, and slide
design. How effective the presentation was and identify areas for improvement !!

Discussion results :

Body language is very necessary in virtual presentations to convey a number of signals to

the audience. The presentation of the business in the video uses attractive body language and is
able to convince the audience so that the message can be conveyed quite well. However, in some
cases the presentations made by the presenter do not maintain eye contact with the audience
which is not in accordance with business language etiquette.

This business presentation video is quite good in terms of vocal delivery, spoken clearly.
However, the use of words seems more standard so the presentation sounds boring to the

The slide design in a presentation contains a page of written points to be conveyed

accompanied by images that can support the presenter. The ultimate goal is for the audience to
understand what is being conveyed. In business presentation videos, the slide design used is very
attractive and contains product points clearly and uses detailed product images.
 Scarlett's product business presentation is very effective both in terms of content quality,
clarity of delivery and relevance of information. The thing that needs to be improved is that
the presenter must improve his body language by maintaining eye contact with the audience.
This is very necessary in making business presentations so that information can be conveyed
well. Next, namely the use of language, the language spoken should use language that is easy
to understand and intonation that is easy to understand. interesting but still polite and
professional. Finally, namely the slide design, overall it is quite good but it is not explained
in detail the shortcomings of the product or the side effects that occur if the product used is
not suitable for some of the audience's skin.

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