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1. I hope they _______________________ (repair) this road by the time we come back next summer.

2. _______________________ they _______________________ (hear) about the film before you told them about it?
3. “Would you like something to eat?”
“No, thanks. We _______________________ already _______________________ (eat).”
4. I _______________________ (work) for several hours and I still _______________________ (not finished)
5. Briget _______________________ (wait) the whole week to see her hairdresser.
6. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he _______________________
(plant) 2,000.
7. We got to the station late so the train _______________________ already _______________________ (leave).
8. You _______________________ (not lose) enough weight to fit into those trousers by next week.
9. _______________________ your sister _______________________ (study) in the library all afternoon?
10. Come back in an hour. I _______________________ (do) my packing by then and we’ll be able to have a talk.
11. His father left him £10,000, but he lives so extravagantly that he _______________________ (spend) it all before he’s 30.
12. It _______________________ (rain) all day!
13. By the time you have called, I _______________________ (already recover) from the accident.
14. We _______________________ (work) all day, but we’re stopping now.
15. He’s _______________________ (talk) to his girlfriend for over an hour. That’s the sixth phone call he
_______________________ make) this evening.
16. Jimmy _______________________ (never be) to a concert until last week.
17. He looks terrible. How long _______________________ he _______________________ (be) in poor health?
18. I _______________________ (not finish) my meal yet.
19. When he reaches Land’s End he _______________________ (walk) 1,500 miles.
20._______________________ you _______________________ (own) this dog for a long time?
21. She _______________________ (wait) for thirty minutes and the bus _______________________ (not arrived)
22.Susie _______________________ (wear) that ghastly dress at least twenty times now.
23.Jane _______________________ (already leave) her husband when she met Josh.
24.I’m trying to change my diet. I _______________________ (not have) any fast food for at least a
25. _______________________ you _______________________ (finish) that project by the appointed time?
26.She _______________________ (eat) well for a long time before she became ill.
27.In ten years’ time, everyone _______________________ (forget) about his book.
28._______________________ you_______________________ (finish) baking the birthday cake before the guests arrive?
29.He is an expert in art history. He _______________________ (work) in a museum for ten years and
he loves his job.
30.She’s upset because she_______________________ (not get) good marks at school.
31.By the time I got to the restaurant, it _______________________ (already close)
32.Dan_______________________ (catch) one cold after another.
33.By the time he came home, the children _______________________ (sleep) for hours.
34.I _______________________ (try) to save money, but I haven’t succeeded.
35.He _______________________ (work) for hours, and the house is finally clean.
36.We _______________________ (finish) our preparations by the time the cooking competition begins

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