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‭“Get” is a great word in English! It is used in so many different ways.‬

‭GET + Adjective‬

‭Get Married‬
‭We’re getting married next year – the wedding will be in August.‬

‭Get Divorced‬
‭Brenda got divorced ten years ago, and she hasn’t seen her ex-husband since!‬

‭Get Angry‬
‭My sister gets really angry when I borrow her clothes without telling her.‬

‭Get Tired‬
‭It’s late and I’m getting tired. Let’s go home.‬

‭Get Dark‬
‭The theater’s getting dark – I think the movie is starting!‬

‭Get Lost‬
‭Philip got lost in the NYC subway and had to ask for directions to Times Square.‬
‭GET + Comparative‬

‭Get Better‬
‭Larissa’s getting better at dancing. She practices every day.‬

‭Get Worse‬
‭If your headache gets worse, you should see a doctor.‬

‭Get More Expensive‬

‭It’s getting more and more expensive to buy an apartment in Rio de Janeiro.‬

‭Get Safer‬
‭Buying things online has gotten safer with tools like PayPal.‬

‭Get More Important‬

‭It’s getting more important to speak multiple languages in today’s globalized world.‬

‭Get Deeper‬
‭Be careful – the water gets deeper quickly on that side of the pool.‬
‭GET + Preposition (Phrasal Verbs)‬

‭Get Up‬
‭My alarm clock goes off at 6:30, but I don’t get up until 7:15.‬

‭Get Along With‬

‭I get along really well with my colleagues. They’re a pleasure to work with.‬

‭Get Into‬
‭How did the dog get into the house? He’s supposed to stay outside!‬

‭Get Out‬
‭Randall got out of the car to check the tires.‬

‭Get Around‬
‭It’s very easy to get around Berlin – there’s a great subway system.‬

‭Get Together‬
‭My family always gets together for major holidays like Christmas and New Year’s.‬
‭GET + A Place = Arrive‬

‭Get To The Office‬

‭My boss always gets to the office by 7:30 AM.‬

‭Get Home‬
‭I had to work overtime, so I didn’t get home until midnight.‬

‭Get To School‬
‭Sarah got to school late and missed her first class.‬

‭Get To The Train Station‬

‭When they got to the train station, they realized they’d left their tickets at home.‬

‭Get To The Store‬

‭Hurry up! I want to get to the store before it closes.‬

‭Get There‬
‭I don’t know exactly where the post office is. Could you tell me how to get there?‬
‭GET = Receive‬

‭Get An E-Mail‬
‭Did you get my e-mail?‬

‭Get A Present‬
‭I got lots of presents for my birthday this year.‬

‭Get Grades‬
‭If you get good grades in high school, you can get into a good college.‬

‭Get A Certification‬
‭I got my scuba diving certification last year.‬

‭Get An Award‬
‭Ted got an award for being the best salesperson in the company.‬

‭Get A Shipment‬
‭We got a large shipment of books today – what should I do with them?‬
‭GET = Buy / Obtain‬

‭Get A Job‬
‭Tanya moved to Los Angeles because she got a job there.‬

‭Get An Apartment‬
“‭ Have you found a place to live?”‬
‭“Yeah, I just got a great apartment right in the city center!”‬

‭Get A Computer‬
‭I got this computer just last month, and it’s already broken.‬

‭Get A Jacket‬
‭That’s a really nice jacket! Where did you get it?‬

‭Get Shoes‬
‭I got these shoes in Barcelona.‬

‭Get [Something] For A Good Price‬

‭We got this TV for a good price during the spring sale.‬

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