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Current energy inputs by humankind into the world economy are mainly fuels. The
civilized world depends on fuel much as the human body depends on food for life and strength.
Fuels provide people with most of their electric power and make modern transportation possible.
Without fuels there would be no industrialized world as exists today. Fuel resources that our
planet hold is exhaustible and will end in the coming future.
Rapid industrialization and massive growth in population has increased the dependence
and use of natural fuels. Approximately 90% of our energy requirement is met by fossil fuels.
This increase in energy consumption particularly in the past several decades has raised fears of
exhausting vital natural resources. So this has placed a need for us to engage ourselves in search
of fuels which would support us in the future when no fossil fuels are present.
Future fuel, also known as non-conventional and advanced fuel, is fuels derived from
other than petroleum. Future fuel includes gaseous fossil fuel like propane, natural gas, methane,
and ammonia; biofuels like biodiesel, bioalcohol, and refuse derived fuel; and other renewable
fuels like hydrogen & electricity.
Future fuel is also shown to reduce non-carbon emissions such as the release of nitric
oxide and nitrogen dioxide, as well as sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases in the exhaust. This
is especially important in industries such a mining, where toxic gases can accumulate more


"Future fuel" generally refers to alternative or advanced fuels that aim to replace or
complement traditional fossil fuels. Examples include bio-fuels, hydrogen, synthetic fuels, and
other sustainable energy sources. These fuels are often considered in the context of addressing
environmental concerns and reducing dependence on finite resources.


The main purpose of future fuel is zero-carbon emissions or to reduce carbon emissions.
Large amounts of fossil fuels are found in underground rocks or at the surface, fossil fuels are
limited and cannot be replaced. This is why people are looking at alternative energy resources

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that are renewable and have less effect on our atmosphere by producing polluting greenhouse
gases like CO2. Wind, water, solar and geothermal resources are renewable energy sources that
humans have used for a long time.
Future fuel offers cleaner energy alternatives, lower carbon emissions, and contributes to
sustainable development in the face of climate change. Additionally, future fuels can enhance
energy security by diversifying energy sources and promoting technological innovation in the
energy sector.
Now a days, various types of future fuel are discovered which are helps to reduce
consumption of fossil fuel. Some of Future Fuels are

Radio- Fuel
thermal Bio-
Generator Diesel
Types of
Solar fuel Ammoni
Engery a Fuel

Nuclear Hydrog
Fuel en Fuel

Bio-fuel is a type of fuel
derived from organic
materials, such as plants
or animal waste.
Common sources
include corn, sugarcane,
and vegetable oils. Bio-
fuels are considered
renewable because they come from biological processes and can be a more
sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

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DIFFERENT GENERATION OF BIO-FUEL- Bio-fuels is categorized into different
generations based on the feedstock used and the production processes involved:
a. First Generation Bio-fuels: These are derived from edible crops like corn, sugarcane,
and vegetable oils. While they are widely used, concerns arise regarding their impact on
food prices and the environment.
b. Second Generation Bio-fuels: Produced from non-edible feedstock such as
lignocelluloses biomass (plant materials like crop residues, wood, and grasses). This
generation aims to address food vs. fuel competition and enhance overall sustainability.
c. Third Generation Bio-fuels: Focus on using algae as a feedstock. Algae can be grown
in various environments, including wastewater, reducing the impact on arable land. They
have the potential to produce high yields of oil for bio-fuel production.
d. Fourth Generation Bio-fuels: An emerging concept that involves the use of synthetic
biology to engineer microorganisms or plants for improved bio-fuel production. This
generation aims for increased efficiency and reduced environmental impact.
Each generation represents advancements in technology and sustainability, aiming
to overcome challenges associated with previous bio-fuel types.

One example of bio fuel is bio-diesel

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Bio-diesel is a type of diesel
made from agricultural and natural
resources like animal fat or plant oils
(organic matter). Biodiesel consists of
long-chained hydrocarbons or fatty-acid
esters made by a chemical reaction
between lipids from animal fat, soybean
oil or vegetable oils and an alcohol
which makes methyl, ethyl or propel
esters. Bio-diesel is made from
biological ingredients rather than fossil
fuels which makes them one of the best
bio-fuel alternatives.

Preparation of bio-diesel -
"The fuel is produced by transesterification -which is a process that converts fats and oils into
bio-diesel and glycerin (a co product).” Mix the feedstock with an alcohol (usually methanol or
ethanol) and a catalyst (typically sodium or potassium hydroxide). This reaction converts
triglycerides in the feedstock into biodiesel and glycerol.

Privileges of Bio-diesel -
1) Environment friendly- "Biodiesel is biodegradable which means that even if it's spilled, it
would have less damage to the environment and would be easier to clean up. Most
importantly, biodiesel is renewable."
2) Renewable source of Energy- "Biodiesel is extremely renewable"

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3) Incredibly safe- "Biodiesel is a non-toxic fuel producing lower emissions as compared to
fossil fuels when burnt."
4) Ready to use- "Biodiesel blends can straight away be used in diesel engines made after
1987. Biodiesel can also be used at homes as an alternative to petroleum."
5) Biodiesel helps extends Engine lifespan- "It helps to ease the movement of engines as it has
a greater lubricating effect."
6) Renewable Source: Biodiesel is derived from renewable resources such as plant oils and
animal fats, reducing dependence on finite fossil fuels.
7) Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Biodiesel generally produces fewer greenhouse gas
emissions compared to traditional diesel, contributing to efforts to combat climate change.
8) Biodegradable: Biodiesel is biodegradable, meaning it breaks down naturally, reducing
environmental impact in case of spills or leaks.
9) Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure: Biodiesel can be used in existing diesel
engines and infrastructure without requiring significant modifications, making it a feasible

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10) Improved Lubricity: Biodiesel has better lubricating properties than conventional diesel,
potentially extending the lifespan of engines and reducing wear and tear.
11) Support for Agriculture: Biodiesel production often involves crops like soybeans or canola,
providing additional revenue streams for farmers and supporting agricultural economies.

Consequences of Bio-diesel -
1) It is prone to ‘gelling’- Diesel Gelling happens when the temperature drops and the paraffin
component of diesel starts to solidify and become gel-like. This process restricts the use of
biodiesel as it wouldn’t be feasible to be used in cold climates.
2) ‘It can damage filters and pipes’- It has been observed that the vehicles which were using
biodiesel, commonly got their seals and gaskets degraded over time. Moreover, it also causes
the filters to get clogged and damage the pipes.
3) ‘It can affect the food supply’- Biodiesel is created by plants, farmers are mostly pushed to
grow crops which can be used to make biofuel. This would lead to shortage of food as the
crops grown would be used for the making of biofuel, it would also increase the prices of
food which might be a bigger problem for many people.
4) ‘Little bit Expensive’- Biodiesel is a little bit more expensive than conventional diesel fuel.
However as bulk production increases, the prices are sure to decrease.


Ammonia fuel has several
characteristics that make it an excellent low-
carbon fuel. However, several disadvantages
must be addressed before its wide-scale
Ammonia Production Process:-
The synthesis of ammonia occurs
starting from gaseous hydrogen and nitrogen
according to the direct reaction in the
gaseous phase:
3H2 + N2 2 NH3

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The reaction is reversible and exothermic with Change in enthalpy = -92.4 kJ/mol.
The main process for ammonia production is the Haber-Bosch (H-B) process.

Ammonia fuel has several characteristics that make it an excellent low-carbon fuel.
However, several disadvantages must be addressed before its wide-scale application.
Privileges of Ammonia-
1. Ammonia Can Be Carbon Dioxide Free- Ammonia can be carbon free. It is an energy
carrier and does not release carbon dioxide when burned.
2. High Energy Density- Ammonia has a high energy density, enabling efficient energy storage
and transportation. This quality is particularly valuable for applications requiring large-scale
energy storage or long-distance transportation
3. Easier Storage Requirements- Ammonia offers more favorable storage properties than other
energy carriers like hydrogen.
4. Promotes Renewable Energy Adoption and Not Fossil Fuels- Green ammonia integrates
into renewable energy systems and fills several existing gaps. It can act as an efficient long-term
storage medium for renewable,
5. Leveraging Existing Transport and Storage Infrastructure- Ammonia transport and
storage infrastructure already exists for fertilizer production.

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Consequences of Ammonia -
1. Toxicity Concerns-
Ammonia is a toxic substance and poses serious health hazards. High concentrations can cause
severe burns and blindness; lower levels can lead to chronic respiratory problems.
2. NOx Emissions When Burn in Internal Combustion Engine- It can produce nitrogen
oxides (NOx) when burned in internal combustion engines. Nitrogen Oxides emissions are
potent greenhouse gases and contribute to air pollution, leading to adverse effects on human
health and perpetuating global warming.
3. Infrastructure and Technology Challenges- First, electrolyser technology, which is needed
to produce green hydrogen as a feedstock for ammonia production, has yet to be at a commercial

Methanol and ethanol fuel are primary sources of energy; they are convenient fuels for
storing and transporting energy. These alcohols can be used in internal combustion engines as
alternative fuels. Butane has another advantage: it is the only alcohol- based motor fuel that can
be transported readily by existing
petroleum-product pipeline networks,
instead of only by tanker trucks and
railroad cars.
It can be produced from a
variety of feedstock such as sugar cane,
potatoes, sweet potatoes, molasses,
corn, etc. It is a particulate-free burning
fuel source.
How is it produced?
 Methanol is produced from
natural gas, although it can be
produced from biomass using very similar chemical processes.
 Ethanol is commonly produced from biological material through fermentation processes
C6H12O6 2 C₂H₂OH + 2 CO₂

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Privileges Alcohol Fuel-
1) It can be obtained from both natural and manufacturing methods.
2) It has a very high octane number (above 100) and a very good flame speed.
3) It produces fewer emissions than gasoline (petrol).
4) Due to cooler intake, volumetric efficiency of engine running on alcohol is good.
5) Alcohol has low sulphur content in fuel.
6) More moles of exhaust gases produced provide more power to expansion stroke.

Consequences Alcohol Fuel-

1) Ethanol has a lower heat of combustion (per mole, per unit of volume, and per unit of mass)
that petroleum.
2) Large amounts of arable land are required to produce the crops required to obtain ethanol,
leading to problems such as soil erosion, deforestation, fertilizer run-off and salinity.
3) Major environmental problems would arise out of the disposal of waste fermentation liquors.
4) Typical current engines would require modification to use high concentrations of ethanol.
5) Methanol is highly toxic to humans when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin.
Handling and storage require strict safety measures, making it a challenge in certain
applications, especially as a transportation fuel.
6) The infrastructure for methanol production, storage, and distribution as a transportation fuel
is less developed compared to conventional fuels like gasoline or diesel.
7) The production of methanol, particularly from renewable sources, can be energy-intensive.

Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can transform our fossil-fuel dependent economy into
a hydrogen economy, which can provide an emissions-free transportation fuel. Hydrogen fuel is
a versatile and clean energy carrier. It can be produced through various methods, with the most
common being electrolysis and reforming. Once produced, hydrogen can be used as a fuel for
various applications, including transportation and electricity generation. There are many benefits
of Hydrogen Fuel which are discuss as below
 It is an emission less fuel.
 By-product of hydrogen burning is water.

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 Stores up to 3x as much energy as conventional natural gas.
 If used in a car, it would take comparatively less to fill it up than a car running on
standard fuel due to the hydrogen fuel cell efficiency.
 Clean Energy: Burning hydrogen produces water vapor as the only byproduct, making it
a clean energy source that doesn't contribute to air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions.
 Versatility: Hydrogen can be used in various sectors, including transportation, industry,
and power generation, making it a versatile energy carrier.
 Energy Efficiency: Hydrogen fuel cells can be more energy-efficient than traditional combustion
engines, especially in certain applications like electric vehicles.
 Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Utilizing hydrogen reduces reliance on finite
fossil fuel resources, contributing to energy security and sustainability.
 Renewable Production: Hydrogen can be produced using renewable energy sources
through processes like electrolysis, providing a pathway for green hydrogen production.
 Storage Potential: Hydrogen can be stored for long periods, offering a solution to
intermittent renewable energy sources by serving as a storage medium.

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There are mainly three types of hydrogen fuel:

1. Green Hydrogen: Produced using renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar
power, through electrolysis.
 Preparation of Green Hydrogen- Green hydrogen is typically produced through
electrolysis, where electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The
process involves using renewable energy sources like wind or solar power to
generate electricity for electrolysis, making it environmentally friendly. The
equation for this process is:
2H₂O + electricity → 2H2 + O2
This green hydrogen can then be stored and used as a clean fuel for various applications.
2. Grey Hydrogen: Generated from natural gas through a process called steam methane
reforming, which releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct.
 Preparation of Grey Hydrogen: Grey hydrogen is typically produced through
steam methane reforming (SMR), where methane reacts with steam in the
presence of a catalyst to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide. However, this
process is associated with carbon emissions. To reduce its environmental impact,
carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies can be employed to capture and
store the CO2 produced during grey hydrogen production.

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3. Blue Hydrogen: Similar to grey hydrogen but incorporates carbon capture and storage to
reduce or eliminate carbon emissions during production.
 Preparation of Blue Hydrogen -Blue hydrogen is produced using a similar
process as grey hydrogen (steam methane reforming), but with the additional step
of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to mitigate carbon emissions. Here are the
steps involved in the preparation of blue hydrogen.
 Methane Sourcing: Obtain methane, which is commonly extracted from
natural gas. Methane (CH4) is the primary feedstock for hydrogen
production in blue hydrogen processes.

 Steam Methane Reforming (SMR): React methane with steam in the

presence of a catalyst to undergo steam methane reforming. The chemical
reaction is as follows: CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2.

 Water-Gas Shift Reaction: Convert carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon

dioxide (CO₂) and additional hydrogen through the water-gas shift
reaction: CO + H2O → CO2 + H2

Ways to produce Hydrogen-

1) Hydrogen is usually produced by the steam reforming of methane or natural gas,

CH4 + H2O CO + 3 H2 + 191.7 kJ/mol

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2) Partial oxidation of sub stoichiometric fuel-air mixture in a reformer, creating a hydrogen-
rich syngas.
C12H24+6O2→ 12 CO + 12 H2
3) H₂ is also produced by Coal Gasification yielding syngas.
Privileges of Hydrogen fuel-
1) Emits only water vapour, assuming there is no leakage hydrogen gas.
2) It can store up to 3x as much energy as conventional natural gas.
3) Produced domestically.
4) It can be efficiently and safely stored.
5) More environmentally friendly due to its low emissions after burning.
6) Most of the natural reserves of natural gas field are underutilized.
7) Improve lubrication because the cylinders are not washed by petrol excess.
Consequences of Hydrogen fuel –
1) It still costs a considerable amount of money to run a hydrogen vehicle.
2) It is dangerous.
3) Still does create greenhouse gas emissions.
4) Higher overall costs of a natural-gas vehicle compared to a gasoline- powered car.

Solar power is one of the keys to a
clean energy future and plays a crucial role
in the decarburization of our societies.
Every day, the sun gives off far more
energy than we need to
Power everything on Earth. Fortnum has
excellent experience producing solar power
and co-owns several solar plants in India.
The Sun is powerful and has always been a
crucial resource for humanity where the
energy of the sun is considered to be
inexhaustible. Solar energy possesses a

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positive impact on the environment and replenishes environmental factors.
Privileges of Solar fuel-
1) Solar energy is a renewable energy source and reduces carbon emissions.
2) Solar energy helps to minimize electricity bills as the energy collected from the sun helps in
forming electricity (Irfan et al. 2020). Saving on electricity bills completely relies on the
usage of heat or electricity and the solar system's size.
3) In maintaining solar panels or systems, huge costs are not required. The maintenance costs
are extremely affordable.
4) Technological factors in the industry of solar power are continuously developing and
advancing which is going to be intensified in the future

Consequences of Solar fuel-

1) One of the major drawbacks of solar energy is that it is climate-dependent. On cloudy or
winter days, the effectiveness of solar panels drops which creates difficulty in generating
2) Storage of solar energy is tremendously high and initial purchasing costs are excessive.
Utilizing the right batteries in the charging of panels can be effective in reducing storage
3) Solar panels (photovoltaic panels) need huge space to get fitted. Many roofs do not have the
proper structure to plant solar panels for generating electricity.

Radio Thermal Generators produce electricity from the decay of a radioisotope. It has
been used as alternative fuels, on both land and in space. The decay of radioisotopes generates
both heat and electricity in many space probes, particularly probes to outer planets where
sunlight is weak, and low temperatures is a problem. Radio thermal generators (RTGS) which
use radioisotopes as fuels do not sustain a nuclear chain reaction, but rather generate electricity
from the decay of a radioisotope.

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Privileges of Radio Thermal Generators –
1. Easy to integrate with existing hardware.
2. Simple maintenance.
3. Thermoelectric generators are very affordable compared to the cost of mining equipment.
4. Requires no additional power sources.

Consequences of Radio Thermal Generators –

1. Low energy conversion efficiency rate [5-10%]
2. Slow technology progression.
3. Requires relatively constant heat source.
4. Lack of customer/industry education about TEG.


Nuclear energy is the energy source found in an atom's nucleus, or core. Once extracted, this
energy can be used to produce electricity by creating nuclear fission in a reactor through two
kinds of atomic reaction: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear power generally requires a
nuclear reactor to heat a working fluid such as water, which is then used to create steam pressure,
which is converted into mechanical work for the purpose of generating electricity or propulsion
in water.

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1. Nuclear power is a nuclear technology designed to extract usable energy from atomic
nuclei via controlled nuclear reactions.
2. Nuclear power is usually used by using a nuclear reactor to heat a working fluid such as
water, which is then used to create steam pressure, which is converted into mechanical
work for the purpose of generating electricity or propulsion in water.
3. It is completely a pollution free source; however spent nuclear fuel poses a threat.

Privileges of Nuclear power –

1. Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Nuclear power produces minimal greenhouse gas
emissions, contributing less to climate change compared to fossil fuels.
2. High Energy Density: Nuclear reactions release a large amount of energy from a small
amount of fuel, providing a high energy density.
3. Continuous Power Generation: Nuclear reactors can provide a continuous and stable
power supply, unlike some renewable sources that depend on weather conditions.
4. Long Fuel Cycle: Nuclear fuel has a long life cycle, meaning less frequent refueling
compared to fossil fuels.

Consequences of Nuclear power–

1. Radioactive waste that results from nuclear power plants and nuclear reactions is a big
threat to the environment.

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2. It involves huge investment and is not economical.
3. Requires skilled laborers to construct, maintain and monitor the nuclear plant.
4. It causes ill effects on human health and causes huge damage when nuclear accidents take



Overcoming the challenges associated with future fuels requires a multifaceted approach
involving technological advancements, policy support, and societal engagement. Various ways
are there to overcome Future Fuel Challenges such as:-
1. Focus on developing sustainable alternatives like bio-fuels, hydrogen, and electric power.
2. Invest in research for efficient extraction methods, storage technologies, and
infrastructure improvements for widespread adoption.
3. Promote energy conservation and public awareness to encourage responsible
4. Research and Development: Invest in research and development to improve the
efficiency and cost- effectiveness of emerging fuel technologies. Support innovation in

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areas such as biofuel production, energy storage, and fuel cell technology to make these
solutions more viable and scalable.
5. Infrastructure Development: Develop the necessary infrastructure for new fuel
technologies, such as charging stations for electric vehicles, hydrogen refueling stations,
and production facilities for bio-fuels. Ensure compatibility and interoperability between
different technologies to facilitate a smooth transition.
6. Policy Support: Implement supportive policies and incentives to encourage the adoption
of sustainable fuels. This may include subsidies, tax credits, and regulations promoting
the use of renewable energy sources and low-carbon fuels. Establish clear and long-term
policies to provide stability and confidence for investors in the renewable energy and
alternative fuel sectors.
7. Public Awareness and Education: Raise public awareness about the environmental
impact of conventional fuels and the benefits of transitioning to cleaner alternatives.
Educate consumers about the availability and benefits of future fuels, promoting
informed choices and behaviors.
By implementing a combination of these strategies, societies can work towards
overcoming the challenges associated with future fuels, facilitating a smoother transition to
cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

In conclusion, the future of fuel is likely to be shaped by a combination of renewable
energy sources, bio-fuels, electrification, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels. A diversified approach,
considering the unique requirements of various sectors, will be crucial in achieving a sustainable
and low-carbon energy future. As technology continues to evolve, it is expected that innovative
solutions will further accelerate the transition. towards cleaner and more environmentally
friendly fuel options.
The future fuel sources are environment-friendly as opposed to fossil fuels. Throughout
the year these sources are available without affecting the Environment. Using these fuels helps
diminish Global Warming & it also conserves natural resources.
"Future fuels are not a silver bullet, but they can be a part of our arsenal against
climate change".
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