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1 Warm up
In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. How do you usually communicate with the people you work with?

2. How often do you have to write emails in English?

3. What reasons do you usually have for writing emails in English?

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2 Punctuation focus
In the Writing section of the exam, it’s important to pay attention to your use of punctuation. Poor
punctuation can make it harder to read a text and at worst, can make the meaning confusing.

Read the following information and answer the questions.

The comma

Part A: The comma is used to divide a sentence to make it easier to understand. Here are some rules
for when to use the comma. Complete them by underlining the correct word.

a. The comma is often used after / before certain words like but, so, although, however, yet, and or.

b. The comma can / can’t be used to separate adjectives in a sentence or nouns in a list.

c. The comma is used to introduce direct / indirect speech.

d. When a comma is used before / after ‘and’ at the end of a list, it is known as the Oxford comma.
Some people think an Oxford comma helps make the list clearer and reduce confusion.

Part B: Look at the following sentences and decide if they are examples of rules a, b, c or d.

1. Would you be able to bring the large, red file from my desk, please?

2. The conference begins at 10 am, so we’ll need to make sure we’re there by at least 9.45 am.

3. We’ll be travelling to Paris, Milan, and Munich over a two-week period.

4. It was Richard Branson who said, ‘A business is simply an idea to make other people’s lives better.’

Part C: Now look at the following sentences and rewrite them and add a comma or commas in the
correct place.

1. It was an exhausting difficult project but we still managed to complete it on schedule.

2. We started the meeting late yet we still finished the presentation planned the trip to Edinburgh
and organised the staff party.

3. Suddenly Jim said ‘Do you realise it’s 9 pm already?’ and we hadn’t because it was still so light

4. I am happy to drive however Steve has a larger nicer car and is able to drive Tina Anita and Sam.

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The apostrophe

The apostrophe can be used in two situations: A. To show that letters are missing from a word because
it has been shortened and B. To show there is a relationship between two things or possession.

Look at the following examples and decide if they are an example of A, B or Both.

1. I won’t be able to join you on Tuesday as I’ll be attending Veronica’s presentation.

2. We should be arriving at six o’ clock.

3. I’m pleased to introduce Sebastian who is the department’s best sales person.

4. We will be going to the meeting in Martin’s car and I think there is space for you if you want to
come with us.

Plural and singular possession

Note: The position of the apostrophe changes depending on whether it belongs to one
or more people.

For example:

My parent’s house = I have one parent who owns a house

My parents’ house = I have two parents who own a house

A teacher’s room = A room used by one teacher

A teachers’ room = A room used by two or more teachers

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Now rewrite the following sentences and add in the apostrophes in the correct place.

1. Id rather not go to Stephanies presentation as I dont have enough time.

2. Could you make sure to bring Martins report with you?

3. I think Deidre is coming and Deidres colleague, Ive forgotten her name, but shes very nice.

4. Were going to be meeting at the companys head office in New Jersey.

5. It doesnt really belong to anyone, its the departments projector, but you can borrow it as long as
you bring it back.

6. Can you help me take the food to Serinas car? Its over there in its parking space.

Capital letters

Look at the rules for using a capital letter.

A. Always capitalise the first letter of a sentence.

B. The pronoun ‘I’ should always be capitalised.

C. Proper nouns, such as people’s names, should always be capitalised.

D. Months and Days should always be capitalised.

Read the following sentences and decide if they are examples of A, B, C, or D. They could be examples
of more than one.

1. We’d like to arrange to meet with you on the 14th June at our office in Paris.

2. When Peter arrives, could you ask him to come to the meeting room?

3. Can you ask Sara to send me the report? I want to have a look at it before the deadline on Friday.

4. We would be happy to meet you at your convenience.

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3 Answering Writing - Part 1

In Writing - Part 1, you will have to write either an email, a memo or a short note. This will usually be
to someone who you work with and so the language used can be fairly informal.

Part A: For this section, you will receive a mark out of ten. These marks focus on the following areas:

A. Including all points in the question

B. Using different structures and vocabulary

C. How well it is organised

D. Using the correct register

E. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation

Read the following question.

• You are the manager of a bank. You are getting the train to another city later in the week for a
meeting with a client.
• Write an email to your assistant.
• Saying when you are going and coming back.
• Asking him to book train tickets for you.
• Telling him to make a reservation for lunch at your destination.
• Write 40 - 50 words.

Read the following answers and decide which problems A - E they have.

1. Hey Mike I’m off to Chicago on Tuesday can you book me train tickets? Can you book me a table
at Joe’s Italian restaurant for lunch too.

2. Dear Mr Spencer, I’ll be in Chicago this week. Can you reserve a table for me at 1 pm in Joe’s
Italian Restaurant? I’m going there on Wednesday. I’m coming back on Wednesday too. Can you
also book the train ticket for me to get there?

3. Hi Rob, I’m going to Chicago next Wenesday for the day. I’m needing to take the train around 8
am and come back at 6 pm. Please can you book the train tickets for me? I’ll also require a lunch
reservation at Joe’s Italian Restaurant on Main Street at 1 pm.

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Part B: In Writing - Part 1, you will be given three or four instructions to follow. These could be any
of the following:

A. Apologising for something

B. Suggesting an idea

C. Offering or accepting a deal

D. Giving or accepting/refusing an invitation to an event

E. Giving or asking for help

F. Giving thanks for something someone has done for you

G. Giving or confirming some information

H. Asking for permission to do something

I. Explaining what will happen at a later date

Look at the following sentences and write letters A - I after them depending on what function they

1. Could you assist me with the booking?

2. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.

3. We’ll be meeting at the station at 9.30 before getting on the train at 10.00.

4. Would you mind if I leave early on Friday as I need to visit my mother in the hospital?

5. How about going to Frederico’s restaurant after the meeting has finished?

6. I’m very grateful for all of your help with this project.

7. When we have completed the interviews, we will be able to call you with further information.

8. If you’re able to increase the number of items you buy to 100, we can offer a 15% discount.

9. I’m afraid I will be unable to come to the party.

Now for each of the functions A - I write another sentence that is different from the example, but
performs the same function.

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4 Writing - Part 1

You are the manager in a company which creates software. You are flying to London next week for
several days of meetings. Write a note to your assistant.

• Saying when you want to depart and return

• Asking him to make the flight bookings
• Telling him which hotel to book
• Write 40 - 50 words.

5 Speaking - Part 2

In Part 2 of the Speaking exam, you will be given a choice of topics to discuss. You will have one
minute to prepare yourself and then you will have to talk for one minute about your chosen topic.
You will be in a pair with someone else who will have to ask you a question after you have finished
speaking. You will have to do the same for them.

When you have finished, your partner should ask you a question about what you have said. Then,
swap roles and allow your partner to give a presentation and then answer a question that you ask.

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