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Basic Of Algebra

Basics of Algebra cover the simple operation of mathematics like addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and division involving both constant as well as
variables. For example, x+10 = 0. This introduces an important algebraic
concept known as equations. The algebraic equation can be thought of as
a scale where the weights are balanced through numbers or constants.

Algebra is the branch of Maths which uses alphabetical letters to find

unknown numbers. These letters are also called variables. The values
which are known in the given expression such as numbers are called
constants. Though in higher classes, students will learn the concept of
algebra at the potential level. But when we speak about its basics, it
covers the general algebraic expressions, formulas and identities, which
are used to solve many mathematical problems. Let us learn here the
basic concept of algebra with the help of some terminology, formulas,
rules, examples and solved problems.

Basics Of Algebra

In the above-given equation, the letters x and y are the unknown variables
which we have to determine. Whereas 3 and 2 are the numerical values. c
denotes the constant term.

Basic Algebra
The algebra for class 6 covers all the basic concepts. Terms related to
basic algebra skills are mentioned below.

Polynomial (Monomial, binomial and trinomial)
Like terms and Unlike terms
An equation is a statement which implies two same identities separated
by “=” sign. Whereas an expression is a group of different terms separated
by ‘+’ or ‘-‘ sign.

Like terms are those terms whose variables and their exponents are

Basic Algebra Rules

The basic algebra rules are mentioned below:

The Symmetry rule

The commutative rules
The inverse of adding
Two rules for equation
Basic Algebra Operations
The general arithmetic operations performed in the case of algebra are:

Addition: x + y
Subtraction: x – y
Multiplication: xy
Division: x/y or x ÷ y
where x and y are the variables.

The order of these operations will follow the BODMAS rule, which means
the terms inside the brackets are considered first. Then, roots and
exponents are operated on second priority. Solve all the division and
multiplication operations and later addition and subtraction.

Basic Algebra Formula

The general formulas used in algebra to solve algebraic equations and find
the values of unknown variables are given here:

a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
a2 + b2 = (a – b)2 + 2ab
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2ac + 2bc
(a – b – c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab – 2ac + 2bc
(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
(a – b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3
These fomulas are used in higher secondary classes. Students can find
algebra formulas for class 8, along with class 9, class 10, class 11 and
class 12 here.

Algebra Formulas For Class 9

Algebra Formulas For Class 10
Algebra Formulas For Class 11
Algebra Formulas For Class 12
Some of the basic algebra worksheets are given below containing basic
math algebra questions.

Basic Algebra Examples

Q 1: Find y, when, y + 15 = 30

Solution: y = 30 – 15

y = 15

Q 2 : Find x, when, 9x = 63
Ans. x = 63/9


Q.3: If x/7 = 21, then find x.

Solution: Given x/7 = 21

or x = 21 x 7

x = 147

Practice Problems
Solve x+12 = 6
Find the value of z, if 23z + 3 = 10
Solve 2y – 8 = 5y

Addition And Subtraction Of Algebraic Expressions

The four basic mathematics operations viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can also
be performed on algebraic equations or expressions. The addition and subtraction of algebraic
expressions are almost similar to the addition and subtraction of numbers. However, a combination
of variables, constants, and operators constitutes an algebraic expression. But in the case of
algebraic expressions, like terms and the unlike terms must be sorted together.

How to Add and Subtract Algebraic Expressions?

The knowledge of like and unlike terms is crucial while studying addition
and subtraction of algebraic expressions because the operation of
addition and subtraction can only be performed on like terms. The terms
whose variables and their exponents are the same are known as like
terms and the terms having different variables are unlike terms.

Example: -5x2 + 12 xy – 3y + 7x2 + xy

In the given algebraic expression, -5x2 and 7x2 are like since both the
terms have x2 as the common variable. Similarly, 12xy and xy are like

Addition of Algebraic Expressions

There are two methods to add and subtract algebraic expressions, namely
the horizontal method and the vertical method. Let us understand these
two methods along with the examples in detailed steps.

Horizontal Method

Consider three algebraic expressions 5xy – 3x2 – 12y +5x, xy – 3x – 12yz +

5x3 and y – 6x2 – zy + 5x3.

Step 1: Write the given algebraic expressions using an additional symbol.

(5xy – 3x2 – 12y +5x) + (xy – 3x – 12yz + 5x3) + (y – 6x2 – zy + 5x3)

Step 2: Open the brackets and multiply the signs.

5xy – 3x2 – 12y + 5x + xy – 3x – 12yz + 5x3 + y – 6x2 – zy + 5x3

Step 3: Now, combine the like terms.

(5xy + xy) + (-3x2 – 6x2) + (-12y + y) + (5x – 3x) + (-12yz – yz) + (5x3 + 5x3)

Step 4: Add the coefficients. Keep the variables and exponents on the
variables the same.

6xy – 9x2 – 11y + 2x – 13yz + 10x3

Column Method

In this method, the given expression must be written column-wise one

below the other. For adding two or more algebraic expressions the like
terms of both the expressions are grouped together. The coefficients of
like terms are added together using simple addition techniques and the
variable which is common is retained as it is. The unlike terms are
retained as it is and the result obtained is the addition of two or more
algebraic expressions.

Addition And Subtraction

We can arrange the terms of the given expressions in the same order to
represent the result.

Read more:
Addition and subtraction of Decimals
Addition and Subtraction of fractions
Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
Similar to the addition of algebraic expressions, we can subtract algebraic
expressions in two methods. Let’s understand these two methods along
with the example.


Subtract x2y – 2x2 – zy + 5 and –3x2 + 3x3 from y3 + 3x2y – 6x2 – 6zy + 7x3


Let’s solve this problem in two ways.

Horizontal Method:

Step 1: Write the given algebraic expressions using an additional symbol.

(y3 + 3x2y – 6x2 – 6zy + 7x3) – (x2y – 2x2 – zy + 5) – (–3x2 + 3x3)

Step 2: Open the brackets and multiply the signs.

y3 + 3x2y – 6x2 – 6zy + 7x3 – x2y + 2x2 + zy – 5 + 3x2 – 3x3

Step 3: Now, combine the like terms.

y3 + (3x2y – x2y) + (-6x2 + 2x2 + 3x2) + (-6zy + zy) + (7x3 – 3x3) + (-5)

Step 4: Add the coefficients. Keep the variables and exponents on the
variables the same.

y3 + 2x2y – x2 – 5zy + 4x3 – 5

Column Method:

For subtracting two or more algebraic expressions, it’s a better practice

to write the expressions to be subtracted below the expression from
which it is to be subtracted. Like terms are placed below each other. The
sign of each term which is to be subtracted is reversed and then the
resulting expression is added normally.

Addition And Subtraction

In this way, we can add and subtract two or more expressions in either of
the methods.

Practise Problems
Add 8a3b3 + 4ab3 – 2a2b3 and 8a2 – a2b3 + 4ab3
Subtract 44x4 + 17x3 + x – 18 from 54x4 – 33x3 – 28x2 + 7x – 6.
Simplify: (10x2 + 14) + (9x2 + 3) – (8x2 – 6)
Simplify: (29x3 – 11x + 30) – (17x3 – 8x – 22) + (37x2 + 4)
Simplify: 5x2 – 9x – 2y2 + 3x2 + 5x + 20x – 5 + 30

Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions

In Maths, Algebra is one of the important branches. The concept of
algebra is used to find the unknown variables or unknown quantity. The
multiplication of algebraic expressions is a method of multiplying two
given expressions consisting of variables and constants. Algebraic
expression is an expression that is built by the combination of integer
constants and variables. For example, 4xy + 9, in this expression x and y
are variables whereas 4 and 9 are constants. The value of an algebraic
expression changes according to the value chosen for the variables of the

If there are brackets given in any expression, then it should be simplified

first. When there is no bracket present, then the algebraic expressions
can also be solved by applying division and multiplication, and then
addition and subtraction, similar to BODMAS rule.

For a clear idea on this let us take an expression 2x+1. Now if x = 1, the
value of expression would be 3. If x = 2 the value will be 5 and so on. The
value of the expression is dependent on the value of the variable. And if
we have 2(x+1), then we will not get the same answer as we have got
earlier. Here, if we put x =1, then it gives 2(1+1) = 4. So, we can see the
difference when we use brackets in expressions.

Terms Used in Algebra

Variable: The unknown quantity used in algebraic expressions, such as x,
y, z, a, b, etc.

Coefficient: The value attached with the variable is the coefficient of it.
For example, for 3x, the coefficient is 3

Monomial: An expression with one term. For example, 4x, 5y, 6z

Binomial: An expression with two terms. For example, 4x+4, 5y+y, 6z+z

Trinomial: An expression with three terms. For example, 4x2+4x+1

Solved Examples
Let us solve some problems here based on the multiplication of different
types of algebraic expressions.

Illustration 1: Multiply 5x with 21y and 32z

Solution: 5x × 21y × 32z = 105xy × 32z = 3360xyz

We multiply the first two monomials and then the resulting monomial to
the third monomial.

Illustration 2: Find the volume of a cuboid whose length is 5ax, breadth is

3by and height is 10cz.


Volume = length × breadth × height

Therefore, volume = 5ax × 3by × 10cz = 5 × 3 × 10 × (ax) × (by) × (cz) =


Illustration 3: Multiply (2a2 + 9a + 10) by 4a.


4a × (2a2 + 9a + 10)

= (4a × 2a2) + (4a × 9a) + (4a × 10)

= 8a3 + 36a2 + 40a

Illustration 4: Simplify the below algebraic expression and obtain its value
for x = 3.

x(x − 2) + 5

Solution: Given, x(x − 2) + 5, x = 3.

On simplifying the given expression we get:

Now putting x = 3, we get;

= 32-2(3)+5



Illustration 5: Simplify the below algebraic expression and obtain its value
for y = −1

4y(2y − 6) – 3(y − 2) + 20

Solution: 4y(2y − 6) − 3(y − 2) + 20 for y = −1

Substituting the value of y = −1.

4 × −1((2 × −1) – 6) – 3(−1 − 2) + 20

= −4 (−2 − 6) − 3(−3) + 20

= 32 + 9 + 20 = 61.

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