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Essential vocabulary:

1. Fragrance: The scent or smell of a perfume.

2. Notes: Different aromatic elements that create the overall scent profile of a perfume.
3. Top Notes: The initial scent impression of a perfume, often perceived immediately
upon application.
4. Middle/Heart Notes: The scent that emerges after the top notes dissipate, forming the
main body of the fragrance.
5. Base Notes: The foundation of a perfume, providing depth and longevity, often lasting
the longest.
6. Sillage: The trail or lingering scent that a perfume leaves in the air when worn.
7. Intensity/Concentration: The strength or potency of a fragrance, often categorized
into eau de toilette, eau de parfum, etc.
8. Accord: A harmonious blend of notes that creates a specific scent impression.
9. Composition: The overall arrangement and balance of notes in a perfume.
10. Blend: The mixture of individual aromatic components to create a unique fragrance.
11. Perfumer: A skilled individual who creates perfumes by combining various aromatic
12. Essential Oils: Concentrated extracts from plants or flowers used as fragrance
13. Alcohol: A solvent commonly used to dilute and preserve fragrances.
14. Atomizer/Sprayer: The mechanism used to apply perfume in a fine mist.
15. Flanker: A variation or derivative of an existing perfume, often with slight
modifications to the original scent.
16. Niche Perfume: Fragrances produced by smaller, independent perfume houses, often
with unique or unconventional scents.
17. Designer Perfume: Fragrances created by well-known fashion or cosmetic brands.
18. Olfactory: Relating to the sense of smell.
19. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell.
20. Perfume Pyramid: A graphical representation of the different notes in a perfume,
often depicted as a triangle with top, middle, and base notes.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary term:

1. After applying the perfume, the _______________ lingered in the air for hours,
leaving a pleasant trail wherever she went.
2. The _______________ of the perfume included hints of citrus and floral scents,
creating a refreshing and vibrant aroma.
3. As the perfume settled on her skin, she noticed the delicate _______________ of
jasmine and musk emerging, giving the fragrance its depth.
4. When choosing a perfume, it's essential to consider the _______________ to ensure it
aligns with your preferences and the occasion.
5. The skilled _______________ carefully crafted the perfume, balancing different notes
to achieve a harmonious blend.
6. Essential oils extracted from roses and sandalwood were used as _______________ in
the perfume, imparting their unique scents.
7. She enjoyed the fruity _______________ of the perfume, which provided a cheerful
and uplifting scent experience.
8. The _______________ of the perfume was dominated by woody and amber notes,
creating a warm and sensual base.
9. In perfumery, an _______________ refers to a harmonious blend of different notes
that create a specific olfactory impression.
10. The perfume's _______________ was carefully structured, with citrusy top notes,
floral heart notes, and musky base notes, creating a balanced composition.
11. The _______________ of the perfume was intensified by the concentration of
aromatic ingredients, ensuring a long-lasting scent experience.
12. An _______________ is someone who possesses the expertise to create unique
fragrances by combining various aromatic components.

Choose the correct term to complete each sentence:

1. The _____________ of the perfume were dominated by woody and amber notes.

a) Blend
b) Top Notes
c) Base Notes
d) Middle/Heart Notes
2. The skilled _____________ carefully crafted the perfume, balancing different notes to
achieve a harmonious blend.

a) Perfumer
b) Composition
c) Sillage
d) Intensity/Concentration

3. After applying the perfume, she noticed the fruity _____________ lingering in the air.

a) Composition
b) Sillage
c) Accord
d) Essential Oils

4. The perfume's _____________ was intensified by the concentration of aromatic


a) Top Notes
b) Blend
c) Sillage
d) Intensity/Concentration

5. She enjoyed the initial burst of citrusy _____________ in the perfume.

a) Middle/Heart Notes
b) Base Notes
c) Top Notes
d) Accord

6. An _____________ is someone who possesses the expertise to create unique


a) Perfumer
b) Essential Oils
c) Blend
d) Sillage
7. The _____________ of the perfume included hints of jasmine and musk.

a) Top Notes
b) Sillage
c) Base Notes
d) Composition

8. Essential oils extracted from roses and sandalwood were used as _____________ in
the perfume.

a) Sillage
b) Accord
c) Essential Oils
d) Composition

9. The _____________ of the perfume was carefully structured, with a combination of

floral, fruity, and woody notes.

a) Sillage
b) Blend
c) Intensity/Concentration
d) Composition

10. The _____________ of the perfume provided a cheerful and uplifting scent

a) Middle/Heart Notes
b) Accord
c) Sillage
d) Base Notes


1. Sillage:
o Have you ever been captivated by the sillage of a perfume someone else was
o What type of perfumes do you think leave the most noticeable sillage?
o How important is sillage to you when choosing a perfume?
2. Perfumer:
o What qualities do you think make a great perfumer?
o Have you ever met a perfumer or visited a perfume workshop?
o If you could create your own perfume, what kind of scent would you aim for?
3. Top Notes:
o Do you prefer perfumes with strong top notes or ones where the middle and
base notes are more prominent?
o Can you recall a perfume with memorable top notes? What were they like?
o How do top notes contribute to your initial impression of a perfume?
4. Base Notes:
o What are some base notes you particularly enjoy in perfumes?
o Do you find that perfumes with strong base notes tend to last longer on your
o How do base notes influence the overall character of a perfume?
5. Intensity/Concentration:
o Do you prefer perfumes with high or low intensity/concentration?
o How do you think intensity/concentration affects the longevity of a perfume?
o Have you ever tried layering perfumes to adjust their intensity?
6. Essential Oils:
o Are you familiar with any essential oils commonly used in perfumery?
o Do you prefer perfumes made with natural essential oils or synthetic
o Have you ever used essential oils on their own as a fragrance?
7. Blend:
o What do you think makes a successful blend of perfume notes?
o Have you ever tried mixing perfumes to create your own blend?
o Do you prefer perfumes with complex blends or those with simpler
8. Composition:
o How important is the composition of a perfume to you when deciding whether
to purchase it?
o Can you describe a perfume with a particularly unique composition?
o Do you think the composition of a perfume reflects the personality of the
9. Accord:
o What are some examples of perfume accords that you find appealing?
o How do you think different accords interact to create a perfume's overall scent
o Have you ever noticed a perfume that had a particularly well-balanced accord?
10. Middle/Heart Notes:
o Which middle/heart notes do you find most appealing in perfumes?
o How do middle/heart notes contribute to the evolution of a perfume's scent on
the skin?
o Can you think of a perfume where the middle/heart notes stood out to you the

Passage: Choosing the Right Perfume for Men

Perfume is an excellent way for men to showcase their personality and create a lasting
impression. The selection of the perfect fragrance is crucial, whether you are attending a
special event or simply aiming to smell great every day. In this guide, we will explore
essential factors to consider when choosing a perfume for men.

1. Types of Fragrances: Perfumes for men are available in various types, including eau
de toilette, eau de parfum, and cologne. Understanding these differences is essential
for finding a scent that suits your preferences and lasts the right amount of time.
o Eau de Toilette: Lighter and less concentrated, suitable for everyday wear.
o Eau de Parfum: More concentrated and longer-lasting, ideal for special
o Cologne: Typically contains a lower concentration of fragrance oils, making it
a refreshing choice for casual use.
2. Fragrance Families: Perfumes are categorized into different fragrance families based
on their scents. Common fragrance families for men include:
o Woody: Earthy and warm, often featuring notes like cedarwood and
o Citrus: Refreshing and zesty, with scents like lemon, bergamot, and orange.
o Oriental: Spicy and exotic, featuring notes such as cinnamon, vanilla, and
o Aquatic: Fresh and clean, reminiscent of the ocean with marine and sea-
inspired notes.
3. Occasion and Season: Consider the occasion and season when selecting a perfume.
Lighter, fresher scents are suitable for daytime and warmer months, while richer,
warmer fragrances are better for evenings and cooler seasons.
4. Testing the Fragrance: Before making a purchase, it's crucial to test the fragrance on
your skin. Perfumes can smell different on each person due to individual body
chemistry. Spray a small amount on your wrist or inner elbow, wait a few minutes,
and then smell the fragrance to ensure it complements your natural scent.
5. Longevity: Pay attention to the longevity of the fragrance. Some scents may last all
day, while others are more fleeting. Choose a perfume that aligns with your
preferences for how long you want the scent to linger.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the purpose of the guide mentioned in the passage?

2. Name three types of fragrances available for men and briefly describe the
characteristics of each.
3. What are the four common fragrance families mentioned for men's perfumes?
4. How does the passage suggest one should choose a perfume based on the occasion and
5. Why is it important to test the fragrance on your skin before making a purchase,
according to the passage?
6. What advice does the passage give regarding the longevity of a fragrance?
7. Can you explain why perfumes may smell different on different individuals, according
to the passage?
8. How does the passage define the characteristics of woody, citrus, oriental, and aquatic
fragrance families?
9. Based on the passage, what type of fragrance might be suitable for daytime wear
during warmer months?
10. In your opinion, what is the most crucial factor to consider when choosing the right
perfume for men, according to the information provided in the passage?
Conversation questions:

1. Why is choosing the right fragrance important for men?

2. Name three types of fragrances for men and briefly describe their characteristics.
3. What are the four common fragrance families for men, and how would you describe
4. Why is it recommended to consider the occasion and season when selecting a
5. Explain the importance of testing a fragrance on your skin before purchasing it.
6. How can the longevity of a perfume impact your choice?


1. Personality
2. Fragrance
3. Concentrated
4. Zesty
5. Linger
6. Complements
7. Fleeting
8. Chemistry


A. Pleasant smell, often associated with perfumes.

B. The unique combination of qualities and traits that form an individual's distinctive

C. To stay in a place longer than necessary.

D. Strong and intense; having a high proportion of essential oils.

E. Adding to or enhancing the qualities of something.

F. Energetic and lively, often referring to a flavour or scent.

G. The branch of science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, and reactions
of substances.

H. Lasting for only a very short time; passing quickly.

More words:

 Excellent
 Showcase
 Impression
 Fragrance
 Crucial
 Attend
 Aim
 Guide
 Factor
 Available
 Scent
 Amount
 Concentrated
 Refreshing
 Categorize
 Oriental
 Spicy
 Cinnamon
 Musk
 Aquatic
 Reminiscent
 Suitable
 Cool
 Purchase
 Spray
 Wrist
 Complements
 Fleeting
 Linger

Match with definitions:

a) To give a sense of completion or enhance something.

b) A substance that emits a pleasant odour, typically used in perfumes.

c) A small piece or portion of something.

d) To give attention to or be present at an event.

e) To categorize or classify something into groups.

f) Having a strong, pungent taste or smell.

g) A feeling, effect, or belief resulting from an experience or encounter.

h) To aim or direct towards a particular goal or objective.

i) Existing or able to be used or obtained.

j) To stay in a place longer than necessary or expected.

k) Extremely important or necessary.

l) A guide or manual providing instructions or advice.

m) Having a pleasant and invigorating effect.

n) Evoking memories or associations with something else.

o) A distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant.

p) A small device that releases a liquid in a mist when pressed.

q) Having a high proportion of particles in a space.

r) A key element or consideration influencing a situation or outcome.

s) Aromatic spice obtained from the bark of certain trees.

t) To be reminiscent of or similar to something else.

u) The quantity or degree of something.

v) Suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose or circumstance.

w) To last for only a short time.

x) Having a moderate or low temperature.

y) A place on the human body between the hand and the forearm.

z) To look good or enhance the qualities of something else.

Fill the gaps:

1. The restaurant received an _______________ review for its exceptional service and
delicious food.
2. She decided to _______________ her talent by performing at the local talent show.
3. His confident demeanour left a lasting _______________ on everyone he met.
4. The _______________ of roses filled the air as they walked through the garden.
5. It's _______________ to consider all options before making a decision.
6. They were excited to _______________ the grand opening of the new art gallery.
7. The travel _______________ provided valuable tips for exploring the city.
8. Time management is a key _______________ in achieving success.
9. The latest smartphones are now _______________ for purchase online.
10. The fresh breeze was _______________ on the hot summer day.
11. Perfumes with a higher concentration of oils are more _______________ and last
12. A cold glass of lemonade is always _______________ on a hot day.
13. Scientists often _______________ animals into different groups based on their
14. The _______________ scent of exotic spices filled the air.
15. She sprinkled a small _______________ of sugar into her coffee.
16. His speech was so _______________ that it left the audience in awe.
17. The fragrance of pine trees is _______________ of winter holidays.
18. Spicy food is known for its _______________ taste.
19. The perfume contained hints of vanilla and _______________ notes.
20. The _______________ fragrance of the sea transported them back to their childhood
21. Casual attire is usually more _______________ for outdoor events.
22. Remember to _______________ a small amount of perfume on your skin before
purchasing a full bottle.
23. He used a _______________ bottle to water the plants in the garden.
24. A cool breeze swept across his _______________ as he walked along the beach.
25. Her outfit perfectly _______________ her vibrant personality.
26. The feeling of excitement was _______________ as the time for the concert
27. Memories of her childhood summers _______________ in her mind as she visited the
28. The fragrance of freshly baked cookies was _______________ in the kitchen.
29. The _______________ fragrance of lavender was soothing after a long day.
30. The effects of the medication were only _______________ and wore off quickly.


1. "A good perfume is like a beautiful memory that lasts all day."


2. "Perfumes are like silent voices that speak volumes about your style."


3. "Choosing a perfume is like finding the perfect accessory for your mood."

4. "A little spritz of perfume can turn an ordinary day into something extraordinary."


5. "Perfume is the unseen, unforgettable, and ultimate accessory."


6. "Scents have a magical way of capturing moments and creating timeless memories."


7. "Wearing a lovely fragrance is like adding a touch of poetry to your day."


8. "A well-chosen perfume is the finishing touch that completes your personal style."


9. "Perfume is the art that makes memories come alive through our senses."

10. "Inhale the future with the beautiful fragrance of today."



1. Do you enjoy wearing perfumes? Why or why not?


2. What's your favourite type of fragrance - floral, fruity, woody, or something



3. How do you choose a perfume? Are there specific factors you consider?


4. Do you have a signature scent, or do you like to switch perfumes often?


5. Can you recall a special memory associated with a particular perfume?


6. What role do you think perfumes play in expressing someone's personality?


7. Have you ever received a perfume as a gift? How did you feel about it?

8. Do you think perfumes have the power to influence mood or emotions?


9. Are there any scents or fragrances that you particularly dislike? Why?


10. How do you feel when someone compliments you on the way you smell?


11. Do you think there's a difference between men's and women's perfumes, or do
you prefer unisex scents?


12. Have you ever tried creating your own custom perfume blend?


13. What's your go-to fragrance for different occasions, like work, parties, or casual


14. Do you think the same perfume smells different on different people?


15. If you had to describe your ideal perfume, what notes or scents would it include?


Passage: Enchanting Fragrances: Unveiling the Essence of Femininity

In the realm of beauty and elegance, there exists an ethereal essence that transcends time and
space – the allure of perfume. For women, fragrance is not merely a scent; it is an extension
of their persona, an invisible accessory that completes their ensemble, leaving a trail of allure
and intrigue in their wake.

Crafted with meticulous precision and inspired by the myriad facets of femininity, each
perfume tells a unique story, capturing the essence of a woman's essence in a delicate blend of
notes. From the vibrant blooms of a garden to the exotic spices of distant lands, every
fragrance unfolds like a symphony, awakening the senses and evoking emotions that linger
long after the initial encounter.

At the heart of every exquisite perfume lies a carefully curated blend of top, middle, and base
notes, each contributing to the olfactory masterpiece that adorns the skin. The top notes, with
their fleeting presence, tantalize the senses with bursts of freshness – be it the zesty citrus of
bergamot, the crispness of green apple, or the delicate sweetness of pear blossom.

As the fragrance settles, the middle notes emerge, revealing the true essence of the perfume.
Here, floral bouquets dance in harmony with exotic spices, creating a rich tapestry of scents
that is both captivating and enchanting. Whether it's the timeless elegance of rose and jasmine
or the exotic allure of ylang-ylang and patchouli, these notes add depth and complexity,
embodying the multi-faceted nature of femininity.

Finally, the base notes provide a solid foundation, anchoring the fragrance with warmth and
sensuality. From the creamy embrace of vanilla and sandalwood to the earthy richness of
musk and amber, these lingering accents leave a lasting impression, enveloping the wearer in
a veil of seduction and sophistication.

But beyond its olfactory appeal, perfume holds a deeper significance for women. It is a form
of self-expression, a reflection of individuality and style. Whether she opts for a timeless
classic or a modern interpretation, her choice of fragrance speaks volumes about her
personality, her mood, and her aspirations.

In a world where trends come and go, perfume remains a timeless symbol of femininity – a
testament to the enduring power of beauty and grace. With each spritz, it transports us to
distant realms, igniting our imagination and awakening our senses to the magic that surrounds
us. So, let us embrace the enchanting world of perfume, where every scent tells a story and
every woman finds her signature fragrance, forever encapsulating the essence of her allure.

1. What role does perfume play in the lives of women, according to the text?


2. Describe the significance of top, middle, and base notes in creating a perfume.


3. How are top notes different from middle and base notes in terms of their presence and


4. Why are floral bouquets and exotic spices mentioned as key elements in the middle
notes of a fragrance?


5. How do base notes contribute to the overall character of a perfume?


6. Beyond its scent, what does the text suggest perfume represents for women?


7. What does the choice of fragrance say about an individual, according to the text?


8. How does the text portray perfume as a timeless symbol of femininity?


9. What emotions or feelings does the text associate with wearing perfume?

10. How does the text emphasize the connection between perfume and self-expression?



 Unveil

 Femininity

 Realm

 Ethereal

 Transcend

 Lure

 Merely

 Ensemble

 Intrigue

 Meticulous

 Myriad

 Delicate

 Blend

 Vibrant

 Unfold

 Encounter

 Exquisite

 Olfactory

 Adorn
 Fleeting

 Tantalize

 Bursts

 Zesty

 Crispness

 Fragrance

 Emerge

 Tapestry

 Enchanting

 Embody

 Anchor

 Creamy

 Musk

 Veil

 Seduction

 Sophistication

 Appeal

 Stamen

 Spritz

 Encapsulate

Gap filling:

1. The fragrance seemed to __________ the very essence of femininity, leaving a trail of
allure and intrigue.
2. With each __________, the wearer was enveloped in a creamy embrace of scent.
3. The perfume's floral bouquet was said to __________ the essence of a blooming
4. Her choice of fragrance had a timeless __________, speaking volumes about her
5. The delicate __________ of scent seemed to __________ the wearer in an aura of
6. As the __________ of the perfume settles, the true essence begins to __________,
revealing a rich tapestry of scents.
7. The musky undertones added depth and complexity, lending an air of __________ to
the fragrance.
8. The top notes __________ with bursts of freshness, like the zesty citrus of bergamot.
9. The base notes of vanilla and sandalwood __________ the fragrance with warmth and
10. The fragrance's __________ allure captivated everyone in the room.
11. The olfactory __________ of the perfume was simply exquisite.
12. The fleeting presence of the top notes seemed to __________ the senses with
tantalizing hints.
13. Crafted with __________ precision, each perfume tells a unique story.
14. The myriad facets of femininity __________ in the delicate blend of notes.
15. In the realm of beauty and elegance, the allure of perfume seemed to __________ time
and space.
16. The fragrance seemed to __________ from the bottle like a whisper, promising
17. The vibrant blooms of the garden seemed to __________ in the fragrance's floral
18. Every spritz of the perfume seemed to __________ the skin with a veil of seduction.
19. The fragrance's __________ appeal was undeniable, drawing people closer with every
20. Each encounter with the perfume left an indelible impression, a moment of
__________ captured in scent.

Definition matching:

1. To come forth into view or notice.

2. Passing quickly; ephemeral.
3. To provoke curiosity or interest by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating qualities.
4. To torment or tease by presenting something desirable but out of reach.
5. Sudden, energetic movements or occurrences.
6. Charming or captivating in a way that seems almost magical.
7. Relating to the sense of smell or the act of smelling.
8. To represent or embody a particular quality or idea.
9. To reveal or disclose something previously hidden or secret.
10. A substance with a strong, animalistic scent often used in perfumery.
11. A thin layer or covering that conceals or obscures something.
12. To enclose or contain something within a capsule or similar structure.
13. The quality or attribute of being feminine; womanliness.
14. A vast or indefinite number or quantity.
15. Full of life, energy, and colour.
16. To provide stability or support; to hold in place.
17. To reveal or disclose gradually, as if unfolding.
18. A coordinated outfit or group of items worn together.
19. A pleasant or sweet-smelling aroma or scent.
20. Having a lively or invigorating flavour or quality.
21. Smooth and soft in texture or appearance.
22. To decorate or embellish in a beautiful or elegant manner.
23. To spray or sprinkle something, usually liquid, in small drops or particles.
24. Taking great care and precision; showing attention to detail.
25. A field or domain, especially in terms of a particular activity or interest.
26. Fragile or easily damaged; requiring careful handling.
27. The state or quality of being clear, fresh, and invigorating.
28. A meeting, especially one that is unexpected or significant.
29. A mixture or combination of different elements or qualities.
30. A rich or complex combination of different elements or qualities.
31. Exceptionally beautiful or intricate.
32. To surpass or go beyond the limits of ordinary experience or knowledge.
33. Only; just; no more than.
34. The act of seducing or enticing someone, especially into sexual activity or a romantic
35. The quality of being refined, cultured, or elegant.
36. The power to attract or interest someone.
37. To attract or entice someone, often with the promise of something desirable.
38. The pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower, typically with a slender stalk.
39. Smooth and soft in texture or appearance.

Text completion:

In the realm of beauty and elegance, there exists an __________ essence that transcends time
and space – the allure of perfume. For women, fragrance is not __________ a scent; it is an
extension of their persona, an invisible accessory that completes their __________, leaving a
trail of allure and __________ in their wake.

Crafted with __________ precision and inspired by the __________ facets of femininity, each
perfume tells a unique story, capturing the essence of a woman's essence in a __________
blend of notes. From the __________ blooms of a garden to the exotic spices of distant lands,
every fragrance __________ like a symphony, awakening the senses and evoking emotions
that linger long after the initial __________.

At the heart of every __________ perfume lies a carefully curated blend of top, middle, and
base notes, each contributing to the __________ masterpiece that adorns the skin. The top
notes, with their __________ presence, tantalize the senses with __________ of freshness –
be it the __________ citrus of bergamot, the __________ of green apple, or the __________
sweetness of pear blossom.

As the fragrance __________, the middle notes emerge, revealing the true essence of the
perfume. Here, floral bouquets dance in harmony with exotic spices, creating a rich
__________ of scents that is both captivating and enchanting. Whether it's the timeless
elegance of rose and jasmine or the exotic allure of ylang-ylang and patchouli, these notes add
depth and complexity, __________ the multi-faceted nature of femininity.

Finally, the base notes provide a __________ foundation, anchoring the fragrance with
warmth and sensuality. From the __________ embrace of vanilla and sandalwood to the
earthy richness of musk and amber, these lingering accents leave a lasting impression,
enveloping the wearer in a __________ of seduction and sophistication.
But beyond its __________ appeal, perfume holds a deeper significance for women. It is a
form of self-expression, a reflection of individuality and style. Whether she opts for a timeless
classic or a modern interpretation, her choice of fragrance speaks volumes about her
personality, her mood, and her aspirations.

In a world where trends come and go, perfume remains a timeless symbol of femininity – a
testament to the enduring power of beauty and grace. With each __________, it transports us
to distant realms, igniting our imagination and awakening our senses to the magic that
surrounds us. So, let us embrace the __________ world of perfume, where every scent tells a
story and every woman finds her signature fragrance, forever __________ the essence of her


[At a cafe, two friends, Emma and Alex, are seated at a table enjoying their coffee. Emma
takes a subtle sniff and smiles.]

Emma: You know, Alex, you always smell so good. What perfume are you wearing today?

Alex: Thanks, Emma! I'm actually trying out a new fragrance I picked up last week. It's a
citrusy one with a hint of sandalwood.

Emma: Oh, that sounds lovely! I've been on the hunt for a new perfume myself. Do you have
any recommendations?

Alex: Absolutely! It really depends on what kind of scents you prefer. Are you into something
more floral, woody, or maybe something fresh and aquatic?

Emma: Hmm, I've never really thought about it that way. I guess I lean towards floral scents,
but I'm open to trying something different.

Alex: Well, for florals, you might enjoy something with notes of jasmine or rose. They're
classic and feminine without being overpowering.

Emma: That sounds perfect! I'll have to stop by the perfume store later and give those a sniff.
But how do you know which perfume is right for you?

Alex: It's all about finding a scent that resonates with you and complements your personality.
Plus, it's essential to consider factors like longevity and how the fragrance evolves on your
skin throughout the day.

Emma: That makes sense. I've had perfumes smell different on me than on others. Is that
Alex: Absolutely! Perfume reacts differently with everyone's body chemistry, which is why
it's crucial to test it on your skin before committing to a bottle.

Emma: Good point. I'll keep that in mind. By the way, do you ever layer perfumes to create a
unique scent?

Alex: Sometimes! It can be fun to experiment with layering different fragrances to customize
your scent. But I usually stick to one signature perfume for day-to-day wear.

Emma: Got it. Well, thanks for all the advice, Alex. I'll definitely be more thoughtful next
time I'm shopping for perfume.

Alex: Anytime, Emma! And if you need a shopping buddy, count me in. You can never have
too many perfumes, right?

[Both laugh as they continue chatting and enjoying their coffee.]


1. What prompts Emma to ask Alex about the perfume he's wearing?


2. How does Alex describe the fragrance he's wearing?


3. What type of scents does Emma mention she leans towards?


4. According to Alex, what factors should one consider when choosing a perfume?


5. Why does Alex advise Emma to test perfumes on her skin before purchasing?


6. How does Alex explain the variation in how perfumes smell on different individuals?


7. What suggestion does Alex give Emma regarding experimenting with perfumes?


8. Do you think Emma will continue wearing her usual perfume after this conversation?
Why or why not?

9. How does the conversation between Emma and Alex reflect their attitudes towards


10. In your opinion, what is the main takeaway from this conversation about choosing and
wearing perfume?


Writing tasks:

1. Descriptive Writing: Imagine you are standing in a lush garden filled with blooming
flowers. Write a descriptive paragraph capturing the aroma of the garden, focusing on
the scents and sensations that surround you. Incorporate vivid imagery and sensory
details to evoke the essence of the floral fragrances.


2. Personal Reflection: Reflect on a memorable encounter with a particular perfume.

Describe the circumstances surrounding your experience with the fragrance, including
where you were, who you were with, and how it made you feel. Explore the emotional
impact of the scent on your mood and memories.

3. Comparative Analysis: Select two perfumes with contrasting scent profiles (e.g.,
floral vs. woody, fresh vs. oriental) and compare and contrast their characteristics.
Discuss the different notes present in each fragrance, their longevity, and the
occasions or moods they evoke. Analyze how these differences contribute to the
overall appeal of each perfume.


4. Creative Writing: Write a short story centered around a mysterious perfume that
possesses magical qualities. Develop characters who encounter this perfume and
explore how it transforms their lives in unexpected ways. Consider incorporating
elements of fantasy or adventure to enhance the narrative.


5. Product Review: Write a detailed review of your favourite perfume, highlighting its
scent profile, longevity, packaging, and overall appeal. Share your personal
experiences wearing the fragrance and provide recommendations for who might enjoy
it based on their preferences.


6. Persuasive Essay: Craft an argument advocating for the importance of wearing

perfume as a form of self-expression and confidence-building. Discuss how perfume
enhances one's personal style and leaves a lasting impression on others. Address
potential objections and counterarguments to strengthen your persuasive stance.


7. Letter to a Friend: Write a letter to a friend recommending a perfume that you

believe perfectly complements their personality and style. Describe the scent profile
and why you think it would resonate with them. Share any personal anecdotes or
memories associated with the fragrance to make your recommendation more



Express how do you understand each of the quotes.

1. "Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the
years you have lived." - Helen Keller


2. "Of all the senses, smell casts the longest shadow." - George R.R. Martin


3. "To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the
world. You are surrounded by adventure. You have no idea of what is in store for you,
but you will, if you are wise and know the art of travel, let yourself go on the stream of
the unknown and accept whatever comes in the spirit in which the gods may offer it." -
Freya Stark


4. "Scent is the most powerful memory trigger." - Sarah Dessen


5. "Your fragrance is your message, your scented slogan." - Maurice Roucel


6. "Smell brings to mind... a family dinner of pot roast and sweet potatoes during a
myrtle-mad August in a Midwestern town. Smell is the most nostalgic of all the
senses." - Rita Dove


7. "The sense of smell can be more important to the creation of an identity, even than the
sense of sight." - Jeffrey Eugenides


8. "Smell is the mute sense, the one without words." - Diane Ackerman


9. "The smell of coffee brewing evokes so many memories, especially those of home." -
Joan Anderson


Describe pictures:

1. What is your favorite smell, and why does it appeal to you?

2. Can you describe a smell that triggers a strong memory for you? What memory does it
3. How do smells influence your mood or emotions?
4. Are there any smells that you find particularly unpleasant or offensive? Why do you
think that is?
5. Do you have any favorite aromas or scents that you use for relaxation or stress relief?


6. What is your favorite smell, and why does it appeal to you?

7. Can you describe a smell that triggers a strong memory for you? What memory does it
8. How do smells influence your mood or emotions?
9. Are there any smells that you find particularly unpleasant or offensive? Why do you
think that is?
10. Do you have any favorite aromas or scents that you use for relaxation or stress relief?
11. Have you ever encountered a smell that you couldn't identify? What was your
12. How do you think cultural background influences our perception of smells?
13. Do you believe that certain smells are universally pleasant or unpleasant, regardless of
cultural differences?
14. How do you think advancements in technology and artificial intelligence might change
the way we experience and interact with smells in the future?
15. Have you ever experienced synesthesia, where smells trigger sensations of color or
sound? If so, can you describe your experience?

16. Do you think our sense of smell is underrated compared to our other senses? Why or
why not?
17. How do you think the ability to smell affects our relationships with others, such as in
romantic attraction or social bonding?
18. Have you ever used smells to enhance your productivity or focus? If so, what methods
did you use?
19. Do you think certain professions require a heightened sense of smell? If so, which
ones and why?
20. How do you think environmental factors, such as pollution or urbanization, impact our
ability to perceive smells?

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