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Dolores Owens


preceptor Piero Folli ( 18 September 1881 in Premeno – 8 marchland 1948 in Voldomino ,
Luino ) was an Italian antifascist parish non-Christian priest .== Biography == Since the year
in seminary he shows his opening and sensibility to social and political trouble ,
sympathizing with doer scrap of 1898 .In give reaction against any misuse of power and
shabbiness , declared antifascist , since 1923 he suffers every type of harassment , including
the fascist punishment of beaver petroleum .In 1923 he arrives in Voldomino near Luino ,
where he often denounces in his discourse the abuses of power and legal injury of fascistic
dictatorship .After 8 September 1943 many allied prisoners escaped from concentration
camps arrive in the village , young Italian soldiers who failed to report for military divine
service in Italian sociable democracy , victims of political persecution ( Mauro Scoccimarro ,
Guido Miglioli , Piero Malvestiti ) , Jewish sought-after .His house , the sacristy , the oratory ,
the old greenhouse school of Santa Liberata are literally invaded by hundred of hightail it
multitude who are welcomed , given hospitality , fed , and helped to cross the nearby Swiss
perimeter until his stop on 3 Dec 1943 .After three months of difficult prison in San Vittore ,
thanks to the treatment of bill of fare .Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster he is freed and confined
first in Cesano Boscone , then in Vittuone .After the war he returned to Voldomino and
resumed his aliveness as parish non-Christian priest , dying after three .He is buried in
Voldomino graveyard , on his tomb Isidor Feinstein Stone it is written that he was given the
gem of « faith science altruism » that made him « beloved to immortal and his citizenry » .A
memorial pill was put on 3 December 1983 on the hurdle of plaza Piave in Voldomino .==
The check == 3 Dec 1943 .Voldomino near Luino .A nazi-fascist violate penalty expedition
interruption in the rectory and stay don Piero Folli together with a group of 14 Judaic
citizenry sent from Genova archbishop Pietro Boetto , who had been just rejected form the
Swiss people at the border .Thirty other Jewish people , coming from Saint-Martin-Vésubie
near Besançon , had already been saved in three or four stumble , accompanied by Don
Rotondi , but their name have not been found .father Piero , tied to the grate , in spite of the
undergone tortures to make him talk , still has the intensity to oppose strongly when he
sees Jewish women and child hit and loaded on a truck .To shit him silent they turn his head
backwards against the grate , seizing him by his hair and pulling out a lock .Only one little
girl named Myriam Pirani succeeds in hiding and returning to Genova to give the alarm
system to Massimo Teglio of DELASEM , who organized the escape valve of the Jews to
Switzerland .We do n't know where the miss ended to .1943–44 .San Vittore .Don Folli
succeeds in keeping mum and does n't reveal the epithet of the people who helped him in
his natural process , he is beaten and tortured but he does n't talk .One day , during the 60
minutes of aviation he sees a line of business of captive who is being deported to FRG .As he
is unable to send his word of support he does n't hesitate to consecrate them .The fascist
guard who sees him hits him heavy with the butt of his gun and throws him to the priming .

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