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Jimmy Westerheide


Meghana Narayan ( born 11 English hawthorn 1984 in Pune , Maharashtra , Bharat ) is an
International swim virtuoso .She was also one of Bharat 's Rhodes Scholars in 2000 , and
currently works as a management consultant in Greater London .== swimming vocation ==
Asiad natator and former internal champion .Women 's swim relay race team , 2x400m
freestyle , 13th Asian biz , Bangkok , 1998 ... Meghana Narayan ...[ etc . ]have all done us
gallant by winning medals in the international storey .appendage of KCR Women 's relay
race Team , National title-holder , 1998 .In 1998 , was National 100m , 200m fly sheet
Record bearer .=== disk === 1995 - 400m butterfly stroke , 4:39.00 1997 - 200m butterfly ,
2:24.24 , 11 Nov 1997 1998 - 50m butterfly stroke == Education == electronic computer
scientific discipline and applied science at UVCE , Bangalore University , 1999 .Masters in
computer skill as a Rhodes learner at oriel window College , Oxford , 2002 .Master in
Business Administration , Harvard patronage schooling , 2007 .Whilst at oxford , she earned
a `` blue '' in swimming .== stake Oxford == After a go as a Business analyst in Delhi with
McKinsey & Co , she went on to start out an Master in Business Administration from the
Harvard job School ( 2005–2007 ) , and from 2007 through 2015 worked as a management
consultant with McKinsey & ship's company in Greater London and Delhi .In 2015–2016 ,
she co-founded Slurrp Farm , an constitutive solid food company for children based in
Delhi .== Personal == Meghana met her fiancé , Arunabha Ghosh , in oxford ; they married in
Bangalore .== References == Geetha Rao ( 2002 ) Back from the dreaming spire , 17 July
2002 , Bangalore multiplication .Geetha Rao ( 2004 ) Cheesecake and love for Republic of
India brought them together , 24 August 2004 , Bangalore Times .

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