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Due date: Friday Week 12. Length: 1,500 words.

Over the past few decades, what key process, product or organizational innovations have been
introduced into the industry in which you anticipate developing a career? Why do you think these
innovations have been introduced? Are these changes part of a wider social and economic trend?
Are they likely to have (wider) significant effects outside your industry? Explain the effect of these
innovations on professional practice in the relevant industry. Do you anticipate further changes or
innovation? Discuss the likely effect of these? What (if any) professional practice or organisation
level responses do you suggest to address the effects of the likely changes? Explain your responses
with reference to TWO key concepts from the unit.


1) As explained above, you can really choose any industry you like – however this is an
opportunity for those who anticipate joining a particular profession to examine its present
and future practices with reference to innovation.

2) Identify whether the relevant key innovations are process, product, organizational (or in
some cases) marketing innovations or a combination of these.

3) I have uploaded SOME entirely optional readings focused on accounting and applied finance
related professions to get you started (These have been uploaded at the bottom of the
Learning Materials section on VUWS –Folder name: optional resources for Essay Topic ONE ).
However these obviously do not apply to all professions. At any rate – even students using
these readings are required to also to find and refer to at least FOUR other refereed
scholarly readings. If you are unsure whether a source is a scholarly reading – use the
appropriate filter on the library catalogue page. These scholarly readings don’t have to all
relate to your profession. They can theoretical or be used to make a more general point as
part of your overall argument.

1) Depending on the industry you have chosen, you may not be able to answer ALL sections of
the question equally fully. That is OK. The principle object is to analyse present or future
PRACTICE in terms of TWO key concepts from the unit. Depending on your chosen industry
– the connection with key unit concepts may be more or less direct. Some suggestions from
which – please don’t feel limited by these. You may find that your research leads you to
doubt or question two key concepts from the unit. That is OK. However it is important here
to at least clearly explain the concepts you are questioning/doubting BEFORE hand. Here are
some options from which to choose your two key concepts– however do not limit yourself to

A) The motive for mechanisation (labour saving) and cost competition between firms.
(Weeks 2 and 3)
B) The employment effects of mechanization (Weeks 5 and 6)
C) The impact of financialization on innovation and knowledge workers in
organisations/work design and human resource management practices to enhance the
productivity of knowledge and innovation workers (Week 7)
D) Comparisons and relations between small businesses (such as innovative start-ups) and
large corporations (Week 8)
E) The impact of financialization on professional practice in financial and non-financial
industries (Week 7)
F) Public policy and funding of innovation – its significance for or impact on your chosen
industry. (Weeks 10 and 11).
G) The impact if any of the intellectual property rights (patenting and copyright) revolution
on your chosen profession.

2) It is VERY important that, when you chose these two key unit concepts that you show
evidence of having engaged with the essential readings for the relevant weeks. You do not
have to read ALL the uploaded readings. Here you need to refer to my uploaded guide to the
key readings for the weeks you have chosen. This is an important part of the marking

3) Your answer should take the form of an essay or project – a guideline for essay writing is
included in VUWS in the Assessment Section. Refer also to the marking guidelines and the
criteria for individual projects in the Learning Guide.

4) It is CRITICAL that you reference fully and accurately. Please refer to the referencing
guidelines in the Learning Guide. Essays which are unreferenced will fail.

5) You must upload your essay onto TURNITIN. We are required to report essays which show
evidence of plagiarism as academic misconduct. Please double check the guidelines and
rules in the relevant section of the Learning Guide and on the WSU website.

6) Please contact me directly attaching the appropriate supporting documentation before the
due date if you require an extension.

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