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Bio F5 #GTAidil


.Chapter 4
Vascular Tissue . Transportation . Phytoremediation

NAME : .................................................................
011 5694 2011 Aidil Hannan aidil_hannan

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1. Diagram shows cross section of plants root.

Tissue E and tissue F are vascular tissues.

Tissue E


Root hair

Tissue F ....................................

a) Name both vascular tissues on diagram above. TP1 [2m]

b) State two differences between tissue E and F. TP1 [2m]



c) Explain the importance of tissue E to plants for transportation. TP3


d) What is other importance of tissue E to the plants besides for TP3

transportation? [1m]

e) Name xylem part which is elongated and has pits to allow movement of
water from side to side. TP1 [1m]

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2. Diagram shows the direction of water movement in plants.

Water vapour



Water in soil Root

a) Based on diagram, state the direction of water movement in plants. TP1 [1m]

b) What is the process which involved to allow water from soil entering plants
root? TP1 [1m]

c) Is it the water movement entering the roots requires energy?

Justify your answer. TP5 [2m]

d) Different plant parts have different mechanism for transporting water.

Name the mechanism that is involved for; TP1 [3m]



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e) What is the difficulty faced by plants while transporting water in plants

stem? TP2 [1m]

f) Explain how plants stem overcomes the difficulty so that it could transport
water efficiently. TP4 [5m]

g) A gardener is found to water into plants vase without watering the plants
leaves. Are plant leaves will become wilted when the weather become hot?
Give your reason. TP4 [5m]

h) Rubber tree is one of the largest income sources for our country.
Normally when our country in dry season, rubber tree will drop a lot of their
leaves. Justify the condition could occured. TP5 [3m]

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3. Diagram shows root hair cells transporting mineral ions from the soil.

Mineral ions

Root hair cell

Cortex Epidermis

a) Explain how mineral ions are transported into root hair cells. TP3 [3m]

b) Describe the importance of mineral ions transportation by root hair cells.

TP3 [3m]

c) Explain how water get into cortex parts. TP3 [3m]

d) Predict what will occured to the plants if there are excessive fertilizers in
the soil. Describe your answer. TP4 [3m]

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4. Diagram shows pathway of water movement from root hair cell into xylem
Epidermis Endodermis

Xylem vessel

Root hair cell


Tissue K

a) Name tissue K. TP1 [1m]

b) Name the type of water pathway based on diagram above. TP1 [1m]

c) Give a reason to support your answer. TP4 [1m]

Pathway of water movement could be stopped by the structure of endodermis cell.

d) Based on statement above, describe how the situation could occured.

TP4 [4m]

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5. Water from soil will be transported by vascular tissue for leaves to be used
during photosynthesis which release oxygen and water.
Oxygen + water



Water Root

a) Explain how transportation of water is occured in plants involving roots,

stem and leaves. TP4 [10m]

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6. Diagram shows water droplets at the end of a leaf.

Water droplet

a) What is the cause of water droplets to produced? TP3 [1m]

b) State one difference between the water droplets and dew. TP3 [1m]

c) Name the process that produced the water droplets. TP2 [1m]

d) Describe one condition that can caused the process formation of the water
droplets to occured. TP3 [2m]

e) Give two importance of the process producing the water droplets. TP3 [2m]



f) Explain one harmful efffect to the plants if the process producing the water
droplets does not occured. TP3 [3m]

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g) Describe the comparisons between guttation and transpiration. TP3 [8m]

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7. Diagram shows the structure of phloem in plants stem.

Sieve tube
Cell R

Sieve plate

a) State the type of plants tissue classification for phloem. TP1 [1m]

b) Name the process carried out by phloem when carries out its function. TP1

c) Give two examples of substances that are transported by phloem in plants

stem. TP1 [2m]



d) Based on diagram, name cell R. TP1 [1m]

e) Explain the adaptation of cell R to carry out its function. TP3 [2m]

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f) How sieve tube is adapted to carry out its function? TP3 [4m]

g) Explain how phloem carries out transportation process. TP3 [6m]

Plant bark

Ring of removed plant bark

Plant bark

Initial condition of plant stem with bark ring is removed.

h) Describe what will be observed on plant stem when parts of bark ring is
removed as in diagram above. TP4 [4m]

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8. Plants are very important in carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle for balancing
carbon dioxide gas content and nitrogen gas content in environment,
respectively. Plants are also beneficial in phytoremediation.

a) What is meant by phytoremediation? TP1 [1m]

b) Describe the examples application of phytoremediation. TP2 [4m]

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.Chapter 4
Vascular Tissue . Transportation . Phytoremediation


NAME : .................................................................
011 5694 2011 Aidil Hannan aidil_hannan

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Bio F5 #GTAidil

1. Diagram shows cross section of plants root.

Tissue E and tissue F are vascular tissues.

Tissue E


Root hair

Tissue F

a) Name both vascular tissues on diagram above. [2m]

b) State two differences between tissue E and F. [2m]

I: Tissue E consists of dead cell without cytoplasm while

tissue F consists of living cell which is sieve tube which has cytoplasm.

II: Wall of tissue E is lignified while

wall of tissue F is not lignified.

c) Explain the importance of tissue E to plants for transportation.

Tissue E is elongated from end to end to enable
transportation of water and mineral salt from roots to the stem and leaves
for usage of plants such as to carry out photosynthesis.

d) What is other importance of tissue E to the plants besides for

transportation? [1m]

Provide mechanical support to the plants.

e) Name xylem part which is elongated and has pits to allow movement of
water from side to side. [1m]

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2. Diagram shows the direction of water movement in plants.

Water vapour



Water in soil Root

a) Based on diagram, state the direction of water movement in plants. [1m]

From the bottom up // From root to leaves.

b) What is the process which involved to allow water from soil entering plants
root? [1m]


c) Is it the water movement entering the roots requires energy?

Justify your answer. [2m]

Water which entered into plants root by osmosis does not require energy.
Water movement is based on different water potential from high to the low.

d) Different plant parts have different mechanism for transporting water.

Name the mechanism that is involved for; [3m]

leaves: transpirational pull

stem: capillary action

roots: root pressure

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e) What is the difficulty faced by plants while transporting water in plants

stem? [1m]

Plants stem needs to move water against gravitational pull.

f) Explain how plants stem overcomes the difficulty so that it could transport
water efficiently. [5m]

Using adhesion force

where water molecules attached to the xylem wall.
Using cohesion force
where water molecules bind with other water molecules.
Both forces will produce pulling force to move the water upwards.

g) A gardener is found to water into plants vase without watering the plants
leaves. Are plant leaves will become wilted when the weather become hot?
Give your reason. [5m]

When the weather become hot, water in leaves will evaporated as water vapour.
Spongy mesophyll cells will loss water and become lower water potential toward
adjacent cells.
This condition enables osmosis to be occured from the adjacent cells into pallisade
mesoplhyll cells.
This water movement will pull water from xylem to the outside of the leaves
as transpirational pull.
Leaves will kept turgid.

h) Rubber tree is one of the largest income sources for our country.
Normally when our country in dry season, rubber tree will drop a lot of their
leaves. Justify the condition could occured. [3m]

To reduce the number of leaves and stoma.

Rate of transpiration through stoma will reduces.
Rubber tree could reduce water loss so that water is available throughout the dry

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3. Diagram shows root hair cells transporting mineral ions from the soil.

Mineral ions

Root hair cell

Cortex Epidermis

a) Explain how mineral ions are transported into root hair cells. [3m]

By active transport.
Mineral ions are transported against concentration gradient
which requires energy.

b) Describe the importance of mineral ions transportation by root hair cells.

Mineral ions will accumulated in vacuole of root hair cells
make the cell sap of root hair cells to have lower water potential toward soil.
Water molecules will diffuse from the soil into root hair cells by osmosis.

c) Explain how water get into cortex parts. [3m]

Water that accumulated in vacuole of root hair cells

make root hair cells to have higher water potential toward cortex cells.
Water molecules will diffuse from root hair cells into cortex cells by osmosis.

d) Predict what will occured to the plants if there are excessive fertilizers in
the soil. Describe your answer. [3m]

Plants will loss water and become wilted.

The condition of soil will become lower water potential towards root hair cells.
Water molecules will diffuse out from root hair cells by osmosis.

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4. Diagram shows pathway of water movement from root hair cell into xylem
Epidermis Endodermis

Xylem vessel

Root hair cell


Tissue K

a) Name tissue K. [1m]


b) Name the type of water pathway based on diagram above. [1m]

Simplast pathway.

c) Give a reason to support your answer. [1m]

Water moves through cytoplasm and plasmodesmata.

Pathway of water movement could be stopped by the structure of endodermis cell.

d) Based on statement above, describe how the situation could occured.

Apoplast pathway.
Water that moves through the spaces between cellulose fibres at the cell wall
will stopped by Casparian strips in cell wall of endodermis.
Casparian strips are not permeable to water caused water movement through
apoplast pathway will pass through simplast pathway.

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5. Water from soil will be transported by vascular tissue for leaves to be used
during photosynthesis which release oxygen and water.
Oxygen + water



Water Root

a) Explain how transportation of water is occured in plants involving roots,

stem and leaves. [10m]

Water from soil diffused into root hair cells by osmosis.

Water potential in root hair cells is increased
caused water to diffuse from root hair cells into cortex cells by osmosis.
Continuous osmosis will create root pressure
that push water into xylem of roots and then into xylem of stem.
Movement of water molecules in xylem vessel is helped by capillary action of xylem.
Adhesion force enables water molecules to attach on xylem wall.
Cohesion force enables water molecules to bind with other water molecules.
Both forces will produced pulling force that moves the water continuously in xylem
vessel to the leaves.
During transpiration occured in leaves, water potential in spongy mesophyll cells is
Water molecules will diffused from the adjacent cells into spongy mesophyll cells by
This water movement will produced transpirational pull
where water molecules in xylem of leves diffuse out.

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6. Diagram shows water droplets at the end of a leaf.

Water droplet

a) What is the cause of water droplets to produced? [1m]

High root pressure.

b) State one difference between the water droplets and dew. [1m]

The water droplets are originated from inside of leaves which are push out at the end
of the leaves while dew is originated from water vapour on the outside of the leaves
which are condensed on the leaves surface.

c) Name the process that produced the water droplets. [1m]


d) Describe one condition that can caused the process formation of the water
droplets to occured. [2m]

At night or early morning

where the surrounding air has a higher humidity and the surrounding temperature is

e) Give two importance of the process producing the water droplets. [2m]

I: Helps to eliminate plants waste substances.

II: Maintain an effective root pressure.

f) Explain one harmful efffect to the plants if the process producing the water
droplets does not occured. [3m]

Pressure in leaf vein becomes high

which can caused the leaf vein to burst.
Leaves will exposed to pathogen and eventually will die.
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g) Describe the comparisons between guttation and transpiration. [8m]

Both process occured through the leaves.

Both process involved water loss from plants.
Guttation is occured at night while
transpiration is occured at daylight.
Guttation will released water in form of water droplets while
transpiration will released water in form of water vapour.
Guttation is occured through special structure in leaf veins while
transpiration is occured through stoma.
Guttation is occured when root pressure is high while
transpiration is controlled by opening and closing of stoma.
Guttation will released water rich in mineral while
transpiration will released only pure water.
Guttation is occured in herbaceous plants only while
transpiration is occured in all plants.

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7. Diagram shows the structure of phloem in plants stem.

Sieve tube
Cell R

Sieve plate

a) State the type of plants tissue classification for phloem. [1m]

Vascular tissue.

b) Name the process carried out by phloem when carries out its function.

c) Give two examples of substances that are transported by phloem in plants

stem. [2m]

I: Sucrose

II: Amino acid

d) Based on diagram, name cell R. [1m]

Companion cell.

e) Explain the adaptation of cell R to carry out its function. [2m]

Contains mitochondria
to provide energy for sieve tube for transporting sucrose by active transport.

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f) How sieve tube is adapted to carry out its function? [4m]

Sieve tube has no nucleus and vacuole

to make ease for sucrose to pass through it.
At the end of sieve tube, there are sieve plates with pores
to enable sucrose to flow from one sieve tube to another sieve tube.

g) Explain how phloem carries out transportation process. [6m]

Sucrose in leaves is transported by active transport into sieve tube.

Presence of sucrose caused water potential in sieve tube decreased.
Water molecules will diffuse from xylem into sieve tube by osmosis.
Hydrostatic pressure in sieve tube will increased.
High hydrostatic pressure will push sucrose along sieve tubes.
Sucrose is transported by phloem from the leaves to all other parts of plants.

Plant bark

Ring of removed plant bark

Plant bark

Initial condition of plant stem with bark ring is removed.

h) Describe what will be observed on plant stem when parts of bark ring is
removed as in diagram above. [4m]

Plant bark on the upper part of the ring will swollen

because sucrose is accumulated in plant bark.
Plant bark on the lower part of the ring will shrinked
because does not receive sucrose.

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8. Plants are very important in carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle for balancing
carbon dioxide gas content and nitrogen gas content in environment,
respectively. Plants are also beneficial in phytoremediation.

a) What is meant by phytoremediation? [1m]

Treatment method which used plants for the purpose of degradation, extraction and
elimination pollute substances in soil and water.

b) Describe the examples application of phytoremediation. [4m]

Water hyacinth has long roots

which can accumulate heavy metals such as copper and lead in water.
Sunflower plants
are used in phytoremediation of soil polluted by radioactive substances.
Root of ground water spinach
could absorb mercury from the soil.
Root of river water spinach
could absorb cadmium from the water.

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