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The Feasibility Study of Dory-licious Siomai with Chao Fan and

Calamansi Juice in Colegio de Los Baños

Pasuquin, Shaun Edison Desnacido

Verano, Ezra Matthew Vasquez

Yunting, Kevin Pagalan

May 2024


Siomai, a Filipino favorite, is commonly enjoyed at schools like Colegio de Los

Baños. Traditional pork siomal is the norm, but the researchers are curious about

introducing a new, healthier option. This study looks into the possibility of bringing

“Dory-licious Siomai as a tasty and nutritious alternative for the folks in Colegio de

Los Baños

The researchers plans to serve it with Chao Fan (fried rice) without using

expensive ingredients like carrots. Instead, they will replace carrots with mixed

veggies, which is packed with vitamins and minerals. This change satisfies the

growing demand for healthier eating options while maintaining flavor

The researchers know that there are people who like spicy food. So the

researchers are offering a chili oil together with a sauce called “toyomansi” (soy

sauce and calamansi). Customers get to choose if they want to add the chili oil or

not. This way. Dory-licious Siomai becomes a tasty and customizable choice for

everyone at Colegio de Los Baños.

The researchers also plan to serve calamansi juice as the beverage for their

meal. Calamansi juice is perfect for Dory-licious Siomai, since the researchers will

also be using calamansi for their sauce, which is “toyomansi.” This way, the

researchers wouldn’t have to buy a different kind of ingredient for their beverage.

This study will assess if introducing Dory-licious Siomai is not only good for the

wallet but also for people’s health and taste preferences in Colegio de Los Baños. By

looking at what people like to eat, we aim to understand if this new food idea can be

a success.
Significance of the Study

This study helps people choose healthier food. It’s important in a time when we

all want to eat better, and this research shows if a new food, “Dory-licious Siomai,

can be a healthier choice. By looking at whether “Dory-licious Siomai” is affordable,

this study helps people make budget-friendly food choices, which is especially

important in places like Colegio de Los Baños. The research also tells us if offering

spicy sauce with their product is a good idea. This can be important for food

businesses, showing how offering vanety can make customers happier. The study

respects the local culture and tastes of the people in Colegio de Los Baños It’s

important to offer food that people like and are familiar with. For students and people

interested in things like marketing or cooking, this research is a real-life example of

how to study and understand what people want. It’s a practical way to learn.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers is aiming to gain answers for the following questions related to

the feasibility of Dory-licious Siomai. Also, the aim of this following questions is to

determine if the product is feasible.

1. Will people like Dory-licious Siomai?

The researchers wants to know if students at Colegio de Los Baños will enjoy this

new siomai, especially since it is different from the usual pork siomai they are used


2. Will it be affordable?

They are investigating if it is a good deal, especially since they aren’t using

expensive ingredients.
3. Is it a healthier choice?

The researchers wants to see if using Cream Dory actually makes Dory-licious

Siomai healthier and if people think it is a good choice.

4. Do spicy sauce make it more appealing?

They are also looking into whether offering spicy sauce makes Dory-licious Siomai

more interesting to customers in Colegio de Los Baños.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of introducing new

food options in Colegio de Los Baños while evaluating the potential profitability of

such a culinary venture.

Marketing Aspect

a. To introduce the innovative food concept and identify target areas of


b. To devise marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge and attract local


c. To analyze the local culinary landscape to gauge the uniqueness of the new


Technical Aspect

a. To determine suitable locations for production and distribution.

b. To identify the required equipment for efficient food preparation.

c. To specify necessary raw materials for the culinary venture.

Management Aspect

a. To estimate the required workforce and their roles.

b. To define job responsibilities for prospective employees, ensuring effective


c. To decide on the most suitable business location, considering financial and

operational factors.

Financial Aspect

a. To calculate the initial capital needed for equipment, raw materials, and

operational expenses.

b. To project the return on investment and assess the timeframe for recouping

the capital.

c. To determine production capacity required to cover costs and generate profit.

Scope and Limitation

This study looks at what all of the students in Colegio de Los Baños like to eat,

especially the new “Dory-licious Siomai” The researchers wants to know if it is

affordable and if people think it is a healthy choice. They are also checking if offering

spicy sauce makes it more interesting to students in Colegio de Los Baños. But, they

are only studying these places, and our findings may not apply elsewhere. We will

not dive deeply into complex money matters or long-term health effects, and our

research might be limited by time and resources.



In this chapter, the researchers present the methodology employed for data

collection in the study of Dory-licious Siomai within Colegio de Los Baños. The

research exclusively relies on surveys as the principal method of data acquisition

enabling a comprehensive exploration of consumer preferences, sales performance

and financial aspects. These surveys are to be administered to respondents within

Colegio de Los Baños, guaranteeing a thorough examination of the feasibility and

profitability of the culinary offerings.

Research Design

The researchers is using a descriptive research design to conduct their survey

research. Descriptive research is a scientific methodology focused on observing and

describing the behavior and characteristics of the subjects without influencing or

manipulating them. This approach is employed to provide an accurate and detailed

portrayal of the research participants, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of

their preferences, attitudes, and perceptions towards Dory-licious Siomai. The use of

a descriptive research design ensures that the data collection process remains non-

invasive and objective, offering an unaltered depiction of the participants responses

and insights.

Nature of Data

The nature of data in this research primarily consists of survey responses

collected from the target audience which comprises students and potential
consumers of Dory licious Siomas. The data involves opinions, preferences, and

feedback related to various aspects of the products, including taste, quality, prong,

accessibility, serving sizes, and packaging`. These survey responses will serve as

valuable qualitative and quantitative insights, enabling the researchers to determine

the consumer’s perceptions and make informed assessments regarding the

feasibility of introducing Dory-licious Siomai to the market.

Data Collection

Data collection for this research will primarily rely on survey methodology. The

researchers will design and administer surveys to gather information and insights

from the target audience, specifically students and potential consumers of Dory-

licious Siomai. These surveys will be structured to include questions regarding

product preferences, taste, pricing, accessibility, and other relevant factors. The use

of surveys enables the systematic collection of quantitative data, providing a

comprehensive understanding of consumer opinions and preferences, which are

essential for the feasibility assessment of these food products.

Data Analysis

Data analysis will be conducted by employing frequency and percentage

formulas to interpret the survey responses effectively. The researchers will tabulate

and categorize the data, calculating the frequency of specific responses for each

survey question. Afterwards, percentages will be calculated to determine the

proportion of respondents who agreed or disagreed with various aspects of Dory-

licious Siomai such as taste, pricing, accessibility, and packaging. This quantitative
approach will offer valuable insights into the overall consumer sentiment and

preferences, aiding in the assessment of the feasibility of introducing these products.

The results will help the researchers identify patterns, trends, and areas for

improvement, guiding, strategic decisions for product development and marketing.

Slovin’s Formula:

N = Total Population

n = Sample Size

e = Margin of Error

N = 1,520

e = 0.10


1+ Ne ²

1+1,520 (0.10)²

1+1,520 (0.01)



Table 1. Population of Grade 11 Senior High School Students (2023 – 2024)
Strand Population

Accountancy, Business and Management 123

General Academic Strand 225

Humanities and Social Sciences 168

Information and Communication Technology 44

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 167

Total: 727

Source: CDLB Registrar

Table 2. Population of Grade 12 Senior High School Students (2023 -2024)

Strand Population

Accountancy, Business and Management 177

General Academic Strand 265

Humanities and Social Sciences 157

Information and Communication Technology 42

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 152

Total: 793

Source: CDLB Registrar


Overview of the Industry

Siomai (shumai) has been around for about 700 years, originating in northern

China and gaining fame in places like Canton and Hong Kong. It’s a tasty dish made

with a thin wrap of flour and hot water, usually filled with a mix of pork, shrimp, and

mushrooms Chefs shape it into cute flower-like cups and steam it. People in Hong

Kong love siomai so much that they consume over 400 million of them every year,

especially when they visit teahouses.

What’s interesting is that siomai isn’t just enjoyed in fancy teahouses-it’s become

popular street food too. Some vendors even sell it raw and frozen for folks to cook at


Despite its rich history, making siomai is quite simple, allowing for creativity and

easy mass production. This makes siomai a convenient snack for takeout or as a

frozen food option that you can prepare at home.

Looking at food trends, in 2021, the American Frozen Food Institute expected

people to look for healthier, plant-based, and convenient food. This trend has led to

new versions of siomai, like ones made with plant-based chicken or seafood. In

2019. A company in Hong Kong created Omnipork, a plant-based meat alternative

that’s nom only suitable for vegans but also certified HALAL it can be used as a

replacement for pork in traditional recipes.

So, siomai isn’t just a delicious treat with a long history it’s also adapting to

modem food preferences with plant-based options and easy to make versions for

home cooks.

The Striped Catfish is a fish with a long, flat body, no scales, and big eyes. It’s

also known as the Iridescent shark-catfish, Sutchi catfish, and Pangasius. When it’s

young, it has black stripes, but as it grows up, it turns mostly gray with a hint of green

and silvery sides.

In terms of biology, this catfish loves freshwater and eats both plants and other

small creatures. It’s also really good at making lots of baby catfish.

When it comes to farming these catfish in Vietnam, they use a smart method

First they use special hormones on the fish parents to get them ready to have

babies. Then, they take the eggs and tiny fish (larvae) to special ponds. After three

months, the little catfish move to bigger ponds or cages in rivers Finally, after about

6-7 months, the catfish are big enough to be caught and eaten.

But sometimes, these catfish can get sick. They might get something called

Bacillary necrosis or MAS, which are like fish diseases. It’s like when people catch a

cold, but for fish. People in charge of taking care of the catfish need to watch out for

these things.

Chao Fan

The story of Chinese fried rice goes way back to ancient times, like the Sui

dynasty (589-618 CE) in a city called Yangzhou But the stir-frying method it uses has
been around even longer, becoming super popular during the Ming dynasty (1368-

1644 CE).

Back in the day, it was a smart way to use up leftovers, like meat and veggies

from the day before. They were still good but needed a makeover. The classic recipe

usually mixes shrimp, pork, and egg, all stir-fried with garlic and veggies and flavored

with soy sauce.

Even though fried rice has changed a bit over time and has different versions,

the main idea sticks around. What’s awesome is you can toss in more stuff to make it

your own In the researchers version. They have added a little twist to make it extra


Table 3. SWOT Analysis


External • Filipinos are fond of rice • There are other stalls

Internal meals. that sells rice meals.

STRENGTH • Our siomai with chao • Other stalls might have

• We serve a meal with fan will surely be popular the same kind of meal

rice. to our Filipino customers that we serve, so other

because they are fond of customers might buy from

rice meals. them.

WEAKNESS • Even if the siomai might • There are other

• Since our siomai is fried be oily, but together with customers that cannot

it might be oily for some our chao fan it’ll still be handle too oily foods, so
people. popular to those who they might buy from other

loves rice meals. stalls.


Project Design

This project displays profiles such as Geographic, Demographic, Socio-

Economic Infrastructure, Legal Political Aspects, and Project Site. The benefits and

advantages of business to the community are discussed in these profiles.

Geographic Profile

The Dory-licious Siomai will be sold in Colegio de Los Baños, located on Lopez

Avenue Batong Malake Los Baños. Near Colegio De Los Baños is Lopez

Elementary School, which is a school in Los Baños, Laguna, Lopez Elementary

School is situated nearby to the Saint Jude Hospital of Colegio De Los Baños also

known as CDLBis nearby to a memorial College of Agriculture and the town Bay or

also known as University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) There are also nearby

schools like CSI, MSMSI, and Trace. Although CDLB senior high school students are

the only customers we have as our target market, they can also turn out to be future

customers who are important to our product’s sales. This business’s target market is

the senior high school students of CDLB According to CDLB’s School Registrar S.Y.

2023-2024 there is a total population of 1,573 senior high school students in CDLB.
Figure 1. Geographic Map

Demographic Profile

The researchers targeted 1,520 senior high school students from various strands

offered by CDLB. Out of the 1,520 students enrolled in Colegio De Los Baños,

located in Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna. GAS, HUMSS, ABM, STEM and ICT

are those strands.

Table 4. Population of Grade 11 & 12 Senior High School Students (2023 –

Strand Grade 11 Grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management 123 177

General Academic Strand 225 265

Humanities and Social Sciences 168 157

Information and Communication Technology 44 42

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 167 152

727 793

Total: 1,520

Source: CDLB Registrar

Socio-Economic Profile

In Laguna, there is a private non-sectarian school called Colegio de Los Baños

(CDLB) Established in 1994, the educational institution offers a comprehensive

foundational curriculum as well as advanced courses, including graduate studies

Therefore, senior high school students were the intended responses. One of the
objectives, the senior high school students in CDLB, answered because they

continue to spend their money on necessities for school or personal desires, or

because they are self-sufficiently earning money. The Dory-licious Siomai fits their

student budget because it’s not pricey.

Schools close by also implies a high level of competition beyond the institution.

Since the school already has a canteen, there are more competitors. Within CDLB

are three stalls or stores that could pose a threat or compete with the business.

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure is the collection of fundamental services and systems that connect

to a business’s objective to enable efficient operations and support that objective. In

order to sell the products in the intended place, it is manufactured and produced

here. The production address of the business is Purok 3 Ramos Cmpd. Brgy.

Maahas, Los Banos, Laguna Colegio de Los Banos is the business’s address, and

this is also where the products will be distributed.

Legal Political Profile

A business needs to obtain several types of permits in order to provide clients

with hygienic and secure food and facilities. Additionally, without these, a business

cannot function and risks being sued. These permissions are the Mayor’s Permit,

commonly referred to as a Business Permit, the Barangay Clearance, and the

Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Business Name (BN) Registration

Certificate. Additionally, the business needs to be registered with the Department of

Labor and Employment. PAG-IBIG, Internal Revenue Bureau, and SSS.

Production Site/Facility

The product is manufactured at Brgy. Purok 3 Ramos Cmpd. Maahas, Los

Banos, Laguna. The requirements and must-do actions to produce a product of high

quality are standardization, consistency, and maintenance of the quality of

ingredients and specified amounts of measurements of the product’s components

with the right procedures and good sanitation in a workplace. The secret to making

Dory-licious Siomai is selecting the best Cream Dory available, which must be

bought fresh to maintain its flavor. In order to guarantee the equipment’s safety, good

cleanliness through thorough cleaning is also essential. Therefore, with the right

mixture of ingredients, the desired taste of saltiness that will satisfy and keep every

customer healthy is achieved.


Marketing Aspect

The analysis of market conditions that may have an impact on the proposed

business is the main goal of this research. This will assist in determining the

products expected demand as well as that of its target market and nearby

competitors: The Ps of marketing-product, pricing, promotion, and place are covered

in this chapter the objective is to persuade and please clients.


A product is any tangible good or service that a customer is willing to pay for

Products can be classified as either tangible or intangible Items that customers can

feel, touch, or use are referred to as tangible items. Although intangible goods, like

as services, are things that customers cannot touch.

Customers will desire to purchase the product due to its quality, packaging,

overall appearance, and flavor in addition to its nutritious content. This is why we call

our product “Dory-licious Siomai.”


The price is what the customer has paid up in order to obtain the service or

goods Because the price of a product is determined by the amount of money the

business spends on it during the production process, changes in production can

have an impact on its pricing.

Promotional Strategy

A business’s publicity, public relations, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc. are all

considered forms of promotion: Its purpose is to raise awareness of your goods so

that you can attract more clients. The business needs an effective promotion plan in

order to draw in new clients and convince them to purchase the goods.


Place involves the means of transportation, warehousing facilities, distribution

networks, and inventory control management. This is the location where the goods

for sale are offered. The canteen, school, market, walkways, and many other places

could have it.

The study is being conducted at the Colegio de Los Baños campus, located at

Lopez Avenue, Brgy. Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna.

Results of the Survey

In order to determine whether the target market representative is happy and

willing to purchase Dory-licious Siomai, the researchers used a survey to gather

primary data. 50 people who represent the senior high school students of Colegio de

Los Baños participated in a survey.

Table 5. Total no. of respondents that have tried siomai

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 50 100

Total 50 100
Table 6. Types of siomai that the respondents preferred
Response Frequency Percentage

Pork Siomai 40 80

Beef Siomai 10 20

Total 50 100

Table 7. Total no. of respondents that have tried Cream Dory

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 15 30

No 35 70

Total 50 100

Table 8. Type of Cream Dory that the respondents have tried

Response Frequency Percentage

Steamed Cream Dory 5 10

Fried Cream Dory 25 50

Cream Dory Siomai 20 40

Total 50 100

Table 9. Times when the respondents usually eat siomai

Response Frequency Percentage

Breakfast 3 6

Lunch 25 50

Snack 15 30
Dinner 7 14

Total 50 100

Table 10. Places where the respondents usually buy siomai

Response Frequency Percentage

Eatery 10 20

Street Stalls 20 40

School Cafeteria 20 40

Total 50 100

Table 11. Total of respondents that are willing to try Cream Dory Siomai
Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 45 90

No 5 10

Total 50 100

Table 12. The ideal price of the respondents for Cream Dory Siomai
Response Frequency Percentage

₱25.00 15 30

₱30.00 25 50

₱35.00 10 20

Total 50 100

Table 13. No. of servings of Cream Dory Siomai can the respondents eat
Response Frequency Percentage
1 3 6

2 34 68

3 and above 13 26

Total 50 100

Table 14. People that the respondents would recommend Cream Dory Siomai
Response Frequency Percentage

Friends 20 40

Family 10 20

Classmates 20 40

Total 50 100

Competitor Analysis

The primary competitors for our product would be the other stalls selling their

products, as they offer alternatives to what we are offering within the same

timeframe. It provides students with a choice between different research-based

products during this period.

Business Tagline

“Cute size kasi cute ka”, the researchers made this tagline with the idea of

complementing the customers so they will surely buy the product. Also, the tagline

also implies that even if the portion is not that big it still fits for those who eat it

because they are cute.

Business Name

The researchers came up with the name “Dory-licious Siomai” with the idea of it

being a perfect fit for our product. The “Dory-licious” is derived from the word

“delicious”. The researchers combined dory to the word delicious because even if it

is a dory siomai, which is not a usual option when it comes to the filling of siomai, the

researchers still think that it will be delicious.

Business Logo

The logo of Dory-licious Siomai is created to match the tagline of the business

which is “Cute size dahil cute ka” that is why the face of the siomai is cute. The

spoon and fork on the background symbolizes the usage of spork and the fish is the

cream dory.

Figures 2. Business Logos

Figure 3. Business Flyer

Technical Aspect

This chapter will address every requirement required to complete the product.

This also covers the equipment needed to produce the products as well as the

business preparations. As well as the total cost of the company.

Business Operation

The business is set to only sell during weekdays, since there are more people on

Colegio de Los Baños on weekdays rather than weekends. This excludes holidays

such as Christmas and New Year. The business is set to open at 8:00 am and it’s set

to close at 5:00 pm. On 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, the goal is to sell 54 cups of Dory-

licious Siomai and on 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm there will be an additional 54 cups. If there

is any cups left from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm it will be added to the additional 54 cups in

the afternoon.

Table 15. List of Legal and Special Non-Working Holidays

January 1 New Year’s Day Monday

February 25 People Power Anniversary Sunday

March 11 Ramadan Monday

March 28 Maundy Thursday

March 29 Good Friday

March 30 Black Saturday

March 31 Easter Sunday

April 9 The Day of Valor Tuesday

April 10 Eidul-Fitar Wednesday

May 1 Labor Day Wednesday

June 12 Independence Day Wednesday

June 17 Eid al-Adha Monday

August 21 Ninoy Aquino Day Wednesday

August 26 National Heroes Day Monday

November 1 All Saints’ Day Friday

November 2 All Souls’ Day Saturday

December 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Sunday

December 24 Christmas Eve Tuesday

December 25 Christmas Day Wednesday

December 30 Rizal Day Monday

December 31 New Year’s Eve Tuesday

Working Hours of Employees

The employees are assigned to work from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (Lunch Break)

and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm during weekdays. The time for buying all of the

necessary ingredients needed is not included to the provided work hours because it

will be conducted during Saturdays.

Waste Disposal

The business will supply its own trash cans to maintain environmental

cleanliness and to hold all of the trash that has to be disposed of. Trash cans and

non-biodegradable containers will be arranged in a biodegradable manner to prevent

garbage from polluting the environment. To maintain cleanliness, the industrial facility

will also contain trash cans.

Product Description

The Dory-licious Siomai is a business that serves a fried siomai that has cream

dory for its filling. Alongside this fried siomai is a chao fan that has healthy

vegetables such as carrots, spring onions and green peas. This product is perfect for

those people who are looking for a rice meal. It comes in a cup with a spork, so that

the customers can eat it comfortably.

Table 16. Utensils

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Knife 2 Pieces 138.00 2 138.00

Frying Pan 2 Pieces 400.00 2 400.00

Mixing Bowl 3 Pieces 60.00 2 40.00

Measuring 1 Set/ 4 45.00 2 22.50

Cups Pieces

Measuring 1 Set/ 4 45.00 2 22.50

Spoons Pieces

Total 688.00 623.00

Figure 4. Utensils

Table 17. Equipment

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Gas Stove 1 Piece 13,000.00 1 13,000.00

Rice Cooker 1 Piece 929.00 1 929.00

Refrigerator 1 Piece 23,995.00 1 23,995.00

Total 37,924.00 37,924.00

Figure 5. Equipment
Table 18. Utilities
Item Used Unit Cost (Php) Monthly Cost Annual Cost (Php)


Electricity 2,200.00 2,200.00 26,400.00

Gas (Petronas) 1,010.00/13kg 1,010.00 12,120.00

Total 3,210.00 38,520.00

Figure 6. Utilities

Table 19. Rent Expense

Place Unit Unit Cost Monthly Annually


CDLB (12 Monthly 2,000.00 2,000.00 24,000.00


Total 24,000.00

Table 20. Advertising Expense

Item Used Quantity Used Unit Cost (Php) Monthly Cost Annual Cost

(Php) (Php)

Flyers 100 pieces 5.00 per piece 500.00 6,000.00

Total 500.00 6,000.00

Figure 7. Flyer

Table 21. Indirect Materials

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Paper Bowl 150 pieces 210.00 108 pieces 151.00


Spork 125 pieces 150.00 108 pieces 129.50

Total 360.00 280.50

Figure 8. Indirect Materials

Table 22. Furniture
Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Tables Piece 405.00 2 810.00

Chairs Set/4 Pieces 1,560.00 2 3,120.00

Total 3,930.00

Figure 9. Furniture

Table 23. Maintenance Supplies

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Plastic Broom Piece 31.00 2 62.00

Dustpan Piece 49.00 2 98.00

Doormat Piece 26.00 3 78.00

Sponge Piece 9.00 2 18.00

Fire 10Lbs 1,100.00 1 1,100.00


Dishwashing Liter 27.00 2 54.00

Trash Bags 1 Pack/100pcs 84.00 2 168.00

Mop Piece 81.00 2 162.00

Total 1,740.00

Figure 10. Maintenance Supplies

Table 24. Sanitation Supplies

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Hairnet 1 Pack/12pcs 38.00 2 76.00

Washable 1 piece 35.00 3 105.00


Plastic Gloves 1 Pack/100pcs 19.00 2 38.00

Hand Liquid 1 piece 45.00 2 90.00


Total 327.00
Figure 11. Sanitation Supplies

Table 25. Direct Materials (Siomai)

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Cream Dory 6kg 690.00 6kg 690.00

Molo Wrapper 400 pieces 148.00 324 pieces 119.75

Carrots 12 pieces 156.00 300g 156.00


Small Onions 12 pieces 48.00 240g 48.00


Spring Onions 240g 60.00 240g 60.00

Fine Pepper 30g 20.00 30g 20.00

Garlic Powder 60g 40.00 60g 40.00

Mama Sita’s 60g 42.00 60g 42.00

Oyster Sauce

KCC Flour 300g 120.00 270g 108.00

KCC 300g 120.00 270g 108.00


Oil 350g 28.00 300g 24.00

Total 1,472.00 1,415.75

Figure 12. Direct Materials (Siomai)

Table 26. Direct Materials (Chao Fan)

Item Used Unit Unit Cost Quantity Used Total Cost

(Php) (Php)

Rice 12kg 640.00 12kg 640.00


Eggs 24 pieces 192.00 1kg 192.00


Vegetable Mix 1.2kg 120.00 1.2kg 120.00

Small Onions 6 pieces 24.00 120g 24.00


Garlic Powder 120g 80.00 120g 80.00

Mama Sita’s 360g 84.00 360g 84.00

Oyster Sauce

Oil 350g 28.00 300g 24.00

Total 1,168.00 1,164.00

Figure 13. Direct Materials (Chao Fan)

Table 27. Costing

Total Cost Php 2,860.25

Yield 108 Cups

Cost Per Cup Php 26.00

Mark-Up 90%

Php 2,860.25 ÷ 108 = 26.483796296296

26.48 × 90% (Mark-Up) = 23.835416666666

26.483796296296 + 23.835416666666 = 50.319212962962

Selling Price Per Cup: Php 50.00

Production Process (Siomai)

1. After taking out the Cream Dory out of the freezer, set it aside until it starts to

unfrozen. Then, boil the Cream Dory for at least 2 – 3 minutes to soften it.

2. Put all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl including the boiled Cream Dory and mix

3. After preparing the filling, scoop up a half a spoon of the filling and mold it using

the molo wrapper.

4. Lastly, after molding the siomai, fry it in a low heat until it’s golden brown.
Production Process (Chao Fan)

1. While waiting for the rice to be cooked (It’s better if you are going to use a left over

rice,) chop the onions.

2. Prepare the eggs and the other ingredients such as the vegetable mix.

3. The first thing to do is to fry the egg, followed by the onions and the vegetable mix.

4. Add the following seasonings: Garlic Powder and Mama Sita’s Oyster Sauce.

Management Aspect

This particular chapter explains how business management functions. It covers

all aspects of business administration, including staffing, organizing, directing, and

planning. When everything is united, it offers all that is needed to enable the


Profile of the Organization

A general partnership is a kind of business structure in which two or more people

or organizations join forces to conduct business. Each partner in a general

partnership shares their resources, knowledge, and abilities with the business itself.

Every partner in a general partnership is accountable for the debts and liabilities

of the company as well as the actions of the other partners as they all share in the

business’s gains and losses. Additionally, every partner has an equal voice in how

the company is run and decisions are made.

Small businesses, professional activities, and other enterprises where the

partners wish to equally split the risks and rewards of the business commonly use

general partnerships. It’s crucial to remember that general partnerships do not shield

partners from personal liability, which means that in the case of a lawsuit or other

legal action against the partnership, each partner’s own assets may be at risk.

The vision of this “Dory-licious Siomai” business is to be a successful and

popular. The researchers wants the product to be known for its tasty flavor, perfect

quality and extravagant aroma. The business aims to make it popular not just in Los

Baños but preferably in the whole Philippines.


The mission of this business is to provide a good quality, healthy, and affordable

product to the customers. Another mission of this business is to make sure that the

customers are satisfied about the product, so that it would return a positive feedback

for the business.

Organizational Chart

Figure 14. Organizational Chart

Management of the Business

To properly manage the business, the owners must come to an agreement on

what each of them should do and contribute to it. Even before the firm opened for

business, the owners agreed to work as employees. Everybody will contribute time,

money, and effort to the operation of the business. One will work as the cook, and

the other as the cashier.

The manager will be the one responsible for looking into the business daily

transaction, the manager is also assigned to conduct the financial planning for the

business. The cashier is assigned to record the daily sales of the business and the

cook is responsible for buying the ingredients needed and making the product.

Staff Requirements and Function

To operate the business, employees should have the qualifications needed for

each of their intended positions. The employees should be aware of their

responsibilities based on their positions.


The manager is in charge of conducting financial planning for the business and

looking into the business daily transaction. The manager is also responsible for

looking into the performance of his co-workers.


• Senior High School Graduate

• 18 years old and above

• Communication Skills

• Leadership Skills

• Financial Skills


The cashier is responsible for recording the sales made on each of the day and

is also responsible for taking the payment of the customers. The cashier should also

be able to assist customers.


• Senior High School Graduate

• 18 years old and above.

• Basic Math and Computer Skills

• Communication Skills


The job of the cook is to make the product while making sure the quality of it is

good enough to satisfy the customers. Also, the job of the cook is to buy the

ingredients needed for the product.


• High School Graduate

• 18 years old and above.

• Can cook.

• Good at identifying the quality of an ingredient.

Salary and Compensation

Every employee would get paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. The company

will offer benefits to its workers, including SSS, PAG-IBIG, and PhilHealth.

Additionally, workers will get their 13th month pay each year.

Employers must give their workers thirteenth month’s compensation by

December 24 of each year if they have worked for at least one month. This payment

is equivalent to 1/12 of the workers’ yearly salary.

Table 28. Salaries

Position No. of Daily Salary Monthly Annual Salary

Employees (Php) Salary (Php) (Php)

Manager 1 520.00 10,400.00 124,800.00

Cook 1 510.00 10,200.00 122,400.00

Cashier 1 500.00 10,000.00 120,000.00

Total 3 1,530.00 30,600.00 367,200.00

Table 29. Benefits

Position No. of SSS PhilHealth Pag-IBIG 13th Month Pay

Employees (Php) (Php) (Php) (Php) (Annually)

(Monthly) (Monthly) (Monthly)

Manager 1 1,144.00 520.00 208.00 10,400.00

Cook 1 1,122.00 510.00 204.00 10,200.00

Cashier 1 1,100.00 500.00 200.00 10,000.00

Total 3 3,366.00 1,530.00 612.00 30,600.00

Permit and License

Table 30. Permits and Licenses

Permits and Licenses Cost (Php)

Medical Certificate 50.00

Police Clearance 150.00

Barangay Clearance 30.00

Barangay Business Clearance 300.00

Mayor’s Permit 800.00

Garbage Permit 500.00

Health and Sanitary Permit 50.00

Occupancy Permit 300.00

Fire Safety Inspection Clearance (FSIC) 200.00

DTI Clearance 230.00

BIR Clearance 2,030.00

SCE Clearance 6,670.00

Fire and Safety Permit 25.00

Total 11,335.00
Source: Municipality of Los Baños
Chapter VIII

Financial Aspects

The business’s financial forecast, including its financial assumptions, projections,

and analysis, is presented and discussed in this chapter. This chapter also provides

an overview of the funding sources and purposes.

Summary of Financial Needs

For the first two months of the business, the expected capital investment is Php

248,564.00. The Php 248,564.00 will be contributed by the owner(s). The illustrates

the amount of funding needed to start a business.

Financial Assumptions

The following statement represents the researchers’ underlying assumption for

the financial projection:

1. The researchers employed a straight-line method to calculate the depreciation

worth of each production tool, part of equipment, and material required for

restoration. The value of scrap would be 20% of their initial cost. The five years that

represent the expected life span of the products will be used to divide the difference

between the original price and the scrap value.

2. The owner’s pay is based on how much they work. The manager receives a salary

of PHP 10,400.00 every month. The cook receives a salary of PHP 10,200.00, while

the cashier receives PHP 10,000.00.

3. The goal is to produce 108 pieces or servings of Cream Dory Siomai every day.

The price per piece/serving will be PHP 50.00, which is determined by adding the

markup to the selling price.

4. The employee would receive 13 months of pay in addition to SSS, Philhealth,

PAG-IBIG, and other benefits.

5. Every year, there will be a 5% increase in the cost of operating expenses and

direct and indirect materials.

6. The business is run by a single owner. (Sole Proprietorship)

Fixed Assets Assessment

The process of analyzing and establishing the value of a business’s long-term

tangible assets, such as properties and machinery that are utilized to produce

revenue, is known as fixed assets assessment. Production tools and other fixed

assets will be used by the proposed business. Furniture is what will be utilized to

furnish offices. Since equipment is a long-term asset that will be used in operations,

it must be purchased before a business is founded. Production tools are the

resources that are transportable.

Income Statement

An income statement, also referred to as a profit and loss statement, is a type of

financial statement that shows the earnings, expenses, profits, and losses of a

business over a specific period of time. An income statement’s objective is to display

a company’s profitability over a certain period of time, typically a month, quarter, or


Cash Flow Statement

A cash flow statement is a type of financial report that shows how much money

comes in and goes out of a business over a given time period. It displays the amount

of money a business has made and how that money was spent.

Statement of Owner’s Equity

A business is required to create an equity statement, along with the other

necessary financial records, at the conclusion of a reporting period. It is also referred

to as a statement of owner’s equity or a statement of changes in equity.

Statement of Financial Position

A financial statement that lists the assets, liabilities, and equity of a business as

of a particular date is the statement of financial position, sometimes referred to as

the balance sheet. Put otherwise, it breaks down an organization’s assets,

obligations, and ownership details as of a given date.

Financial Analysis

This financial analysis delves into the company’s fiscal health and performance

over the past year, offering a comprehensive overview of its revenue, expenses,

profitability, and overall financial stability.

Return on Investment (ROI)

A key financial performance measurement used to assess an investment’s

effectiveness and compare it to other investments is return on investment, or ROI.

Payback Period

The amount of time needed to recover the cost of an investment is referred to as

the payback period. It’s the amount of time it takes for a project to break even, to be

more precise. The point at which a product or service’s income and manufacturing

costs are equal is known as the breakeven point.

Note 1. Sales Forecasting

Per day: The sales per day is 5,400.00

50.00 (Selling Price) × 108 (Servings) = 5,400.00

Per month (20 Days): The sales per month is 108,000.00

5,400.00 (Sales per day) × 20 (No. of working days a month) = 108,000.00

Per year (240 Days): The total sales per year is 1,296,000.00

5,400.00 (Sales per day) × 240 (Estimated no. of working days a year) =


Note 2. Cost of Project

Fixed Assets
Equipment 37,924.00

Furniture 3,930.00

Total 41,854.00

Working Capital (2 Months)

Utensils 688.00

Maintenance Supplies 1,740.00

Sanitation Supplies 327.00

Direct Materials 105,600.00

Indirect Materials 14,400.00

Utilities 6,420.00

Permits/Licenses 11,335.00

Rental 4,000.00

Advertising 1,000.00

Salaries 61,200.00

Total 206,710.00

Total Project Cost 248,564.00

Note 3. Source of Financing

Owners Contribution

Pasuquin, Shaun Edison D. 82,855.00

Verano, Ezra Matthew V. 82,854.00

Yunting, Kevin P. 82,855.00

Total 248,564.00
Schedule 1. Projected Income of Dory-licious Siomai
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Gross Revenue 1,296,000.00 1,360,800.00 1,428,840.00 1,500,282.00 1,575,296.10

Less: Direct 633,600.00 665,280.00 698,544.00 733,471.20 770,144.76


Indirect 86,400.00 90,720.00 95,256.00 100,018.80 105,019.74


Gross Profit 576,000.00 604,800.00 635,040.00 666,792.00 700,131.60

Less: Operating


Utensils 688.00 722.40 758.52 796.45 836.27

Sanitation 1,962.00 2,060.10 2,163.11 2,271.27 2,384.83


Maintenance 10,440.00 10,962.00 11,510.10 12,085.61 12,689.89


Depreciation 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64

Utilities 38,520.00 40,466.00 42,468.30 44,591.72 46,821.31

Salaries 367,200.00 385,560.00 404,838.00 425,079.90 446,333.90

Benefits 30,600.00 32,130.00 30,517.20 33,736.50 35,423.33

Rent 24,000.00 25,200.00 26,460.00 27,783.00 29,172.15

Permits 11,335.00 11,901.75 12,496.84 13,121.68 13,777,76

Advertising 6,000.00 6,300.00 6,615.00 6,945.75 7,293.04

Total Operating 491,441.64 521,998.89 544,523.71 573,108.52 601,429.12


Net Income 84,558.36 82,801.11 90,516.29 93,683.48 98,702.48


Before Tax

Less: Provision 16,911.67 16,560.22 18,103.26 18,736.70 19,740.50

for Income Tax


Net Income 67,646.68 66,240.89 72,413.03 74,946.78 78,961.98

Schedule 2. Computation of Depreciation

Fixed Assets 41,854.00

20% Salvage Value 8,370.80

Depreciation Value 33,483.20

Annual Depreciation 6,696.64

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Accumulated 6,696.64 13,393.28 20,089.22 26,786.56 33,483.20


Schedule 3. Statement of Owner’s Equity

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Balance, Beginning 1,282,114.00 1,349,760.6 1,416,001.57 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38

Add: Net Income 67,646.68 66,240.89 72,413.03 74,946.78 78,961.98

Total 1,349,760.68 1,416,001.5 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38 1,642,323.36

Less: Drawings - - - - -

Balance, Ending 1,349,760.68 1,416,001.5 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38 1,642,323.36


Schedule 4. Cash Flow Statement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net Income 67,646.68 66,240.89 72,413.03 74,946.78 78,961.98

Depreciation 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64 6,696.64

Net Cash Flow 74,343.32 72,937.53 79,109.67 81,643.42 85,658.62

Cash Flow from Investment Activities

Purchased Fix Asset 41,854.00

Net Cash Flow 41,854.00

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Capital 1,240,260.00

Drawings - - - - -

Net Cash Flow 1,240,260.00

Total Net Cash Flow 1,272,749.32 72,937.53 79,109.67 81,643.42 85,658.62

Cash Balance – - 1,272,749.32 1,345,686.85 1,424,796.52 1,506,439.94


Cash Balance – 1,272,749.32 1,345,686.85 1,424,796.52 1,506,439.94 1,592,098.56


Schedule 5. Statement of Financial Position

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Current Assets
Cash 1,272,749.32 1,345,686.8 1,424,796.52 1,506,439.94 1,592,098.56

Total Current Assets 1,272,749.32 1,345,686.8 1,424,796.52 1,506,439.94 1,592,098.56

Non-Current Assets

Fixed Assets 41,854.00 41,854.00 41,854.00 41,854.00 41,854.00

Less: Accumulated 6,696.64 13,393.28 20,089.22 26,786.56 33,483.20


Total Non-Current 35,157.36 28,460.72 21,764.78 15,067.44 8,370.80


Total Assets 1,307,906.68 1,374,147.5 1,444,885.74 1,521,507.38 1,600,469.36

Liabilities & Owner’s Equity

Owner’s Equity

Balance, Beginning 1,282,114.00 1,349,760.6 1,416,001.57 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38

Add: Net Income 67,646.68 66,240.89 72,413.03 74,946.78 78,961.98

Total 1,349,760.68 1,416,001.5 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38 1,642,323.36

Less: Drawings - - - - -

Balance, Ending 1,349,760.68 1,416,001,5 1,488,414.60 1,563,361.38 1,642,323.36

Schedule 6. Return on Investment (ROI)
Net Income Project Cost ROI

Year 1 67,646.68 248,564.00 27.22%

Year 2 66,240.89 248,564.00 26.64%

Year 3 72,413.03 248,564.00 29.10%

Year 4 74,946.78 248,564.00 30.13%

Year 5 78,961.98 248,564.00 31.77%

Schedule 7. Pay Back Period

Net Income Capital Balance


Year 1 67,646.68 67,646.68 -

Year 2 66,240.89 133,887.57 -

Year 3 72,413.03 206,300.60 -

Year 4 74,946.78 281,247.38 32,683.38

Year 5 78,961.98 360,209.36 75,645.36

Capital: 248,564.00

4 Years and 5 Months

Chapter IX

Conclusion and Recommendation


After conducting the feasibility study, the researchers have reached the

conclusion that the business is feasible. This conclusion is based on the finding that

the annual income generated by the business is sufficient to cover its expenses.

Therefore, the business is sustainable in the long term.


The researchers recommend exploring the use of cheaper ingredients without

compromising quality, particularly for products like Cream Dory Siomai with Chao

Fan. By finding affordable yet high-quality ingredients, businesses can reduce

production costs while maintaining the taste and appeal of their offerings, ultimately

leading to higher profit margins and competitive pricing in the market. Additionally,

the researchers emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research for

business success. By understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and

competitors’ strategies, businesses can make informed decisions, identify

opportunities for innovation, and mitigate risks, laying the foundation for long-term

viability and growth.

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