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After effects learning schedule

Day 1: Introduction to After Effects Interface

● Explore the workspace: Composition, Timeline, Project, and Tools panels.
● Understand the purpose of each panel.
● Familiarise yourself with basic tools such as Selection Tool, Hand Tool, Zoom Tool,
and Text Tool.

Day 2: Understanding Compositions and Layers

● Learn about compositions: what they are and how to create them.
● Understand the concept of layers within compositions.
● Practice creating compositions and adding layers to them.
● Experiment with arranging layers in the timeline and adjusting their properties.

Day 3: Basic Animation Techniques

● Learn about keyframes and how they are used to create animation.
● Practise animating properties such as position, scale, rotation, and opacity using
● Experiment with the Graph Editor to refine motion curves and timing.
● Create a simple animation project, such as a bouncing ball or a moving logo reveal.

Day 4: Easing and Timing

● Explore different easing options to create smoother animations.
● Learn about the value graph and how it affects motion.
● Practice applying easing to your animations to achieve the desired motion.
● Experiment with timing variations to create dynamic effects.

Day 5: Animating Text

● Learn how to create and animate text layers.
● Experiment with text animation presets to add flair to your projects.
● Explore text animation techniques such as text reveals, typewriter effects, and kinetic
● Create a project focusing on animating text elements.

Day 6: Introduction to Effects

● Explore the Effects & Presets panel and learn about the different categories of
● Apply basic effects such as Blur, Glow, and Color Correction to layers.
● Experiment with adjusting effect parameters to achieve different looks.
● Create a simple project using effects to enhance your animation.

Day 7: Using Presets

● Learn how to use and customise presets to speed up your workflow.
● Explore the Animation Presets library and apply presets to your layers.
● Customise presets to fit your project's needs.
● Practice using presets creatively to achieve unique effects.

Day 8: Motion Paths and Expressions

● Explore motion paths and basic expressions.
● Learn how to use expressions for animation control.
● Experiment with creating dynamic animations using expressions.

Day 9: Advanced Animation Techniques

● Learn about advanced animation techniques like parenting and null objects.
● Practice using these techniques to create complex animations with multiple layers.
● Experiment with combining different animation techniques for more creative results.

Day 10: Shape Layers and Vector Animation

● Learn about shape layers and vector animation.
● Practice creating shapes and animating them using shape layer properties.
● Explore the possibilities of vector-based animation in After Effects.

Day 11: Animation Principles

● Study animation principles such as squash and stretch, anticipation, and
● Apply these principles to your animations to make them more lifelike and appealing.
● Analyse animations from movies or other sources to identify and understand these
principles in practice.

Day 12: Introduction to 3D Space

● Learn about After Effects' 3D capabilities and how to work in a 3D space.
● Practice creating and animating 3D layers.
● Experiment with cameras and lights to add depth and realism to your compositions.

Day 13: Green Screen Keying

● Learn green screen keying techniques for compositing.
● Practice keying out a green screen footage using the Keylight effect.
● Experiment with refining the key to achieve better results.

Day 14: Compositing Basics

● Learn about compositing techniques such as blending modes and alpha channels.
● Practice integrating multiple layers into a composition to create a seamless final
● Experiment with combining footage, graphics, and effects to create interesting

Day 15: Visual Effects Basics

● Explore basic visual effects such as particles, simulations, and distortions.
● Learn how to apply and customise effects to achieve different looks.
● Create a project incorporating visual effects to enhance your animations.

Day 16: Masking Techniques

● Learn about masking techniques for selective effects and adjustments.
● Practice creating and animating masks to isolate specific areas of your composition.
● Experiment with using masks to create complex effects and transitions.

Day 17: Advanced Effects

● Explore advanced effects and layer properties available in After Effects.
● Learn how to use effects such as CC Particle Systems, Fractal Noise, and Time
Displacement to create complex visuals.
● Experiment with combining multiple effects to achieve unique looks in your projects.

Day 18: Project: Motion Graphics Animation

● Work on a motion graphics animation project incorporating techniques learned so far.
● Experiment with creating dynamic animations using text, shapes, and effects.

Day 19: Project: Visual Effects Composition

● Work on a visual effects composition project integrating live-action footage and visual
● Experiment with green screen keying, compositing, and visual effects to create a
realistic final result.

Day 20: Review and Refine

● Review your projects from the past days.
● Refine them for better quality, paying attention to animation timing, visual effects
integration, and overall composition.

Day 21-30: Practice and Experimentation

● Spend the remaining days practising and experimenting with After Effects.
● Explore advanced topics such as character animation, advanced motion graphics
techniques, and advanced visual effects.
● Work on personal projects to apply and reinforce what you've learned.
● Experiment with different styles and approaches to animation and visual effects.
● Seek inspiration from other artists and animations to fuel your creativity and push
your skills further.

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