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Questions :

Your appearance and body language is good to self-reflect before speaking with someone, it
should help you to connect not build a barrier. You can also use social cues (what you can
observe from how they talk to you or respond to you) for helping in deciding if you want to
continue or leave and how else you can build a conversation with them.

You have good people skills (talking with people, you have not lost the skill in this problem
you are facing). So trust your instincts, and use them to start or pick up conversations.

Remembering a few basics:

-show interest in what they have to say
-hold your head up and maintain a good posture
-and remember to relax : you are not in danger or nothing bad will happen to you right away
or in time. You are only building conversation not enemies.

For building small conversations:

- How was your weekend?

- How does your work look today?
- How do you manage the heat?
- Do you know any good spots for tourists can visit under budget here?
- How is your family doing?
- Are there any favourite restaurants that you know of here that I can visit? I’d like to
try new food.

For building rapport: with new people

- Is this your hometown?

- Are you new here?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- Are there any favourite restaurants that you know of here that I can visit? I’d like to
try new food.
- Hey, I saw you the other day it’s a coincidence that I’m seeing you here again. My
name is Byju, whats yours?
- (using any common ground : being in the same bus route / tea stall / gym / same
breakfast table or lunch, etc)

- enquiring about their job or work, what their interests has been in their career etc.
- you can also share a few information about yourself: your home town culture, your
experience good ones and where you face a little challenges in staying in AP, positive
experiences at your work place culture and co-workers, etc.

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