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The conceptual framework illustrates the relationships between three key variables: Local Wisdom

Festival Marketing, Shared Values, and Revisit Intention. It proposes that effective marketing of local
wisdom festivals can positively influence visitors' shared values, which, in turn, enhances their
intention to revisit the festival in the future.

1. Local Wisdom Festival Marketing:

Local Wisdom Festival Marketing refers to the strategic planning and implementation of marketing
activities aimed at promoting and highlighting the unique cultural heritage, traditions, and practices
showcased in a local wisdom festival. It involves various marketing channels, such as social media
campaigns, advertisements, word-of-mouth promotion, and event organization, to attract visitors
and raise awareness about the festival.

2. Shared Values:

Shared Values represent the alignment of the festival's cultural principles, customs, and values with
those of its visitors. When individuals attend a local wisdom festival, they interact with the culture
and traditions on display. If they find resonance between their personal values and the values
celebrated during the festival, they are more likely to develop a sense of shared values.

3. Revisit Intention:

Revisit Intention refers to the likelihood that visitors will return to the local wisdom festival in the
future. It reflects the level of satisfaction, emotional connection, and enjoyment experienced by
attendees during their initial visit. Higher revisit intention indicates a positive perception of the
festival, leading to the potential for increased repeat attendance.

Cultural festivals hold immense significance in showcasing the rich heritage and traditions of a
community or region. Local wisdom festivals, in particular, celebrate and preserve indigenous
knowledge, customs, and practices that have been passed down through generations. In this
conceptual framework, we explore the interconnectedness between Local Wisdom Festival
Marketing, Shared Values, and Revisit Intention. The framework suggests that effective marketing
strategies for these festivals can play a pivotal role in fostering a stronger sense of shared values
among visitors, leading to a higher likelihood of revisiting the festival in the future.

1. Local Wisdom Festival Marketing:

Local Wisdom Festival Marketing involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to promote the unique
cultural essence of the festival. It encompasses a range of activities and campaigns designed to
attract visitors and create awareness about the event. These marketing efforts may include:

a. Promotional Campaigns: Employing various communication channels like social media,

print, radio, and television to reach a broader audience. The objective is to create a buzz
around the festival and convey its significance in preserving local wisdom.
b. Storytelling and Content Creation: Utilizing compelling storytelling to highlight the
historical background, cultural significance, and the impact of the festival on the
community. This helps potential visitors connect emotionally with the event.
c. Engaging the Community: Involving the local community in the marketing process to
ensure authenticity and inclusivity. Community engagement can enhance the festival's
credibility and create a sense of ownership among residents.
d. Cultural Experiences: Providing glimpses of the festival's offerings through interactive
experiences, workshops, or pre-event events. This helps in building anticipation and
generating interest among potential attendees.

2. Revisit Intention:

Revisit Intention refers to the inclination of festival-goers to return to the local wisdom festival in
the future. It is influenced by their overall experience during the event and the level of shared values
they have developed. Factors contributing to Revisit Intention include:

a. Positive Experience: A positive and memorable experience during the festival,

characterized by cultural immersion, meaningful interactions, and enjoyment, can
instill a desire to relive the experience.
b. Sense of Connection: Visitors who have developed a strong sense of shared values
and emotional connection are more likely to wish to revisit the festival to reinforce
those connections.
c. Perceived Value: The perception of value derived from attending the festival, in
terms of cultural enrichment, personal growth, and enjoyment, can encourage
visitors to consider a return visit.

In brief, Effective marketing efforts that effectively communicate and showcase the cultural
significance and richness of the local wisdom festival can create a sense of curiosity and interest
among potential visitors. Well-executed marketing can foster a deeper understanding and
appreciation of the festival's cultural heritage, which may align with visitors' own values and beliefs.

Hypothesis H1: Local Wisdom Festival Marketing positively influences Revisit Intention.

Local Wisdom Revisit Intention

Festival Marketing
Marketing Direct Influence

Question 2

As visitors experience a sense of shared values with the festival's cultural identity, they
develop a stronger emotional connection to the event. This emotional bond, coupled with an
appreciation for the cultural expressions, fosters positive feelings of belongingness and attachment.
As a result, visitors are more likely to desire a return visit to the festival to reinforce those
connections and relive the emotionally significant experiences.

The conceptual framework highlights the critical role of Shared Values in influencing visitors'
intention to revisit local wisdom festivals. As attendees engage with the cultural expressions and
traditions during the event, they may develop an emotional connection and a sense of cultural
appreciation. The formation of Shared Values nurtures positive feelings of belongingness and
attachment, which in turn, cultivates the desire to revisit the festival. Understanding this relationship
is essential for festival organizers and marketers to create meaningful and culturally immersive
experiences that foster lasting connections with visitors, leading to higher revisit rates and
sustainable cultural tourism.

In summary, the conceptual framework proposes that Local Wisdom Festival Marketing has a direct
positive impact on Shared Values, and these Shared Values, in turn, influence visitors' Revisit
Intention. By understanding and leveraging these relationships, event organizers and marketers can
enhance the overall festival experience and encourage higher revisit rates, fostering sustainable
cultural tourism and appreciation for local wisdom festivals.

Hypothesis 2: Shared values mediate the relationship between Local Wisdom Festival Marketing and
revisit intention.

1. Local Wisdom Festival Marketing:

Local Wisdom Festival Marketing refers to the strategic planning and implementation of marketing
activities aimed at promoting and highlighting the unique cultural heritage, traditions, and practices
showcased in a local wisdom festival. The marketing efforts focus on attracting potential visitors,
creating awareness about the event, and establishing a compelling narrative around its cultural
significance. The following aspects are integral to the impact of Local Wisdom Festival Marketing on
Shared Values:

a. Cultural Promotion: Effective marketing communicates the cultural significance and richness
of the local wisdom festival. It showcases the uniqueness of the traditions, practices, and
knowledge being celebrated, captivating the audience's attention.

b. Curiosity and Interest: By employing engaging storytelling, captivating visuals, and immersive
experiences, marketing efforts pique the curiosity and interest of potential visitors. This
drives them to seek more information and consider attending the festival.

c. Educational Aspect: Well-executed marketing goes beyond superficial promotion and delves
into the historical and educational aspects of the festival. It enlightens the audience about
the cultural heritage, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation.

2. Shared Values:

Shared Values represent the alignment of the festival's cultural principles, customs, and values with
those of its visitors. When individuals attend a local wisdom festival, they interact with the culture
and traditions on display. The following mechanisms illustrate how Local Wisdom Festival Marketing
can influence visitors' Shared Values:
a. Cultural Immersion: Through effective marketing, potential visitors are enticed to participate
in the festival, immersing themselves in the cultural experiences offered. As they engage
with the festival's activities, they are exposed to the values and beliefs celebrated, which
may resonate with their own.
b. Emotional Connection: Well-crafted marketing that evokes emotions and feelings related to
cultural identity can foster a sense of emotional connection. This emotional bond can lead
visitors to identify with the values represented at the festival.
c. Identity and Belonging: Local Wisdom Festival Marketing can highlight the festival's role in
preserving cultural heritage and fostering a sense of community identity. Visitors who find
alignment between their personal values and those celebrated during the festival may feel a
sense of belonging to the cultural community.

Effective marketing efforts that communicate and showcase the cultural significance and richness of
the local wisdom festival create curiosity and interest among potential visitors. Through immersive
experiences and educational content, marketing establishes a deeper understanding and
appreciation of the festival's cultural heritage, which may align with visitors' own values and beliefs.
As a result, visitors are more likely to develop Shared Values, forming a meaningful connection with
the cultural essence of the festival.

The conceptual framework highlights the significant role of Local Wisdom Festival Marketing in
shaping visitors' Shared Values. By effectively promoting the cultural significance of the event and
creating engaging experiences, marketing efforts can spark curiosity, foster understanding, and
cultivate a sense of cultural identity among attendees. Understanding this relationship can help
festival organizers and marketers design impactful campaigns that not only attract visitors but also
foster a lasting connection to the local wisdom festival's rich cultural heritage.

Effective Local Wisdom Festival Marketing leads to the development of Shared Values, which, in turn,
influences visitors' intention to revisit the festival. The marketing efforts act as a catalyst in
establishing a meaningful connection between visitors and the festival's cultural essence, thereby
increasing the likelihood of repeat visits.

Local Wisdom Shared Values Revisit Intention

Festival Marketing

Mediating effect
Indirectly influence


The conceptual framework highlights the importance of Local Wisdom Festival Marketing in
nurturing shared values among visitors, ultimately leading to an increased intention to revisit the
festival. By crafting marketing strategies that celebrate the cultural heritage and foster a sense of
shared identity, organizers can create a powerful and sustainable bond between visitors and the local
wisdom festival. This framework provides valuable insights for festival organizers, tourism agencies,
and marketers seeking to promote cultural festivals while fostering a deeper appreciation for
indigenous knowledge and traditions.

This conceptual framework explores the relationship between Local Wisdom Festival Marketing and
Shared Values. It is hypothesized that effective marketing efforts for local wisdom festivals positively
influence visitors' shared values. The framework highlights the key factors through which Local
Wisdom Festival Marketing can shape visitors' perceptions, generate interest, and foster a deeper
connection to the festival's cultural heritage.

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