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Reviewer in H.O.P.E.

4 Camping- This recreational activity usually away from

Swimming- Entails being in a body of water, be it a urban areas where tents or simple cabins are erected
natural environment or man-made such as a pool. for shelter or for temporary residence.
Swimsuit- This protects your upper body from Canoeing- This is originated from the Carib word
sunburn. “KENU” which mean dugout. It is made from large
Goggles- it keeps water out of your eyes and allows tree trunk. The whole process took one moon or 28
you to see under water. days.
Kick Board- A floating device that helps you in Kayaking- This is also called qajak meaning “man’s
practicing and mastering leg actions and strokes. boot” or “hunter’s boot” originated from the Inuit and
Swimming Cap- This lessens your struggle against Aleut tribes.
the force of the water as you swim and keep your hair Front Country Camping- What type of camping is also
safe from harmful chemicals present in water. called car camping, planned campgrounds where it
Stomach Cramp- This cramp is usually caused by is closed to a vehicle, with certain amenities and has
swimming strenuously in cold water on a full picnic table are provided, location of tents is
stomach. specified, and fire rings are designated?
Exhaustion- It simply the loss of energy and the Back Country Camping- This type of camping has no
inability to make necessary movements to keep amenities are ready, available and motorized vehicles
afloat and make progress through the water. and this requires some physical exertion.
Panic- is a sudden, unreasonable, and overwhelming 1932- When was the first international camping was
fear that destroy a person’s capacity for self-help. organized and the Federation International de
Current- This is the flowing movement of a large Camping et de Caravanning (FICC) was founded.
volume of water seeking its own level. Name, Health Information and Contact- For
Hypothermia- A phenomena when the core body emergency purposes, one should keep information of
temperature drops drastically, from the normal 37 the participants.
degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius. Clothes- Equipment that is said to be the first line of
Buoyancy- It is the tendency of an object to float in a defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate
fluid. core temperature.
Front Floating- Basic floating position in swimming. Tents- This gives protection from the rain, winds and
Back Floating- It is the most relaxing and safest bugs. It also adds warmth, comfort and a sense of
position in swimming. security.
Treading Water- Most difficult buoyancy skill and it Orienteering- Outdoor activity where the participants’
needs coordination of hands and feet. goal is finding the various checkpoints in a pre-set
course using specially created detailed map and the
compass to navigate in an unfamiliar terrain.
Recreational Activities- Activities which an individual
is not instead are chosen because they are enjoyable,
(7) Leave no Trace Principles
appealing, or capable of sustaining and revitalizing
1.Plan Ahead and Prepare
his/her physical body, mind and emotion.
2.Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Socializing Behavior- It involves exploration in a
3.Dispose of Waste Properly
certain degree which includes hiking and other
4.Leave What you Find
activities which can open up new environment for the
5.Minimize Campfire Impact
6.Respect Wildlife
Competitive Behavior- A recreational motive where
7.Be Considerate of Others
an individual competes against his/her environment
or with his/her limitations. These recreational
activities include popular games and sports,
competition in performing arts, or other outdoor
Associative Behavior- Coming together because of
common interests like hiking or collecting certain
objects such as stamps.
Exploratory Behavior- A motive of recreation that
includes companionship like dating, visiting friends,
and dancing which main purpose is to relate to other
people in an informal or not stereotypical way.
Hiking- This done on man-made road or well-made
trail and basically shorter in distance, which
sometimes only take s a day or two to cover.
Trekking- In other countries, backpacking, tramping
or bushwalking used for this activity. Locally, the term
“organized climb” is the term that may also mean

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