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Emcee 1: Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation Commencement

Exercises are about to begin, we expect the commencement exercises to last
approximately before we begin this ceremony, let me remind you to turn
your cellphones to silent mode and be courteous around you by refraining from
talking aloud. During the presentation of graduates, we encourage you to express
your pride by applauding and cheering.
Emcee 2: Friends the program with start in a few minutes. Let us observe silence.

Emcee 1: And now, the processional march! With so much cheer, let us welcome
the candidates for graduation, Kinder 2 – Kind and Wise, together with their loving
and supportive parents.
Emcee 2: Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of these institution the Faculty and
the staff of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by Tita
Glenie, our school head and ma’am Roselyn, Principal of Junior and Senior High
School, together with the honored guest.
Emcee 1: Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome the members of the Board of
Trustees of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by the
______________________________ and the president for administration,
Councilor Mao Archie Marcelino Pascual.

Emcee 2: A radiant morning to all! Today, we mark an exceptional day in our
calendar. As we celebrate the tireless journey of our dear pupils. Today is indeed a
day that is full of joy, the day about pride and accomplishments.
Emcee 1: Good morning beautiful people! Truly, this is a much-awaited event in
every montessorians’ lives, as it gives the returns to the efforts put in by all of you
throughout your academic endeavor. Talents and skills are the crops that are
nurtured, groom and given all possible opportunities to grow and bloom. Graduation
day is the celebration of the harvest of this crop.
Emcee 1 & 2: Everyone, welcome to the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus
My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation with the theme, “Kabataang Pilipino
Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas.” This theme highlights
the pivotal role of education in shaping Filipino youth as the vanguards in building a
stronger and progressive nation.
Emcee 1: We request everyone to please remain in your respective places to
maintain the formality of this undertaking. Thank you.
Emcee 2: At this point, everyone is requested to stand to pay respect and honor to
our flag. Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the entrance of colors.
Emcee 1: Please remain standing and put our right hand over our heart for the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem under the baton of
____________________. And after that the JMSMSC HYMN, again under the baton
of ______________________.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _______________________. As we begin our program, let’s
give thanks to God and offer this momentous occasion. May we hear the doxology
from _____________________________________________________. After that
the opening prayer by
Emcee 1: Truly we rejoice because You have made this event possible through
Your grace, compassion and love. To God be the highest glory! Please be seated.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _________________________. To welcome us all on this
momentous occasion may we call on
_____________________________________________. Let us give him a round of


Emcee 1: Thank you, __________________. Now we arrive at the highlight of our
ceremony. Let us proceed to the presentation of the candidates for graduation. May
we request ________________________________ for the presentation of the
kindergarten graduates. And to declare their graduation we are requesting our
school head, Tita Glenie to do the honors.


Emcee 2: Let us now have the most awaited moment for our graduates and parents,
the Distribution of the Diplomas, this testifies that you our graduates have
successfully completed the requirements prescribed by the Department of
Education. This is the fruit of your labor. And to award the diplomas may we call on
Ate Gege, our school directress to do the honors. She will be assisted by Ate Haziel
and Ate Aila Mae, directors, Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.
Emcee 1: Graduates please come in front! We encourage you to express your pride
by applauding and cheering them. Please welcome the graduates!
Emcee 2: Thank you. This concludes the awarding of diploma for kindergarten
graduates. Again, congratulations! Montessorians, parents, friends, we are gathered
today to celebrate the achievements of our exceptionally—talented individuals. Our
pupils who excel in different areas. Our first special award is the “Best in Christian
Living.” This award is given to those pupils in our school who live their Christian
values in everything they do. They show a consistent effort in their academics,
possess a very good attitude, have a strong sense of responsibility, are always
cooperative and enjoy participating. Our “Best in Christian Living” are
Emcee 1: And to continue on our Special Awards and Academic Excellence Awards
may we call on ___________________________________ adviser of Kindergarten
to do the honors. We are requesting the parents to accompany their children as we
call on their names.

Emcee 2: Thank you and congratulations awardees! Success is not final. All we
need is courage to continue and the inspiration to move forward. Now, let us
welcome Ma’am Roselyn A. San Juan to introduce our today’s guest speaker.

Emcee 1: Thank you for that very meaningful and insightful speech. Despite
limitations some of our graduates have proven that excellence us never impossible
with hard work and determination. We would like to take this opportunity to present
the certificate of appreciation and token to our guest of honor. May we invite Ate
Gege, school directress to hand over the certificate to be assisted by Ate Haziel and
Ate Aila Mae, Directors of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.

Emcee 2: Thank you, __________________. Graduates and parents let us now
hear Words of Gratitude from Deielle Faith G. Moreno, Kinder 2-Kind. Let us give
her a resounding round of applause.
Emcee 1: Thank you Faith for sharing your stories behind this remarkable success.
Emcee 2: Another Valedictorian, now from Kinder 2- Wise to remind us to hold on to
our dreams. Please help me welcome Zeus Caleb L. Bayan. Let us give him a
thundering round of applause.
Emcee 2: Thank you Faith and Caleb. Take it from these powerful valedictorians.
As they reminded us that graduation is the end of one chapter and beginning of
another. So, graduates, embrace their words and your future.

Emcee 1: Everyday we have so many reasons to give thanks, yet the right words,
the ones that really what is in out hearts, are all too often elusive. So, we should
always learn to say thank you, with warmth, grace and ease, and our life will begin
to overflow with benefits. And to extend that heartfelt gratitude, let us welcome
_________________________________________ for the tribute to parents.
Emcee 2: Thank you ____________________. Let us all gather together as we are
about to witness our dear graduates pay homage to their parents for all the
sacrifices and love shown to them. Graduates please stand up and show your
gratitude to your beloved parents.

Emcee 1: “A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way to
others.” Today is an important day to pay tribute to our teachers who nurtured us to
face the many challenges in life with confidence and commitment. We must thank
them for what we are. __________________________________ will do the honors.
A big hand please.

Emcee 2: In every memorable moment of one’s life there are always songs that
embody inferred emotions. With a round of applause let us welcome Kinder 2-Kind
for their graduation song.
Emcee 1: Thank you Kinder 2-Kind. Another graduation song will be given to us by
Kinder 2-Wise. Let us give them a big hand.
Emcee 2: Thank you, Kinder 2-Wise. At this juncture, I would like to thank all the
children for giving an extraordinary performance in today’s event, and do not forget
their teachers who put a lot of effort to make this event even more successful.
Emcee 1: To all graduates, honored guest and parents, congratulations! This day
calls for a celebration. Thank you for gracing this momentous occasion with us.
Emcee 2: Before we officially conclude these exercises, we would like to convey our
sincerest felicitations to all those who in every way have made this occasion a
Emcee 1: To our special guest thank you for gracing this momentous occasion.
Your presence is in itself an inspiration.
Emcee 2: To the members of the faculty, we are truly grateful for the gift of
learnings and meaningful life experiences you have shared with our graduates.
Emcee 1: To our school administration, please accept our heartfelt appreciation of
your genuine advocacy or quality education.
Emcee 2: To our beloved parents, thank you for being our constant partners in
educating your children. Your trust and confidence have been a powerful thrust to
give the quality education our youngsters deserve. In gratitude, let us give our dear
parents a resounding warm of applause.
Emcee 1: To our dear graduates, we salute you for you have survived the
challenges. We hope that your education coupled with commitment, passion and
hard work will propel you to greater heights of success. Once again, congratulations
on your graduation and God bless all of you on your future endeavor.
Emcee 2: And above all to our Almighty God who made all these things possible. All
the glory, honor and power are Yours now and forever.
Emcee 1: This concludes the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus My Shepherd
Montessori School Corporation. I am ____________________________________.
Emcee 2: And I am ________________________________________.
Emcee 1 & 2: Your masters of ceremony. Thank you for coming! Congratulations
Emcee 1: The recessional will be led by our guests, our school administrator, faculty
and staff, parents and graduates.

Emcee 1: Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation Commencement

Exercises are about to begin, we expect the commencement exercises to last
approximately before we begin this ceremony, let me remind you to turn
your cellphones to silent mode and be courteous around you by refraining from
talking aloud. During the presentation of graduates, we encourage you to express
your pride by applauding and cheering.
Emcee 2: Friends the program with start in a few minutes. Let us observe silence.

Emcee 1: And now, the processional march! With so much cheer, let us welcome
the candidates for graduation, Grade 6, together with their loving and supportive
Emcee 2: Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of these institution the Faculty and
the staff of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by Tita
Glenie, our school head and ma’am Roselyn, Principal of Junior and Senior High
School, together with the honored guest.
Emcee 1: Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome the members of the Board of
Trustees of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by the
______________________________ and the president for administration,
Councilor Mao Archie Marcelino Pascual.

Emcee 2: A radiant morning to all! Today, we mark an exceptional day in our
calendar. As we celebrate the tireless journey of our dear pupils. Today is indeed a
day that is full of joy, the day about pride and accomplishments.
Emcee 1: Good morning beautiful people! Truly, this is a much-awaited event in
every montessorians’ lives, as it gives the returns to the efforts put in by all of you
throughout your academic endeavor. Talents and skills are the crops that are
nurtured, groom and given all possible opportunities to grow and bloom. Graduation
day is the celebration of the harvest of this crop.
Emcee 1 & 2: Everyone, welcome to the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus
My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation with the theme, “Kabataang Pilipino
Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas.” This theme highlights
the pivotal role of education in shaping Filipino youth as the vanguards in building a
stronger and progressive nation.
Emcee 1: We request everyone to please remain in your respective places to
maintain the formality of this undertaking. Thank you.
Emcee 2: At this point, everyone is requested to stand to pay respect and honor to
our flag. Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the entrance of colors.
Emcee 1: Please remain standing and put our right hand over our heart for the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem under the baton of
____________________. And after that the JMSMSC HYMN, again under the baton
of ______________________.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _______________________. As we begin our program, let’s
give thanks to God and offer this momentous occasion. May we hear the doxology
from _____________________________________________________. After that
the opening prayer by
Emcee 1: Truly we rejoice because You have made this event possible through
Your grace, compassion and love. To God be the highest glory! Please be seated.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _________________________. To welcome us all on this
momentous occasion may we call on
_____________________________________________. Let us give him a round of


Emcee 1: Thank you, __________________. Now we arrive at the highlight of our
ceremony. Let us proceed to the presentation of the candidates for graduation. May
we request ________________________________ for the presentation of the
kindergarten graduates. And to declare their graduation we are requesting our
school head, Tita Glenie to do the honors.


Emcee 2: Let us now have the most awaited moment for our graduates and parents,
the Distribution of the Diplomas, this testifies that you our graduates have
successfully completed the requirements prescribed by the Department of
Education. This is the fruit of your labor. And to award the diplomas may we call on
Ate Gege, our school directress to do the honors. She will be assisted by Ate Haziel
and Ate Aila Mae, directors, Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.
Emcee 1: Graduates please come in front! We encourage you to express your pride
by applauding and cheering them. Please welcome the graduates!
Emcee 2: Thank you. This concludes the awarding of diploma for kindergarten
graduates. Again, congratulations! Montessorians, parents, friends, we are gathered
today to celebrate the achievements of our exceptionally—talented individuals. Our
pupils who excel in different areas. Our first special award is the “Best in Christian
Living.” This award is given to those pupils in our school who live their Christian
values in everything they do. They show a consistent effort in their academics,
possess a very good attitude, have a strong sense of responsibility, are always
cooperative and enjoy participating. Our “Best in Christian Living” are
Emcee 1: And to continue on our Special Awards and Academic Excellence Awards
may we call on ___________________________________ adviser of Kindergarten
to do the honors. We are requesting the parents to accompany their children as we
call on their names.

Emcee 2: Thank you and congratulations awardees! Success is not final. All we
need is courage to continue and the inspiration to move forward. Now, let us
welcome Ma’am Roselyn A. San Juan to introduce our today’s guest speaker.

Emcee 1: Thank you for that very meaningful and insightful speech. Despite
limitations some of our graduates have proven that excellence us never impossible
with hard work and determination. We would like to take this opportunity to present
the certificate of appreciation and token to our guest of honor. May we invite Ate
Gege, school directress to hand over the certificate to be assisted by Ate Haziel and
Ate Aila Mae, Directors of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.

Emcee 2: Thank you, __________________. Graduates and parents let us now
hear Words of Gratitude from ________________________________. Let us give
him/her a resounding round of applause.
Emcee 1: Thank you _______________. Take it from the powerful valedictorian. As
he/she reminded us that graduation is the end of one chapter and beginning of
another. So, graduates, embrace his/her words and your future.

Emcee 2: Everyday we have so many reasons to give thanks, yet the right words,
the ones that really what is in out hearts, are all too often elusive. So, we should
always learn to say thank you, with warmth, grace and ease, and our life will begin
to overflow with benefits. And to extend that heartfelt gratitude, let us welcome
_________________________________________ for the tribute to parents.
Emcee 1: Thank you ____________________. Let us all gather together as we are
about to witness our dear graduates pay homage to their parents for all the
sacrifices and love shown to them. Graduates please stand up and show your
gratitude to your beloved parents.

Emcee 2: “A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way to
others.” Today is an important day to pay tribute to our teachers who nurtured us to
face the many challenges in life with confidence and commitment. We must thank
them for what we are. __________________________________ will do the honors.
A big hand please.

Emcee 1: In every memorable moment of one’s life there are always songs that
embody inferred emotions. With a round of applause let us welcome the graduates
for their graduation song.
Emcee 2: Thank you, Grade 6. At this juncture, I would like to thank all the children
for giving an extraordinary performance in today’s event, and do not forget their
teachers who put a lot of effort to make this event even more successful.
Emcee 1: To all graduates, honored guest and parents, congratulations! This day
calls for a celebration. Thank you for gracing this momentous occasion with us.
Emcee 2: Before we officially conclude these exercises, we would like to convey our
sincerest felicitations to all those who in every way have made this occasion a
Emcee 1: To our special guest thank you for gracing this momentous occasion.
Your presence is in itself an inspiration.
Emcee 2: To the members of the faculty, we are truly grateful for the gift of
learnings and meaningful life experiences you have shared with our graduates.
Emcee 1: To our school administration, please accept our heartfelt appreciation of
your genuine advocacy or quality education.
Emcee 2: To our beloved parents, thank you for being our constant partners in
educating your children. Your trust and confidence have been a powerful thrust to
give the quality education our youngsters deserve. In gratitude, let us give our dear
parents a resounding warm of applause.
Emcee 1: To our dear graduates, we salute you for you have survived the
challenges. We hope that your education coupled with commitment, passion and
hard work will propel you to greater heights of success. Once again, congratulations
on your graduation and God bless all of you on your future endeavor.
Emcee 2: And above all to our Almighty God who made all these things possible. All
the glory, honor and power are Yours now and forever.
Emcee 1: This concludes the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus My Shepherd
Montessori School Corporation. I am ____________________________________.
Emcee 2: And I am ________________________________________.
Emcee 1 & 2: Your masters of ceremony. Thank you for coming! Congratulations
Emcee 1: The recessional will be led by our guests, our school administrator, faculty
and staff, parents and graduates.

Emcee 1: Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation Commencement

Exercises are about to begin, we expect the commencement exercises to last
approximately before we begin this ceremony, let me remind you to turn
your cellphones to silent mode and be courteous around you by refraining from
talking aloud. During the presentation of graduates, we encourage you to express
your pride by applauding and cheering.
Emcee 2: Friends the program with start in a few minutes. Let us observe silence.

Emcee 1: And now, the processional march! With so much cheer, let us welcome
the candidates for graduation, Grade 12, together with their loving and supportive
Emcee 2: Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of these institution the Faculty and
the staff of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by Tita
Glenie, our school head and ma’am Roselyn, Principal of Junior and Senior High
School, together with the honored guest.
Emcee 1: Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome the members of the Board of
Trustees of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation, headed by the
______________________________ and the president for administration,
Councilor Mao Archie Marcelino Pascual.

Emcee 2: A radiant morning to all! Today, we mark an exceptional day in our
calendar. As we celebrate the tireless journey of our dear pupils. Today is indeed a
day that is full of joy, the day about pride and accomplishments.
Emcee 1: Good morning beautiful people! Truly, this is a much-awaited event in
every montessorians’ lives, as it gives the returns to the efforts put in by all of you
throughout your academic endeavor. Talents and skills are the crops that are
nurtured, groom and given all possible opportunities to grow and bloom. Graduation
day is the celebration of the harvest of this crop.
Emcee 1 & 2: Everyone, welcome to the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus
My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation with the theme, “Kabataang Pilipino
Para sa Matatag na Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas.” This theme highlights
the pivotal role of education in shaping Filipino youth as the vanguards in building a
stronger and progressive nation.
Emcee 1: We request everyone to please remain in your respective places to
maintain the formality of this undertaking. Thank you.
Emcee 2: At this point, everyone is requested to stand to pay respect and honor to
our flag. Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the entrance of colors.

Emcee 1: Please remain standing and put our right hand over our heart for the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem under the baton of
____________________. And after that the JMSMSC HYMN, again under the baton
of ______________________.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _______________________. As we begin our program, let’s
give thanks to God and offer this momentous occasion. May we hear the doxology
from _____________________________________________________. After that
the opening prayer by
Emcee 1: Truly we rejoice because You have made this event possible through
Your grace, compassion and love. To God be the highest glory! Please be seated.

Emcee 2: Thank you, _________________________. To welcome us all on this
momentous occasion may we call on
_____________________________________________. Let us give him a round of


Emcee 1: Thank you, __________________. Now we arrive at the highlight of our
ceremony. Let us proceed to the presentation of the candidates for graduation. May
we request ________________________________ for the presentation of the
kindergarten graduates. And to declare their graduation we are requesting our
school head, Tita Glenie to do the honors.


Emcee 2: Let us now have the most awaited moment for our graduates and parents,
the Distribution of the Diplomas, this testifies that you our graduates have
successfully completed the requirements prescribed by the Department of
Education. This is the fruit of your labor. And to award the diplomas may we call on
Ate Gege, our school directress to do the honors. She will be assisted by Ate Haziel
and Ate Aila Mae, directors, Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.
Emcee 1: Graduates please come in front! We encourage you to express your pride
by applauding and cheering them. Please welcome the graduates!
Emcee 2: Thank you. This concludes the awarding of diploma for kindergarten
graduates. Again, congratulations! Montessorians, parents, friends, we are gathered
today to celebrate the achievements of our exceptionally—talented individuals. Our
pupils who excel in different areas. Our first special award is the “Best in Christian
Living.” This award is given to those pupils in our school who live their Christian
values in everything they do. They show a consistent effort in their academics,
possess a very good attitude, have a strong sense of responsibility, are always
cooperative and enjoy participating. Our “Best in Christian Living” are
Emcee 1: And to continue on our Special Awards and Academic Excellence Awards
may we call on ___________________________________ adviser of Kindergarten
to do the honors. We are requesting the parents to accompany their children as we
call on their names.

Emcee 2: Thank you and congratulations awardees! Success is not final. All we
need is courage to continue and the inspiration to move forward. Now, let us
welcome Ma’am Roselyn A. San Juan to introduce our today’s guest speaker.

Emcee 1: Thank you for that very meaningful and insightful speech. Despite
limitations some of our graduates have proven that excellence us never impossible
with hard work and determination. We would like to take this opportunity to present
the certificate of appreciation and token to our guest of honor. May we invite Ate
Gege, school directress to hand over the certificate to be assisted by Ate Haziel and
Ate Aila Mae, Directors of Jesus My Shepherd Montessori School Corporation.

Emcee 2: Thank you, __________________. Graduates and parents let us now
hear Words of Gratitude from ________________________________. Let us give
him/her a resounding round of applause.
Emcee 1: Thank you _______________. Take it from the powerful valedictorian. As
he/she reminded us that graduation is the end of one chapter and beginning of
another. So, graduates, embrace his/her words and your future.

Emcee 2: Everyday we have so many reasons to give thanks, yet the right words,
the ones that really what is in out hearts, are all too often elusive. So, we should
always learn to say thank you, with warmth, grace and ease, and our life will begin
to overflow with benefits. And to extend that heartfelt gratitude, let us welcome
_________________________________________ for the tribute to parents.
Emcee 1: Thank you ____________________. Let us all gather together as we are
about to witness our dear graduates pay homage to their parents for all the
sacrifices and love shown to them. Graduates please stand up and show your
gratitude to your beloved parents.

Emcee 2: “A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way to
others.” Today is an important day to pay tribute to our teachers who nurtured us to
face the many challenges in life with confidence and commitment. We must thank
them for what we are. __________________________________ will do the honors.
A big hand please.

Emcee 1: In every memorable moment of one’s life there are always songs that
embody inferred emotions. With a round of applause let us welcome the graduates
for their graduation song.
Emcee 2: Thank you, Grade 12. At this juncture, I would like to thank all the
children for giving an extraordinary performance in today’s event, and do not forget
their teachers who put a lot of effort to make this event even more successful.
Emcee 1: To all graduates, honored guest and parents, congratulations! This day
calls for a celebration. Thank you for gracing this momentous occasion with us.
Emcee 2: Before we officially conclude these exercises, we would like to convey our
sincerest felicitations to all those who in every way have made this occasion a
Emcee 1: To our special guest thank you for gracing this momentous occasion.
Your presence is in itself an inspiration.
Emcee 2: To the members of the faculty, we are truly grateful for the gift of
learnings and meaningful life experiences you have shared with our graduates.
Emcee 1: To our school administration, please accept our heartfelt appreciation of
your genuine advocacy or quality education.
Emcee 2: To our beloved parents, thank you for being our constant partners in
educating your children. Your trust and confidence have been a powerful thrust to
give the quality education our youngsters deserve. In gratitude, let us give our dear
parents a resounding warm of applause.
Emcee 1: To our dear graduates, we salute you for you have survived the
challenges. We hope that your education coupled with commitment, passion and
hard work will propel you to greater heights of success. Once again, congratulations
on your graduation and God bless all of you on your future endeavor.
Emcee 2: And above all to our Almighty God who made all these things possible. All
the glory, honor and power are Yours now and forever.
Emcee 1: This concludes the 29th Commencement Exercises of Jesus My Shepherd
Montessori School Corporation. I am ____________________________________.
Emcee 2: And I am ________________________________________.
Emcee 1 & 2: Your masters of ceremony. Thank you for coming! Congratulations
Emcee 1: The recessional will be led by our guests, our school administrator, faculty
and staff, parents and graduates.

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